
Bone | 2014

3D osteocyte lacunar morphometric properties and distributions in human femoral cortical bone using synchrotron radiation micro-CT images

Pei Dong; Sylvain Haupert; Bernhard Hesse; Max Langer; Pierre-Jean Gouttenoire; Valérie Bousson; Françoise Peyrin

Osteocytes, the most numerous bone cells, are thought to be actively involved in the bone modeling and remodeling processes. The morphology of osteocyte is hypothesized to adapt according to the physiological mechanical loading. Three-dimensional micro-CT has recently been used to study osteocyte lacunae. In this work, we proposed a computationally efficient and validated automated image analysis method to quantify the 3D shape descriptors of osteocyte lacunae and their distribution in human femurs. Thirteen samples were imaged using Synchrotron Radiation (SR) micro-CT at ID19 of the ESRF with 1.4μm isotropic voxel resolution. With a field of view of about 2.9×2.9×1.4mm(3), the 3D images include several tens of thousands of osteocyte lacunae. We designed an automated quantification method to segment and extract 3D cell descriptors from osteocyte lacunae. An image moment-based approach was used to calculate the volume, length, width, height and anisotropy of each osteocyte lacuna. We employed a fast algorithm to further efficiently calculate the surface area, the Euler number and the structure model index (SMI) of each lacuna. We also introduced the 3D lacunar density map to directly visualize the lacunar density variation over a large field of view. We reported the lacunar morphometric properties and distributions as well as cortical bone histomorphometric indices on the 13 bone samples. The mean volume and surface were found to be 409.5±149.7μm(3) and 336.2±94.5μm(2). The average dimensions were of 18.9±4.9μm in length, 9.2±2.1μm in width and 4.8±1.1μm in depth. We found lacunar number density and six osteocyte lacunar descriptors, three axis lengths, two anisotropy ratios and SMI, that are significantly correlated to bone porosity at a same local region. The proposed method allowed an automatic and efficient direct 3D analysis of a large population of bone cells and is expected to provide reliable biological information for better understanding the bone quality and diseases at cellular level.

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research | 2015

Canalicular Network Morphology Is the Major Determinant of the Spatial Distribution of Mass Density in Human Bone Tissue: Evidence by Means of Synchrotron Radiation Phase-Contrast nano-CT

Bernhard Hesse; Peter Varga; Max Langer; Alexandra Pacureanu; Susanne Schrof; Nils Männicke; Heikki Suhonen; P. Maurer; Peter Cloetens; Françoise Peyrin; Kay Raum

In bone remodeling, maturation of the newly formed osteonal tissue is associated with a rapid primary increase followed by a slower secondary increase of mineralization. This requires supply and precipitation of mineral into the bone matrix. Mineral delivery can occur only from the extracellular fluid via interfaces such as the Haversian system and the osteocyte pore network. We hypothesized that in mineralization, mineral exchange is achieved by the diffusion of mineral from the lacunar‐canalicular network (LCN) to the bone matrix, resulting in a gradual change in tissue mineralization with respect to the distance from the pore‐matrix interface. We expected to observe alterations in the mass density distribution with tissue age. We further hypothesized that mineral exchange occurs not only at the lacunar but also at the canalicular boundaries. The aim of this study was, therefore, to investigate the spatial distribution of mass density in the perilacunar and pericanalicular bone matrix and to explore how these densities are influenced by tissue aging. This is achieved by analyzing human jawbone specimens originating from four healthy donors and four treated with high‐dosage bisphosphonate using synchrotron radiation phase‐contrast nano‐CT with a 50‐nm voxel size. Our results provide the first experimental evidence that mass density in the direct vicinity of both lacunae (p < 0.001) and canaliculi (p < 0.001) is different from the mean matrix mass density, resulting in gradients with respect to the distance from both pore‐matrix interfaces, which diminish with increasing tissue age. Though limited by the sample size, these findings support our hypotheses. Moreover, the density gradients are more pronounced around the lacunae than around the canaliculi, which are explained by geometrical considerations in the LCN morphology. In addition, we speculate that mineral exchange occurs at all interfaces of the LCN, not only in mineralization but also in mineral homeostasis.

Acta Biomaterialia | 2013

Investigation of the three-dimensional orientation of mineralized collagen fibrils in human lamellar bone using synchrotron X-ray phase nano-tomography.

