Bernard A. Housen
Western Washington University
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Featured researches published by Bernard A. Housen.
Geology | 1995
J. C. Moore; Thomas H. Shipley; D. Goldberg; Yujiro Ogawa; F. Filice; Andrew T. Fisher; M.-J. Jurado; Gregory F. Moore; A. Rabaute; H. Yin; Gretchen Zwart; Warner Brückmann; Pierre Henry; J. Ashi; P. Blum; A. Meyer; Bernard A. Housen; Miriam Kastner; P. Labaume; T. Laier; E. C. Leitch; A. J. Maltman; Sheila Peacock; T. H. Steiger; Harold J. Tobin; Michael B. Underwood; Y. Xu; Yan Zheng
Logs collected while drilling measured density in situ, through the accretionary prism and decollement zone of the northern Barbados Ridge. Consolidation tests relate void ratio (derived from density) to effective stress and predict a fluid pressure profile, assuming that the upper 100 m of the prism is at a hydrostatic pressure gradient. The calculated fluid pressure curve rises to >90% of lithostatic below thrusts in the prism, presumably due to the increase in overburden and lateral tectonic loading. Thin (0.5–2.0 m) intervals of anomalously low density and resistivity in the logs through the basal decollement zone suggest dilation and perhaps hydrofracturing. A peak in hydraulic head in the upper half of the decollement zone requires lateral influx of fluid, a conclusion consistent with previous geochemical studies. Although the calculated fluid-pressure profile is model dependent, its inherent character ties to major structural features.
Geology | 2007
Rebecca J. Dorsey; Amy Fluette; Kristin McDougall; Bernard A. Housen; Susanne U. Janecke; Gary J. Axen; Catherine R. Shirvell
Late Miocene to early Pliocene deposits at Split Mountain Gorge, California, preserve a record of basinal response to changes in regional tectonics, paleogeography, and evolution of the Colorado River. The base of the Elephant Trees Formation, magnetostratigraphically dated as 8.1 ± 0.4 Ma, provides the earliest well-dated record of extension in the southwestern Salton Trough. The oldest marine sediments are ca. 6.3 Ma. The nearly synchronous timing of marine incursion in the Salton Trough and northern Gulf of California region supports a model for localization of Pacifi c‐North America plate motion in the Gulf ca. 6 Ma. The fi rst appearance of Colorado River sand at the Miocene-Pliocene boundary (5.33 Ma) suggests rapid propagation of the river to the Salton Trough, and supports a lake-spillover hypothesis for initiation of the lower Colorado River.
Geology | 1996
Bernard A. Housen; Harold J. Tobin; Pierre Labaume; E. C. Leitch; Alex J. Maltman
The interrelation between deformation styles and behavior of fluids in accretionary prisms is under debate, particularly the possibility that overpressuring within the basal decollement may enable mechanical decoupling of the prism from the subducting material. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) data from sediments spanning the basal decollement of the Barbados accretionary prism show a striking progression across this structure that strongly supports the hypothesis that it is markedly overpressured. In the accretionary prism, above the decollement, the minimum AMS axes are subhorizontal and oriented nearly east-west, whereas the maximum AMS axes are oriented nearly north-south and shallowly inclined. At the top of the decollement, the minimum AMS axes orientations abruptly change to nearly vertical; this orientation is maintained throughout the decollement and in the underthrust sediments below. The AMS orientations in the prism sediments above the decollement are consistent with lateral shortening due to regional tectonic stress, as the minimum axes generally parallel the convergence vector of the subducting South American plate and the maximum axes are trench-parallel. Because the orientations of the AMS axes in deformed sediments usually parallel the orientations of the principal strains, the AMS results indicate that the incremental strain state in the Barbados prism is one dominated by subhorizontal shortening. In contrast, the AMS axes within and below the decollement are consistent with a strain state dominated by vertical shortening (compaction). This abrupt change in AMS orientations at the top of the decollement at Site 948 is a direct manifestation of mechanical decoupling of the off-scraped prism sediments from the underthrust sediments. The decoupling horizon occurs at the top of the decollement zone, coinciding with the location of flowing, high-pressure fluids.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2011
Rebecca J. Dorsey; Bernard A. Housen; Susanne U. Janecke; Christopher Fanning; Amy L.F. Spears
