
Cell Death & Differentiation | 2011

Coordinated waves of gene expression during neuronal differentiation of embryonic stem cells as basis for novel approaches to developmental neurotoxicity testing.

Bastian Zimmer; P B Kuegler; B Baudis; A Genewsky; Vivek Tanavde; Winston Koh; Betty Tan; Tanja Waldmann; S Kadereit; Marcel Leist

As neuronal differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) recapitulates embryonic neurogenesis, disturbances of this process may model developmental neurotoxicity (DNT). To identify the relevant steps of in vitro neurodevelopment, we implemented a differentiation protocol yielding neurons with desired electrophysiological properties. Results from focussed transcriptional profiling suggested that detection of non-cytotoxic developmental disturbances triggered by toxicants such as retinoic acid (RA) or cyclopamine was possible. Therefore, a broad transcriptional profile of the 20-day differentiation process was obtained. Cluster analysis of expression kinetics, and bioinformatic identification of overrepresented gene ontologies revealed waves of regulation relevant for DNT testing. We further explored the concept of superimposed waves as descriptor of ordered, but overlapping biological processes. The initial wave of transcripts indicated reorganization of chromatin and epigenetic changes. Then, a transient upregulation of genes involved in the formation and patterning of neuronal precursors followed. Simultaneously, a long wave of ongoing neuronal differentiation started. This was again superseded towards the end of the process by shorter waves of neuronal maturation that yielded information on specification, extracellular matrix formation, disease-associated genes and the generation of glia. Short exposure to lead during the final differentiation phase, disturbed neuronal maturation. Thus, the wave kinetics and the patterns of neuronal specification define the time windows and end points for examination of DNT.

Environmental Health Perspectives | 2012

Evaluation of Developmental Toxicants and Signaling Pathways in a Functional Test Based on the Migration of Human Neural Crest Cells

Bastian Zimmer; Gabsang Lee; Nina V. Balmer; Kesavan Meganathan; Agapios Sachinidis; Lorenz Studer; Marcel Leist

Background: Information on the potential developmental toxicity (DT) of the majority of chemicals is scarce, and test capacities for further animal-based testing are limited. Therefore, new approaches with higher throughput are required. A screening strategy based on the use of relevant human cell types has been proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and others. Because impaired neural crest (NC) function is one of the known causes for teratologic effects, testing of toxicant effects on NC cells is desirable for a DT test battery. Objective: We developed a robust and widely applicable human-relevant NC function assay that would allow for sensitive screening of environmental toxicants and defining toxicity pathways. Methods: We generated NC cells from human embryonic stem cells, and after establishing a migration assay of NC cells (MINC assay), we tested environmental toxicants as well as inhibitors of physiological signal transduction pathways. Results: Methylmercury (50 nM), valproic acid (> 10 µM), and lead-acetate [Pb(CH3CO2)4] (1 µM) affected the migration of NC cells more potently than migration of other cell types. The MINC assay correctly identified the NC toxicants triadimefon and triadimenol. Additionally, it showed different sensitivities to various organic and inorganic mercury compounds. Using the MINC assay and applying classic pharmacologic inhibitors and large-scale microarray gene expression profiling, we found several signaling pathways that are relevant for the migration of NC cells. Conclusions: The MINC assay faithfully models human NC cell migration, and it reveals impairment of this function by developmental toxicants with good sensitivity and specificity.

Nature | 2016

Deriving human ENS lineages for cell therapy and drug discovery in Hirschsprung disease

Faranak Fattahi; Julius A. Steinbeck; Sonja Kriks; Jason Tchieu; Bastian Zimmer; Sarah Kishinevsky; Nadja Zeltner; Yvonne Mica; Wael El-Nachef; Huiyong Zhao; Elisa de Stanchina; Michael D. Gershon; Tracy C. Grikscheit; Shuibing Chen; Lorenz Studer