Peter Varga; Alexandra Pacureanu; Max Langer; Heikki Suhonen; Bernhard Hesse; Quentin Grimal; Peter Cloetens; Kay Raum; Françoise Peyrin

We investigate the three-dimensional (3-D) organization of mineralized collagen fibrils in human cortical bone based on synchrotron X-ray phase nano-tomography images. In lamellar bone the collagen fibrils are assumed to have a plywood-like arrangement, but due to experimental limitations the 3-D fibril structure has only been deduced from section surfaces so far and the findings have been controversial. Breakthroughs in synchrotron tomographic imaging have given access to direct 3-D information on the bone structure at the nanoscale level. Using an autocorrelation-based orientation measure we confirm that the fibrils are unidirectional in quasi-planes of sub-lamellae and find two specific dominant patterns, oscillating and twisted plywoods coexisting in a single osteon. Both patterns exhibit smooth orientation changes between adjacent quasi-planes. Moreover, we find that the periodic changes in collagen fibril orientation are independent of fluctuations in local mass density. These data improve our understanding of the lamellar arrangement in bone and allow more detailed investigations of structure-function relationships at this scale, providing templates for bio-inspired materials. The presented methodology can be applied to non-destructive 3-D characterization of the sub-micron scale structure of other natural and artificial mineralized biomaterials.

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology | 2015

Synchrotron X-ray phase nano-tomography-based analysis of the lacunar–canalicular network morphology and its relation to the strains experienced by osteocytes in situ as predicted by case-specific finite element analysis

Peter Varga; Bernhard Hesse; Max Langer; Susanne Schrof; Nils Männicke; Heikki Suhonen; Alexandra Pacureanu; Dieter H. Pahr; Françoise Peyrin; Kay Raum

Osteocytes are hypothesized to regulate bone remodeling guided by both biological and mechanical stimuli. Morphology of the lacunar–canalicular network of osteocytes has been hypothesized to be strongly related to the level of mechanical loading and to various bone diseases. Finite element modeling could help to better understand the mechanosensation process by predicting the physiological strain environment. The aims of this study were to (i) quantify the lacunar–canalicular morphology in the cortex of the human femur; (ii) predict the in situ local deformations around and in osteocytes by means of case-specific finite element models; and (iii) investigate the potential relationship between morphology and deformations. Human femoral cortical bone samples were imaged using synchrotron X-ray phase nano-tomography with 50 nm voxel size. Rectangular volumes of interest were selected to contain single osteocyte lacunae and the surrounding matrix. Lacunar–canalicular morphology was quantified and the cell geometry was artificially reconstructed based on a priori assumptions. Finite element models of the volumes of interest were generated, containing the extracellular matrix, osteocyte and peri-cellular matrix, and subjected to uniaxial compression. The morphological analysis revealed that canalicular number was dictated by lacunar size, that the spacing of canaliculi fell within a narrow range, suggesting that these pores are well distributed throughout the bone matrix and indicated the trend that lacunae at the outer osteon boundary were less elongated than others. No apparent relationship was found between the morphological parameters and the predicted strains. The globally applied strain was amplified locally by factors up to 10 and up to 70 in the extracellular matrix and the in cells, respectively. Cell deformations were localized mainly at the body–dendrite junctions, with magnitudes reaching the in vitro stimulatory threshold reported for osteocytes.

PLOS ONE | 2014

Alterations of mass density and 3D osteocyte lacunar properties in bisphosphonate-related osteonecrotic human jaw bone, a synchrotron µCT study.

Bernhard Hesse; Max Langer; Peter Varga; Alexandra Pacureanu; Pei Dong; Susanne Schrof; Nils Männicke; Heikki Suhonen; Cécile Olivier; P. Maurer; Galateia J. Kazakia; Kay Raum; Françoise Peyrin

Osteonecrosis of the jaw, in association with bisphosphonates (BRONJ) used for treating osteoporosis or cancer, is a severe and most often irreversible side effect whose underlying pathophysiological mechanisms remain largely unknown. Osteocytes are involved in bone remodeling and mineralization where they orchestrate the delicate equilibrium between osteoclast and osteoblast activity and through the active process called osteocytic osteolysis. Here, we hypothesized that (i) changes of the mineralized tissue matrix play a substantial role in the pathogenesis of BRONJ, and (ii) the osteocyte lacunar morphology is altered in BRONJ. Synchrotron µCT with phase contrast is an appropriate tool for assessing both the 3D morphology of the osteocyte lacunae and the bone matrix mass density. Here, we used this technique to investigate the mass density distribution and 3D osteocyte lacunar properties at the sub-micrometer scale in human bone samples from the jaw, femur and tibia. First, we compared healthy human jaw bone to human tibia and femur in order to assess the specific differences and address potential explanations of why the jaw bone is exclusively targeted by the necrosis as a side effect of BP treatment. Second, we investigated the differences between BRONJ and control jaw bone samples to detect potential differences which could aid an improved understanding of the course of BRONJ. We found that the apparent mass density of jaw bone was significantly smaller compared to that of tibia, consistent with a higher bone turnover in the jaw bone. The variance of the lacunar volume distribution was significantly different depending on the anatomical site. The comparison between BRONJ and control jaw specimens revealed no significant increase in mineralization after BP. We found a significant decrease in osteocyte-lacunar density in the BRONJ group compared to the control jaw. Interestingly, the osteocyte-lacunar volume distribution was not altered after BP treatment.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A | 2014

