
Featured researches published by Bhakti Prinsi.

Plant Cell Reports | 2008

Proteomic analysis of somatic embryogenesis in Vitis vinifera

Milena Marsoni; Marcella Bracale; Luca Espen; Bhakti Prinsi; Alfredo Simone Negri; Candida Vannini

Two dimensional gel electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry has been used to study the somatic embryogenesis in Vitis vinifera, by comparing embryogenic and non embryogenic calluses of the Thompson seedless cv. More than 1,000 spots were reproducibly resolved in colloidal Coomassie brilliant blue stained gels over a pI nonlinear range of 3–10 in the first dimension and using homogeneous 12.5% polyacrylamide gels in the second dimension. The expression pattern of 35 spots differed significantly between the two samples. These spots were processed by mass spectrometry analysis and the protein identity was assigned by using both the non-redundant protein and EST databases. Several responsive proteins, some already known to be involved in the somatic embryogenesis process while others, for the first time put into relation with this process, have been described. Moreover, they have been subdivided in functional categories, and their putative role is discussed in terms of their relevance in the somatic embryogenesis process.

BMC Genomics | 2008

Proteome changes in the skin of the grape cultivar Barbera among different stages of ripening

Alfredo Simone Negri; Bhakti Prinsi; Mara Rossoni; Osvaldo Failla; Attilio Scienza; Maurizio Cocucci; Luca Espen

BackgroundGrape ripening represents the third phase of the double sigmoidal curve of berry development and is characterized by deep changes in the organoleptic characteristics. In this process, the skin plays a central role in the synthesis of many compounds of interest (e.g. anthocyanins and aroma volatiles) and represents a fundamental protective barrier against damage by physical injuries and pathogen attacks. In order to improve the knowledge on the role of this tissue during ripening, changes in the protein expression in the skin of the red cultivar Barbera at five different stages from véraison to full maturation were studied by performing a comparative 2-DE analysis.ResultsThe proteomic analysis revealed that 80 spots were differentially expressed throughout berry ripening. Applying a two-way hierarchical clustering analysis to these variations, a clear difference between the first two samplings (up to 14 days after véraison) and the following three (from 28 to 49 days after véraison) emerged, thus suggesting that the most relevant changes in protein expression occurred in the first weeks of ripening. By means of LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis, 69 proteins were characterized. Many of these variations were related to proteins involved in responses to stress (38%), glycolysis and gluconeogenesis (13%), C-compounds and carbohydrate metabolism (13%) and amino acid metabolism (10%).ConclusionThese results give new insights to the skin proteome evolution during ripening, thus underlining some interesting traits of this tissue. In this view, we observed the ripening-related induction of many enzymes involved in primary metabolism, including those of the last five steps of the glycolytic pathway, which had been described as down-regulated in previous studies performed on whole fruit. Moreover, these data emphasize the relevance of this tissue as a physical barrier exerting an important part in berry protection. In fact, the level of many proteins involved in (a)biotic stress responses remarkably changed through the five stages taken into consideration, thus suggesting that their expression may be developmentally regulated.

BMC Plant Biology | 2009

Evaluation of protein pattern changes in roots and leaves of Zea mays plants in response to nitrate availability by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis

Bhakti Prinsi; Alfredo Simone Negri; Paolo Pesaresi; Maurizio Cocucci; Luca Espen

BackgroundNitrogen nutrition is one of the major factors that limit growth and production of crop plants. It affects many processes, such as development, architecture, flowering, senescence and photosynthesis. Although the improvement in technologies for protein study and the widening of gene sequences have made possible the study of the plant proteomes, only limited information on proteome changes occurring in response to nitrogen amount are available up to now. In this work, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) has been used to investigate the protein changes induced by NO3- concentration in both roots and leaves of maize (Zea mays L.) plants. Moreover, in order to better evaluate the proteomic results, some biochemical and physiological parameters were measured.ResultsThrough 2-DE analysis, 20 and 18 spots that significantly changed their amount at least two folds in response to nitrate addition to the growth medium of starved maize plants were found in roots and leaves, respectively. Most of these spots were identified by Liquid Chromatography Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). In roots, many of these changes were referred to enzymes involved in nitrate assimilation and in metabolic pathways implicated in the balance of the energy and redox status of the cell, among which the pentose phosphate pathway. In leaves, most of the characterized proteins were related to regulation of photosynthesis. Moreover, the up-accumulation of lipoxygenase 10 indicated that the leaf response to a high availability of nitrate may also involve a modification in lipid metabolism.Finally, this proteomic approach suggested that the nutritional status of the plant may affect two different post-translational modifications of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) consisting in monoubiquitination and phosphorylation in roots and leaves, respectively.ConclusionThis work provides a first characterization of the proteome changes that occur in response to nitrate availability in leaves and roots of maize plants. According to previous studies, the work confirms the relationship between nitrogen and carbon metabolisms and it rises some intriguing questions, concerning the possible role of NO and lipoxygenase 10 in roots and leaves, respectively. Although further studies will be necessary, this proteomic analysis underlines the central role of post-translational events in modulating pivotal enzymes, such as PEPCase.

