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SoilREns | 2018

Pengaruh Organo-mineral Terhadap Beberapa Sifat Kimia Tanah dan Hasil Jagung pada Ultisol Jatinangor

Rija Sudirja; Yuliati Machfud; Emma Trinurani Sofyan; Benny Joy; Santi Rosniawaty; Rani Ros

The use of organic materials and minerals as fertilizer needs to be developed in order to increase agricultural productivity, especially in soils marginal that are widely distributed on the Indonesian. This study aims to determine the productivity of soil and corn plants by using various formulations of organo-mineral materials in the Ultisols Jatinangor. The experiment was conducted from April to November 2017 at Ciparanje Experimental Garden, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, using a simple randomized block design consisting of 10 treatments and replicated 3 times. The organo-mineral ingredients used consist of a combination of Humic Acid (6; 8; 10 kg/ha); Dolomites (100; 150; 200 kg/ha); Natural Phosphates (250; 300; 350 kg/ha); also Zeolites (150; 200; 250 kg/ha). The results showed that ameliorant combination had significant effects on soil pH, P-available, and Mn Total, also the yield of maize. Dosage of 8 kg/ha of Humid Acids + 200 kg/ha of Dolomites + 350 kg/ha of Natural Phosphates + 250 kg/ha Zeolite, has indicated better result based on variable experiment. Keywords: maize, organo-mineral, Humic acid, dolomite, phosphate, ultisols

Archive | 2018

Application of nanoparticle of rock phosphate and biofertilizer in increasing some soil chemical characteristics of variable charge soil

Rina Devnita; Benny Joy; Mahfud Arifin; Ridha Hudaya; Nurul Oktaviani

Soils in Indonesia are dominated by variable charge soils where the technology like fertilization did not give the same result as the soils with permanent charge. The objectives of this research is to increase some chemical characteristic of variable charge soils by using the high negative charge ameliorations like rock phosphate in nanoparticle combined with biofertilizer. The research used a complete randomized experimental design in factorial with two factors. The first factor was nanoparticle of rock phosphate consists of four doses on soil weight percentage (0%, 2.5%, 5.0% and 7.5%). The second factor was biofertilizer consisted of two doses (without biofertilizer and−1 soil biofertilizer). The combination treatments replicated three times. Variable charge soil used was Andisol. Andisol and the treatments were incubated for 4 months. Soil samples were taken after one and four months during incubation period to be analyzed for P-retention, available P and potential P. The result showed that all combinations of rock phosphate and biofertilizer decreased the P-retention to 75-77% after one month. Independently, application of 7.5% of rock phosphate decreased P-retention to 87.22% after four months, increased available P (245.37 and−1) and potential P (1354.78 and 3000.99u2005mg/100) after one and four months. Independently, biofertilizer increased the P-retention to 91.66% after four months, decreased available P to−1 after one month but increased to−1 after four months, decreased potential P to 635.30 after one month but increased to 1810.40u2005mg.100u2005g−1 after four months.Soils in Indonesia are dominated by variable charge soils where the technology like fertilization did not give the same result as the soils with permanent charge. The objectives of this research is to increase some chemical characteristic of variable charge soils by using the high negative charge ameliorations like rock phosphate in nanoparticle combined with biofertilizer. The research used a complete randomized experimental design in factorial with two factors. The first factor was nanoparticle of rock phosphate consists of four doses on soil weight percentage (0%, 2.5%, 5.0% and 7.5%). The second factor was biofertilizer consisted of two doses (without biofertilizer and−1 soil biofertilizer). The combination treatments replicated three times. Variable charge soil used was Andisol. Andisol and the treatments were incubated for 4 months. Soil samples were taken after one and four months during incubation period to be analyzed for P-retention, available P and potential P. The result showed that all...