Priors for X-ray in-line phase tomography of heterogeneous objects

Max Langer; Peter Cloetens; Bernhard Hesse; Heikki Suhonen; Alexandra Pacureanu; Kay Raum; Françoise Peyrin

We present a new prior for phase retrieval from X-ray Fresnel diffraction patterns. Fresnel diffraction patterns are achieved by letting a highly coherent X-ray beam propagate in free space after interaction with an object. Previously, either homogeneous or multi-material object assumptions have been used. The advantage of the homogeneous object assumption is that the prior can be introduced in the Radon domain. Heterogeneous object priors, on the other hand, have to be applied in the object domain. Here, we let the relationship between attenuation and refractive index vary as a function of the measured attenuation index. The method is evaluated using images acquired at beamline ID19 (ESRF, Grenoble, France) of a phantom where the prior is calculated by linear interpolation and of a healing bone obtained from a rat osteotomy model. It is shown that the ratio between attenuation and refractive index in bone for different levels of mineralization follows a power law. Reconstruction was performed using the mixed approach but is compatible with other, more advanced models. We achieve more precise reconstructions than previously reported in literature. We believe that the proposed method will find application in biomedical imaging problems where the object is strongly heterogeneous, such as bone healing and biomaterials engineering.

Scientific Reports | 2017

Synchrotron-based ν-XRF mapping and μ-FTIR microscopy enable to look into the fate and effects of tattoo pigments in human skin

Ines Schreiver; Bernhard Hesse; Christian Seim; Hiram Castillo-Michel; Julie Villanova; Peter Laux; Nadine Dreiack; Randolf Penning; Rémi Tucoulou; Marine Cotte; Andreas Luch

The increasing prevalence of tattoos provoked safety concerns with respect to particle distribution and effects inside the human body. We used skin and lymphatic tissues from human corpses to address local biokinetics by means of synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques at both the micro (μ) and nano (ν) scale. Additional advanced mass spectrometry-based methodology enabled to demonstrate simultaneous transport of organic pigments, heavy metals and titanium dioxide from skin to regional lymph nodes. Among these compounds, organic pigments displayed the broadest size range with smallest species preferentially reaching the lymph nodes. Using synchrotron μ-FTIR analysis we were also able to detect ultrastructural changes of the tissue adjacent to tattoo particles through altered amide I α-helix to β-sheet protein ratios and elevated lipid contents. Altogether we report strong evidence for both migration and long-term deposition of toxic elements and tattoo pigments as well as for conformational alterations of biomolecules that likely contribute to cutaneous inflammation and other adversities upon tattooing.

Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry | 2017

The ID21 X-ray and infrared microscopy beamline at the ESRF: status and recent applications to artistic materials

Marine Cotte; Emeline Pouyet; Murielle Salomé; Camille Rivard; Wout De Nolf; Hiram Castillo-Michel; Tiphaine Fabris; Letizia Monico; Koen Janssens; Tian Wang; Philippe Sciau; Louisiane Verger; Laurent Cormier; Olivier Dargaud; Emmanuel Brun; David Bugnazet; Barbara Fayard; Bernhard Hesse; Ana Elena Pradas del Real; Giulia Veronesi; Juliette Langlois; Nathalie Balcar; Yannick Vandenberghe; Vicente A. Solé; Jérôme Kieffer; Ray Barrett; Cédric Cohen; Claude Cornu; Robert Baker; Eric Gagliardini