PLOS ONE | 2013

Morphological and Proteomic Responses of Eruca sativa Exposed to Silver Nanoparticles or Silver Nitrate

Candida Vannini; Guido Domingo; Elisabetta Onelli; Bhakti Prinsi; Milena Marsoni; Luca Espen; Marcella Bracale

Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are widely used in commercial products, and there are growing concerns about their impact on the environment. Information about the molecular interaction of AgNPs with plants is lacking. To increase our understanding of the mechanisms involved in plant responses to AgNPs and to differentiate between particle specific and ionic silver effects we determined the morphological and proteomic changes induced in Eruca sativa (commonly called rocket) in response to AgNPs or AgNO3. Seedlings were treated for 5 days with different concentrations of AgNPs or AgNO3. A similar increase in root elongation was observed when seedlings were exposed to 10 mg Ag L1 of either PVP-AgNPs or AgNO3. At this concentration we performed electron microscopy investigations and 2-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) proteomic profiling. The low level of overlap of differentially expressed proteins indicates that AgNPs and AgNO3 cause different plant responses. Both Ag treatments cause changes in proteins involved in the redox regulation and in the sulfur metabolism. These responses could play an important role to maintain cellular homeostasis. Only the AgNP exposure cause the alteration of some proteins related to the endoplasmic reticulum and vacuole indicating these two organelles as targets of the AgNPs action. These data add further evidences that the effects of AgNPs are not simply due to the release of Ag ions.

BMC Plant Biology | 2010

Proteomic characterization of iron deficiency responses in Cucumis sativus L. roots

Silvia Donnini; Bhakti Prinsi; Alfredo Simone Negri; Gianpiero Vigani; Luca Espen; Graziano Zocchi

BackgroundIron deficiency induces in Strategy I plants physiological, biochemical and molecular modifications capable to increase iron uptake from the rhizosphere. This effort needs a reorganization of metabolic pathways to efficiently sustain activities linked to the acquisition of iron; in fact, carbohydrates and the energetic metabolism has been shown to be involved in these responses. The aim of this work was to find both a confirmation of the already expected change in the enzyme concentrations induced in cucumber root tissue in response to iron deficiency as well as to find new insights on the involvement of other pathways.ResultsThe proteome pattern of soluble cytosolic proteins extracted from roots was obtained by 2-DE. Of about two thousand spots found, only those showing at least a two-fold increase or decrease in the concentration were considered for subsequent identification by mass spectrometry. Fifty-seven proteins showed significant changes, and 44 of them were identified. Twenty-one of them were increased in quantity, whereas 23 were decreased in quantity. Most of the increased proteins belong to glycolysis and nitrogen metabolism in agreement with the biochemical evidence. On the other hand, the proteins being decreased belong to the metabolism of sucrose and complex structural carbohydrates and to structural proteins.ConclusionsThe new available techniques allow to cast new light on the mechanisms involved in the changes occurring in plants under iron deficiency. The data obtained from this proteomic study confirm the metabolic changes occurring in cucumber as a response to Fe deficiency. Two main conclusions may be drawn. The first one is the confirmation of the increase in the glycolytic flux and in the anaerobic metabolism to sustain the energetic effort the Fe-deficient plants must undertake. The second conclusion is, on one hand, the decrease in the amount of enzymes linked to the biosynthesis of complex carbohydrates of the cell wall, and, on the other hand, the increase in enzymes linked to the turnover of proteins.

Frontiers in Plant Science | 2016

Time-Resolved Investigation of Molecular Components Involved in the Induction of NO3– High Affinity Transport System in Maize Roots

Youry Pii; Massimiliano Alessandrini; Luca Dall’Osto; Katia Guardini; Bhakti Prinsi; Luca Espen; Anita Zamboni; Zeno Varanini

The induction, i.e., the rapid increase of nitrate (NO3–) uptake following the exposure of roots to the anion, was studied integrating physiological and molecular levels in maize roots. Responses to NO3– treatment were characterized in terms of changes in NO3– uptake rate and plasma membrane (PM) H+-ATPase activity and related to transcriptional and protein profiles of NRT2, NRT3, and PM H+-ATPase gene families. The behavior of transcripts and proteins of ZmNRT2s and ZmNRT3s suggested that the regulation of the activity of inducible high-affinity transport system (iHATS) is mainly based on the transcriptional/translational modulation of the accessory protein ZmNRT3.1A. Furthermore, ZmNRT2.1 and ZmNRT3.1A appear to be associated in a ∼150 kDa oligomer. The expression trend during the induction of the 11 identified PM H+-ATPase transcripts indicates that those mainly involved in the response to NO3– treatment are ZmHA2 and ZmHA4. Yet, partial correlation between the gene expression, protein levels and enzyme activity suggests an involvement of post-transcriptional and post-translational mechanisms of regulation. A non-denaturing Deriphat-PAGE approach allowed demonstrating for the first time that PM H+-ATPase can occur in vivo as hexameric complex together with the already described monomeric and dimeric forms.

