Bertrand Cordier
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Featured researches published by Bertrand Cordier.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2003
G. Vedrenne; J.-P. Roques; V. Schönfelder; P. Mandrou; Giselher G. Lichti; A. von Kienlin; Bertrand Cordier; S. Schanne; J. Knödlseder; G. Skinner; P. Jean; F. Sanchez; Patrizia A. Caraveo; B. J. Teegarden; P. von Ballmoos; L. Bouchet; P. Paul; J. L. Matteson; S. E. Boggs; Cornelia B. Wunderer; P. Leleux; Georg Weidenspointner; Ph. Durouchoux; R. Diehl; Andrew W. Strong; Michel Casse; M.-A. Clair; Y. André
SPI is a high spectral resolution gamma-ray telescope on board the ESA mission INTEGRAL (International Gamma Ray Astrophysics Laboratory). It consists of an array of 19 closely packed germanium detectors surrounded by an active anticoincidence shield of BGO. The imaging capabilities of the instrument are obtained with a tungsten coded aperture mask located 1.7 m from the Ge array. The fully coded field-of-view is 16degrees, the partially coded field of view amounts to 31degrees, and the angular resolution is 2.5degrees. The energy range extends from 20 keV to 8 MeV with a typical energy resolution of 2.5 keV at 1.3 MeV. Here we present the general concept of the instrument followed by a brief description of each of the main subsystems. INTEGRAL was successfully launched in October 2002 and SPI is functioning extremely well.
Nature | 2008
Georg Weidenspointner; Gerry Skinner; P. Jean; J. Knödlseder; Peter von Ballmoos; G. F. Bignami; R. Diehl; Andrew W. Strong; Bertrand Cordier; S. Schanne; Christoph Winkler
Gamma-ray line radiation at 511 keV is the signature of electron–positron annihilation. Such radiation has been known for 30 years to come from the general direction of the Galactic Centre, but the origin of the positrons has remained a mystery. Stellar nucleosynthesis, accreting compact objects, and even the annihilation of exotic dark-matter particles have all been suggested. Here we report a distinct asymmetry in the 511-keV line emission coming from the inner Galactic disk (∼10–50° from the Galactic Centre). This asymmetry resembles an asymmetry in the distribution of low mass X-ray binaries with strong emission at photon energies >20 keV (‘hard’ LMXBs), indicating that they may be the dominant origin of the positrons. Although it had long been suspected that electron–positron pair plasmas may exist in X-ray binaries, it was not evident that many of the positrons could escape to lose energy and ultimately annihilate with electrons in the interstellar medium and thus lead to the emission of a narrow 511-keV line. For these models, our result implies that up to a few times 1041 positrons escape per second from a typical hard LMXB. Positron production at this level from hard LMXBs in the Galactic bulge would reduce (and possibly eliminate) the need for more exotic explanations, such as those involving dark matter.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2003
J.-P. Roques; S. Schanne; A. von Kienlin; J. Knödlseder; R. Briet; L. Bouchet; Ph. Paul; S. E. Boggs; P. A. Caraveo; Michel Casse; Bertrand Cordier; R. Diehl; P. Durochoux; P. Jean; P. Leleux; Giselher G. Lichti; P. Mandrou; J. L. Matteson; F. Sanchez; V. Schönfelder; G. Skinner; Andrew W. Strong; B. J. Teegarden; G. Vedrenne; P. von Ballmoos; Cornelia B. Wunderer
The SPI instrument has been launched on-board the INTEGRAL observatory on October 17, 2002. SPI is a spectrometer devoted to the sky observation in the 20 keV-8 MeV energy range using 19 germanium detectors. The performance of the cryogenic system is nominal and allows to cool the 19 kg of germanium down to 85 K with a comfortable margin. The energy resolution of the whole camera is 2.5 keV at 1.1 MeV. This resolution degrades with time due to particle irradiation in space. We show that the annealing process allows the recovery of the initial performance. The anticoincidence shield works as expected, with a low threshold at 75 keV, reducing the GeD background by a factor of 20. The digital front-end electronics system allows the perfect alignement in time of all the signals as well as the optimisation of the dead time (12%). We demonstrate that SPI is able to map regions as complex as the galactic plane. The obtained spectrum of the Crab nebula validates the present version of our response matrix. The 3sigma sensitivity of the instrument at 1 MeV is 8x10(-7) ph cm(-2) s(-1) keV(-1) for the continuum and 3x10(-5) ph cm(-2) s(-1) for narrow lines.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1991