The Fish Creek–Vallecito basin contains a 5.5-km-thick section of late Miocene to early Pleistocene sedimentary rocks exposed in the hanging wall of the West Salton detachment fault. These deposits preserve a high-fidelity record of late Cenozoic subsidence and basin filling that resulted from deformation in the San Andreas fault system of southern California. Existing and new paleomagnetic data, combined with new U-Pb zircon ages of two tuffs high in the section, show that the section ranges in age from ca. 8.0 ± 0.4 Ma at the base to ca. 0.95 Ma at the top. Geohistory analysis reveals: (1) moderate subsidence (0.46 mm/yr) from ca. 8.0 to 4.5 Ma; (2) rapid subsidence (2.1 mm/yr) from 4.5 to 3.1 Ma; (3) moderate subsidence (0.40 mm/yr) from 3.1 to 0.95 Ma; and (4) rapid uplift and erosion that has exhumed the section since ca. 1 Ma. Onset of sedimentation at ca. 8.0 ± 0.4 Ma records earliest extension or transtension in the area, possibly related to localization of the Pacific–North America plate boundary in the Salton Trough and Gulf of California. Alternatively, marine incursion at 6.3 Ma may be the earliest record of plate-boundary deformation in the Gulf of California–Salton Trough region. A thick interval higher in the section records progradation of the Colorado River delta into and across the basin starting ca. 4.9 Ma. Progradation continued during an abrupt increase in subsidence rate at 4.5 Ma, and fluvial-deltaic conditions persisted for 1.4 m.y. during the rapid-subsidence phase, indicating that delta progradation was driven by a large increase in rate of sediment input from the Colorado River. Uplift and inversion of the basin starting ca. 1.0 Ma record initiation of strike-slip faults that define the modern phase of dextral wrench tectonics in the western Salton Trough.
Geophysical Research Letters | 1996
Bernard A. Housen; Subir K. Banerjee; Bruce M. Moskowitz
Low temperature magnetic techniques provide useful tools to detect the presence of magnetite and pyrrhotite in sediments through identification of their low temperature transitions, to determine the amount of ultrafine-grained (superparamagnetic) material in sediments, and can potentially detect the presence of certain types of magnetotactic bacteria. Application of these types of experiments to nannofossil chalks from beneath the Barbados accretionary prism led to some unusual results, which are attributed to the presence of siderite. Thermal demagnetization of low-temperature remanence after cooling in zero field and in a 2.5 T field both displayed large remanence losses from 20 K to 40 K. Below 40 K, the magnetization of the chalks was much higher in the field-cooled experiments than in the zero-field-cooled experiments. Low temperature hysteresis experiments, made after cooling in a 2.5 T field, displayed offsets in magnetization parallel to the direction of the initial applied field, when measured below 40 K. The offset loops can be due to either an exchange anisotropy between siderite and magnetite phases in the sediments, a defect moment in the siderites, or a canted moment in the siderites. Apparent similarity between the low-temperature thermal demagnetization results from these siderite-bearing sediments, pure siderite, and pure rhodochrosite samples and the well-known 34 K transition in pyrrhotite should lead to caution in identification of pyrrhotite in marine sediments based on low-temperature remanence studies alone.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1991
Bernard A. Housen; Ben A. van der Pluijm
The shale-to-slate transition preserved in the Ordovician Martinsburg Formation at the Lehigh Water Gap, Pennsylvania, provides an opportunity to study the relationship between magnetic anisotropy fabrics and the development of slaty cleavage. Our previous work has indicated that anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) does not record changes in finite strain associated with cleavage development in these rocks but instead measures the degree of dissolution and new growth of ehlorite. Additional AMS data presented in this paper lend further support to this conclusion. Conversely, anhysteretie remanent magnetization anisotropy (ARMA), which is not affected by paramagnetie ehlorite, accurately reflects the strain-induced rock fabrics associated with cleavage formation. ARMA results show that magnetite dimensional orientations vary from bedding-parallel in shale samples to cleavage-parallel in samples with well-developed slaty cleavage. Samples with weak and pencil cleavage display scattered ARMA orientations which lie in between bedding and cleavage. These intermediate orientations may be due to either passive rotation of magnetite from bedding-parallel to cleavage-parallel or (re)crystallization of magnetite. If rotation occurred, grain rotation was highly heterogeneous in the samples with incipient cleavage. The intermediate ARMA orientations may also reflect the varying contribution of two magnetite preferred orientations, a depositional orientation parallel to bedding and a new growth orientation parallel to cleavage.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1996
Bernard A. Housen; Robert J. Musgrave
