Bi-Chang Chen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Featured researches published by Bi-Chang Chen.
Science | 2014
Bi-Chang Chen; Wesley R. Legant; Kai Wang; Lin Shao; Daniel E. Milkie; Michael W. Davidson; Chris Janetopoulos; Xufeng S. Wu; John A. Hammer; Zhe Liu; Brian P. English; Yuko Mimori-Kiyosue; Daniel P. Romero; Alex T. Ritter; Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz; Lillian K. Fritz-Laylin; R. Dyche Mullins; Diana M. Mitchell; Joshua N. Bembenek; Anne-Cécile Reymann; Ralph Böhme; Stephan W. Grill; Jennifer T. Wang; Geraldine Seydoux; U. Serdar Tulu; Daniel P. Kiehart; Eric Betzig
Introduction In vivo imaging provides a window into the spatially complex, rapidly evolving physiology of the cell that structural imaging alone cannot. However, observing this physiology directly involves inevitable tradeoffs of spatial resolution, temporal resolution, and phototoxicity. This is especially true when imaging in three dimensions, which is essential to obtain a complete picture of many dynamic subcellular processes. Although traditional in vivo imaging tools, such as widefield and confocal microscopy, and newer ones, such as light-sheet microscopy, can image in three dimensions, they sacrifice substantial spatiotemporal resolution to do so and, even then, can often be used for only very limited durations before altering the physiological state of the specimen. Lattice light-sheet microscopy. An ultrathin structured light sheet (blue-green, center) excites fluorescence (orange) in successive planes as it sweeps through a specimen (gray) to generate a 3D image. The speed, noninvasiveness, and high spatial resolution of this approach make it a promising tool for in vivo 3D imaging of fast dynamic processes in cells and embryos, as shown here in five surrounding examples. Lattice light-sheet microscopy. An ultrathin structured light sheet (blue-green, center) excites fluorescence (orange) in successive planes as it sweeps through a specimen (gray) to generate a 3D image. The speed, noninvasiveness, and high spatial resolution of this approach make it a promising tool for in vivo 3D imaging of fast dynamic processes in cells and embryos, as shown here in five surrounding examples. Rationale To address these limitations, we developed a new microscope using ultrathin light sheets derived from two-dimensional (2D) optical lattices. These are scanned plane-by-plane through the specimen to generate a 3D image. The thinness of the sheet leads to high axial resolution and negligible photobleaching and background outside of the focal plane, while its simultaneous illumination of the entire field of view permits imaging at hundreds of planes per second even at extremely low peak excitation intensities. By implementing either superresolution structured illumination or by dithering the lattice to create a uniform light sheet, we imaged cells and small embryos in three dimensions, often at subsecond intervals, for hundreds to thousands of time points at the diffraction limit and beyond. Results We demonstrated the technique on 20 different biological processes spanning four orders of magnitude in space and time, including the binding kinetics of single Sox2 transcription factor molecules, 3D superresolution photoactivated localization microscopy of nuclear lamins, dynamic organelle rearrangements and 3D tracking of microtubule plus ends during mitosis, neutrophil motility in a collagen mesh, and subcellular protein localization and dynamics during embryogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. Throughout, we established the performance advantages of lattice light-sheet microscopy compared with previous techniques and highlighted phenomena that, when seen at increased spatiotemporal detail, may hint at previously unknown biological mechanisms. Conclusion Photobleaching and phototoxicity are typically reduced by one to two orders of magnitude relative to that seen with a 1D scanned Bessel beam or the point array scanned excitation of spinning disk confocal microscopy. This suggests that the instantaneous peak power delivered to the specimen may be an even more important metric of cell health than the total photon dose and should enable extended 3D observation of endogenous levels of even sparsely expressed proteins produced by genome editing. Improvements of similar magnitude in imaging speed and a twofold gain in axial resolution relative to confocal microscopy yield 4D spatiotemporal resolution high enough to follow fast, nanoscale dynamic processes that would otherwise be obscured by poor resolution along one or more axes of spacetime. Last, the negligible background makes lattice light-sheet microscopy a promising platform for the extension of all methods of superresolution to larger and more densely fluorescent specimens and enables the study of signaling, transport, and stochastic self-assembly in complex environments with single-molecule sensitivity. From single molecules to embryos in living color Animation defines life, and the three-dimensional (3D) imaging of dynamic biological processes occurring within living specimens is essential to understand life. However, in vivo imaging, especially in 3D, involves inevitable tradeoffs of resolution, speed, and phototoxicity. Chen et al. describe a microscope that can address these concerns. They used a class of nondiffracting beams, known as 2D optical lattices, which spread the excitation energy across the entire field of view while simultaneously eliminating out-of-focus excitation. Lattice light sheets increase the speed of image acquisition and reduce phototoxicity, which expands the range of biological problems that can be investigated. The authors illustrate the power of their approach using 20 distinct biological systems ranging from single-molecule binding kinetics to cell migration and division, immunology, and embryonic development. Science, this issue 10.1126/science.1257998 A new microscope allows three-dimensional imaging of living systems at very high resolution in real time. Although fluorescence microscopy provides a crucial window into the physiology of living specimens, many biological processes are too fragile, are too small, or occur too rapidly to see clearly with existing tools. We crafted ultrathin light sheets from two-dimensional optical lattices that allowed us to image three-dimensional (3D) dynamics for hundreds of volumes, often at subsecond intervals, at the diffraction limit and beyond. We applied this to systems spanning four orders of magnitude in space and time, including the diffusion of single transcription factor molecules in stem cell spheroids, the dynamic instability of mitotic microtubules, the immunological synapse, neutrophil motility in a 3D matrix, and embryogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. The results provide a visceral reminder of the beauty and the complexity of living systems.
