Ben M. Krings
Mississippi State University
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism | 2017
Ben M. Krings; Timothy Peterson; Brandon D. Shepherd; Matthew J. McAllister; JohnEric W. Smith
The purpose of this investigation was to examine to the influence of carbohydrate ingestion (CHOI) and carbohydrate mouth rinse (CHOR) on acute repeat maximal sprint performance. Fourteen healthy males (age: 21.7 ± 1.8 years, mass: 82.3 ± 12.3 kg) completed a total of five 15-s maximal repeat sprints on a cycle ergometer against 0.075 kg ・ kg-1 body mass each separated by 4 min of active recovery. Subjects completed four experimental trials and were randomly assigned one of four treatments: (1) CHOI, (2) CHOR, (3) placebo mouth rinse (PLAR), (4) placebo ingestion (PLAI). Subjects rinsed or ingested six 50 mL 10% CHO solutions throughout each trial. Performance variables measured included rating of perceived exertion, peak heart rate, peak and mean power output, fatigue index, and total work. Significant treatment main effects were observed for mean power output (p = 0.026), total work (p = 0.020), fatigue index (p = 0.004), and heart rate (p = 0.013). Overall mean power output and total work were significantly greater with CHOI (659.3 ± 103.0 watts, 9849.8 ± 1598.8 joules) compared with CHOR (645.8 ± 99.7 watts, 9447.5 ± 1684.9 joules, p < .05). CHOI (15.3 ± 8.6 watts/s) significantly attenuated fatigue index compared with CHOR (17.7 ± 10.4 watts/s, p < .05). Based on our findings, CHOI was more likely to provide a beneficial performance effect compared with CHOR, PLAI, and PLAR. Athletes required to complete repeat bouts of high intensity exercise may benefit from CHOI.
Sports | 2017
JohnEric W. Smith; Ben M. Krings; Timothy Peterson; Jaden Rountree; Roksana Zak; Matthew J. McAllister
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of ingesting an amino acid-electrolyte (AAE) beverage during upper body resistance exercise on transient muscle hypertrophy, exercise performance, markers of muscle damage, and recovery. Participants (n = 15) performed three sets of six repetitions—bench press, lat pull down, incline press, and seated row—followed by three sets of eight repetitions at 75% of the estimated 1 repetition maximum—triceps kickback, hammer curl, triceps push down, and preacher curl—with 90 s of rest between sets. The final set of the push down/preacher curl was performed to failure. Prior to and immediately post-exercise, as well as 24, 48, and 72 h post exercise, cross-sectional muscle thickness was measured. Blood samples were collected prior to exercise, as well as 24, 48, and 72 h post-exercise for serum creatine kinase (CK) analysis. No treatment effect was found for muscle cross-sectional area, repetitions to failure, or serum CK. A main effect (p < 0.001) was observed in the change in serum CK levels in the days following the resistance exercise session. The findings of this study suggest that the acute ingestion of a AAE beverage does not alter acute muscle thickness, performance, perceived soreness and weakness, or markers of muscle damage.
Footwear Science | 2018
Ben M. Krings; Brandon L. Miller; Harish Chander; Hunter S. Waldman; Adam C. Knight; Matthew J. McAllister; Brent J. Fountain; JohnEric W. Smith
Limited research exists on the physiological demands of occupational footwear. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to examine the impact of tactical boots (TB) (0.5 kg) and steel-toed work boots (WB) (0.9 kg) on oxygen consumption (V̇O2) and cardiorespiratory responses during simulated walking protocols. Seventeen healthy male (age: 21.9 ± 2.0 years; height: 177.6 ± 4.8 cm; mass: 80.0 ± 9.4 kg) participants completed a total of four 20-min experimental walking trials: (1) WB horizontal protocol, (2) WB graded protocol, (3) TB horizontal protocol, and (4) TB graded protocol, following a randomized repeated measures design. On average, across each protocol, the larger mass of the WB increased absolute V̇O2 by 6.2% and 7.1% for the horizontal and graded protocols, respectively. The WB also caused a significant increase in absolute V̇O2 compared to TB during the horizontal protocol while walking at speeds of 4.0, 5.2, and 6.4 km/h (p < 0.05). No significant differences were observed for heart rate, breathing rate, or ratings of perceived exertion (p > 0.05). The results of this study indicate that wearing occupational footwear with a larger mass can significantly increase energy expenditure compared to footwear of lighter mass. However, energy expenditure increased without changes in physiological measures of energy expenditure. Footwear manufacturers may want to improve footwear design characteristics to maintain required safety guidelines while minimizing footwear mass.