AIP Conference Proceedings | 2018

The phosphorus status of andisols as influenced by nanoparticles of volcanic ash and rock phosphate

Rina Devnita; Benny Joy; Mahfud Arifin; Ade Setiawan; Santi Rosniawaty; Felia Shella Meidina

Andisols need to be ameliorated to improve the phosphorus status. The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of nanoparticles of volcanic ash and rock phosphate as ameliorants in Andisols to P-retention, available P and potential P in Andisols. The research used a complete randomized experimental design in factorial with two factors. The first factor was nanoparticle of volcanic ash (a) and the second factor was rock phosphate (p). Both ameliorants consist of four doses on soil weight percentage (0%, 2.5%, 5.0% and 7.5%). The combined treatments were replicated three times. The soil and treatments were mixed and incubated for 4 months. Soil samples were taken after one month and four months of incubation to be analyzed the P-retention, available P and potential P. The results showed that there are interactions between the volcanic ash and rock phosphate on available P and potential P after one month of incubation. However, there were no interactions occurring between the volcanic ash and rock phosphate on P-retention after one and four months of incubation and no interactions on available P and potential P after four months. The best combined treatments in increasing available P and potential P after one month was obtained in 2.5% of volcanic ash and 5% of rock phosphate that increased available P to 405.75u2005ppm. The 2.5% of volcanic ash and 7.5% of rock phosphate increased potential P to 2190.26u2005mg/100u2005g. Independently, 7.5% of volcanic ash and rock phosphate decreased P-retention to 71.49% after one month and 89.74% after four months. Higher effect on the application of nanoparticle of volcanic ash and rock phosphate to the phosphorus status of Andisols recieved after one month of incubation is compared with four months of incubation.Andisols need to be ameliorated to improve the phosphorus status. The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of nanoparticles of volcanic ash and rock phosphate as ameliorants in Andisols to P-retention, available P and potential P in Andisols. The research used a complete randomized experimental design in factorial with two factors. The first factor was nanoparticle of volcanic ash (a) and the second factor was rock phosphate (p). Both ameliorants consist of four doses on soil weight percentage (0%, 2.5%, 5.0% and 7.5%). The combined treatments were replicated three times. The soil and treatments were mixed and incubated for 4 months. Soil samples were taken after one month and four months of incubation to be analyzed the P-retention, available P and potential P. The results showed that there are interactions between the volcanic ash and rock phosphate on available P and potential P after one month of incubation. However, there were no interactions occurring between the volcanic ash and ...

SoilREns | 2016

Dinamika Kalium Tanah dan Hasil Padi Sawah (Oryza sativa L.) akibat Pemberian NPK Majemuk dan Penggenangan pada Fluvaquentic Epiaquepts

Muhammad Imam Al Mu'min; Benny Joy; Anni Yuniarti

Thisxa0experimentxa0aimedxa0toxa0findxa0outxa0thexa0effectxa0ofxa0applicationxa0NPKxa0compoundxa0andxa0waterxa0regulationxa0onxa0 soilxa0potassiumxa0xa0andxa0xa0yieldxa0xa0ofxa0xa0ricexa0xa0(Oryzaxa0xa0sativaxa0L.)xa0onxa0xa0Fluvaquenticxa0xa0Epiaquepts.xa0xa0Thisxa0xa0experimentxa0xa0wasxa0 conductedxa0xa0fromxa0xa0Mayxa0toxa0Octoberxa02015,xa0xa0atxa0xa0paddyxa0fieldxa0xa0ofxa0xa0Soilxa0andxa0xa0Waterxa0xa0Management,xa0xa0Soilxa0Sciencexa0andxa0 Landxa0Resourcesxa0Department,xa0Facultyxa0ofxa0Agriculture,xa0Padjadjaranxa0University,xa0Jatinangor,xa0Sumedang.xa0Thexa0 experimentxa0wasxa0arrangedxa0inxa0Randomizedxa0Blockxa0Designxa0consistedxa0ofxa0tenxa0treatmentsxa0andxa0threexa0replications. Thexa0treatmentxa0consistedxa0ofxa0:xa0Control,xa0Waterloggedxa05xa0cm;xa0150xa0kgxa0NPKxa0ha -1 ,xa0Waterloggedxa05xa0cm;xa0300xa0kgxa0NPKxa0 ha -1 ,xa0Waterloggedxa05xa0cm;xa0450xa0kgxa0NPKxa0ha -1 ,xa0Waterloggedxa05xa0cm;xa0600xa0kgxa0NPKxa0ha -1 ,xa0Waterloggedxa05xa0cm;xa0750xa0kgxa0 NPKxa0ha -1 ,xa0Waterlogged;xa0localxa0recommendation,xa0Intermittentxa0irrigationxa0eachxa01xa0dayxa0untilxa0waterlogged;xa0450 kgxa0xa0NPKxa0xa0ha -1 ,xa0Intermittentxa0xa0irrigationxa0xa0eachxa03xa0xa0daysxa0untilxa0waterlogged;xa0xa0450xa0kgxa0xa0NPKxa0ha -1 ,xa0xa0andxa0xa0Intermittentxa0 irrigationxa0eachxa05xa0daysxa0untilxa0waterlogged;xa0450xa0kgxa0NPKxa0ha -1 .xa0Thexa0resultsxa0showedxa0thatxa0therexa0wasxa0effectxa0ofxa0soilxa0 * potassiumxa0xa0andxa0xa0yieldxa0xa0ofxa0xa0ricexa0onxa0xa0Fluvaquenticxa0Epiaquepts.xa0xa0Thexa0treatmentxa0xa0ofxa0xa0750xa0xa0kgxa0xa0NPKxa0xa0ha -1 thatxa0 waterloggedxa05xa0cmxa0givexa0thexa0highestxa0resultxa0ofxa0Totalxa0Potassium,xa0itxa0wasxa0aroundxa0281, -1 ,xa0availablexa0ofxa0 Potassiumxa0xa0wasxa0xa0aroundxa0xa00,45xa0xa0cmol + .kg -1 xa0xa0andxa0xa0thexa0xa0highestxa0xa0yieldxa0xa0wasxa0xa07,02xa0xa0kg.square -1 xa0xa0orxa0xa0equalxa0aboutxa0xa09,95xa0 ton.ha -1 .xa0 Keywordsxa0: Postassium,xa0Inorganicxa0Fertilizerxa0Compound,xa0Waterlogged,xa0ricexa0(Oryzaxa0sativa,xa0L.)

