Benjamin W. Newcomer
Auburn University
Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy | 2012
Benjamin W. Newcomer; M. Shonda Marley; P.K. Galik; Paul H. Walz; Yijing Zhang; K.P. Riddell; Christine C. Dykstra; David W. Boykin; Arvind Kumar; Crisanta Cruz-Espindola; Dawn M. Boothe; Kellye S. Joiner; M. Daniel Givens
Background: Animals persistently infected (PI) with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) are a key source of viral propagation within and among herds. Currently, no specific therapy exists to treat PI animals. The purpose of this research was to initiate evaluation of the pharmacokinetic and safety data of a novel antiviral agent in BVDV-free calves and to assess the antiviral efficacy of the same agent in PI calves. Methods: One BVDV-free calf was treated with 2-(2-benzimidazolyl)-5-[4-(2-imidazolino)phenyl]furan dihydrochloride (DB772) once at a dose of 1.6 mg/kg intravenously and one BVDV-free calf was treated three times a day for 6 days at 9.5 mg/kg intravenously. Subsequently, four PI calves were treated intravenously with 12 mg/kg DB772 three times a day for 6 days and two PI control calves were treated with an equivalent volume of diluent only. Results: Prior to antiviral treatment, the virus isolated from each calf was susceptible to DB772 in vitro. The antiviral treatment effectively inhibited virus for 14 days in one calf and at least 3 days in three calves. Subsequent virus isolated from the three calves was resistant to DB772 in vitro. No adverse effects of DB772 administration were detected. Conclusions: Results demonstrate that DB772 administration is safe and exhibits antiviral properties in PI calves while facilitating the rapid development of viral resistance to this novel therapeutic agent.
Antiviral Research | 2013
Benjamin W. Newcomer; M. Daniel Givens
The pestiviruses, bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), classical swine fever (CSFV) and border disease virus, are important livestock pathogens in many countries, but current vaccines do not completely prevent the spread of infection. Control of pestiviral diseases is especially difficult due to the constant viremia and viral shedding of persistently infected (PI) animals, which must be identified and eliminated to prevent disease transmission. Existing vaccines are limited by the delay between vaccination and the onset of protection, the difficulty of differentiating serologically between vaccinated and naturally infected animals and the need for broad vaccine cross-protection against diverse virus strains. Antiviral therapy could potentially supplement vaccination by providing immediate protection in the case of an outbreak. Numerous compounds with in vitro antiviral activity against BVDV have been identified through its role as a surrogate for hepatitis C virus. Fewer drugs active against CSFV have been identified, but many compounds that are effective against BVDV will likely inhibit CSFV, given their similar genomic sequences. While in vitro research has been promising, the paucity of efficacy studies in animals has hindered the commercial development of effective antiviral drugs against the pestiviruses. In this article, we summarize the clinical syndromes and routes of transmission of BVD, CSF and border disease, discuss currently approved vaccines, review efforts to develop antiviral therapies for use in outbreak control and suggest promising directions for future research.
Antiviral Research | 2012
Benjamin W. Newcomer; M. Shonda Marley; Julia F. Ridpath; John D. Neill; David W. Boykin; Arvind Kumar; M. Daniel Givens
Pestiviruses are economically important pathogens of livestock. An aromatic cationic compound (DB772) has previously been shown to inhibit bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) type 1 in vitro at concentrations lacking cytotoxic side effects. The aim of this study was to determine the scope of antiviral activity of DB772 among diverse pestiviruses. Isolates of BVDV 2, border disease virus (BDV), HoBi virus, pronghorn virus and Bungowannah virus were tested for in vitro susceptibility to DB772 by incubating infected cells in medium containing 0, 0.006, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.39, 0.78, 1.56, 3.125, 6.25, 12.5 or 25μM DB772. The samples were assayed for the presence of virus by virus isolation and titration (BDV and BVDV 2) or PCR (HoBi, pronghorn and Bungowannah viruses). Cytotoxicity of the compound was assayed for each cell type. Complete inhibition of BVDV 2, BDV, and Pronghorn virus was detected when DB772 was included in the culture media at concentrations of 0.20μM and higher. In two of three tests, a concentration of 0.05μM DB772 was sufficient to completely inhibit HoBi virus replication. Bungowannah virus was completely inhibited at a concentration of 0.01μM DB772. Thus, DB772 effectively inhibits all pestiviruses studied at concentrations >0.20μM. As cytotoxicity is not evident at these concentrations, this antiviral compound potentially represents an effective preventative or therapeutic for diverse pestiviruses.
