Bernhard R. Brandl
Leiden University
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Featured researches published by Bernhard R. Brandl.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2004
M. Werner; Thomas L. Roellig; Frank J. Low; G. H. Rieke; Marcia J. Rieke; William F. Hoffmann; Erick T. Young; J. R. Houck; Bernhard R. Brandl; Giovanni G. Fazio; Joseph L. Hora; Robert D. Gehrz; George Helou; B. T. Soifer; John R. Stauffer; Jocelyn Keene; Peter R. M. Eisenhardt; D.B Gallagher; Thomas N. Gautier; William R. Irace; C. R. Lawrence; L. Simmons; J. Van Cleve; Michael Jura; Edward L. Wright; Dale P. Cruikshank
The Spitzer Space Telescope, NASAs Great Observatory for infrared astronomy, was launched 2003 August 25 and is returning excellent scientific data from its Earth-trailing solar orbit. Spitzer combines the intrinsic sensitivity achievable with a cryogenic telescope in space with the great imaging and spectroscopic power of modern detector arrays to provide the user community with huge gains in capability for exploration of the cosmos in the infrared. The observatory systems are largely performing as expected, and the projected cryogenic lifetime is in excess of 5 years. This paper summarizes the on-orbit scientific, technical, and operational performance of Spitzer. Subsequent papers in this special issue describe the Spitzer instruments in detail and highlight many of the exciting scientific results obtained during the first 6 months of the Spitzer mission.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
Lee Armus; V. Charmandaris; J. Bernard-Salas; H. W. W. Spoon; J. A. Marshall; Sarah J. U. Higdon; Vandana Desai; Harry I. Teplitz; Lei Hao; D. Devost; Bernhard R. Brandl; Yanling Wu; G. C. Sloan; B. T. Soifer; J. R. Houck; Terry L. Herter
We present spectra taken with the Infrared Spectrograph on Spitzer covering the 5-38 μm region of the 10 ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) found in the IRAS Bright Galaxy Sample (BGS). There is a factor of 50 spread in the rest-frame 5.5-60 μm spectral slopes, and the 9.7 μm silicate optical depths range from at least τ_(9.7) ≤ 0.4 (A_V ~ 8) to τ_(9.7) ≥ 4.2 (A_V ≥ 78). There is evidence for water ice and hydrocarbon absorption and C_2H_2 and HCN absorption features in 4 and possibly 6 of the 10 BGS ULIRGs, indicating shielded molecular clouds and a warm, dense ISM. We have detected [Ne V] emission in 3 of the 10 BGS ULIRGs, at flux levels of 5-18 × 10^(-14) ergs cm^(-2) s^(-1) and [Ne V] 14.3/[Ne II] 12.8 line flux ratios of 0.12-0.85. The remaining BGS ULIRGs have limits on their [Ne V]/[Ne II]line flux ratios, which range from ≤0.15 to ≤0.01. Among the BGS ULIRGs, the AGN fractions implied by either the [Ne V]/[Ne II] or [O IV]/[Ne II] line flux ratios (or their upper limits) are significantly lower than implied by the MIR slope or strength of the 6.2 μm PAH EQW feature. There is evidence for hot (T > 300 K) dust in five of the BGS ULIRGs, with the fraction of hot dust to total dust luminosity ranging from ~1% to 23%, before correcting for extinction. When integrated over the IRAC-8, IRS blue peak-up, and MIPS-24 filter bandpasses, the IRS spectra imply very blue colors for some ULIRGs at z ~ 1.3. The large range in diagnostic parameters among the nearest ULIRGs suggests that matching survey results to a small number of templates may lead to biased results about the fraction of luminous dusty starbursts and AGNs at high z.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
E. J. Murphy; J. J. Condon; E. Schinnerer; Robert C. Kennicutt; D. Calzetti; Lee Armus; G. Helou; Jean L. Turner; G. Aniano; P. Beirão; Alberto D. Bolatto; Bernhard R. Brandl; Kevin V. Croxall; Daniel A. Dale; J. Donovan Meyer; B. T. Draine; C. W. Engelbracht; L. K. Hunt; Cai-Na Hao; Jin Koda; H. Roussel; Ramin A. Skibba; J.-D. T. Smith
Using free-free emission measured in the Ka band (26-40 GHz) for 10 star-forming regions in the nearby galaxy NGC 6946, including its starbursting nucleus, we compare a number of star formation rate (SFR) diagnostics that are typically considered to be unaffected by interstellar extinction. These diagnostics include non-thermal radio (i.e., 1.4 GHz), total infrared (IR; 8-1000 μm), and warm dust (i.e., 24 μm) emission, along with hybrid indicators that attempt to account for obscured and unobscured emission from star-forming regions including Hα + 24 μm and UV + IR measurements. The assumption is made that the 33 GHz free-free emission provides the most accurate measure of the current SFR. Among the extranuclear star-forming regions, the 24 μm, Hα + 24 μm, and UV + IR SFR