Benjamín Toledo
University of Chile
Chaos | 2010
Jorge Villalobos; Benjamín Toledo; Denisse Pastén; Víctor Muñoz; José Rogan; Roberto Zarama; Nelson Lammoglia; Juan Alejandro Valdivia
We explore in detail the nontrivial and chaotic behavior of the traffic model proposed by Toledo et al. [Phys. Rev. E 70, 016107 (2004)] due to the richness of behavior present in the model, in spite of the fact that it is a minimalistic representation of basic city traffic dynamics. The chaotic behavior, previously shown for a given lower bound in acceleration/brake ratio, is examined more carefully and the region in parameter space for which we observe this nontrivial behavior is found. This parameter region may be related to the high sensitivity of traffic flow that eventually leads to traffic jams. Approximate scaling laws are proposed.
Chaos | 2013
Rodrigo A. Miranda; Erico L. Rempel; Abraham C.-L. Chian; Norbert Seehafer; Benjamín Toledo; Pablo R. Muñoz
We study a transition to hyperchaos in the two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with periodic boundary conditions and an external forcing term. Bifurcation diagrams are constructed by varying the Reynolds number, and a transition to hyperchaos (HC) is identified. Before the onset of HC, there is coexistence of two chaotic attractors and a hyperchaotic saddle. After the transition to HC, the two chaotic attractors merge with the hyperchaotic saddle, generating random switching between chaos and hyperchaos, which is responsible for intermittent bursts in the time series of energy and enstrophy. The chaotic mixing properties of the flow are characterized by detecting Lagrangian coherent structures. After the transition to HC, the flow displays complex Lagrangian patterns and an increase in the level of Lagrangian chaoticity during the bursty periods that can be predicted statistically by the hyperchaotic saddle prior to HC transition.
Chaos | 2008
Felipe A. Asenjo; Benjamín Toledo; Víctor Muñoz; José Rogan; Juan Alejandro Valdivia
We describe a simple method to control a known unstable periodic orbit (UPO) in the presence of noise. The strategy is based on regarding the control method as an optimization problem, which allows us to calculate a control matrix A. We illustrate the idea with the Rossler system, the Lorenz system, and a hyperchaotic system that has two exponents with positive real parts. Initially, a UPO and the corresponding control matrix are found in the absence of noise in these systems. It is shown that the strategy is useful even if noise is added as control is applied. For low noise, it is enough to find a control matrix such that the maximum Lyapunov exponent lambda(max)<0, and with a single non-null entry. If noise is increased, however, this is not the case, and the full control matrix A may be required to keep the UPO under control. Besides the Lyapunov spectrum, a characterization of the control strategies is given in terms of the average distance to the UPO and the control effort required to keep the orbit under control. Finally, particular attention is given to the problem of handling noise, which can affect considerably the estimation of the UPO itself and its exponents, and a cleaning strategy based on singular value decomposition was developed. This strategy gives a consistent manner to approach noisy systems, and may be easily adapted as a parametric control strategy, and to experimental situations, where noise is unavoidable.
Chaos | 2015
Jorge Villalobos; Víctor Muñoz; José Rogan; Roberto Zarama; Juan Felipe Penagos; Benjamín Toledo; Juan Alejandro Valdivia
We propose a model of a bus traveling through a sequence of traffic lights, which is required to stop between the traffic signals to pick up passengers. A two dimensional model, of velocity and traveled time at each traffic light, is constructed, which shows non-trivial and chaotic behaviors for realistic city traffic parameters. We restrict the parameter values where these non-trivial and chaotic behaviors occur, by following analytically and numerically the fixed points and period 2 orbits. We define conditions where chaos may arise by determining regions in parameter space where the maximum Lyapunov exponent is positive. Chaos seems to occur as long as the ratio of the braking and accelerating capacities are greater than about ∼3.
Chaos | 2018
Denisse Pastén; Zbigniew Czechowski; Benjamín Toledo
We introduce a new method of characterizing the seismic complex systems using a procedure of transformation from complex networks into time series. The undirected complex network is constructed from seismic hypocenters data. Network nodes are marked by their connectivity. The walk on the graph following the time of succeeding seismic events generates the connectivity time series which contains, both the space and time, features of seismic processes. This procedure was applied to four seismic data sets registered in Chile. It was shown that multifractality of constructed connectivity time series changes due to the particular geophysics characteristics of the seismic zones-it decreases with the occurrence of large earthquakes-and shows the spatiotemporal organization of these seismic systems.
Physical Review E | 2004
Benjamín Toledo; Víctor Muñoz; José Rogan; C. Tenreiro; Juan Alejandro Valdivia
Advances in Space Research | 2005
Juan Alejandro Valdivia; José Rogan; Víctor Muñoz; Benjamín Toledo; Marina Stepanova
Physical Review E | 2009
A. Varas; M.D. Cornejo; Benjamín Toledo; Víctor Muñoz; José Rogan; Roberto Zarama; Juan Alejandro Valdivia
Space Science Reviews | 2006
Juan Alejandro Valdivia; José Rogan; Víctor Muñoz; Benjamín Toledo
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation | 2013
Benjamín Toledo; Miguel A. F. Sanjuán; Víctor Muñoz; José Rogan; Juan Alejandro Valdivia