
Neurology | 2003

Practice parameter: Antiepileptic drug prophylaxis in severe traumatic brain injury Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology

Bernard S. Chang; Daniel H. Lowenstein

Objective: To review the evidence regarding antiepileptic drug (AED) prophylaxis in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in order to make practice recommendations. Methods: The authors identified relevant studies by searching multiple databases and reviewing reference lists of other sources. They included studies that prospectively compared post-traumatic seizure rates in patients given AED prophylaxis vs controls. Each study was graded (class I to IV) according to a standard classification-of-evidence scheme and results were analyzed and pooled. Results: Pooled class I studies demonstrated a significantly lower risk of early post-traumatic seizures (those occurring within 7 days after injury) in patients given phenytoin prophylaxis compared to controls (relative risk 0.37, 95% CI 0.18 to 0.74). Pooled class I and class II studies demonstrated no significant difference in the risk of late post-traumatic seizures (those occurring beyond 7 days after injury) in patients given AED prophylaxis compared to controls (relative risk 1.05, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.35). Serum AED levels were suboptimal in these studies and adverse effects were mild but frequent. Conclusions: For adult patients with severe TBI, prophylaxis with phenytoin is effective in decreasing the risk of early post-traumatic seizures. AED prophylaxis is probably not effective in decreasing the risk of late post-traumatic seizures. Further studies addressing milder forms of TBI, the use of newer AEDs, the utility of EEG, and the applicability of these findings to children are recommended.

Nature Genetics | 2010

Mutations in PNKP cause microcephaly, seizures and defects in DNA repair

Jun Shen; Edward C. Gilmore; Christine A Marshall; Mary Haddadin; John J. Reynolds; Wafaa Eyaid; Adria Bodell; Brenda J. Barry; Danielle Gleason; Kathryn Allen; Vijay S. Ganesh; Bernard S. Chang; Arthur W. Grix; R. Sean Hill; Meral Topçu; Keith W. Caldecott; A. James Barkovich; Christopher A. Walsh

Maintenance of DNA integrity is crucial for all cell types, but neurons are particularly sensitive to mutations in DNA repair genes, which lead to both abnormal development and neurodegeneration. We describe a previously unknown autosomal recessive disease characterized by microcephaly, early-onset, intractable seizures and developmental delay (denoted MCSZ). Using genome-wide linkage analysis in consanguineous families, we mapped the disease locus to chromosome 19q13.33 and identified multiple mutations in PNKP (polynucleotide kinase 3′-phosphatase) that result in severe neurological disease; in contrast, a splicing mutation is associated with more moderate symptoms. Unexpectedly, although the cells of individuals carrying this mutation are sensitive to radiation and other DNA-damaging agents, no such individual has yet developed cancer or immunodeficiency. Unlike other DNA repair defects that affect humans, PNKP mutations universally cause severe seizures. The neurological abnormalities in individuals with MCSZ may reflect a role for PNKP in several DNA repair pathways.

The New England Journal of Medicine | 2014

Somatic mutations in cerebral cortical malformations.

Saumya Shekhar Jamuar; Anh Thu N Lam; Martin Kircher; Alissa M. D'Gama; Jian Wang; Brenda J. Barry; Xiaochang Zhang; Robert Sean Hill; Jennifer N. Partlow; Aldo Rozzo; Sarah Servattalab; Bhaven K. Mehta; Meral Topçu; Dina Amrom; Eva Andermann; Bernard Dan; Elena Parrini; Renzo Guerrini; Ingrid E. Scheffer; Samuel F. Berkovic; Richard J. Leventer; Yiping Shen; Bai-Lin Wu; A. James Barkovich; Mustafa Sahin; Bernard S. Chang; Michael J. Bamshad; Deborah A. Nickerson; Jay Shendure; Annapurna Poduri