calibrations are in good agreement with the 33 GHz free-free SFRs. However, each of the SFR calibrations relying on some form of dust emission overestimates the nuclear SFR by a factor of ~2 relative to the 33 GHz free-free SFR. This is more likely the result of excess dust heating through an accumulation of non-ionizing stars associated with an extended episode of star formation in the nucleus rather than increased competition for ionizing photons by dust. SFR calibrations using the non-thermal radio continuum yield values which only agree with the 33 GHz free-free SFRs for the nucleus and underestimate the SFRs from the extranuclear star-forming regions by an average factor of ~2 and ~4-5 before and after subtracting local background emission, respectively. This result likely arises from the cosmic-ray (CR) electrons decaying within the starburst region with negligible escape, whereas the transient nature of star formation in the young extranuclear star-forming complexes allows for CR electrons to diffuse significantly further than dust-heating photons, resulting in an underestimate of the true SFR. Finally, we find that the SFRs estimated using the total 33 GHz flux density appear to agree well with those estimated using free-free emission due to the large thermal fractions present at these frequencies even when local diffuse backgrounds are not removed. Thus, rest-frame 33 GHz observations may act as a reliable method to measure the SFRs of galaxies at increasingly high redshift without the need of ancillary radio data to account for the non-thermal emission.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2013
Karin Sandstrom; Adam K. Leroy; F. Walter; Alberto D. Bolatto; K. V. Croxall; B. T. Draine; C. D. Wilson; Mark G. Wolfire; D. Calzetti; Robert C. Kennicutt; G. Aniano; J. Donovan Meyer; A. Usero; Frank Bigiel; Elias Brinks; W. J. G. de Blok; Alison F. Crocker; Daniel A. Dale; C. W. Engelbracht; M. Galametz; Brent Groves; L. K. Hunt; Jin Koda; K. Kreckel; H. Linz; Sharon E. Meidt; E. Pellegrini; Hans-Walter Rix; H. Roussel; E. Schinnerer
We present ~kiloparsec spatial resolution maps of the CO-to-H_2 conversion factor (α_(CO)) and dust-to-gas ratio (DGR) in 26 nearby, star-forming galaxies. We have simultaneously solved for α_(CO) and the DGR by assuming that the DGR is approximately constant on kiloparsec scales. With this assumption, we can combine maps of dust mass surface density, CO-integrated intensity, and H I column density to solve for both αCO and the DGR with no assumptions about their value or dependence on metallicity or other parameters. Such a study has just become possible with the availability of high-resolution far-IR maps from the Herschel key program KINGFISH, ^(12)CO J = (2-1) maps from the IRAM 30 m large program HERACLES, and H I 21 cm line maps from THINGS. We use a fixed ratio between the (2-1) and (1-0) lines to present our α_(CO) results on the more typically used ^(12)CO J = (1-0) scale and show using literature measurements that variations in the line ratio do not affect our results. In total, we derive 782 individual solutions for α_(CO) and the DGR. On average, α_(CO) = 3.1 M_☉ pc^(–2) (K km s^(–1))^(–1) for our sample with a standard deviation of 0.3 dex. Within galaxies, we observe a generally flat profile of α_(CO) as a function of galactocentric radius. However, most galaxies exhibit a lower α_(CO) value in the central kiloparsec—a factor of ~2 below the galaxy mean, on average. In some cases, the central α_(CO) value can be factors of 5-10 below the standard Milky Way (MW) value of α_(CO,MW) = 4.4 M_☉ pc^(–2) (K km s^(–1))^(–1). While for α_(CO) we find only weak correlations with metallicity, the DGR is well-correlated with metallicity, with an approximately linear slope. Finally, we present several recommendations for choosing an appropriate α_(CO) for studies of nearby galaxies.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
D. Farrah; J. Bernard-Salas; H. W. W. Spoon; B. T. Soifer; Lee Armus; Bernhard R. Brandl; V. Charmandaris; Vandana Desai; Sarah J. U. Higdon; D. Devost; J. R. Houck
