
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials | 2009

Mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V specimens produced by shaped metal deposition

Bernd Baufeld; Omer Van der Biest

Abstract Shaped metal deposition is a novel technique to build near net-shape components layer by layer by tungsten inert gas welding. Especially for complex shapes and small quantities, this technique can significantly lower the production cost of components by reducing the buy-to-fly ratio and lead time for production, diminishing final machining and preventing scrap. Tensile testing of Ti-6Al-4V components fabricated by shaped metal deposition shows that the mechanical properties are competitive to material fabricated by conventional techniques. The ultimate tensile strength is between 936 and 1014 MPa, depending on the orientation and location. Tensile testing vertical to the deposition layers reveals ductility between 14 and 21%, whereas testing parallel to the layers gives a ductility between 6 and 11%. Ultimate tensile strength and ductility are inversely related. Heat treatment within the α+β phase field does not change the mechanical properties, but heat treatment within the β phase field increases the ultimate tensile strength and decreases the ductility. The differences in ultimate tensile strength and ductility can be related to the α lath size and orientation of the elongated, prior β grains. The micro-hardness and Young’s modulus are similar to conventional Ti-6Al-4V with low oxygen content.

International Journal of Materials Research | 2009

Microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V specimens produced by shaped metal deposition

Bernd Baufeld; Omer Van der Biest; Rosemary Gault

Abstract Shaped metal deposition is an innovative technology, which creates near-net shaped components by weld deposition and saves time and material due to the absence of further machining. For Ti alloys this is a big advantage, since these alloys are difficult to shape and also very expensive. Ti alloys are very sensitive to the thermal history and shaped metal deposition introduces for each welding step an additional temperature gradient leading to different microstructures in different regions. Regions which were in the single β phase field during the last welding show a fine needle like microstructure, while regions within the α + β phase show coarser lamellae forming a Widmanstätten structure.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2011

Manufacturing Ti-6Al-4V Components by Shaped Metal Deposition: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties

Bernd Baufeld; Omer Van der Biest; Rosemary Gault; Keith Ridgway

The urge in aeronautics to reduce cost and time to flight of components without compromising safety and performance stimulates the investigation of novel manufacturing routes. Shaped Metal Deposition (SMD) is an innovative time-compression technology, which creates near-net shaped components layer by layer by weld deposition. Especially for Ti alloys, which are difficult to shape by traditional methods such as forging, machining and casting and for which the loss of material during the shaping process is also very expensive, SMD promises great advantages. Applying preliminary SMD parameter, four different tubular components with a square cross section and wall thicknesses of about 9 mm were built. The microstructure of the Ti-6Al-4V components consists of large prior β grains, elongated along the temperature gradient during welding, which transform into a lamellar α/β substructure at room temperature. The ultimate tensile strength was between 880 and 1054 MPa. The strain at failure was between 3.0 and 11.3 % for tensile testing parallel to the deposition plane and between 9.1 and 16.4 % perpendicular to the deposition plane. The micro-hardness (3.1 - 3.4 GPa), the Youngs modulus (117 - 121 GPa) and the oxygen and nitrogen content are comparable to cast Ti-6Al-4V material.

Key Engineering Materials | 2005

Interfacial Fracture Toughness Measurement of Thick Ceramic Coatings by Indentation

Marion Bartsch; Iulian Mircea; Jens Suffner; Bernd Baufeld

The basic requirement for the use of a ceramic coating is sufficient adhesion to its substrate. A measure of the adhesive properties of a coating is the interfacial fracture toughness. The test method applicable for interfacial fracture toughness measurements depends on the mechanical properties of the material system and the geometry of the test piece. In this work, indentation methods have been evaluated for the estimation of the fracture toughness of ceramic thermal barrier coatings on metallic substrates. Coatings of 100 to 300 µm thickness were applied by electron beam – physical vapour deposition. The performed test types were Vickers indentation at the interface of polished cross sections of the coating system and Rockwell indentation with a brale C indenter, penetrating the coating perpendicular to the surface. Both tests generate delamination, in which the delamination crack length corresponds to the interfacial fracture toughness. Fracture surfaces and cross sections of the fractured coatings were investigated by optical and scanning electron microscope. Determined fracture toughness values are discussed with respect to the loading conditions in the test and the fracture process – i.e. interaction between indenter and coating system and the crack propagation path.