BACKGROUND Although there is increasing recognition of the role of somatic mutations in genetic disorders, the prevalence of somatic mutations in neurodevelopmental disease and the optimal techniques to detect somatic mosaicism have not been systematically evaluated. METHODS Using a customized panel of known and candidate genes associated with brain malformations, we applied targeted high-coverage sequencing (depth, ≥200×) to leukocyte-derived DNA samples from 158 persons with brain malformations, including the double-cortex syndrome (subcortical band heterotopia, 30 persons), polymicrogyria with megalencephaly (20), periventricular nodular heterotopia (61), and pachygyria (47). We validated candidate mutations with the use of Sanger sequencing and, for variants present at unequal read depths, subcloning followed by colony sequencing. RESULTS Validated, causal mutations were found in 27 persons (17%; range, 10 to 30% for each phenotype). Mutations were somatic in 8 of the 27 (30%), predominantly in persons with the double-cortex syndrome (in whom we found mutations in DCX and LIS1), persons with periventricular nodular heterotopia (FLNA), and persons with pachygyria (TUBB2B). Of the somatic mutations we detected, 5 (63%) were undetectable with the use of traditional Sanger sequencing but were validated through subcloning and subsequent sequencing of the subcloned DNA. We found potentially causal mutations in the candidate genes DYNC1H1, KIF5C, and other kinesin genes in persons with pachygyria. CONCLUSIONS Targeted sequencing was found to be useful for detecting somatic mutations in patients with brain malformations. High-coverage sequencing panels provide an important complement to whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing in the evaluation of somatic mutations in neuropsychiatric disease. (Funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and others.).

Annals of Neurology | 2003

Bilateral Frontoparietal Polymicrogyria: Clinical and Radiological Features in 10 Families with Linkage to Chromosome 16

Bernard S. Chang; Xianhua Piao; Adria Bodell; Lina Basel-Vanagaite; Rachel Straussberg; William B. Dobyns; Bassam Qasrawi; Robin M. Winter; A. Micheil Innes; Thomas Voit; P. Ellen Grant; A. James Barkovich; Christopher A. Walsh

Polymicrogyria is a common malformation of cortical development characterized by an excessive number of small gyri and abnormal cortical lamination. Multiple syndromes of region‐specific bilateral symmetric polymicrogyria have been reported. We previously have described two families with bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria (BFPP), an autosomal recessive syndrome that we mapped to a locus on chromosome 16q12‐21. Here, we extend our observations to include 19 patients from 10 kindreds, all linked to the chromosome 16q locus, allowing us to define the clinical and radiological features of BFPP in detail. The syndrome is characterized by global developmental delay of at least moderate severity, seizures, dysconjugate gaze, and bilateral pyramidal and cerebellar signs. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated symmetric polymicrogyria affecting the frontoparietal regions most severely, as well as ventriculomegaly, bilateral white matter signal changes, and small brainstem and cerebellar structures. We have refined our genetic mapping and describe two apparent founder haplotypes, one of which is present in two families with BFPP and associated microcephaly. Because 11 of our patients initially were classified as having other malformations, the syndrome of BFPP appears to be more common than previously recognized and may be frequently misdiagnosed. Ann Neurol 2003

Annals of Neurology | 2005

Genotype–phenotype analysis of human frontoparietal polymicrogyria syndromes†

Xianhua Piao; Bernard S. Chang; Adria Bodell; Katelyn Woods; Bruria Ben-Zeev; Meral Topçu; Renzo Guerrini; Hadassa Goldberg-Stern; László Sztriha; William B. Dobyns; A. James Barkovich; Christopher A. Walsh

Human cerebral cortical polymicrogyria is a heterogeneous disorder, with only one known gene (GPR56) associated with an apparently distinctive phenotype, termed bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria (BFPP). To define the range of abnormalities that could be caused by human GPR56 mutations and to establish diagnostic criteria for BFPP, we analyzed the GPR56 gene in a cohort of 29 patients with typical BFPP. We identified homozygous GPR56 mutations in all 29 patients with typical BFPP. The total of 11 GPR56 mutations found represented a variety of distinct founder mutations in various populations throughout the world. In addition, we analyzed five patients with BFPP who did not show GPR56 mutation and found that they define a clinically, radiographically, and genetically distinct syndrome that we termed BFPP2. Finally, we studied seven patients with a variety of other polymicrogyria syndromes including bilateral frontal polymicrogyria, bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria, and bilateral generalized polymicrogyria. No GPR56 mutation was found in these patients. This study provides a molecular confirmation of the BFPP phenotype and provides the wherewithal for diagnostic screening. Ann Neurol 2005;58:680–687

Neurology | 2005

Reading impairment in the neuronal migration disorder of periventricular nodular heterotopia.