Cell | 2014
Jiji Chen; Zhengjian Zhang; Lin Li; Bi-Chang Chen; Andrey Revyakin; Bassam Hajj; Wesley R. Legant; Maxime Dahan; Timothée Lionnet; Eric Betzig; Robert Tjian; Zhe Liu
Enhancer-binding pluripotency regulators (Sox2 and Oct4) play a seminal role in embryonic stem (ES) cell-specific gene regulation. Here, we combine in vivo and in vitro single-molecule imaging, transcription factor (TF) mutagenesis, and ChIP-exo mapping to determine how TFs dynamically search for and assemble on their cognate DNA target sites. We find that enhanceosome assembly is hierarchically ordered with kinetically favored Sox2 engaging the target DNA first, followed by assisted binding of Oct4. Sox2/Oct4 follow a trial-and-error sampling mechanism involving 84-97 events of 3D diffusion (3.3-3.7 s) interspersed with brief nonspecific collisions (0.75-0.9 s) before acquiring and dwelling at specific target DNA (12.0-14.6 s). Sox2 employs a 3D diffusion-dominated search mode facilitated by 1D sliding along open DNA to efficiently locate targets. Our findings also reveal fundamental aspects of gene and developmental regulation by fine-tuning TF dynamics and influence of the epigenome on target search parameters.
Science | 2015
Dong Li; Lin Shao; Bi-Chang Chen; Xi Zhang; Mingshu Zhang; Brian Moses; Daniel E. Milkie; Jordan R. Beach; John A. Hammer; Mithun Pasham; Tomas Kirchhausen; Michelle A. Baird; Michael W. Davidson; Pingyong Xu; Eric Betzig
Adding to the super-resolution arsenal Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) uses light intensities that are orders of magnitude lower than other super-resolution methods. SIM is also far faster over cellular-sized fields of view. Li et al. used two approaches to improve the resolution of SIM to allow live cell imaging of dynamic cellular processes, including endocytosis and cytoskeleton remodeling. The contrast in performance between SIM and other techniques is due to a few key differences. Defining the practical resolution at the limited signal-to-noise ratios necessary for live cell imaging will require better imaging metrics. Science, this issue 10.1126/science.aab3500 Super-resolution imaging of fast dynamic processes in living cells is facilitated by improvements to structured illumination microscopy. INTRODUCTION Various methods of super-resolution (SR) fluorescence microscopy have the potential to follow the dynamic nanoscale interactions of specific macromolecular assemblies in living cells. However, this potential is often left unfulfilled, either owing to the method’s inability to follow these processes at the speeds dictated by nature or because they require intense light that can substantially perturb the very physiology one hopes to study. An exception is structured illumination microscopy (SIM), which can image live cells far faster and with orders of magnitude less light than required for other SR approaches. However, SIM’s resolution is usually limited to only a twofold gain beyond conventional optical microscopes, or ~100 nm with visible light. RATIONALE We endeavored to find ways to extend SIM to the sub-100-nm regime while retaining, to the greatest extent possible, the advantages that make it the preferred SR method for live-cell imaging. Our first solution used an ultrahigh numerical aperture (NA) lens and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) to achieve 84-nm resolution at subsecond acquisition speeds over hundreds of time points in multiple colors near the basal plasma membrane. Our second exploited the spatially patterned activation of a recently developed, reversibly photoswitchable fluorescent protein to reach 45- to 62-nm resolution, also at subsecond acquisition, over ∼10 to 40 time points. RESULTS We used high-NA TIRF-SIM to image the dynamic associations of cortical filamentous actin with myosin IIA, paxillin, or clathrin, as well as paxillin with vinculin and clathrin with transferrin receptors. Thanks to the combination of high spatial and temporal resolution, we were able to measure the sizes of individual clathrin-coated pits through their initiation, growth, and internalization. We were also able to relate pit size to lifetime, identify and characterize localized hot spots of pit generation, and describe the interaction of actin with clathrin and its role in accelerating endocytosis. With nonlinear SIM by use of patterned activation (PA NL-SIM), we monitored the remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton and the dynamics of caveolae at the cell surface. By combining TIRF-SIM and PA NL-SIM for two-color imaging, we followed the dynamic association of actin with α-actinin in expanding filopodia and membrane ruffles and characterized shape changes in and the transport of early endosomes. Last, by combining PA NL-SIM with lattice light sheet microscopy, we observed, in three dimensions and across the entire volume of whole cells, the dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton, the fusion and