Benjamin M. Bolker
McMaster University
Featured researches published by Benjamin M. Bolker.
The American Naturalist | 1999
Benjamin M. Bolker; Stephen W. Pacala
A plant lineage can compete for resources in a spatially variable environment by colonizing new areas, exploiting resources in those areas quickly before other plants arrive to compete with it, or tolerating competition once other plants do arrive. These specializations are ubiquitous in plant communities, but all three have never been derived from a spatial model of community dynamics—instead, the possibility of rapid exploitation has been either overlooked or confounded with colonization. We use moment equations, equations for the mean densities and spatial covariance of competing plant populations, to characterize these strategies in a fully spatial stochastic model. The moment equations predict endogenous spatial pattern formation and the efficacy of spatial strategies under different conditions. The model shows that specializations for colonization, exploitation, and tolerance are all possible, and these are the only possible spatial strategies; among them, they partition all of the endogenous spatial structure in the environment. The model predicts two distinct short‐dispersal specializations where parents disperse their offspring locally, either to exploit empty patches quickly or to fill patches to exclude competitors.
Ecology | 2003
Benjamin M. Bolker; Marcel Holyoak; Vlastimil Křivan; Locke Rowe; Oswald J. Schmitz
Trait-mediated interactions (TMIs), in which trophic and competitive inter- actions depend on individual traits as well as on overall population densities, have inspired large amounts of research, but theoretical and empirical studies have not been well con- nected. To help mitigate this problem, we review and synthesize the theoretical literature on TMIs and, in particular, on trait-mediated indirect interactions, TMIIs, in which the presence of one species mediates the interaction between a second and third species. (1) In models, TMIs tend to stabilize simple communities; adding further biological detail often reduces stability in models, but populations may persist even if their dynamics become mathematically unstable. (2) Short- and long-term changes in population density caused by TMIs depend even more on details, such as the curvature of functional responses and trade-offs, which have rarely been measured. (3) The effects of TMIs in multipredator communities depend in a straightforward way on the specificity of prey defenses. (4) Tritrophic and more complex communities are theoretically difficult; few general conclu- sions have emerged. Theory needs new kinds of experiments as a guide. The most critical needs are experiments that measure curvatures of trade-offs and responses, and experiments that (combined with theory) allow us to scale from short- to long-term responses of com- munities. Anecdotal evidence from long-term and large-scale studies suggests that TMIs may affect community dynamics at practical management scales; community models in- corporating TMIs are necessary and require closer collaborations between theory and ex-
Ecology Letters | 2008
Daniel S. Gruner; Jennifer E. Smith; Eric W. Seabloom; Stuart A. Sandin; Jacqueline T. Ngai; Helmut Hillebrand; W. Stanley Harpole; James J. Elser; Elsa E. Cleland; Matthew E. S. Bracken; Elizabeth T. Borer; Benjamin M. Bolker
Nutrient availability and herbivory control the biomass of primary producer communities to varying degrees across ecosystems. Ecological theory, individual experiments in many different systems, and system-specific quantitative reviews have suggested that (i) bottom-up control is pervasive but top-down control is more influential in aquatic habitats relative to terrestrial systems and (ii) bottom-up and top-down forces are interdependent, with statistical interactions that synergize or dampen relative influences on producer biomass. We used simple dynamic models to review ecological mechanisms that generate independent vs. interactive responses of community-level biomass. We calibrated these mechanistic predictions with the metrics of factorial meta-analysis and tested their prevalence across freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecosystems with a comprehensive meta-analysis of 191 factorial manipulations of herbivores and nutrients. Our analysis showed that producer community biomass increased with fertilization across all systems, although increases were greatest in freshwater habitats. Herbivore removal generally increased producer biomass in both freshwater and marine systems, but effects were inconsistent on land. With the exception of marine temperate rocky reef systems that showed positive synergism of nutrient enrichment and herbivore removal, experimental studies showed limited support for statistical interactions between nutrient and herbivory treatments on producer biomass. Top-down control of herbivores, compensatory behaviour of multiple herbivore guilds, spatial and temporal heterogeneity of interactions, and herbivore-mediated nutrient recycling may lower the probability of consistent interactive effects on producer biomass. Continuing studies should expand the temporal and spatial scales of experiments, particularly in understudied terrestrial systems; broaden factorial designs to manipulate independently multiple producer resources (e.g. nitrogen, phosphorus, light), multiple herbivore taxa or guilds (e.g. vertebrates and invertebrates) and multiple trophic levels; and - in addition to measuring producer biomass - assess the responses of species diversity, community composition and nutrient status.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences | 1993
Benjamin M. Bolker; Bryan T. Grenfell
Measles epidemiology offers a unique perspective on the construction of models to describe the dynamics of ecological systems. Simple models of measles transmission can generate deterministic chaos by various mechanisms. However, incorporating more biological realism into the model, in the form of age structure and realism in the seasonal forcing function, can suppress complex dynamics. Adding stochastic terms to the models restores complex dynamics, but raises new questions about demographic scale and population structure in these models.