Materials Science Forum | 2005

Testing and Characterization of Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coatings

Marion Bartsch; Bernd Baufeld; Iulian Mircea

This paper gives a short overview of tests applied for the investigation of long term behaviour of thermal barrier coating systems. A variety of tests has been conducted on an exemplary material system with the coatings applied by electron beam physical vapour deposition. Damages and damage evolution in different tests are compared. Since the observed damage mechanisms are different, it is proposed to design laboratory tests as realistic as possible, especially if the test data are used for lifetime assessment. In order to get reasonable testing times, the damage accumulation has to be described as a function of loading history, long time before failure. For the case of final failure by spallation of the ceramic top coat, it is proposed to use the apparent interfacial fracture toughness as damage parameter. Several methods for measuring the apparent fracture toughness of brittle coatings are discussed with respect to their application to thermal barrier coating systems.

Key Engineering Materials | 2007

Time-Economic Lifetime Assessment for high Performance Thermal Barrier Coating Systems

Marion Bartsch; Bernd Baufeld; Iulian Mircea; Konstantza Lambrinou; Thorsten Leist; Jin Yan; Anette M. Karlsson

Strategies for time-economic lifetime assessment of thermal barrier coatings (TBC) in service are described and discussed on the basis of experimental results, achieved on material systems with coatings applied by electron beam physical vapour deposition. Service cycles for gas turbine blades have been simulated on specimens in thermo-mechanical fatigue tests, accelerating the fatigue processes by an increase of load frequency. Time dependent changes in the material system were imposed by a separate ageing, where the samples were pre-oxidized prior to the fatigue test. Results of thermo-mechanical fatigue tests on pre-aged and as-coated specimens gave evidence of interaction between fatigue and ageing processes. An alternative approach is used, which is focused on the evolution of a failure relevant damage parameter in the TBC system. The interfacial fracture toughness was selected as a damage parameter, since one important failure mode of TBCs is the spallation near the interface between the metal and the ceramic. Fracture mechanical experiments based on indentation methods have been evaluated for monitoring the evolution of the interfacial fracture toughness as a function of ageing time. It was found that the test results were influenced by both changes of the interface (which is critical in service) and changes in the surrounding material.

Key Engineering Materials | 2007

Development of Thin Ceramic Coatings for the Protection against Temperature and Stress Induced Rumpling of the Metal Surface of Turbine Blades

Bernd Baufeld; Omer Van der Biest

In order to obtain a protection against temperature and stress induced detrimental rumpling of the metal surface of turbine blades, thin ceramic coatings are suggested. As a cheap and fast method for the fabrication of a ceramic zirconia coating, electrophoretic deposition on a Ni based superalloy is described. Crack free, 0.15 mm thick coatings with homogenous morphology were obtained. The Young’s modulus and the damping property of the ceramic coating, derived from the impulse excitation technique, are investigated as a function of the temperature up to 1000°C.

Advanced Materials Research | 2009

Ceramic Coatings by Electrophoretic Deposition: Processing and Properties

Bernd Baufeld; Hans Joachim Rätzer-Scheibe; Omer Van der Biest

Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) allows the fabrication of ceramic coatings at lower cost and higher speed than most other deposition techniques. The processing consists of powder deposition from a suspension under the influence of an electric field and subsequent consolidation of the coating by sintering. Adherent zirconia coatings with coating thicknesses up to 0.1 mm were obtained from different suspensions, one methyl-ethyl-ketone and the other ethanol based. The standard sintering temperature is 1200°C, which easily may damage or change the substrate and also means high production costs. In order to reduce the sintering temperature, suspensions with the addition of ZrN were investigated. Due to reaction bonding, sintering in air at a remarkable low temperature of 1000°C was successful. The elastic modulus of the EPD coatings has been derived from impulse excitation experiments and the thermal conductivity from laser flash analysis. The elastic modulus was about 22 GPa and the thermal conductivity between 0.4 and 0.6 W/(m•K) at room temperature, both decreasing slightly with temperature. Especially the exceptionally low thermal conductivity makes EPD coatings a promising candidate for thermal barrier coatings.

Materials & Design | 2010

Additive manufacturing of Ti–6Al–4V components by shaped metal deposition: Microstructure and mechanical properties

Bernd Baufeld; Omer Van der Biest; Rosemary Gault

Journal of Materials Processing Technology | 2011

Wire based additive layer manufacturing: Comparison of microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti–6Al–4V components fabricated by laser-beam deposition and shaped metal deposition

Bernd Baufeld; Erhard Brandl; Omer Van der Biest

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