Berhe Goitom
University of Bristol
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
Joanna Hamlyn; Derek Keir; Tim J. Wright; Jurgen Neuberg; Berhe Goitom; J. O. S. Hammond; Carolina Pagli; Clive Oppenheimer; J-Michael Kendall; R. Grandin
Nabro volcano, situated to the east of the Afar Rift Zone, erupted on 12 June 2011. Eruptions at such off-rift volcanoes are infrequent, and consequently, the plumbing systems are poorly understood. We present posteruption Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images from the TerraSAR-X satellite and posteruption continuous seismic activity from a local seismic array. Interferometric analysis of SAR data, reveals a circular, 12 km wide, signal subsiding at ∼200 mm/yr. We inverted for the best fit Mogi source finding a 4 ± 1 × 107 m3/yr volume decrease at 7 ± 1 km depth. Between 31 August and 7 October 2011, we located 658 and relocated 456 earthquakes with local magnitudes between −0.4 and 4.5. Seismicity beneath the SE edge of Nabro at 11 km depth is likely associated with high strain rates from deep magma flow into the modeled reservoir. This suggests that magma is supplied through a narrow conduit and then stored at ∼7 km depth. We interpret seismicity at 4–6 km depth as brittle fracturing above the inferred magma reservoir. Focal mechanisms delineate a thrust fault striking NE-SW and dipping 45° to the SE across the caldera floor. We propose that the crustal response is to slip on this fault which crosscuts the caldera rather than to deform on ring faults. The NE-SW fault plane is not associated with measurable surface deformation, indicating that it does not contribute much to the caldera deformation. We show that subsidence of the caldera is controlled by magma chamber processes rather than fault slip.
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems | 2015
David Thompson; J. O. S. Hammond; J.-M. Kendall; G. W. Stuart; George Helffrich; Derek Keir; Atalay Ayele; Berhe Goitom
The mechanisms that drive the upwelling of chemical heterogeneity from the lower to upper mantle (e.g., thermal versus compositional buoyancy) are key to our understanding of whole mantle convective processes. We address these issues through a receiver function study on new seismic data from recent deployments located on the Afar Triple Junction, a location associated with deep mantle upwelling. The detailed images of upper mantle and mantle transition zone structure illuminate features that give insights into the nature of upwelling from the deep Earth. A seismic low-velocity layer directly above the mantle transition zone, interpreted as a stable melt layer, along with a prominent 520 km discontinuity suggest the presence of a hydrous upwelling. A relatively uniform transition zone thickness across the region suggests a weak thermal anomaly (<100 K) may be present and that upwelling must be at least partly driven by compositional buoyancy. The results suggest that the lower mantle is a source of volatile rich, chemically distinct upwellings that influence the structure of the upper mantle, and potentially the chemistry of surface lavas.
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems | 2015
Chiara Civiero; J. O. S. Hammond; Saskia Goes; Stewart Fishwick; Abdulhakim Ahmed; Atalay Ayele; Cécile Doubre; Berhe Goitom; Derek Keir; J.-Michael Kendall; Sylvie Leroy; Ghebrebrhan Ogubazghi; Georg Rümpker; G. W. Stuart
Mantle plumes and consequent plate extension have been invoked as the likely cause of East African Rift volcanism. However, the nature of mantle upwelling is debated, with proposed configurations ranging from a single broad plume connected to the large low-shear-velocity province beneath Southern Africa, the so-called African Superplume, to multiple lower-mantle sources along the rift. We present a new P-wave travel-time tomography model below the northern East-African, Red Sea, and Gulf of Aden rifts and surrounding areas. Data are from stations that span an area from Madagascar to Saudi Arabia. The aperture of the integrated data set allows us to image structures of 100 km length-scale down to depths of 700– 800 km beneath the study region. Our images provide evidence of two clusters of low-velocity structures consisting of features with diameter of 100–200 km that extend through the transition zone, the first beneath Afar and a second just west of the Main Ethiopian Rift, a region with off-rift volcanism. Considering seismic sensitivity to temperature, we interpret these features as upwellings with excess temperatures of 100 6 50 K. The scale of the upwellings is smaller than expected for lower mantle plume sources. This, together with the change in pattern of the low-velocity anomalies across the base of the transition zone, suggests that ponding or flow of deep-plume material below the transition zone may be spawning these upper mantle upwellings.
