
Featured researches published by Benjamin E. Nelms.

Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics | 2007

A survey on planar IMRT QA analysis.

Benjamin E. Nelms; Jeff A Simon

Quality assurance (QA) systems for intensity‐modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) have become standard tools in modern clinical medical physics departments. However, because formalized industry standards or recommendations from professional societies have yet to be defined, methods of IMRT QA analysis vary from institution to institution. Understanding where matters stand today is an important step toward improving the effectiveness of IMRT QA and developing standards. We therefore conducted an IMRT QA survey. This particular survey was limited to users of an electronic two‐dimensional diode array device, but we took care to keep the questions as general and useful as possible. The online survey polled institutions (one survey per institution) on a collection of questions about methods of IMRT QA. The topics were general to the IMRT QA analysis methods common to all IMRT systems; none of the questions was vendor‐ or product‐specific. Survey results showed that a significant proportion of responding institutions (32.8%) use the single‐gantry‐angle composite method for IMRT QA analysis instead of field‐by‐field analysis. Most institutions perform absolute dose comparisons rather than relative dose comparisons, with the 3% criterion being used most often for the percentage difference analysis, and the 3 mm criterion for distance‐to‐agreement analysis. The most prevalent standard for acceptance testing is the combined 3% and 3 mm criteria. A significant percentage of responding institutions report not yet having standard benchmarks for acceptance testing—specifically, 26.6%, 35.3%, and 67.6% had not yet established standard acceptance criteria for prostate, head and neck, and breast IMRT respectively. This survey helps in understanding how institutions perform IMRT QA analysis today. This understanding will help to move institutions toward more standardized acceptance testing. But before standards are defined, it would be useful to connect the conventional planar QA analyses to their resulting impact on the overall plan, using clinically relevant metrics (such as estimated deviations in dose–volume histograms). PACS numbers: 87.50.Gi, 87.52.Df, 87.52.Px, 87.53.Dq, 87.53.Tf, 87.53.Kn, 87.56.Fc

Medical Physics | 2013

Evaluating IMRT and VMAT dose accuracy: Practical examples of failure to detect systematic errors when applying a commonly used metric and action levels

Benjamin E. Nelms; Maria F. Chan; Geneviève Jarry; Matthieu Lemire; John Lowden; Carnell Hampton; Vladimir Feygelman

PURPOSE This study (1) examines a variety of real-world cases where systematic errors were not detected by widely accepted methods for IMRT/VMAT dosimetric accuracy evaluation, and (2) drills-down to identify failure modes and their corresponding means for detection, diagnosis, and mitigation. The primary goal of detailing these case studies is to explore different, more sensitive methods and metrics that could be used more effectively for evaluating accuracy of dose algorithms, delivery systems, and QA devices. METHODS The authors present seven real-world case studies representing a variety of combinations of the treatment planning system (TPS), linac, delivery modality, and systematic error type. These case studies are typical to what might be used as part of an IMRT or VMAT commissioning test suite, varying in complexity. Each case study is analyzed according to TG-119 instructions for gamma passing rates and action levels for per-beam and/or composite plan dosimetric QA. Then, each case study is analyzed in-depth with advanced diagnostic methods (dose profile examination, EPID-based measurements, dose difference pattern analysis, 3D measurement-guided dose reconstruction, and dose grid inspection) and more sensitive metrics (2% local normalization/2 mm DTA and estimated DVH comparisons). RESULTS For these case studies, the conventional 3%/3 mm gamma passing rates exceeded 99% for IMRT per-beam analyses and ranged from 93.9% to 100% for composite plan dose analysis, well above the TG-119 action levels of 90% and 88%, respectively. However, all cases had systematic errors that were detected only by using advanced diagnostic techniques and more sensitive metrics. The systematic errors caused variable but noteworthy impact, including estimated target dose coverage loss of up to 5.5% and local dose deviations up to 31.5%. Types of errors included TPS model settings, algorithm limitations, and modeling and alignment of QA phantoms in the TPS. Most of the errors were correctable after detection and diagnosis, and the uncorrectable errors provided useful information about system limitations, which is another key element of system commissioning. CONCLUSIONS Many forms of relevant systematic errors can go undetected when the currently prevalent metrics for IMRT∕VMAT commissioning are used. If alternative methods and metrics are used instead of (or in addition to) the conventional metrics, these errors are more likely to be detected, and only once they are detected can they be properly diagnosed and rooted out of the system. Removing systematic errors should be a goal not only of commissioning by the end users but also product validation by the manufacturers. For any systematic errors that cannot be removed, detecting and quantifying them is important as it will help the physicist understand the limits of the system and work with the manufacturer on improvements. In summary, IMRT and VMAT commissioning, along with product validation, would benefit from the retirement of the 3%/3 mm passing rates as a primary metric of performance, and the adoption instead of tighter tolerances, more diligent diagnostics, and more thorough analysis.

Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics | 2011

Evaluation of a new VMAT QA device, or the "X" and "O" array geometries.

Vladimir Feygelman; Geoffrey Zhang; Craig W. Stevens; Benjamin E. Nelms

We introduce a logical process of three distinct phases to begin the evaluation of a new 3D dosimetry array. The array under investigation is a hollow cylinder phantom with diode detectors fixed in a helical shell forming an “O” axial detector cross section (ArcCHECK), with comparisons drawn to a previously studied 3D array with diodes fixed in two crossing planes forming an “X” axial cross section (Delta 4 ). Phase I testing of the ArcCHECK establishes: robust relative calibration (response equalization) of the individual detectors, minor field size dependency of response not present in a 2D predecessor, and uncorrected angular response dependence in the axial plane. Phase II testing reveals vast differences between the two devices when studying fixed‐width full circle arcs. These differences are primarily due to arc discretization by the TPS that produces low passing rates for the peripheral detectors of the ArcCHECK, but high passing rates for the Delta 4 . Similar, although less pronounced, effects are seen for the test VMAT plans modeled after the AAPM TG119 report. The very different 3D detector locations of the two devices, along with the knock‐on effect of different percent normalization strategies, prove that the analysis results from the devices are distinct and noninterchangeable; they are truly measuring different things. The value of what each device measures, namely their correlation with – or ability to predict – clinically relevant errors in calculation and/or delivery of dose is the subject of future Phase III work. PACS number: 87.55Qr

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics | 2012

Variations in the Contouring of Organs at Risk: Test Case From a Patient With Oropharyngeal Cancer

Benjamin E. Nelms; Wolfgang A. Tomé; Greg Robinson; James A. Wheeler

PURPOSE Anatomy contouring is critical in radiation therapy. Inaccuracy and variation in defining critical volumes will affect everything downstream: treatment planning, dose-volume histogram analysis, and contour-based visual guidance used in image-guided radiation therapy. This study quantified: (1) variation in the contouring of organs at risk (OAR) in a clinical test case and (2) corresponding effects on dosimetric metrics of highly conformal plans. METHODS AND MATERIALS A common CT data set with predefined targets from a patient with oropharyngeal cancer was provided to a population of clinics, which were asked to (1) contour OARs and (2) design an intensity-modulated radiation therapy plan. Thirty-two acceptable plans were submitted as DICOM RT data sets, each generated by a different clinical team. Using those data sets, we quantified: (1) the OAR contouring variation and (2) the impact this variation has on dosimetric metrics. New technologies were employed, including a software tool to quantify three-dimensional structure comparisons. RESULTS There was significant interclinician variation in OAR contouring. The degree of variation is organ-dependent. We found substantial dose differences resulting strictly from contouring variation (differences ranging from -289% to 56% for mean OAR dose; -22% to 35% for maximum dose). However, there appears to be a threshold in the OAR comparison metric beyond which the dose differences stabilize. CONCLUSIONS The effects of interclinician variation in contouring organs-at-risk in the head and neck can be large and are organ-specific. Physicians need to be aware of the effect that variation in OAR contouring can play on the final treatment plan and not restrict their focus only to the target volumes.

Medical Physics | 2013

Experimentally studied dynamic dose interplay does not meaningfully affect target dose in VMAT SBRT lung treatments

Cassandra Stambaugh; Benjamin E. Nelms; Thomas J. Dilling; Craig W. Stevens; Kujtim Latifi; Geoffrey Zhang; Eduardo G. Moros; Vladimir Feygelman