Virology Journal | 2012
John D. Neill; Benjamin W. Newcomer; Shonda D. Marley; Julia F. Ridpath; M. Daniel Givens
BackgroundBovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) strains circulating in livestock herds show significant sequence variation. Conventional wisdom states that most sequence variation arises during acute infections in response to immune or other environmental pressures. A recent study showed that more nucleotide changes were introduced into the BVDV genomic RNA during the establishment of a single fetal persistent infection than following a series of acute infections of naïve cattle. However, it was not known if nucleotide changes were introduce when the virus crossed the placenta and infected the fetus or during the acute infection of the dam.MethodsThe sequence of the open reading frame (ORF) from viruses isolated from four acutely infected pregnant heifers following exposure to persistently infected (PI) calves was compared to the sequences of the virus from the progenitor PI calf and the virus from the resulting progeny PI calf to determine when genetic change was introduced. This was compared to genetic change found in viruses isolated from a pregnant PI cow and its PI calf, and in three viruses isolated from acutely infected, non-pregnant cattle exposed to PI calves.ResultsMost genetic changes previously identified between the progenitor and progeny PI viruses were in place in the acute phase viruses isolated from the dams six days post-exposure to the progenitor PI calf. Additionally, each progeny PI virus had two to three unique nucleotide substitutions that were introduced in crossing the placenta and infection of the fetus. The nucleotide sequence of two acute phase viruses isolated from steers exposed to PI calves revealed that six and seven nucleotide changes were introduced during the acute infection. The sequence of the BVDV-2 virus isolated from an acute infection of a PI calf (BVDV-1a) co-housed with a BVDV-2 PI calf had ten nucleotides that were different from the progenitor PI virus. Finally, twenty nucleotide changes were identified in the PI virus of a calf born to a PI dam.ConclusionsThese results demonstrate that nucleotide changes are introduced into the BVDV infecting pregnant cattle at rates of 2.3 to 8 fold higher then during the acute infection of non-pregnant animals.
Veterinary Microbiology | 2017
Benjamin W. Newcomer; Manuel F. Chamorro; Paul H. Walz
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is responsible for significant losses to the cattle industry. Currently, modified-live viral (MLV) and inactivated viral vaccines are available against BVDV, often in combination with other viral and bacterial antigens. Inactivated and MLV vaccines provide cattle producers and veterinarians safe and efficacious options for herd immunization to limit disease associated with BVDV infection. Vaccination of young cattle against BVDV is motivated by prevention of clinical disease and limiting viral spread to susceptible animals. For reproductive-age cattle, vaccination to prevent viremia and birth of persistently infected offspring is considered more important, while also more difficult to achieve than prevention of clinical disease. Recent advances have been made in the understanding of BVDV vaccine efficacy. In terms of preventing clinical disease, current BVDV vaccines have been demonstrated to have a rapid onset of immunity and MLV vaccines can be effectively utilized in calves possessing maternal immunity. For reproductive protection, more recent studies using multivalent MLV vaccines have demonstrated consistent fetal protection rates in the range of 85-100% in experimental studies. Proper timing and administration of BVDV vaccines can be utilized to maximize vaccine efficacy to provide an important contribution to reducing risks associated with BVDV infection. With improvements in vaccine formulations and increased understanding of the protective immune response following vaccination, control of BVDV through vaccination can be enhanced.
Virus Research | 2013
Benjamin W. Newcomer; John D. Neill; M. Shonda Marley; Julia F. Ridpath; M. Daniel Givens
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a widespread bovine pathogen for which there is no specific therapeutic agent. A previous study using 2-(2-benzimidazolyl)-5-[4-(2-imidazolino)phenyl]furan dihydrochloride (DB772) to treat calves persistently infected with BVDV resulted in a decrease in the viral load of infected calves but treatment resulted in the rapid selection of drug-resistant mutant isolates. In this article we describe three mutations found in the mutant isolates associated with in vivo and in vitro resistance to DB772. All three mutations are found in the NS5B which functions as the RNA-dependent-RNA-polymerase during viral replication. Growth curves for the mutant isolates were not largely different from those of wild-type isolates when cultured in the absence of DB772. Thus, DB772 appears to act by binding to the specified domain but binding is disrupted or inhibited by the described mutation.