Nature Communications | 2016
Ryan J. Gallacher; Derek Keir; Nicholas Harmon; G. W. Stuart; Sylvie Leroy; J. O. S. Hammond; J.-M. Kendall; Atalay Ayele; Berhe Goitom; Ghebrebrhan Ogubazghi; Abdulhakim Ahmed
Melting of the mantle during continental breakup leads to magmatic intrusion and volcanism, yet our understanding of the location and dominant mechanisms of melt generation in rifting environments is impeded by a paucity of direct observations of mantle melting. It is unclear when during the rifting process the segmented nature of magma supply typical of seafloor spreading initiates. Here, we use Rayleigh-wave tomography to construct a high-resolution absolute three-dimensional shear-wave velocity model of the upper 250 km beneath the Afar triple junction, imaging the mantle response during progressive continental breakup. Our model suggests melt production is highest and melting depths deepest early during continental breakup. Elevated melt production during continental rifting is likely due to localized thinning and melt focusing when the rift is narrow. In addition, we interpret segmented zones of melt supply beneath the rift, suggesting that buoyancy-driven active upwelling of the mantle initiates early during continental rifting.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2015
Félicie Korostelev; Cornelis Weemstra; Sylvie Leroy; Lapo Boschi; Derek Keir; Yong Ren; Irene Molinari; Abdulhakim Ahmed; G. W. Stuart; Frédérique Rolandone; Khaled Khanbari; J. O. S. Hammond; J.-M. Kendall; Cécile Doubre; Ismail Al Ganad; Berhe Goitom; Atalay Ayele
During the breakup of continents in magmatic settings, the extension of the rift valley is commonly assumed to initially occur by border faulting and progressively migrate in space and time toward the spreading axis. Magmatic processes near the rift flanks are commonly ignored. We present phase velocity maps of the crust and uppermost mantle of the conjugate margins of the southern Red Sea (Afar and Yemen) using ambient noise tomography to constrain crustal modification during breakup. Our images show that the low seismic velocities characterize not only the upper crust beneath the axial volcanic systems but also both upper and lower crust beneath the rift flanks where ongoing volcanism and hydrothermal activity occur at the surface. Magmatic modification of the crust beneath rift flanks likely occurs for a protracted period of time during the breakup process and may persist through to early seafloor spreading.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2016
Chiara Civiero; Saskia Goes; J. O. S. Hammond; Stewart Fishwick; Abdulhakim Ahmed; Atalay Ayele; Cécile Doubre; Berhe Goitom; Derek Keir; J.-Michael Kendall; Sylvie Leroy; Ghebrebrhan Ogubazghi; Georg Rümpker; G. W. Stuart
There is a long-standing debate over how many and what types of plumes underlie the East African Rift and whether they do or do not drive its extension and consequent magmatism and seismicity. Here we present a new tomographic study of relative teleseismic S and SKS residuals that expands the resolution from previous regional studies below the northern East African Rift to image structure from the surface to the base of the transition zone. The images reveal two low-velocity clusters, below Afar and west of the Main Ethiopian Rift, that extend throughout the upper mantle and comprise several smaller-scale (about 100 km diameter), low-velocity features. These structures support those of our recent P tomographic study below the region. The relative magnitude of S to P residuals is around 3.5, which is consistent with a predominantly thermal nature of the anomalies. The S and P velocity anomalies in the low-velocity clusters can be explained by similar excess temperatures in the range of 100–200°C, consistent with temperatures inferred from other seismic, geochemical, and petrological studies. Somewhat stronger VS anomalies below Afar than west of the Main Ethiopian Rift may include an expression of volatiles and/or melt in this region. These results, together with a comparison with previous larger-scale tomographic models, indicate that these structures are likely small-scale upwellings with mild excess temperatures, rising from a regional thermal boundary layer at the base of the upper mantle.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | 2017