Journal of Plant Physiology | 2008

Analysis of grape berry cell wall proteome: A comparative evaluation of extraction methods

Alfredo Simone Negri; Bhakti Prinsi; Attilio Scienza; Silvia Morgutti; Maurizio Cocucci; Luca Espen

Different methods were tested for the extraction of proteins from the cell wall-enriched fraction (CWEf) obtained from a sample formed by skin and seeds of ripe berries of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon. The CWEf was isolated using a disruptive approach that involves tissue homogenization and precipitation by centrifugation. To extract proteins, the CWEf was treated with CaCl(2) and LiCl in two successive steps or, alternatively, with phenol. The efficiency of the protocols was evaluated by measuring protein yield and by analyzing two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) gels for the highest detectable spot number and the greatest spot resolution. The phenol method was also adopted for the extraction of proteins from the cytosolic fraction (CYf). The comparison of 2-DE reference maps of protein extracts from CWEf and CYf indicated the presence of both common traits and unique characteristics. To survey this aspect some spots detected in both fractions or present in only one fraction were analyzed by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). Of the 47 spots identified, some were found to be cell wall proteins, while others were proteins not traditionally considered as localized in the apoplastic space. The data presented here provide initial information regarding the apoplastic proteome of grape berry tissues, but also raise the issue of the technical problems that characterize the isolation of cell wall proteins from these very hardy tissues.

Journal of Experimental Botany | 2015

Comprehensive transcript profiling of two grapevine rootstock genotypes contrasting in drought susceptibility links the phenylpropanoid pathway to enhanced tolerance

Massimiliano Corso; Alessandro Vannozzi; Elie Maza; Nicola Vitulo; Franco Meggio; Andrea Pitacco; Andrea Telatin; Michela D’Angelo; Erika Feltrin; Alfredo Simone Negri; Bhakti Prinsi; Giorgio Valle; Angelo Ramina; Mondher Bouzayen; Claudio Bonghi; Margherita Lucchin

Highlights Drought tolerance in the M4 grapevine rootstock genotype could be associated with a higher capability to counteract oxidative stresses by enhancing the accumulation of resveratrol in roots.

Plant Physiology | 2011

Assembly and Sorting of the Tonoplast Potassium Channel AtTPK1 and Its Turnover by Internalization into the Vacuole

Marie Maîtrejean; Michael M. Wudick; Camilla Voelker; Bhakti Prinsi; Bernd Mueller-Roeber; Katrin Czempinski; Emanuela Pedrazzini; Alessandro Vitale

The assembly, sorting signals, and turnover of the tonoplast potassium channel AtTPK1 of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) were studied. We used transgenic Arabidopsis expressing a TPK1-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion or protoplasts transiently transformed with chimeric constructs based on domain exchange between TPK1 and TPK4, the only TPK family member not located at the tonoplast. The results show that TPK1-GFP is a dimer and that the newly synthesized polypeptides transiently interact with a thus-far unidentified 20-kD polypeptide. A subset of the TPK1-TPK4 chimeras were unable to assemble correctly and these remained located in the endoplasmic reticulum where they interacted with the binding protein chaperone. Therefore, TPK1 must assemble correctly to pass endoplasmic reticulum quality control. Substitution of the cytosolic C terminus of TPK4 with the corresponding domain of TPK1 was sufficient to allow tonoplast delivery, indicating that this domain contains tonoplast sorting information. Pulse-chase labeling indicated that TPK1-GFP has a half-life of at least 24 h. Turnover of the fusion protein involves internalization into the vacuole where the GFP domain is released. This indicates a possible mechanism for the turnover of tonoplast proteins.

Functional & Integrative Genomics | 2011

Proteins involved in biotic and abiotic stress responses as the most significant biomarkers in the ripening of Pinot Noir skins

Alfredo Simone Negri; Elisa Robotti; Bhakti Prinsi; Luca Espen; Emilio Marengo

We propose an integrated approach, obtained by the combination of multivariate statistics and proteomics, useful to isolate candidate biomarkers for the evaluation of grape ripening. We carried out a comparative 2-DE analysis of grape skins collected in three moments of ripening and analyzed the spot volume dataset through the application of principal component analysis followed by forward stepwise-linear discriminant analysis. This technique allowed to discriminate véraison, quite mature and mature samples, and to sort the matched spots according to their significance. We identified 36 spots showing high discriminating coefficients through liquid chromatography - electrospray ionization - tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). Most of them were involved in biotic and abiotic stress responses indicating these enzymes as good candidate markers of berry ripening. These evidences hint at a likely developmental role of these proteins, in addition to their reported activity in stress events. Restricting the same statistical analysis to the samples belonging to the two last stages, it was indicated that this approach can clearly distinguish these close and similar phases of berry development. Taken all together, these results bear out that the employment of the combination of 2-DE and multivariate statistics is a reliable tool in the identification of new protein markers for describing the ripening phases and to assess the overall quality of the fruit.

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