R. Sunyaev; E. Churazov; M. Gilfanov; M. Pavlinsky; S. Grebenev; G. Babalyan; I. Dekhanov; N. Khavenson; L. Bouchet; P. Mandrou; J. P. Roques; G. Vedrenne; Bertrand Cordier; A. Goldwurm; Francois Lebrun; J. Paul
The source 1E 1740.7-2942 is known to be the brightest hard X-ray source close to the dynamic center of our Galaxy. Three apparently different spectral states of this source were detected by the GRANAT observatory during 1990-1991 observations of the Galactic Center (GC) region. In almost all 1990 observations the source had Cyg X-1-like spectrum with nearly constant flux. The hardest of the states (observed on 1990 October 13-14) exhibits a prominent high-energy bump on the spectrum at 300-600 keV, probably related to the annihilation processes in relatively cold electron-positron plasma
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2003
D. Attié; Bertrand Cordier; M. Gros; Ph. M. Laurent; S. Schanne; G. Tauzin; P. von Ballmoos; L. Bouchet; P. Jean; Jurgen Knodlseder; P. Mandrou; Ph. Paul; J.P. Roques; Gerry K. Skinner; G. Vedrenne; R. Georgii; A. von Kienlin; Giselher G. Lichti; V. Schönfelder; Andrew W. Strong; Cornelia B. Wunderer; Chris R. Shrader; Steven John Sturner; B. J. Teegarden; Georg Weidenspointner; J. Kiener; M.-G. Porquet; V. Tatischeff; S. Crespin; S. Joly
Three calibration campaigns of the spectrometer SPI have been performed before launch in order to determine the instrument characteristics, such as the effective detection area, the spectral resolution and the angular resolution. Absolute determination of the effective area has been obtained from simulations and measurements. At 1 MeV, the effective area is 65 cm^2 for a point source on the optical axis, the spectral resolution ~2.3 keV. The angular resolution is better than 2.5 deg and the source separation capability about 1 deg. Some temperature dependant parameters will require permanent in-flight calibration.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2003
Steven John Sturner; Chris R. Shrader; Georg Weidenspointner; B. J. Teegarden; D. Attié; Bertrand Cordier; R. Diehl; C. Ferguson; P. Jean; A. von Kienlin; Ph. Paul; Francisco J. Garcia Sanchez; S. Schanne; Patrick Sizun; G. Skinner; Cornelia B. Wunderer
In this paper we discuss the methods developed for the production of the INTEGRAL/SPI instrument response. The response files were produced using a suite of Monte Carlo simulation software developed at NASA/GSFC based on the GEANT-3 package available from CERN. The production of the INTEGRAL/SPI instrument response also required the development of a detailed computer mass model for SPI. We discuss our extensive investigations into methods to reduce both the computation time and storage requirements for the SPI response. We also discuss corrections to the simulated response based on our comparison of ground and inflight calibration data with MGEANT simulations.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1992
A. Goldwurm; J. Ballet; Bertrand Cordier; J. Paul; L. Bouchet; J. P. Roques; Didier Barret; P. Mandrou; R. Sunyaev; E. Churazov; M. Gilfanov; A. Dyachkov; N. Khavenson; V. Kovtunenko; R. Kremnev; K. Sukhanov
The day after its discovery by the Watch instrument, the X-ray nova GRS 1124-684 in Musca was detected by the soft γ-ray telescope SIGMA at the limit of its field of view. SIGMA pointed the source seven other times between 1991 January and February, and GRS 1124-684 has always been detected up to 300 keV, showing it was one of the hardest objects of the sky. After the flare of January 9 the average spectrum is well fitted by a power law of index 2.38, and the light curve shows a slower decrease than observed at low energy with superposed variability on time scales of several hours
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2003
P. Jean; G. Vedrenne; J.-P. Roques; V. Schönfelder; B. J. Teegarden; A. von Kienlin; J. Knödlseder; Cornelia B. Wunderer; G. Skinner; Georg Weidenspointner; D. Attié; S. E. Boggs; Patrizia A. Caraveo; Bertrand Cordier; R. Diehl; M. Gros; P. Leleux; Giselher G. Lichti; Emrah Kalemci; J. Kiener; V. Lonjou; P. Mandrou; Ph. Paul; S. Schanne; P. von Ballmoos