SoilREns | 2016

Pengaruh Beberapa Formula Pupuk UZAH Terhadap Ketersediaan N dan Kelarutan Cd dan Cr di Lahan Tercemar Limbah Industri

Rija Sudirja; Benny Joy; Santi Rosniawaty

Kerusakan ekosistem sawah akibat pencemaran limbah industri telah menurunkan produktivitas tanaman.xa0 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk pupuk tablet yang berfungsi menyediakan nutrisi bagi tanaman dan juga memiliki kemampuan mengatasi pencemaran di dalam tanah.xa0 Bahan yang dijadikan komposisi formula pupuk tablet adalah urea, zeolit, arang aktif, dan kompos beragen hayati. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan formula pupuk tablet berpengaruh nyata terhadap dinamika beberapa parameter kesuburan tanah dan logam berat.xa0 Formula dari komposisi bahan urea, zeolit, arang aktif, dan kompos beragen hayati memberikan perbaikan nyata terhadap pH, KTK, NH 4 + , NO 3 - , dan N-total, serta menurunkan kadar logam berat Cd dan Cr di dalam tanah, jika dibandingkan dengan formula bahan urea dan kompos beragen hayati.xa0 Formula A (60:20:10:10) merupakan pupuk tablet terbaik dalam mempengaruhi nilai pH dan KTK tanah, kandungan N total, NH 4 + , dan NO 3 - , serta menurunkan kadar Cd dan Cr di dalam tanah. Kata Kunci: tanah tercemar, pupuk tablet, nitrogen, logam berat,

Jurnal Agro | 2015

Pengaruh Fungi Indigenous Toleran Zn terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Jagung di Media Tailing Steril