The ID21 beamline (European Synchrotron Radiation facility, France) is a multi micro-analytical platform combining X-ray and infrared micro-probes, for characterization of elements, species, molecular groups and crystalline structures in complex materials. Applications are mainly in the fields of cultural heritage, life science, environmental and earth sciences, materials sciences. Here, we first present the status of instruments: (i) the scanning micro-spectroscopy end-station, operating from 2.0 to 9.2 keV, under vacuum and offering cryo conditions, for the acquisition of 2D micro X-ray fluorescence (μXRF) maps, single point micro X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (μXANES) spectra and speciation maps with sub-micrometric resolution; (ii) the XANES full-field end-station, operating in the same vacuum and energy conditions, for the acquisition of hyper-spectral radiographs of thin concentrated samples, resulting in speciation maps with micrometric resolution and millimetric field of view; (iii) the scanning micro-X-ray diffraction (μXRD)/μXRF end-station, operating at 8.5 keV, in air, for the acquisition of 2D crystalline phase maps, with micrometric resolution; and (iv) the scanning infrared microscope, operating in the mid-infrared range for the acquisition of molecular maps and some structural maps with micrometric resolution. Recent hardware and software developments are presented, as well as new protocols for improved sample preparation of thin sections. Secondly, a review of recent applications for the study of cultural heritage is presented, illustrated by various examples: determination of the origin of the color in blue Chinese porcelains and in brown Sevres porcelains; detection of lead in ink on Herculaneum papyri; identification and degradation of modeling materials used by Auguste Rodin and of chrome yellow pigments used by Vincent van Gogh. Cryo capabilities are illustrated by the analysis of plants exposed to chromate solutions. These examples show the variety of materials analyzed, of questions tackled, and particularly the multiple advantages of the ID21 analytical platform for the analysis of ancient and artistic materials.

Analytical Chemistry | 2014

Confocal XANES and the Attic Black Glaze: The Three-Stage Firing Process through Modern Reproduction

Lars Lühl; Bernhard Hesse; Ioanna Mantouvalou; Max Wilke; Sammia Mahlkow; Eleni Aloupi-Siotis; Birgit Kanngiesser

The decorated black- and red-figured Athenian vases (sixth and fifth century BC) and the plain black-glazed ware represent a milestone in our material culture due to their aesthetic and technological value; the Attic black glaze is of particular interest since it is a highly resistant potash-alumino-silicate glass, colored by magnetite nanocrystals (<200 nm). This study presents a new methodological approach for correlating the iron oxidation state in the black glaze layer with the manufacturing process by means of conventional and confocal X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES). The enhanced surface sensitivity of confocal XANES is combined with conventional XANES resulting in higher counting rates to reliably evaluate the iron oxidation state (Fe(3+)/ΣFe) of the surface layer. A detailed description of the new evaluation procedure is presented. The three-stage firing process was retraced by correlating selected attic black-glazed (BG) specimens from different periods (Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic) with laboratory reproductions. The modern BG specimens serving as reference samples were produced by following the three-stage firing process (i.e., under oxidizing-reducing-oxidizing (ORO) conditions) at different top temperatures, using clay suspensions of different particle size produced with treatment of raw illitic clays from Attica.

Nanotoxicology | 2017

Pulmonary exposure to metallic nanomaterials during pregnancy irreversibly impairs lung development of the offspring

Emmanuel Paul; Marie-Laure Franco-Montoya; Erwan Paineau; Bernard Angeletti; Shamila Vibhushan; Audrey Ridoux; Arnaud Tiendrebeogo; Murielle Salomé; Bernhard Hesse; Delphine Vantelon; Jérôme Rose; Florence Canoui-Poitrine; Jorge Boczkowski; Sophie Lanone; Christophe Delacourt; Jean-Claude Pairon

Abstract Due to the growing commercial applications of manufactured nanoparticles (NPs), toxicological studies on NPs, especially during the critical window of development, are of major importance. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of respiratory exposure to metallic and metal oxide NPs during pregnancy on lung development of the offspring and to determine the key parameters involved in lung alterations. Pregnant mice were exposed to weekly doses of 100 μg (total dose 300 μg) of titanium dioxide (TiO2), cerium oxide (CeO2), silver (Ag) NPs or saline solution by nonsurgical intratracheal instillation. The offspring lungs were analyzed at different stages of lung development: fetal stage (gestational day 17.5), pulmonary alveolarization (post-delivery day 14.5) and lung maturity (post-delivery day 49.5). Regardless of the type of NP, maternal exposure during gestation induced long-lasting impairment of lung development of the offspring. This effect was accompanied by: i) decreased placental efficiency together with the presence of NPs in placenta, ii) no increase of inflammatory mediators present in amniotic fluid, placenta or offspring lungs and iii) decreased pulmonary expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-α (VEGF-α) and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) at the fetal stage, and fibroblast growth factor-18 (FGF-18) at the alveolarization stage. Respiratory exposure to metallic NPs during pregnancy induces stereotyped impairment of lung development with a lasting effect in adult mice, independently of the chemical nature of the NP.

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