In its space environment the INTEGRAL observatory is subject to an intense irradiation by energetic cosmic-ray particles that leads, via nuclear interactions with the telescope and spacecraft materials, to an important background of false events. In this paper we present the characteristics of the instrumental background that is observed in the spectrometer SPI (SPectrometer of INTEGRAL). We explain the tuning that has been performed on the parameters of the anticoincidence system in order to optimise the telescope sensitivity over the full energy range. Temporal variations of the instrumental background are discussed and methods are proposed that allow for their modelling in first order.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2004
M. Cass; Bertrand Cordier; J. Paul; S. Schanne
The observation of a strong and extended positron-electron line annihilation emission in the central regions of the Galaxy by the SPectrometer on the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysical Laboratory (INTEGRAL/SPI), consistent with the Galactic bulge geometry and without any counterpart in the gamma-ray range, neither at high energy nor in the 1809 keV 26Al decay line, is challenging. Leaving aside the geometrical question, we address the problem of the adequate positron sources, showing the potentiality of a new category of Type Ic supernovae (SNe Ic), exemplified by SN 2003dh, that is associated with a gamma-ray burst (GRB). This kind of supernova/hypernova/GRB event is interpreted as the result of a bipolar Wolf-Rayet explosion, which produces a large amount of 56Ni and ejects it at high velocity along the rotation axis. The bulk of positrons resulting from 56Co decay escapes in the surrounding medium as a result of the rapid thinning of the ejecta in the polar direction. We show that a rate of about 0.02 SN 2003dh-like events per century in the central region of the Galaxy is sufficient to explain the positron flux detected by INTEGRAL/SPI. In order to explain this flux by SN Ia events alone, a rate of 0.5 per century is necessary, much higher than indicated by Galactic evolutionary models applied to the bulge. Further observations of late light curves of SNe Ia and SNe Ic in the bulge of spiral galaxies, together with three-dimensional hydrodynamic calculations of anisotropic ejections of 56Ni in SN Ic/GRB events, will allow us to estimate the separate contributions of SNe Ia and SNe Ic to positron injection.
Optical Science and Technology, SPIE's 48th Annual Meeting | 2004
Peter von Ballmoos; Hubert Halloin; Gerald K. Skinner; Robert K. Smither; J. Paul; Nikolai V. Abrosimov; Jose Manuel Alvarez; Pierre Astier; Pierre Bastie; Didier Barret; A. Bazzano; Arnaud Boutonnet; Pascal Brousse; Bertrand Cordier; Thierry J.-L. Courvoisier; Guido Di Cocco; Andrea Giuliani; Bernard Hamelin; M. Hernanz; P. Jean; Jordi Isern; Jurrgen Knödlseder; P. Laurent; Francois Lebrun; A. Marcowith; Vincent Martinot; L. Natalucci; J.-F. Olive; Reynald Pain; Rachida Sadat
The mission concept MAX is a space borne crystal diffraction telescope, featuring a broad-band Laue lens optimized for the observation of compact sources in two wide energy bands of high astrophysical relevance. For the first time in this domain, gamma-rays will be focused from the large collecting area of a crystal diffraction lens onto a very small detector volume. As a consequence, the background noise is extremely low, making possible unprecedented sensitivities. The primary scientific objective of MAX is the study of type Ia supernovae by measuring intensities, shifts and shapes of their nuclear gamma-ray lines. When finally understood and calibrated, these profoundly radioactive events will be crucial in measuring the size, shape, and age of the Universe. Observing the radioactivities from a substantial sample of supernovae and novae will significantly improve our understanding of explosive nucleosynthesis. Moreover, the sensitive gamma-ray line spectroscopy performed with MAX is expected to clarify the nature of galactic microquasars (e+e- annihilation radiation from the jets), neutrons stars and pulsars, X-ray Binaries, AGN, solar flares and, last but not least, gamma-ray afterglow from gamma-burst counterparts.