Sediments from two Ocean Drilling Program Leg 146 sites from the Cascadia margin of western North America have magnetic properties indicating diagenesis of magnetic minerals associated with the presence of gas hydrates. Two indices combining coercivity, remanence, and susceptibility parameters, DJH ( = {Jrs/Js}{Hcr/Hc”) and DS ( = {Jrs/k}Hcr), when combined with thermo-magnetic data, can be diagnostic of these changes. At Site 892, DS values are distinctly higher and more scattered above the bottom simulating seismic reflector (BSR), which marks the base of the hydrate stability zone. Within the hydrate stability zone at Site 892, DJH shows two trends: an increase from about 50 mbsf to the BSR at 73 mbsf, corresponding to an expected increase in hydrate concentration near the BSR; and a second increase upwards from 50 mbsf to peak values at less than 21 mbsf, associated with hydrate recovered in cores above 19 mbsf. At Site 889/890 DJH increases downhole to about 285 mbsf, substantially below the BSR at 225 mbsf. High DJH sediments within a low Cl− zone at this site have magnetic mineralogies which are dominated by fine-grained magnetic sulfides, whereas sediments from above and below this zone are characterised by magnetite-magnetic sulfide mixes. This trend at Site 889/890 is consistent with an interpretation based on pore-water geochemistry (low Cl−) and bottom-water temperature that a ‘fossil gas hydrate zone’ extended downwards to about 295 mbsf during the last glacial. The observed changes in magnetic properties can be attributed to steps in the reduction series from magnetite through SD greigite to pyrite (or to overgrowth of SD greigite to MD size). Diagenetic growth of magnetic iron sulfides (greigite and/or pyrrhotite) has been reported in other accretionary wedge sediments. Thermal demagnetization of multi-component isothermal remanent magnetization (mIRM) indicates the presence of a low-coercivity magnetic mineral with an unblocking temperature (Tub) between 310° and 350°C. High Jrs/k ratios suggest that the low-coercivity, low unblocking temperature mineral is predominantly greigite rather than pyrrhotite. A low- to medium-coercivity mineral with Tub ca. 580°C — magnetite — is also present in varying amounts. Hydrate apparently controls the presence of greigite by incorporating H2S, shown to be present as a hydrate phase together with methane in hydrate recovered at Site 892. Release of H2S below the base of the hydrate layer allows overgrowth of greigite grains to MD size or the conversion of some of the greigite to pyrite.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2006
A. Lutz; Rebecca J. Dorsey; Bernard A. Housen; Susanne U. Janecke
Sedimentary rocks in the Borrego Badlands, Southern California, contain a record of Pleistocene crustal deformation during initiation and evolution of the San Jacinto fault zone. We used detailed geologic, stratigraphic, and paleomagnetic analysis to determine the age and geometry of the deposits and reconstruct the history of fault-controlled sedimentation in this area. The base of the ~300 to 500 m thick Ocotillo Formation is a paraconformity to abrupt conformable contact that records a brief hiatus followed by rapid progradation of coarse alluvial sediment over lacustrine facies of the Borrego Formation at 1.05 ± 0.03 Ma. This coincides with regional-scale progradation of Ocotillo Formation sand and gravel, and appears to record initiation of strike-slip faults in the southwestern Salton Trough at ca. 1.1 Ma. Thickness trends, clast compositions, paleocurrents, and distribution of paleosols provide evidence for initiation of the East Coyote Mountain fault at ca. 1.05 Ma, followed by onset of NNE-ward basin tilting obliquely toward the Santa Rosa segment of the Clark fault at ca. 1.0 Ma. Stratigraphic omission of the Ocotillo Formation and progressively older units southwest of the Coyote Creek fault beneath the Fonts Point Sandstone provides evidence that tilting to the northnortheast was related in part to growth of the San Felipe anticline during deposition of the Ocotillo Formation. Map and stratigraphic data suggest that the Coyote Creek fault in the western Borrego Badlands postdates Ocotillo deposition, and thus appears to have propagated southeast into the study area at ca. 0.6 Ma. The Fonts Point Sandstone is a thin, sheetlike alluvial deposit that records the end of deposition and onset of transpressive deformation in the Borrego Badlands. The base of the Fonts Point Sandstone changes from a conformable contact in a narrow belt southeast of the Inspiration Point fault, where it is dated at 0.6 ± 0.02 Ma, to an angular unconformity on the folded Ocotillo Formation northwest of the fault. The pattern of stratal truncation records initiation of the Inspiration Point fault at ca. 0.6 Ma. This coincides with a major structural reorganization in the San Jacinto fault zone that initiated the modern phase of north-south shortening and erosion in the southwestern Salton Trough.