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism | 2018
Hunter S. Waldman; Steven A. Basham; Ffi G. Price; JohnEric W. Smith; Harish Chander; Adam C. Knight; Ben M. Krings; Matthew J. McAllister
This study examined the effects of a d-β-hydroxybutyrate (βHB) containing beverage on cognitive and performance measures during a bout of repeated Wingates. Fifteen healthy, college-aged males (mean ± SD; age: 23.1 ± 2.4 years, height: 165.4 ± 2.0 cm, mass: 81.4 ± 9.2 kg) volunteered for the present study. Trial 1 consisted of baseline measures and familiarization for the protocol. During trials 2 and 3, subjects reported to the laboratory, after a 10-h fast, and ingested 11.38 g of βHB or a placebo (PLA) beverage 30 min before exercise. Participants then completed a cognitive challenge (CC), consisting of a 5-min FitLight response task while cycling. At the cessation of the test, participants then completed four 15-s repeated Wingates with 4 min of rest between, followed by another 5-min CC response task. Blood ketones, glucose, and lactate were measured pre-CC and post-Wingates. βHB levels were significantly higher compared with PLA (0.53 vs. 0.21 mmol/L), respectively. A significant order effect was observed across trials 2 and 3 for total FitLight misses and hits, regardless of treatment. Further, there were no significant differences among Wingate power output between treatments, although fatigue index was higher in the βHB group compared with PLA (32.3 vs. 29.4 W/s), respectively. In conclusion, βHB did not improve high-intensity cycling or cognitive performance measures; however, these findings might be partially explained by the absolute dosing protocol used for βHB in the present study as opposed to a relative (g/kg) dosing protocol used in previous research.
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism | 2018
JohnEric W. Smith; Ben M. Krings; Brandon D. Shepherd; Hunter S. Waldman; Steven A. Basham; Matthew J. McAllister
The purpose of this investigation was to examine the individual and combined effects of ingesting carbohydrates (CHO) and branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) during high-volume upper body resistance exercise (RE) on markers of catabolism and performance. Thirteen resistance-trained males completed 4 experimental trials with supplementation, ingesting beverages containing CHO, BCAA, CHO+BCAA, or placebo (PLA) in a randomized, double-blind design. The beverages were ingested in 118-mL servings 6 times during an ∼60-min RE session consisting of bench press, bent-over row, incline press, and close-grip row. Each RE was performed with 5 sets of repetitions at 65% 1-repetition maximum until volitional fatigue. Blood samples were collected at baseline, immediately postexercise, and 60 min postexercise to assess glucose and insulin. Cortisol was assessed immediately and at 60 min postexercise. No significant performance benefits were observed for any RE. CHO+BCAA (152.4 ± 71.4 ng/mL) resulted in the lowest cortisol levels, which was lower than BCAA and PLA (193.7 ± 88.5, 182.8 ± 67.5 ng/mL, p < 0.05), but not different from CHO (165 ± 76.5 ng/mL, p = 0.342). Postexercise insulin concentrations were significantly higher with CHO (4.79 ± 3.4 mU/L) compared with BCAA and PLA (3.7 ± 2.0, 3.5 ± 1.8 mU/L, p < 0.05), but not different from CHO+BCAA (4.3 ± 2.5 mU/L, p = 0.339). There was no treatment effect for glucose, but glucose significantly increased from baseline to immediately postexercise and significantly decreased at 60 min postexercise. Ingesting beverages containing CHO with or without BCAA during upper body resistance exercise may promote a more favorable postexercise less catabolic environment.