We present R � 600, 10Y37 � m spectra of 53 ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs), taken using the Infrared SpectrographonboardSpitzer.Thespectra showfine-structureemissionlines of neon,oxygen,sulfur,silicon, argon, chlorine, iron, and phosphorous; molecular hydrogen lines, and C2H2, HCN, and OHabsorption features. We em- ploy diagnostics based on the fine-structure lines, the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) features and the 9.7 � m silicate absorption feature, to show that the infrared emission from most ULIRGs is powered mostly by star formation, with only � 20% of ULIRGs hosting an AGN with a greater IR luminosity than the starburst. The detection of (Ne v) k14.32injustunderhalfthesample,however,impliesthatanAGNcontributessignificantlytothemid-IRfluxin � 42% of ULIRGs.ThestarburstsandAGNsinULIRGsappearmoreextincted,andforthestarburstsmorecompactthanthose in lower luminosity systems. The excitations and electron densities in the narrow-line regions of ULIRGs appear comparable to those of starbursts with LP10 11.5 L� , although the NLR gas in ULIRGs may be more dense. We show thatthe(Neii)k12.81+(Neiii)k15.56 luminositycorrelateswithbothinfraredluminosityandtheluminosityof the 6.2 and 11.2 � m PAH features, and derive a calibration between PAH luminosity and star formation rate. Finally, we show thatULIRGswithsilicateabsorptionstrengthsSsilof 0:8PSsilP2:4 arelikelytobepoweredmainlybystarformation, but that ULIRGs with Ssil P0:8, and possibly those with Ssil k2:4, contain an IR-luminous AGN. Subject headingg galaxies: active — galaxies: evolution — galaxies: starburst — infrared: galaxies Online material: color figures
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2004
J. R. Houck; Thomas L. Roellig; J. Van Cleve; William J. Forrest; Terry L. Herter; C. R. Lawrence; K. Matthews; Harold J. Reitsema; B. T. Soifer; Dan M. Watson; Daniel W. Weedman; Marty Huisjen; John R. Troeltzsch; D. J. Barry; J. Bernard-Salas; C. E. Blacken; Bernhard R. Brandl; V. Charmandaris; D. Devost; G. E. Gull; P. Hall; Charles P. Henderson; Sarah J. U. Higdon; Bruce Pirger; Justin Schoenwald; G. C. Sloan; Keven Isao Uchida; P. N. Appleton; Lee Armus; M. J. Burgdorf
The Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) is one of three science instruments on the Spitzer Space Telescope .T he IRS comprises four separate spectrograph modules covering the wavelength range from 5.3 to 38 � m with spectral resolutions, R ¼ k=� k � 90 and 600, and it was optimized to take full advantage of the very low background in the space environment. The IRS is performing at or better than the prelaunch predictions. An autonomous target acquisition capability enables the IRS to locate the mid-infrared centroid of a source, providing the information so that the spacecraft can accurately offset that centroid to a selected slit. This feature is particularly useful when taking spectra of sources with poorly known coordinates. An automated data-reduction pipeline has been developed at the Spitzer Science Center. Subject headingg infrared: general — instrumentation: spectrographs — space vehicles: instruments
The Astrophysical Journal | 2005
D. Weedman; Lei Hao; Sarah J. U. Higdon; D. Devost; Yanling Wu; V. Charmandaris; Bernhard R. Brandl; E. Bass; J. R. Houck
Full low-resolution (65 < R < 130) and high-resolution (R ~ 600) spectra between 5 and 37 μm obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope are presented for eight classical active galactic nuclei (AGNs) that have been extensively studied previously. Spectra of these AGNs are presented as comparison standards for the many objects, including sources at high redshift, that are being observed spectroscopically in the mid-infrared for the first time using the IRS. The AGNs are NGC 4151, Mrk 3, I Zw 1, NGC 1275, Centaurus A, NGC 7469, Mrk 231, and NGC 3079. These sources are used to demonstrate the range of infrared spectra encountered in objects that have widely different classification criteria at other wavelengths but that unquestionably contain AGNs. Overall spectral characteristics, including continuum shape, nebular emission lines, silicate absorption and emission features, and PAH emission features, are considered to understand how spectral classifications based on mid-infrared spectra relate to those previously derived from optical spectra. The AGNs are also compared to the same parameters for starburst galaxies such as NGC 7714 and the compact, low-metallicity starburst SBS 0335-052 previously observed with the IRS. Results confirm the much lower strengths of PAH emission features in AGNs, but there are no spectral parameters in this sample that unambiguously distinguish AGNs and starbursts based only on the slopes of the continuous spectra.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2006
Yanling Wu; V. Charmandaris; Lei Hao; Bernhard R. Brandl; J. Bernard-Salas; H. W. W. Spoon; J. R. Houck