Bernard S. Chang; Jenny Ly; B. Appignani; Adria Bodell; Kira Apse; R. S. Ravenscroft; Volney L. Sheen; M. J. Doherty; David B. Hackney; Margaret G. O’Connor; Albert M. Galaburda; Christopher A. Walsh

Objective: To define the behavioral profile of periventricular nodular heterotopia (PNH), a malformation of cortical development that is associated with seizures but reportedly normal intelligence, and to correlate the results with anatomic and clinical features of this disorder. Methods: Ten consecutive subjects with PNH, all with epilepsy and at least two periventricular nodules, were studied with structural MRI and neuropsychological testing. Behavioral results were statistically analyzed for correlation with other features of PNH. Results: Eight of 10 subjects had deficits in reading skills despite normal intelligence. Processing speed and executive function were also impaired in some subjects. More marked reading difficulties were seen in subjects with more widely distributed heterotopia. There was no correlation between reading skills and epilepsy severity or antiepileptic medication use. Conclusion: The neuronal migration disorder of periventricular nodular heterotopia is associated with an impairment in reading skills despite the presence of normal intelligence.

Science | 2014

Evolutionarily Dynamic Alternative Splicing of GPR56 Regulates Regional Cerebral Cortical Patterning

Byoung-Il Bae; Ian Tietjen; Kutay D. Atabay; Gilad D. Evrony; Matthew B. Johnson; Ebenezer Asare; Peter Wang; Ayako Y. Murayama; Kiho Im; Steven Lisgo; Lynne M. Overman; Nenad Sestan; Bernard S. Chang; A. James Barkovich; P. Ellen Grant; Meral Topçu; Jeffrey Politsky; Hideyuki Okano; Xianhua Piao; Christopher A. Walsh

Development of surface folds of the human brain is controlled in sections. [Also see Perspective by Rash and Rakic] The human neocortex has numerous specialized functional areas whose formation is poorly understood. Here, we describe a 15–base pair deletion mutation in a regulatory element of GPR56 that selectively disrupts human cortex surrounding the Sylvian fissure bilaterally including “Broca’s area,” the primary language area, by disrupting regional GPR56 expression and blocking RFX transcription factor binding. GPR56 encodes a heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide–binding protein (G protein)–coupled receptor required for normal cortical development and is expressed in cortical progenitor cells. GPR56 expression levels regulate progenitor proliferation. GPR56 splice forms are highly variable between mice and humans, and the regulatory element of gyrencephalic mammals directs restricted lateral cortical expression. Our data reveal a mechanism by which control of GPR56 expression pattern by multiple alternative promoters can influence stem cell proliferation, gyral patterning, and, potentially, neocortex evolution. Fine-Tuning Brain Gyrations A handful of patients who suffer from seizures and mild intellectual disability have now led the way to insights about how one piece of regulatory DNA controls development of a section of the human cortex. Imaging the brains of these patients, Bae et al. (p. 764; see the Perspective by Rash and Rakic) observed malformations on the surface folds in a brain region that includes “Brocas area,” the main region underlying language. The three affected families shared a 15–base pair deletion in the regulatory region of a gene, GPR56, which encodes a G protein–coupled receptor required for normal cortical development that is expressed in cortical progenitor cells.

Child Development | 2002

Young Children's Beliefs about the Stability of Traits: Protective Optimism?.