Ecology | 2005
Connie J. Clark; John R. Poulsen; Benjamin M. Bolker; Edward F. Connor; V. T. Parker
Although spatial patterns of seed distribution are thought to vary greatly among plant species dispersed by different vectors, few studies have directly examined this assumption. We compared patterns of seed rain of nine species of trees disseminated by large birds, monkeys, and wind in a closed canopy forest in Cameroon. We used maximum-likelihood methods to fit seed rain data to four dispersal functions: inverse power, negative exponential, Gaussian, and Student t. We then tested for differences in dispersal characteristics (1) among individuals within species, and (2) among species dispersed by the same vector. In general, an inverse power function best described animal-dispersed species and the Gaussian and Student t functions best described wind-dispersed species. Animal-dispersed species had longer mean dispersal distances than wind-dispersed species, but lower fecundities. In addition to these distinct differences in average dispersal distance and functional form of the seed shadow between animal- and wind-dispersed species, seed shadows varied markedly within species and vector, with conspecifics and species within vector varying in their dispersal scale, fecundity, and clumping parameters. Dispersal vectors determine a significant amount of variation in seed distribution, but much variation remains to be explained. Finally, we demonstrate that most seeds, regardless of vector, fall directly under the parent canopy. Long-distance dispersal events (>60 m) account for a small proportion of the seed crop but may still be important in terms of the absolute numbers of dispersed seeds and effects on population and community dynamics.
The American Naturalist | 2003
Benjamin M. Bolker; Stephen W. Pacala; Claudia Neuhauser
A variety of models have shown that spatial dynamics and small‐scale endogenous heterogeneity (e.g., forest gaps or local resource depletion zones) can change the rate and outcome of competition in communities of plants or other sessile organisms. However, the theory appears complicated and hard to connect to real systems. We synthesize results from three different kinds of models: interacting particle systems, moment equations for spatial point processes, and metapopulation or patch models. Studies using all three frameworks agree that spatial dynamics need not enhance coexistence nor slow down dynamics; their effects depend on the underlying competitive interactions in the community. When similar species would coexist in a nonspatial habitat, endogenous spatial structure inhibits coexistence and slows dynamics. When a dominant species disperses poorly and the weaker species has higher fecundity or better dispersal, competition‐colonization trade‐offs enhance coexistence. Even when species have equal dispersal and per‐generation fecundity, spatial successional niches where the weaker and faster‐growing species can rapidly exploit ephemeral local resources can enhance coexistence. When interspecific competition is strong, spatial dynamics reduce founder control at large scales and short dispersal becomes advantageous. We describe a series of empirical tests to detect and distinguish among the suggested scenarios.