The Journal of Geology | 2007
S. M. Kirby; Susanne U. Janecke; Rebecca J. Dorsey; Bernard A. Housen; V.E. Langenheim; Kristin McDougall; A. N. Steely
We examine the Pleistocene tectonic reorganization of the Pacific–North American plate boundary in the Salton Trough of southern California with an integrated approach that includes basin analysis, magnetostratigraphy, and geologic mapping of upper Pliocene to Pleistocene sedimentary rocks in the San Felipe Hills. These deposits preserve the earliest sedimentary record of movement on the San Felipe and San Jacinto fault zones that replaced and deactivated the late Cenozoic West Salton detachment fault. Sandstone and mudstone of the Brawley Formation accumulated between ∼1.1 and ∼0.6–0.5 Ma in a delta on the margin of an arid Pleistocene lake, which received sediment from alluvial fans of the Ocotillo Formation to the west‐southwest. Our analysis indicates that the Ocotillo and Brawley formations prograded abruptly to the east‐northeast across a former mud‐dominated perennial lake (Borrego Formation) at ∼1.1 Ma in response to initiation of the dextral‐oblique San Felipe fault zone. The ∼25‐km‐long San Felipe anticline initiated at about the same time and produced an intrabasinal basement‐cored high within the San Felipe–Borrego basin that is recorded by progressive unconformities on its north and south limbs. A disconformity at the base of the Brawley Formation in the eastern San Felipe Hills probably records initiation and early blind slip at the southeast tip of the Clark strand of the San Jacinto fault zone. Our data are consistent with abrupt and nearly synchronous inception of the San Jacinto and San Felipe fault zones southwest of the southern San Andreas fault in the early Pleistocene during a pronounced southwestward broadening of the San Andreas fault zone. The current contractional geometry of the San Jacinto fault zone developed after ∼0.5–0.6 Ma during a second, less significant change in structural style.
Geology | 1999
Bernard A. Housen; Myrl E. Beck
The Baja British Columbia hypothesis holds that a large segment of the western edge of northern North America (Baja B.C.) was situated alongside California and northern Mexico in middle Cretaceous time, was displaced northward in the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene by north-oblique convergence of the Kula plate with North America, and arrived near its present location by the early Eocene. A consistent body of paleomagnetic data supports this hypothesis. However, doubt persists, and various crucial tests of a geologic nature have been proposed. One such test concerns the provenance of zircons in Cretaceous sedimentary basins of Baja B.C. In this paper we use both paleomagnetic data and zircon occurrences to reconfirm the Baja B.C. hypothesis. We first argue that the only truly crucial tests yet performed have been paleomagnetic, and that all such tests have been positive. Second, we show that detrital-zircon data from the Upper Cretaceous Nanaimo Group, although not a crucial test, provide valuable paleogeographic information. Available data demonstrate a change in detrital-zircon provenance in the Nanaimo Group that closely matches the position of these rocks predicted by the Baja B.C. hypothesis. Detrital zircons in the Nanaimo Group suggest a change from a southwestern North American source rich in Grenville and 1.4–1.5 Ga rocks to an increasing contribution from older parts of the craton such as the Wyoming province. Together, detrital zircons and paleomagnetic inclinations allow us to assemble a detailed schedule of northward tectonic transport of the Baja B.C. terranes.