The enteric nervous system (ENS) is the largest component of the autonomic nervous system, with neuron numbers surpassing those present in the spinal cord. The ENS has been called the ‘second brain’ given its autonomy, remarkable neurotransmitter diversity and complex cytoarchitecture. Defects in ENS development are responsible for many human disorders including Hirschsprung disease (HSCR). HSCR is caused by the developmental failure of ENS progenitors to migrate into the gastrointestinal tract, particularly the distal colon. Human ENS development remains poorly understood owing to the lack of an easily accessible model system. Here we demonstrate the efficient derivation and isolation of ENS progenitors from human pluripotent stem (PS) cells, and their further differentiation into functional enteric neurons. ENS precursors derived in vitro are capable of targeted migration in the developing chick embryo and extensive colonization of the adult mouse colon. The in vivo engraftment and migration of human PS-cell-derived ENS precursors rescue disease-related mortality in HSCR mice (Ednrbs-l/s-l), although the mechanism of action remains unclear. Finally, EDNRB-null mutant ENS precursors enable modelling of HSCR-related migration defects, and the identification of pepstatin A as a candidate therapeutic target. Our study establishes the first, to our knowledge, human PS-cell-based platform for the study of human ENS development, and presents cell- and drug-based strategies for the treatment of HSCR.

Toxicological Sciences | 2011

Sensitivity of dopaminergic neuron differentiation from stem cells to chronic low-dose methylmercury exposure

Bastian Zimmer; Stefan Schildknecht; Philipp B. Kuegler; Vivek Tanavde; Suzanne Kadereit; Marcel Leist

Perinatal exposure to low doses of methylmercury (MeHg) can cause adult neurological symptoms. Rather than leading to a net cell loss, the toxicant is assumed to alter the differentiation and neuronal functions such as catecholaminergic transmission. We used neuronally differentiating murine embryonic stem cells (mESC) to explore such subtle toxicity. The mixed neuronal cultures that formed within 20 days contained a small subpopulation of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive neurons with specific dopaminergic functions such as dopamine transport (DAT) activity. The last 6 days of differentiation were associated with the functional maturation of already preformed neuronal precursors. Exposure to MeHg during this period downregulated several neuronal transcripts, without affecting housekeeping genes or causing measurable cell loss. Profiling of mRNAs relevant for neurotransmitter systems showed that dopamine receptors were coordinately downregulated, whereas known counterregulatory systems such as galanin receptor 2 were upregulated. The chronic (6 days) exposure to MeHg, but not shorter incubation periods, attenuated the expression levels of endogenous neurotrophic factors required for the maturation of TH cells. Accordingly, the size of this cell population was diminished, and DAT activity as its signature function was lost. When mixed lineage kinase activity was blocked during MeHg exposure, DAT activity was restored, and the reduction of TH levels was prevented. Thus, transcriptional profiling in differentiating mESC identified a subpopulation of neurons affected by MeHg, and a pharmacological intervention was identified that specifically protected these cells.

Human Molecular Genetics | 2012

Epigenetic changes and disturbed neural development in a human embryonic stem cell-based model relating to the fetal valproate syndrome

Nina V. Balmer; Matthias K. Weng; Bastian Zimmer; Violeta N. Ivanova; Stuart M. Chambers; Elena D Nikolaeva; Smita Jagtap; Agapios Sachinidis; Jürgen Hescheler; Tanja Waldmann; Marcel Leist

Exposure to the antiepileptic drug valproic acid (VPA) during gestation causes neurofunctional and anatomic deficits in later life. At present, there are little human data on how early neural development is affected by chemicals. We used human embryonic stem cells, differentiating to neuroectodermal precursors, as a model to investigate the modes of action of VPA. Microarray expression profiling, qPCR of specific marker genes, immunostaining and the expression of green fluorescent protein under the control of the promoter of the canonical neural precursor cell marker HES5 were used as readouts. Exposure to VPA resulted in distorted marker gene expression, characterized by a relative increase in NANOG and OCT4 and a reduction in PAX6. A similar response pattern was observed with trichostatin A, a potent and specific histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi), but not with several other toxicants. Differentiation markers were disturbed by prolonged, but not by acute treatment with HDACi, and the strongest disturbance of differentiation was observed by toxicant exposure during early neural fate decision. The increased acetylation of histones observed in the presence of HDACi may explain the up-regulation of some genes. However, to understand the down-regulation of PAX6 and the overall complex transcript changes, we examined further epigenetic markers. Alterations in the methylation of lysines 4 and 27 of histone H3 were detected in the promoter region of PAX6 and OCT4. The changes in these activating and silencing histone marks provide a more general mechanistic rational for the regulation of developmentally important genes at non-cytotoxic drug concentrations.