Veterinary Microbiology | 2014
Benjamin W. Newcomer; Kathy Toohey-Kurth; Yan Zhang; Bruce W. Brodersen; M. Shonda Marley; Kellye S. Joiner; Yijing Zhang; P.K. Galik; K.P. Riddell; M. Daniel Givens
Recently, in the United States, a dairy bull was diagnosed as the second confirmed case of persistent testicular infection (PTI) with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). The first objective of this study was to evaluate the testing methodologies currently used by the artificial insemination industry in order to improve the detection of bulls with PTI. This study evaluated the impact of multiple factors ([1] sample tested, [2] sample handling, [3] assay used, and [4] assay methodology) on the sensitivity of detection of BVDV. The second objective of this study was to evaluate the transmissibility of BVDV from the bull through casual or sexual contact. Results from this study indicate that straws of semen should be transported to the diagnostic laboratory in liquid nitrogen dry shippers. PCR proved to be a more sensitive assay than virus isolation; however, certain PCR protocols exhibited greater diagnostic sensitivity than others. Insemination with cryopreserved semen from this infected bull caused viral transmission to a seronegative heifer resulting in viremia and seroconversion. After 42 months of age, the bull appeared to clear the infection. In conclusion, this bull validates that natural exposure to a 1a strain of BVDV can result in a unique PTI causing contamination of semen with detectable infectious virus. Appropriate handling and testing of samples is necessary in order to detect bulls exhibiting PTI. Additionally, PTI with BVDV may potentially be cleared after an extended duration.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine | 2017
Benjamin W. Newcomer; L. Grady Cofield; Paul H. Walz; M. Daniel Givens
Bovine herpesvirus 1 is ubiquitous in cattle populations and is the cause of several clinical syndromes including respiratory disease, genital disease, and late-term abortions. Control of the virus in many parts of the world is achieved primarily through vaccination with either inactivated or modified-live viral vaccines. The purpose of this meta-analysis was to determine the cumulative efficacy of BoHV-1 vaccination to prevent abortion in pregnant cattle. Germane articles for inclusion in the analysis were identified through four online scientific databases and the examination of three review and ten primary study article reference lists. A total of 15 studies in 10 manuscripts involving over 7500 animals were included in the meta-analysis. Risk ratio effect sizes were used in random effects, weighted meta-analyses to assess the impact of vaccination. Subgroup analyses were performed based on type of vaccine, MLV or inactivated, and the type of disease challenge, experimentally induced compared to field studies. A 60% decrease in abortion risk in vaccinated cattle was demonstrated. The greatest decrease in abortion risk was seen in studies with intentional viral challenge although vaccination also decreased abortion risk in field studies. Both inactivated and modified-live viral vaccines decreased abortion risk. This meta-analysis provides quantitative support for the benefit of bovine herpesvirus 1 vaccination in the prevention of abortion.
Veterinary Clinical Pathology | 2018
Stephanie Shrader; Eric J. Fish; Benjamin W. Newcomer
A 10-year-old intact male Dromedary camel was presented to the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine for evaluation following a one-month history of weight loss, anorexia, intermittent recumbency, and weakness. Upon presentation, the camel was intermittently reluctant to put weight on his forelimbs and occasionally held his head and neck at an abnormal angle. Physical examination failed to identify musculoskeletal abnormalities. A McMaster egg count found 21,800 trichostrongyle eggs per gram of feces. Sheather’s fecal flotation identified high numbers of trichostrongyles and low numbers of Trichuris sp. While hospitalized, the camel became weaker and lost the ability to maintain sternal recumbency. Radiographs showed mild degenerative bone changes in the right distal forelimb, and abdominal ultrasonic examination revealed a possible small bowel ileus, while a cytologic and chemical cerebrospinal fluid analysis were unremarkable. The camel developed respiratory distress and died during anesthesia; a necropsy was performed. There was a 10.5 cm 9 14 cm 9 14 cm, multilobulated, well-demarcated, firm, mediastinal mass adhered to the parietal pericardium at the base of the heart. Direct impression smears of the mass were made and evaluated cytologically (Figure 1). B A
Vaccine | 2018
Paul H. Walz; K.P. Riddell; Benjamin W. Newcomer; John D. Neill; Shollie M. Falkenberg; Victor S. Cortese; Daniel W. Scruggs; Thomas H. Short
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is an important viral cause of reproductive disease, immune suppression and clinical disease in cattle. The objective of this study was to compare reproductive protection in cattle against the impacts of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) provided by three different multivalent vaccines containing inactivated BVDV. BVDV negative beef heifers and cows (n = 122) were randomly assigned to one of four groups. Groups A-C (n = 34/group) received two pre-breeding doses of one of three commercially available multivalent vaccines containing inactivated fractions of BVDV 1 and BVDV 2, and Group D (n = 20) served as negative control and received two doses of saline prior to breeding. Animals were bred, and following pregnancy diagnosis, 110 cattle [Group A (n = 31); Group B (n = 32); Group C (n = 31); Group D (n = 16)] were subjected to a 28-day exposure to cattle persistently infected (PI) with BVDV (1a, 1b and 2a). Of the 110 pregnancies, 6 pregnancies resulted in fetal resorption with no material for testing. From the resultant 104 pregnancies, BVDV transplacental infections were demonstrated in 73 pregnancies. The BVDV fetal infection rate (FI) was calculated at 13/30 (43%) for Group A cows, 27/29 (93%) for Group B cows, 18/30 (60%) for Group C cows, and 15/15 (100%) for Group D cows. Statistical differences were observed between groups with respect to post-vaccination antibody titers, presence and duration of viremia in pregnant cattle, and fetal infection rates in offspring from BVDV-exposed cows. Group A vaccination resulted in significant protection against BVDV infection as compared to all other groups based upon outcome measurements, while Group B vaccination did not differ in protection against BVDV infection from control Group D. Ability of inactivated BVDV vaccines to provide protection against BVDV fetal infection varies significantly among commercially available products; however, in this challenge model, the inactivated vaccines provided unacceptable levels of BVDV FI protection.