PURPOSE The effects of respiratory motion on the tumor dose can be divided into the gradient and interplay effects. While the interplay effect is likely to average out over a large number of fractions, it may play a role in hypofractionated [stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT)] treatments. This subject has been extensively studied for intensity modulated radiation therapy but less so for volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT), particularly in application to hypofractionated regimens. Also, no experimental study has provided full four-dimensional (4D) dose reconstruction in this scenario. The authors demonstrate how a recently described motion perturbation method, with full 4D dose reconstruction, is applied to describe the gradient and interplay effects during VMAT lung SBRT treatments. METHODS VMAT dose delivered to a moving target in a patient can be reconstructed by applying perturbations to the treatment planning system-calculated static 3D dose. Ten SBRT patients treated with 6 MV VMAT beams in five fractions were selected. The target motion (motion kernel) was approximated by 3D rigid body translation, with the tumor centroids defined on the ten phases of the 4DCT. The motion was assumed to be periodic, with the period T being an average from the empirical 4DCT respiratory trace. The real observed tumor motion (total displacement ≤ 8 mm) was evaluated first. Then, the motion range was artificially increased to 2 or 3 cm. Finally, T was increased to 60 s. While not realistic, making T comparable to the delivery time elucidates if the interplay effect can be observed. For a single fraction, the authors quantified the interplay effect as the maximum difference in the target dosimetric indices, most importantly the near-minimum dose (D99%), between all possible starting phases. For the three- and five-fractions, statistical simulations were performed when substantial interplay was found. RESULTS For the motion amplitudes and periods obtained from the 4DCT, the interplay effect is negligible (<0.2%). It is also small (0.9% average, 2.2% maximum) when the target excursion increased to 2-3 cm. Only with large motion and increased period (60 s) was a significant interplay effect observed, with D99% ranging from 16% low to 17% high. The interplay effect was statistically significantly lower for the three- and five-fraction statistical simulations. Overall, the gradient effect dominates the clinical situation. CONCLUSIONS A novel method was used to reconstruct the volumetric dose to a moving tumor during lung SBRT VMAT deliveries. With the studied planning and treatment technique for realistic motion periods, regardless of the amplitude, the interplay has nearly no impact on the near-minimum dose. The interplay effect was observed, for study purposes only, with the period comparable to the VMAT delivery time.

Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics | 2010

Evaluation of a fast method of EPID-based dosimetry for intensity-modulated radiation therapy

Benjamin E. Nelms; Karl H. Rasmussen; Wolfgang A. Tomé

Electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs) could potentially be useful for intensity‐modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) QA. The data density, high resolution, large active area, and efficiency of the MV EPID make it an attractive option. However, EPIDs were designed as imaging devices, not dosimeters, and as a result they do not inherently measure dose in tissue equivalent media. EPIDose (Sun Nuclear, Melbourne, FL) is a tool designed for the use of EPIDs in IMRT QA that uses raw MV EPID images (no additional build‐up and independent of gantry angle, but with dark and flood field corrections applied) to estimate absolute dose planes normal to the beam axis in a homogeneous media (i.e. similar to conventional IMRT QA methods). However, because of the inherent challenges of the EPID‐based dosimetry, validating and commissioning such a system must be done very carefully, by exploring the range of use cases and using well‐proven “standards” for comparison. In this work, a multi‐institutional study was performed to verify accurate EPID image to dose plane conversion over a variety of conditions. Converted EPID images were compared to 2D diode array absolute dose measurements for 188 fields from 28 clinical IMRT treatment plans. These plans were generated using a number of commercially available treatment planning systems (TPS) covering various treatment sites including prostate, head and neck, brain, and lung. The data included three beam energies (6, 10, and 15 MV) and both step‐and‐shoot and dynamic MLC fields. Out of 26,207 points of comparison over 188 fields analyzed, the average overall field pass rate was 99.7% when 3 mm/3% DTA criteria were used (range 94.0–100 per field). The pass rates for more stringent criteria were 97.8% for 2 mm/2% DTA (range 82.0–100 per field), and 84.6% for 1 mm/1% DTA (range 54.7–100 per field). Individual patient‐specific sites as well, as different beam energies, followed similar trends to the overall pass rates. PACS number: 87.53.Dq; 87.66.Jj

Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics | 2013

Validation of measurement-guided 3D VMAT dose reconstruction on a heterogeneous anthropomorphic phantom

Daniel Opp; Benjamin E. Nelms; Geoffrey Zhang; Craig W. Stevens; Vladimir Feygelman