Sports | 2017
Jaden Rountree; Ben M. Krings; Timothy Peterson; Adam Thigpen; Matthew J. McAllister; Megan E. Holmes; JohnEric W. Smith
The efficacy of carbohydrate (CHO) ingestion during high-intensity strength and conditioning type exercise has yield mixed results. However, little is known about shorter duration high-intensity exercise such as CrossFit. The purpose of this study was to investigate the performance impact of CHO ingestion during high-intensity exercise sessions lasting approximately 30 min. Eight healthy males participated in a total of four trials; two familiarizations, a CHO trial, and a similarly flavored, non-caloric placebo (PLA) trial. CrossFit’s “Fight Gone Bad Five” (FGBF) workout of the day was the exercise model which incorporated five rounds of maximal repetition exercises, wall throw, box jump, sumo deadlift high pull, push press, and rowing, followed by one minute of rest. Total repetitions and calories expended were summated from each round to quantify total work (FGBF score). No difference was found for the total work between CHO (321 ± 51) or PLA (314 ± 52) trials (p = 0.38). There were also no main effects (p > 0.05) for treatment comparing exercise performance across rounds. Based on the findings of this study, it does not appear that ingestion of CHO during short duration, high-intensity CrossFit exercise will provide a beneficial performance effect.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | 2017
Patrick M. Cummings; Hunter S. Waldman; Ben M. Krings; JohnEric W. Smith; Matthew J. McAllister
Abstract Cummings, PM, Waldman, HS, Krings, BM, Smith, JW, and McAllister, MJ. Effects of fat grip training on muscular strength and driving performance in division I male golfers. J Strength Cond Res 32(1): 205–210, 2018—Fat grip (FG) training is implemented into strength and conditioning programs with the overall goal of increasing grip strength. Previous research assessing the effect of training with increased grip diameters compared with standard Olympic bar diameters has mainly been in acute settings. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine to effects FG training compared with normal diameter grip (CON) training during an 8-week periodized resistance training (RT) program in division I male golfers. Subjects (n = 10) were randomly assigned into 2 groups: the FG group (n = 5, scoring average: 75.4 ± 2.0) and CON group (n = 5, scoring average: 75.0 ± 0.5). Both groups participated in 8 weeks of RT (3 d·wk−1). The FG group completed every lift and repetition using FG, compared with the CON training group which used normal diameter bars. Pretraining and posttraining performance variables included swing speed, ball speed, driving distance, driving carry, maximum pull-ups to failure, right and left hand grip strength, and 1 repetition max trap-bar deadlift. The FG group demonstrated significant increases (p ⩽ 0.05) in ball speed, carry, drive distance, and left hand grip strength after 8 weeks of RT. In a population, such as low-handicap division I male golfers, FG training may allow for athletes to increase golf-specific performance after 8 weeks of periodized RT. Strength and conditioning coaches may use FG training over the course of a training program with athletes who require adequate grip strength to further elicit training adaptations.Fat Grip (FG) training is implemented into strength and conditioning programs with the overall goal of increasing grip strength. Previous research assessing the effect of training with increased grip diameters compared to standard Olympic bar diameters has mainly been in acute settings. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine to effects FG training compared to normal diameter grip (CON) training during an eight week periodized resistance training (RT) program in Division I male golfers. Subjects (n = 10) were randomly assigned into two groups: the FG group (n = 5, scoring average: 75.4 ± 2.0) and CON group (n = 5, scoring average: 75.0 ± 0.5). Both groups participated in eight weeks of RT (3 days per week). The FG group completed every lift and repetition using FG, compared to the CON training group which used normal diameter bars. Pre- and post-training performance variables included swing speed, ball speed, driving distance, driving carry, maximum pullups to failure, right and left hand grip strength, and one-repetition max trap-bar deadlift. The FG group demonstrated significant increases (p < 0.05) in ball speed, carry, drive distance, and right hand grip strength following eight weeks of RT. In a population, such as low handicap Division I male golfers, FG training may allow for athletes to increase golf specific performance following eight weeks of periodized RT. Strength and conditioning coaches may utilize FG training over the course of a training program with athletes who require adequate grip strength to further elicit training adaptations.
Journal of The International Society of Sports Nutrition | 2016
Ben M. Krings; Jaden Rountree; Matthew J. McAllister; Patrick M. Cummings; Timothy Peterson; Brent J. Fountain; JohnEric W. Smith
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | 2017
Hunter S. Waldman; Alex J. Heatherly; Ashton F. Waddell; Ben M. Krings; Eric K. O’Neal
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | 2018
Hunter S. Waldman; Alex J. Heatherly; Ashton F. Waddell; Ben M. Krings; Eric O'Neal