We present a Spitzer-based mid-infrared (MIR) study of a large sample of blue compact dwarfs (BCDs) using the InfraredSpectrograph(IRS),includingthefirstMIRspectrumof IZw18,thearchetypefortheBCDclassandamong the most metal-poor galaxies known. We show the spectra of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission in a low-metallicity environment. We find that the equivalent widths (EWs) of PAHs at 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, and 11.2 � ma re generally weaker in BCDs than in typical starburst galaxies and that the fine-structure line ratio, [Ne iii]/[Ne ii], has a weak anticorrelation with the PAH EW. A much stronger anticorrelation is shown between the PAH EW and the product of the [Ne iii]/[Ne ii] ratio and the UV luminosity density divided by the metallicity. We conclude that the PAH EWin metal-poor high-excitation environments is determined by a combination of PAH formation and destruction effects. Subject headings: dust, extinction — galaxies: abundances — galaxies: dwarf — galaxies: starburst — infrared: galaxies
The Astrophysical Journal | 2012
Daniel A. Dale; G. Aniano; C. W. Engelbracht; Joannah L. Hinz; O. Krause; Edward Montiel; H. Roussel; P. N. Appleton; Lee Armus; P. Beirão; Alberto D. Bolatto; Bernhard R. Brandl; Daniela Calzetti; Alison F. Crocker; K. F. Croxall; B. T. Draine; M. Galametz; Karl D. Gordon; Brent Groves; Cai-Na Hao; G. Helou; L. K. Hunt; Benjamin D. Johnson; Robert C. Kennicutt; Jin Koda; Adam K. Leroy; Yiming Li; Sharon E. Meidt; A. E. Miller; E. J. Murphy
New far-infrared and submillimeter photometry from the Herschel Space Observatory is presented for 61 nearby galaxies from the Key Insights on Nearby Galaxies: A Far-Infrared Survey with Herschel (KINGFISH) sample. The spatially integrated fluxes are largely consistent with expectations based on Spitzer far-infrared photometry and extrapolations to longer wavelengths using popular dust emission models. Dwarf irregular galaxies are notable exceptions, as already noted by other authors, as their 500 μm emission shows evidence for a submillimeter excess. In addition, the fraction of dust heating attributed to intense radiation fields associated with photodissociation regions is found to be (21 ± 4)% larger when Herschel data are included in the analysis. Dust masses obtained from the dust emission models of Draine & Li are found to be on average nearly a factor of two higher than those based on single-temperature modified blackbodies, as single blackbody curves do not capture the full range of dust temperatures inherent to any galaxy. The discrepancy is largest for galaxies exhibiting the coolest far-infrared colors.
Nature | 2014
I. A. G. Snellen; Bernhard R. Brandl; Remco J. de Kok; M. Brogi; J. L. Birkby; H. Schwarz
The spin-rotation of a planet arises from the accretion of angular momentum during its formation, but the details of this process are still unclear. In the solar system, the equatorial rotation velocities and spin angular momentum of the planets show a clear trend with mass, except for Mercury and Venus which have significantly spun down since their formation due to tidal interactions. Here we report on near-infrared spectroscopic observations at R=100,000 of the young extra-solar gas giant beta Pictoris b. The absorption signal from carbon monoxide in the planets thermal spectrum is found to be blueshifted with respect to the velocity of the parent star by (-15+-1.7) km/sec, consistent with a circular orbit. The combined line profile exhibits a rotational broadening of 25+-3 km/sec, meaning that Beta Pictoris b spins significantly faster than any planet in the solar system, in line with the extrapolation of the known trend in spin velocity with planet mass.The spin of a planet arises from the accretion of angular momentum during its formation, but the details of this process are still unclear. In the Solar System, the equatorial rotation velocities and, consequently, spin angular momenta of most of the planets increase with planetary mass; the exceptions to this trend are Mercury and Venus, which, since formation, have significantly spun down because of tidal interactions. Here we report near-infrared spectroscopic observations, at a resolving power of 100,000, of the young extrasolar gas giant planet β Pictoris b (refs 7, 8). The absorption signal from carbon monoxide in the planet’s thermal spectrum is found to be blueshifted with respect to that from the parent star by approximately 15 kilometres per second, consistent with a circular orbit. The combined line profile exhibits a rotational broadening of about 25 kilometres per second, meaning that β Pictoris b spins significantly faster than any planet in the Solar System, in line with the extrapolation of the known trend in spin velocity with planet mass.