Ratna Santi; Benny Joy; Regina Hindersah; Dedi Nusyamsi

Keberadaan logam Zn dalam jumlah tertentu di tailing pasca tambang akan berdampak pada rendahnya populasi mikroba tanah dan menghambat pertumbuhan tanaman. Aplikasi pemanfaatan fungi indigenus dari lahan tercemar merupakan salah satu usaha dalam memperbaiki sifat tanah untuk pertumbuhan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh inokulasi fungi dan toksisitas Zn terhadap pertumbuhan jagung pada fase VE-V9 di media tailing steril.xa0 Fungi diisolasi dari tailing lahan pasca penambangan timah di Sungailiatxa0 Bangka. Tiga isolat dari 15 isolat dipilih untuk pengujian pengaruh inokulasi fungi terhadap pertumbuhan jagung. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok(RAK) dua faktor dengan perlakuan jenis fungi dan konsentrasi Zn. Isolat yang digunakan toleran terhadap Zn pada konsentrasi 0-25 ppm dan mampu menghasilkan fitohormon. Hasil percobaan di rumah kaca menunjukkan bahwa inokulasi fungi nyata memperbaiki pertumbuhan jagung, dibandingkan tanpa inokulan. Serapan tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh isolat R 7J1, namun pertumbuhan jagung terbaik didapatkan dari inokulasi isolat B 2J1. The existence of Zn metal in a certain amount in the post tin mine tailings will result in low soil microbial populations and inhibit plant growth. Application of indigenous fungi utilization on contaminated land is one effort to improve soil properties for plant growth.This study aimed to determine the effect of inoculation of fungi and toxicity of zinc on the growth of corn in the phase of VE-V9 in sterile tailings medium. Fungi were isolated from post tin mining tailings tin lands in Bangka Sungailiat. Three isolates from 15 isolates were selected to test the effect of fungal inoculation on the growth of corn. Experiment used a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) two factors with fungi and Zn concentration treatments.Tolerant isolates used were at a concentration of 0-25 ppm Zn and capable to produce phytohormones. Result of experiment in greenhouse showed that fungal inoculation substantially improved the growth of maize, compared with no inoculant.The highest uptake was shown by isolates of R 7J1, but the best corn growth inoculation isolates obtained from B 2J1.

Jurnal Agro | 2014

Peningkatan Produktivitas Lahan Gambut melalui Teknik Ameliorasi dan Inokulasi Mikroba Pelarut Fosfat

Ida Nur Istina; Benny Joy; Aisyah D Suyono

Keterbatasan lahan potensial menyebabkan perluasan areal pertanian mengarah pada lahan gambut. Kendala pengembangan lahan gambut adalah rendahnya kandungan hara tersedia bagi tanaman. Fosfat (P) merupakan salah satu unsur hara makro yang penting untuk pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman, disisi lain ketersediaan hara ini pada lahan gambut terbatas karena ikatan asam organik dan sifat yang mudah tercuci. Penelitian untuk menguji pengaruh ameliorasi dan inokulasi mikroba pelarut fosfat terhadap ketersediaan hara P di lahan gambut dilakukan di kebun pembibitan kelapa sawit petani di Riau dari Oktober 2013 - Maret 2014, menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok pola Faktorial dengan 30 kombinasi perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Variabel yang diamati meliputi : tinggi tanaman, lingkar batang, jumlah daun, lebar daun, panjang daun, kandungan hara tanaman, dan bobot biomasa bibit setelah 5 bulan di pembibitan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ameliorasi menggunakan kompos tandan kosong kelapa sawit mampu meningkatkan P tersedia, serapan P oleh batang dan akar, berat brangkasan dan berat kering batang. Sedangkan mikroba pelarut fosfat berpengaruh secara tidak nyata. The limitation of potential land leads agricultural development expansion to the peat soil area. Constrain of the peatland development is the low nutrient content that is required by plant. Phosphate is one of major growth and production limiting nutrient because of the solublelize of the organic acids and immobility The research was conducted from October 2013 – March 2014 at the farmer main nursery in Riau province to test the effect of amelioration and phosphate solubilizing microbe inoculation on P availability on palm oil seedling growth and production at peatland, used Randomized Block Design with 30 treatments and 3 replications. The parameters observed were plant height, leaf number, leaf width, leaf length, stem diameters, nutrient contents, also fresh and dry weight after 5 months at the main nursery. The result showed that palm oil empty fruit bunch compost as ameliorant increased P nutrient avaibility, P uptake, fresh and dry weight, whereas phosphate solubilizing microbe was unsignificant.

Procedia food science | 2015

Phosphate-solubilizing Microbe from Saprists Peat Soil and their Potency to Enhance Oil Palm Growth and P Uptake☆

Ida Nur Istina; Happy Widiastuti; Benny Joy; Merry Antralina

Agrikultura | 2018

Analisis Beberapa Sifat Kimia Tanah Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi Kelapa Sawit pada Tanah Pasir di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Selangkun

Rr Darlita Rr Darlita; Benny Joy; Rija Sudirja

SoilREns | 2017


Rija Sudirja; Benny Joy; Anni Yuniarti; Emma Trinurani Sofyan; Oviyanti Mulyani; Arini Musfiroh


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