Kristi L. Lockhart; Bernard S. Chang; Tyler Story

Prior research has demonstrated individual differences in childrens beliefs about the stability of traits, but this focus on individuals may have masked important developmental differences. In a series of four studies, younger children (5-6 years old, Ns = 53, 32, 16, and 16, respectively) were more optimistic in their beliefs about traits than were older children (7-10 years old, Ns = 60, 32, 16, and 16, respectively) and adults (Ns = 130, 100, 48, and 48, respectively). Younger children were more likely to believe that negative traits would change in an extreme positive direction over time (Study 1) and that they could control the expression of a trait (Study 3). This was true not only for psychological traits, but also for biological traits such as missing a finger and having poor eyesight. Young children also optimistically believed that extreme positive traits would be retained over development (Study 2). Study 4 extended these findings to groups, and showed that young children believed that a majority of people can have above average future outcomes. All age groups made clear distinctions between the malleability of biological and psychological traits, believing negative biological traits to be less malleable than negative psychological traits and less subject to a persons control. Hybrid traits (such as intelligence and body weight) fell midway between these two with respect to malleability. The sources of young childrens optimism and implications of this optimism for age differences in the incidence of depression are discussed.

Neurology | 2007

A structural basis for reading fluency: White matter defects in a genetic brain malformation

Bernard S. Chang; Tami Katzir; Tianming Liu; Kathleen H. Corriveau; Mirit Barzillai; Kira Apse; Adria Bodell; David B. Hackney; David C. Alsop; Stephen T. C. Wong; Christopher A. Walsh

Background: Multiple lines of evidence have suggested that developmental dyslexia may be associated with abnormalities of neuronal migration or axonal connectivity. In patients with periventricular nodular heterotopia—a rare genetic brain malformation characterized by misplaced nodules of gray matter along the lateral ventricles—a specific and unexpected reading disability is present, despite normal intelligence. We sought to investigate the cognitive and structural brain bases of this phenomenon. Methods: Ten adult subjects with heterotopia, 10 with dyslexia, and 10 normal controls were evaluated, using a battery of neuropsychometric measures. White matter integrity and fiber tract organization were examined in six heterotopia subjects, using diffusion tensor imaging methods. Results: Subjects with heterotopia and those with developmental dyslexia shared a common behavioral profile, with specific deficits in reading fluency. Individuals with dyslexia seemed to have a more prominent phonological impairment than heterotopia subjects. Periventricular nodular heterotopia was associated with specific, focal disruptions in white matter microstructure and organization in the vicinity of gray matter nodules. The degree of white matter integrity correlated with reading fluency in this population. Conclusions: We demonstrate that a genetic disorder of gray matter heterotopia shares behavioral characteristics with developmental dyslexia, and that focal white matter defects in this disorder may serve as the structural brain basis of this phenomenon. Our findings represent a potential model for the use of developmental brain malformations in the investigation of abnormal cognitive function.

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A | 2005

Mutations in POMT1 Are Found in a Minority of Patients With Walker-Warburg Syndrome

Sophie Currier; Christine K. Lee; Bernard S. Chang; Adria Bodell; G. Shashidhar Pai; Leela Job; Lieven Lagae; Lihadh Al-Gazali; Wafaa Eyaid; Greg Enns; William B. Dobyns; Christopher A. Walsh

Walker–Warburg syndrome (WWS) is an autosomal recessive disorder of infancy characterized by hydrocephalus, agyria, retinal dysplasia, congenital muscular dystrophy, and over migration of neurons through a disrupted pial surface resulting in leptomeningeal heterotopia. Although previous work identified mutations in the o‐mannosyl transferase, POMT1, in 6 out of 30 WWS families [Beltran‐Valero de Bernabe et al., 2002 ], the incidence of POMT1 mutations in WWS is not known. We sequenced the entire coding region of POMT1 in 30 consecutive, unselected patients with classic WWS. Two novel heterozygous mutations were found in two patients from non‐consanguineous parents, whereas 28 other patients failed to show any POMT1 mutations. One patient was found to be heterozygous for a transition, g.1233T > A, which predicts p.Y352X. A second patient was found also to be heterozygous for a transition g.1790C > G, which predicts p.S537R. As an additional determination of the frequency of the POMT1 mutations in WWS, we tested for linkage of WWS to POMT1 in six consanguineous families. All six demonstrated heterozygosity and negative LOD scores at the POMT1 locus. From these data we show that POMT1 is an uncommon cause of WWS, the incidence of coding region mutations in this population of WWS being less than 7%. We conclude that while the incidence of POMT1 mutations in WWS can be as high as 20% as reported by Beltran‐Valero de Bernabe et al. [ 2002 ] and it can be as low as ∼7%, as reported here.

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