3DVH software (Sun Nuclear Corp., Melbourne, FL) is capable of generating a volumetric patient VMAT dose by applying a volumetric perturbation algorithm based on comparing measurement‐guided dose reconstruction and TPS‐calculated dose to a cylindrical phantom. The primary purpose of this paper is to validate this dose reconstruction on an anthropomorphic heterogeneous thoracic phantom by direct comparison to independent measurements. The dosimetric insert to the phantom is novel, and thus the secondary goal is to demonstrate how it can be used for the hidden target end‐to‐end testing of VMAT treatments in lung. A dosimetric insert contains a 4 cm diameter unit‐density spherical target located inside the right lung (0.21g/cm3 density). It has 26 slots arranged in two orthogonal directions, milled to hold optically stimulated luminescent dosimeters (OSLDs). Dose profiles in three cardinal orthogonal directions were obtained for five VMAT plans with varying degrees of modulation. After appropriate OSLD corrections were applied, 3DVH measurement‐guided VMAT dose reconstruction agreed 100% with the measurements in the unit density target sphere at 3%/3 mm level (composite analysis) for all profile points for the four less‐modulated VMAT plans, and for 96% of the points in the highly modulated C‐shape plan (from TG‐119). For this latter plan, while 3DVH shows acceptable agreement with independent measurements in the unit density target, in the lung disagreement with experiment is relatively high for both the TPS calculation and 3DVH reconstruction. For the four plans excluding the C‐shape, 3%/3mm overall composite analysis passing rates for 3DVH against independent measurement ranged from 93% to 100%. The C‐shape plan was deliberately chosen as a stress test of the algorithm. The dosimetric spatial alignment hidden target test demonstrated the average distance to agreement between the measured and TPS profiles in the steep dose gradient area at the edge of the 2 cm target to be 1.0±0.7,0.3±0.3, and 0.3±0.3mm for the IEC X, Y, and Z directions, respectively. PACS number: 87.55Qr

Medical Physics | 2011

Statistical variability and confidence intervals for planar dose QA pass rates.

D Bailey; Benjamin E. Nelms; Kristopher Attwood; L Kumaraswamy; Matthew B. Podgorsak

PURPOSE The most common metric for comparing measured to calculated dose, such as for pretreatment quality assurance of intensity-modulated photon fields, is a pass rate (%) generated using percent difference (%Diff), distance-to-agreement (DTA), or some combination of the two (e.g., gamma evaluation). For many dosimeters, the grid of analyzed points corresponds to an array with a low areal density of point detectors. In these cases, the pass rates for any given comparison criteria are not absolute but exhibit statistical variability that is a function, in part, on the detector sampling geometry. In this work, the authors analyze the statistics of various methods commonly used to calculate pass rates and propose methods for establishing confidence intervals for pass rates obtained with low-density arrays. METHODS Dose planes were acquired for 25 prostate and 79 head and neck intensity-modulated fields via diode array and electronic portal imaging device (EPID), and matching calculated dose planes were created via a commercial treatment planning system. Pass rates for each dose plane pair (both centered to the beam central axis) were calculated with several common comparison methods: %Diff/DTA composite analysis and gamma evaluation, using absolute dose comparison with both local and global normalization. Specialized software was designed to selectively sample the measured EPID response (very high data density) down to discrete points to simulate low-density measurements. The software was used to realign the simulated detector grid at many simulated positions with respect to the beam central axis, thereby altering the low-density sampled grid. Simulations were repeated with 100 positional iterations using a 1 detector/cm(2) uniform grid, a 2 detector/cm(2) uniform grid, and similar random detector grids. For each simulation, %/DTA composite pass rates were calculated with various %Diff/DTA criteria and for both local and global %Diff normalization techniques. RESULTS For the prostate and head/neck cases studied, the pass rates obtained with gamma analysis of high density dose planes were 2%-5% higher than respective %/DTA composite analysis on average (ranging as high as 11%), depending on tolerances and normalization. Meanwhile, the pass rates obtained via local normalization were 2%-12% lower than with global maximum normalization on average (ranging as high as 27%), depending on tolerances and calculation method. Repositioning of simulated low-density sampled grids leads to a distribution of possible pass rates for each measured/calculated dose plane pair. These distributions can be predicted using a binomial distribution in order to establish confidence intervals that depend largely on the sampling density and the observed pass rate (i.e., the degree of difference between measured and calculated dose). These results can be extended to apply to 3D arrays of detectors, as well. CONCLUSIONS Dose plane QA analysis can be greatly affected by choice of calculation metric and user-defined parameters, and so all pass rates should be reported with a complete description of calculation method. Pass rates for low-density arrays are subject to statistical uncertainty (vs. the high-density pass rate), but these sampling errors can be modeled using statistical confidence intervals derived from the sampled pass rate and detector density. Thus, pass rates for low-density array measurements should be accompanied by a confidence interval indicating the uncertainty of each pass rate.