Molecular Ecology | 2004
Brian W. Bowen; Anna L. Bass; Shaio-Mei Chow; Meredith Bostrom; Karen A. Bjorndal; Alan B. Bolten; Toshinori Okuyama; Benjamin M. Bolker; Sheryan P. Epperly; Erin LaCasella; Donna J. Shaver; Mark G. Dodd; Sally R. Murphy; John A. Musick; Mark Swingle; Karen Rankin-Baransky; Wendy Teas; Wayne N. Witzell; Peter H. Dutton
Juvenile loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) from West Atlantic nesting beaches occupy oceanic (pelagic) habitats in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, whereas larger juvenile turtles occupy shallow (neritic) habitats along the continental coastline of North America. Hence the switch from oceanic to neritic stage can involve a trans‐oceanic migration. Several researchers have suggested that at the end of the oceanic phase, juveniles are homing to feeding habitats in the vicinity of their natal rookery. To test the hypothesis of juvenile homing behaviour, we surveyed 10 juvenile feeding zones across the eastern USA with mitochondrial DNA control region sequences (N = 1437) and compared these samples to potential source (nesting) populations in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea (N = 465). The results indicated a shallow, but significant, population structure of neritic juveniles (ΦST = 0.0088, P = 0.016), and haplotype frequency differences were significantly correlated between coastal feeding populations and adjacent nesting populations (Mantel test R2 = 0.52, P = 0.001). Mixed stock analyses (using a Bayesian algorithm) indicated that juveniles occurred at elevated frequency in the vicinity of their natal rookery. Hence, all lines of evidence supported the hypothesis of juvenile homing in loggerhead turtles. While not as precise as the homing of breeding adults, this behaviour nonetheless places juvenile turtles in the vicinity of their natal nesting colonies. Some of the coastal hazards that affect declining nesting populations may also affect the next generation of turtles feeding in nearby habitats.
PLOS Biology | 2009
Ricardo M. Holdo; A. R. E. Sinclair; Andrew P. Dobson; Kristine L. Metzger; Benjamin M. Bolker; Mark E. Ritchie; Robert D. Holt
The removal of rinderpest had cascading effects on herbivore populations, fire, tree density, and even ecosystem carbon in the Serengeti ecosystem of East Africa.
Oecologia | 2006
Michael W. McCoy; Benjamin M. Bolker; Craig W. Osenberg; Benjamin G. Miner; James R. Vonesh
Morphological relationships change with overall body size and body size often varies among populations. Therefore, quantitative analyses of individual traits from organisms in different populations or environments (e.g., in studies of phenotypic plasticity) often adjust for differences in body size to isolate changes in allometry. Most studies of among population variation in morphology either (1) use analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with a univariate measure of body size as the covariate, or (2) compare residuals from ordinary least squares regression of each trait against body size or the first principal component of the pooled data (shearing). However, both approaches are problematic. ANCOVA depends on assumptions (small variance in the covariate) that are frequently violated in this context. Residuals analysis assumes that scaling relationships within groups are equal, but this assumption is rarely tested. Furthermore, scaling relationships obtained from pooled data typically mischaracterize within-group scaling relationships. We discuss potential biases imposed by the application of ANCOVA and residuals analysis for quantifying morphological differences, and elaborate and demonstrate a more effective alternative: common principal components analysis combined with Burnaby’s back-projection method.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences | 1995
Bryan T. Grenfell; Benjamin M. Bolker; A. Kleczkowski
A body of recent work has used coupled logistic maps to show that these model metapopulations show a decrease in global extinction rate in the chaotic region of model behaviour. In fact, many of the main ecological candidates for low-dimensional chaos are continuous-time host-parasite and predator-prey systems, driven by strong seasonal ‘forcing’ of one or more population parameters. This paper, therefore, explores the relation between seasonal forcing and metapopulation extinction for such systems. We base the analysis on extensive simulations of a stochastic metapopulation model for measles, based on a standard compartmental model, tracking the density of susceptible, exposed, infectious and recovered individuals (the SEIR model). The results show that, by contrast with coupled logistic maps, the increased seasonality which causes chaos maintains or increases levels of global extinction of infection, by increasing the synchrony of sub-population epidemics. The model also illustrates that the population interaction (here between susceptible and infective hosts) has a significant effect on patterns of synchrony and extinction.