Archives of Toxicology | 2014

Profiling of drugs and environmental chemicals for functional impairment of neural crest migration in a novel stem cell-based test battery

Bastian Zimmer; Giorgia Pallocca; N. Dreser; S. Foerster; Tanja Waldmann; Joost Westerhout; Stéphanie Julien; Karl-Heinz Krause; C. van Thriel; Jan G. Hengstler; Agapios Sachinidis; Sieto Bosgra; Marcel Leist

Developmental toxicity in vitro assays have hitherto been established as stand-alone systems, based on a limited number of toxicants. Within the embryonic stem cell-based novel alternative tests project, we developed a test battery framework that allows inclusion of any developmental toxicity assay and that explores the responses of such test systems to a wide range of drug-like compounds. We selected 28 compounds, including several biologics (e.g., erythropoietin), classical pharmaceuticals (e.g., roflumilast) and also six environmental toxicants. The chemical, toxicological and clinical data of this screen library were compiled. In order to determine a non-cytotoxic concentration range, cytotoxicity data were obtained for all compounds from HEK293 cells and from murine embryonic stem cells. Moreover, an estimate of relevant exposures was provided by literature data mining. To evaluate feasibility of the suggested test framework, we selected a well-characterized assay that evaluates ‘migration inhibition of neural crest cells.’ Screening at the highest non-cytotoxic concentration resulted in 11 hits (e.g., geldanamycin, abiraterone, gefitinib, chlorpromazine, cyproconazole, arsenite). These were confirmed in concentration–response studies. Subsequent pharmacokinetic modeling indicated that triadimefon exerted its effects at concentrations relevant to the in vivo situation, and also interferon-β and polybrominated diphenyl ether showed effects within the same order of magnitude of concentrations that may be reached in humans. In conclusion, the test battery framework can identify compounds that disturb processes relevant for human development and therefore may represent developmental toxicants. The open structure of the strategy allows rich information to be generated on both the underlying library, and on any contributing assay.

Nature Biotechnology | 2017

Combined small-molecule inhibition accelerates the derivation of functional cortical neurons from human pluripotent stem cells

Yuchen Qi; Xin-Jun Zhang; Nicolas Renier; Zhuhao Wu; Talia Atkin; Ziyi Sun; M. Zeeshan Ozair; Jason Tchieu; Bastian Zimmer; Faranak Fattahi; Yosif Ganat; Ricardo Azevedo; Nadja Zeltner; Ali H. Brivanlou; Maria Karayiorgou; Joseph A. Gogos; Mark J. Tomishima; Marc Tessier-Lavigne; Song-Hai Shi; Lorenz Studer

Considerable progress has been made in converting human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) into functional neurons. However, the protracted timing of human neuron specification and functional maturation remains a key challenge that hampers the routine application of hPSC-derived lineages in disease modeling and regenerative medicine. Using a combinatorial small-molecule screen, we previously identified conditions to rapidly differentiate hPSCs into peripheral sensory neurons. Here we generalize the approach to central nervous system (CNS) fates by developing a small-molecule approach for accelerated induction of early-born cortical neurons. Combinatorial application of six pathway inhibitors induces post-mitotic cortical neurons with functional electrophysiological properties by day 16 of differentiation, in the absence of glial cell co-culture. The resulting neurons, transplanted at 8 d of differentiation into the postnatal mouse cortex, are functional and establish long-distance projections, as shown using iDISCO whole-brain imaging. Accelerated differentiation into cortical neuron fates should facilitate hPSC-based strategies for disease modeling and cell therapy in CNS disorders.

Neurotoxicology | 2014

Acrylamide alters neurotransmitter induced calcium responses in murine ESC-derived and primary neurons

Julia Sisnaiske; Vanessa Hausherr; Anne K. Krug; Bastian Zimmer; Jan G. Hengstler; Marcel Leist; Christoph van Thriel