Radiation Research | 1998

Synchrotron-Produced Ultrasoft X Rays: Equivalent Cell Survival at the Isoattenuating Energies 273 eV and 860 eV

Hill Ck; Benjamin E. Nelms; J. F. MacKay; D. W. Pearson; Kennan Ws; T R Mackie; Paul M. DeLuca; Mary J. Lindstrom; Michael N. Gould

In this paper we report on survival of Chinese hamster V79 and mouse C3H 10T1/2 cells after irradiation with synchrotron-produced 273 eV and 860 eV ultrasoft X rays. These two energies, which are available by multilayer monochromatization of the synchrotron output spectrum, exhibit equal attenuation within living cells. Such an isoattenuating energy pair allows the direct examination of how biological effectiveness varies with the energy of the ultrasoft X rays. In comparing survival results, we find similar biological effectiveness of these two energies for both the C3H 10T1/2 and the V79 cells. These results are not consistent with previous findings of increasing RBE with decreasing ultrasoft X-ray energies. In addition, after correcting for mean nuclear dose based on measurements of cell thickness obtained with confocal microscopy, we find no significant differences in survival between the two ultrasoft X-ray energies and 250 kVp X rays. These results suggest that RBE does not increase with decreasing energy of ultrasoft X rays between 860 eV and 273 eV. The possible impact of our results on past results for ultrasoft X rays is discussed.

Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics | 2016

Initial evaluation of automated treatment planning software

Dawn Gintz; Kujtim Latifi; Jimmy J. Caudell; Benjamin E. Nelms; Geoffrey Zhang; Eduardo G. Moros; Vladimir Feygelman

Even with advanced inverse‐planning techniques, radiation treatment plan optimization remains a very time‐consuming task with great output variability, which prompted the development of more automated approaches. One commercially available technique mimics the actions of experienced human operators to progressively guide the traditional optimization process with automatically created regions of interest and associated dose‐volume objectives. We report on the initial evaluation of this algorithm on 10 challenging cases of locoreginally advanced head and neck cancer. All patients were treated with VMAT to 70 Gy to the gross disease and 56 Gy to the elective bilateral nodes. The results of post‐treatment autoplanning (AP) were compared to the original human‐driven plans (HDP). We used an objective scoring system based on defining a collection of specific dosimetric metrics and corresponding numeric score functions for each. Five AP techniques with different input dose goals were applied to all patients. The best of them averaged the composite score 8% lower than the HDP, across the patient population. The difference in median values was statistically significant at the 95% confidence level (Wilcoxon paired signed‐rank test p=0.027). This result reflects the premium the institution places on dose homogeneity, which was consistently higher with the HDPs. The OAR sparing was consistently better with the APs, the differences reaching statistical significance for the mean doses to the parotid glands (p<0.001) and the inferior pharyngeal constrictor (p=0.016), as well as for the maximum doses to the spinal cord (p=0.018) and brainstem (p=0.040). If one is prepared to accept less stringent dose homogeneity criteria from the RTOG 1016 protocol, nine APs would comply with the protocol, while providing lower OAR doses than the HDPs. Overall, AP is a promising clinical tool, but it could benefit from a better process for shifting the balance between the target dose coverage/homogeneity and OAR sparing. PACS number(s): 87.55.DEven with advanced inverse-planning techniques, radiation treatment plan optimization remains a very time-consuming task with great output variability, which prompted the development of more automated approaches. One commercially available technique mimics the actions of experienced human operators to progressively guide the traditional optimization process with automatically created regions of interest and associated dose-volume objectives. We report on the initial evaluation of this algorithm on 10 challenging cases of locoreginally advanced head and neck cancer. All patients were treated with VMAT to 70 Gy to the gross disease and 56 Gy to the elective bilateral nodes. The results of post-treatment autoplanning (AP) were compared to the original human-driven plans (HDP). We used an objective scoring system based on defining a collection of specific dosimetric metrics and corresponding numeric score functions for each. Five AP techniques with different input dose goals were applied to all patients. The best of them averaged the composite score 8% lower than the HDP, across the patient population. The difference in median values was statistically significant at the 95% confidence level (Wilcoxon paired signed-rank test p=0.027). This result reflects the premium the institution places on dose homogeneity, which was consistently higher with the HDPs. The OAR sparing was consistently better with the APs, the differences reaching statistical significance for the mean doses to the parotid glands (p<0.001) and the inferior pharyngeal constrictor (p=0.016), as well as for the maximum doses to the spinal cord (p=0.018) and brainstem (p=0.040). If one is prepared to accept less stringent dose homogeneity criteria from the RTOG 1016 protocol, nine APs would comply with the protocol, while providing lower OAR doses than the HDPs. Overall, AP is a promising clinical tool, but it could benefit from a better process for shifting the balance between the target dose coverage/homogeneity and OAR sparing. PACS number(s): 87.55.D.

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