Berhe Goitom; M. Werner; Katsuichiro Goda; J.-Michael Kendall; J. O. S. Hammond; Ghebrebrhan Ogubazghi; Clive Oppenheimer; Agnès Helmstetter; Derek Keir; Finnigan Illsley-Kemp
To date little is known about seismic hazard in Eritrea, despite its location in a volcanically and tectonically active region, and the gathering pace of major infrastructure projects. In response, we report the findings of a comprehensive probabilistic seismic‐hazard assessment for Eritrea and adjacent areas. Seismic source and ground‐motion models are constructed separately; we use an adaptive spatiotemporal smoothing method to map expected patterns of seismicity. To construct a consistent earthquake catalog from different data sets, we use orthogonal regression to convert and unify different magnitude scales. A sensitivity analysis of the different input parameters helps constrain them and disaggregation of site‐specific hazard estimates yields insights into the relative contribution from seismic sources of different magnitudes and distances. The results highlight seismic hazard in proximity to the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Afar depression, and along the boundaries of the Danakil microplate. We estimate a 10% chance over 50 years of observing pseudospectral accelerations (PSAs) at 0.2 s exceeding 0.16g in the port city of Massawa (population ∼32,000) and the town of Bada (population ∼4000). For the capital, Asmara (population ∼520,000), we calculate a PSA of 0.11g at 0.2 s. Compared with previous studies, our results provide greater spatial resolution, use more recent ground‐motion models, and benefit from a smoothed seismicity method. Our aims are to stimulate further studies and contribute to the safe development of the region in light of its exposure to seismic hazards.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2018
Finnigan Illsley-Kemp; Derek Keir; Jonathan M. Bull; Thomas M. Gernon; Cynthia Ebinger; Atalay Ayele; J. O. S. Hammond; J.-Michael Kendall; Berhe Goitom; M. Belachew
Continental rifting is a fundamental component of plate tectonics. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of magmatic activity in accommodating extension during late-stage rifting, yet the mechanisms by which crustal thinning occurs are less clear. The Red Sea rift in Northern Afar presents an opportunity to study the final stages of continental rifting as these active processes are exposed sub-aerially. Between February 2011 and February 2013 two seismic networks were installed in Ethiopia and Eritrea. We locate 4951 earthquakes, classify them by frequency content and calculate 31 focal mechanisms. Results show that seismicity is focused at the rift axis and the western marginal graben. Rift axis seismicity accounts for ∼64% of the seismic moment release and exhibits a swarm-like behavior. In contrast, seismicity at the marginal graben is characterized by high-frequency earthquakes that occur at a constant rate. Results suggest that the rift axis remains the primary locus of seismicity. Low frequency earthquakes, indicative of magmatic activity, highlight the presence of a magma complex ∼12 km beneath Alu-Dalafilla at the rift axis. Seismicity at the marginal graben predominantly occurs on westward dipping, antithetic faults. Focal mechanisms show that this seismicity is accommodating E-W extension. We suggest that the seismic activity at the marginal graben is either caused by upper crustal faulting accommodating enhanced crustal thinning beneath Northern Afar, or as a result of flexural faulting between the rift and plateau. This seismicity is occurring in conjunction with magmatic extension at the rift axis, which accommodates the majority of long-term extension.
Bulletin of Volcanology | 2015
Berhe Goitom; Clive Oppenheimer; J. O. S. Hammond; R. Grandin; Talfan Barnie; Amy Donovan; Ghebrebrhan Ogubazghi; Ermias Yohannes; Goitom Kibrom; J-Michael Kendall; Simon A. Carn; David Fee; Christine Sealing; Derek Keir; Atalay Ayele; Jon D Blundy; Joanna Hamlyn; Tim J. Wright; Seife Berhe
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | 2017
Finnigan Illsley-Kemp; Derek Keir; Jonathan M. Bull; Atalay Ayele; J. O. S. Hammond; J.-Michael Kendall; Ryan J. Gallacher; Thomas M. Gernon; Berhe Goitom