Stem cell-derived specialized cell types are of interest as an alternative cell system to identify and research neurotoxic effects and modes of action. Developmental toxicity may be studied during differentiation, while organ-specific toxicity may be assessed in fully functional cells, such as neurons. In this study we tested if fully differentiated neurons derived from murine embryonic stem cells (ESCN) could be used to investigate the effects of the well characterized neurotoxic model compound acrylamide (ACR) and if ESCN behave similar to murine primary cortical neurons (pCN) from 16 days old embryos. We characterized the differentiation process of cryopreserved ESC-derived neural precursor cells (NPC) differentiating to ESCN. During the differentiation process (days 11-20) a strong increase in calcium responses to glutamate, acetylcholine and GABA were observed. Moreover, neuron specific marker proteins, β-III-tubulin, MAP2, Tau, Rbfox3 and synaptophysin showed similar patterns to pCN. In ESCN and pCN the neuronal structure, e.g. neurites, was not affected by low concentrations of ACR [0.5-1.6mM]. However, 24h incubation periods with 0.5-1.6mM ACR led to a reduction of acetylcholine and glutamate induced calcium responses. In conclusion, we show that non-cytotoxic concentrations of ACR alter neurotransmission in ESCN as well as pCN.

Glia | 2012

GFAP-independent inflammatory competence and trophic functions of astrocytes generated from murine embryonic stem cells

Philipp B. Kuegler; Bettina A. Baumann; Bastian Zimmer; Sascha Keller; Andreas Marx; Suzanne Kadereit; Marcel Leist

The directed generation of pure astrocyte cultures from pluripotent stem cells has proven difficult. Generation of defined pluripotent‐stem‐cell derived astrocytes would allow new approaches to the investigation of plasticity and heterogeneity of astrocytes. We here describe a two‐step differentiation scheme resulting in the generation of murine embryonic stem cell (mESC) derived astrocytes (MEDA), as characterized by the upregulation of 19 astrocyte‐associated mRNAs, and positive staining of most cells for GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein), aquaporin‐4 or glutamine synthetase. The MEDA cultures could be cryopreserved, and they neither contained neuronal, nor microglial cells. They also did not react to the microglial stimulus lipopolysaccharide, while inflammatory activation by a complete cytokine mix (CCM) or its individual components (TNF‐α, IL1‐β, IFN‐γ) was readily observed. MEDA, stimulated by CCM, became susceptible to CD95 ligand‐induced apoptosis and produced NO and IL‐6. This was preceded by NF‐kB activation, and up‐regulation of relevant mRNAs. Also GFAP‐negative astrocytes were fully inflammation‐competent. Neurotrophic support by MEDA was found to be independent of GFAP expression. In summary, we described here the generation and functional characterization of microglia‐free murine astrocytes, displaying phenotypic heterogeneity as is commonly observed in brain astrocytes.

PLOS ONE | 2012

Extensive transcriptional regulation of chromatin modifiers during human neurodevelopment.

Matthias K. Weng; Bastian Zimmer; Dominik Pöltl; Marc P. Broeg; Violeta N. Ivanova; John Antonydas Gaspar; Agapios Sachinidis; Ullrich Wüllner; Tanja Waldmann; Marcel Leist

Epigenetic changes, including histone modifications or chromatin remodeling are regulated by a large number of human genes. We developed a strategy to study the coordinate regulation of such genes, and to compare different cell populations or tissues. A set of 150 genes, comprising different classes of epigenetic modifiers was compiled. This new tool was used initially to characterize changes during the differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) to central nervous system neuroectoderm progenitors (NEP). qPCR analysis showed that more than 60% of the examined transcripts were regulated, and >10% of them had a >5-fold increased expression. For comparison, we differentiated hESC to neural crest progenitors (NCP), a distinct peripheral nervous system progenitor population. Some epigenetic modifiers were regulated into the same direction in NEP and NCP, but also distinct differences were observed. For instance, the remodeling ATPase SMARCA2 was up-regulated >30-fold in NCP, while it remained unchanged in NEP; up-regulation of the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler CHD7 was increased in NEP, while it was down-regulated in NCP. To compare the neural precursor profiles with those of mature neurons, we analyzed the epigenetic modifiers in human cortical tissue. This resulted in the identification of 30 regulations shared between all cell types, such as the histone methyltransferase SETD7. We also identified new markers for post-mitotic neurons, like the arginine methyl transferase PRMT8 and the methyl transferase EZH1. Our findings suggest a hitherto unexpected extent of regulation, and a cell type-dependent specificity of epigenetic modifiers in neurodifferentiation.

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