fission of mitochondria, and the trafficking of vesicles to and from the Golgi apparatus, each at axial resolution fivefold better than that of conventional widefield microscopy. In addition, through direct experimental comparisons, we demonstrated that the resolution for our methods is comparable with or better than other SR approaches yet allowed us to image at far higher speeds, and for far longer durations. To understand why this is so, we developed a detailed theoretical model showing that our methods transmit the information encoded in spatial frequencies beyond the diffraction limit with much greater strength than do other alternatives and hence require far fewer photons emitted from the specimen, using far less intense light. CONCLUSION High-NA TIRF-SIM and PA NL-SIM fill an unmet need for minimally invasive tools to image live cells in the gap between the 100-nm resolution traditionally associated with SIM and the sub-60-nm regime of protein-specific structural imaging served by single-molecule localization microscopy. Two approaches for improved live-cell imaging at sub-100-nm resolution. (Left) Association of cortical actin (purple) with clathrin-coated pits (green), the latter seen as rings (inset) at 84-nm resolution via a combination of total internal reflection fluorescence and structured illumination microscopy at ultrahigh numerical aperture (high-NA TIRF-SIM). (Right) Progression of resolution improvement across the actin cytoskeleton of a COS-7 cell, from conventional, diffraction-limited TIRF (220-nm resolution), to TIRF-SIM (97-nm resolution), and nonlinear SIM based on the patterned activation of a reversibly photoswitchable fluorescent protein (PA NL-SIM, 62 nm resolution). (Left and right represent single frames from time-lapse movies over 91 and 30 frames, respectively. Scale bars, 2 μm (left); 3 μm (right). Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy is distinct among nanoscale imaging tools in its ability to image protein dynamics in living cells. Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) stands out in this regard because of its high speed and low illumination intensities, but typically offers only a twofold resolution gain. We extended the resolution of live-cell SIM through two approaches: ultrahigh numerical aperture SIM at 84-nanometer lateral resolution for more than 100 multicolor frames, and nonlinear SIM with patterned activation at 45- to 62-nanometer resolution for approximately 20 to 40 frames. We applied these approaches to image dynamics near the plasma membrane of spatially resolved assemblies of clathrin and caveolin, Rab5a in early endosomes, and α-actinin, often in relationship to cortical actin. In addition, we examined mitochondria, actin, and the Golgi apparatus dynamics in three dimensions.
Nature Protocols | 2014
Liang Gao; Lin Shao; Bi-Chang Chen; Eric Betzig
3D live imaging is important for a better understanding of biological processes, but it is challenging with current techniques such as spinning-disk confocal microscopy. Bessel beam plane illumination microscopy allows high-speed 3D live fluorescence imaging of living cellular and multicellular specimens with nearly isotropic spatial resolution, low photobleaching and low photodamage. Unlike conventional fluorescence imaging techniques that usually have a unique operation mode, Bessel plane illumination has several modes that offer different performance with different imaging metrics. To achieve optimal results from this technique, the appropriate operation mode needs to be selected and the experimental setting must be optimized for the specific application and associated sample properties. Here we explain the fundamental working principles of this technique, discuss the pros and cons of each operational mode and show through examples how to optimize experimental parameters. We also describe the procedures needed to construct, align and operate a Bessel beam plane illumination microscope by using our previously reported system as an example, and we list the necessary equipment to build such a microscope. Assuming all components are readily available, it would take a person skilled in optical instrumentation ∼1 month to assemble and operate a microscope according to this protocol.
eLife | 2014
Jennifer T. Wang; Jarrett Smith; Bi-Chang Chen; Helen Schmidt; Dominique Rasoloson; Alexandre Paix; Bramwell G. Lambrus; Deepika Calidas; Eric Betzig; Geraldine Seydoux
RNA granules have been likened to liquid droplets whose dynamics depend on the controlled dissolution and condensation of internal components. The molecules and reactions that drive these dynamics in vivo are not well understood. In this study, we present evidence that a group of intrinsically disordered, serine-rich proteins regulate the dynamics of P granules in C. elegans embryos. The MEG (maternal-effect germline defective) proteins are germ plasm components that are required redundantly for fertility. We demonstrate that MEG-1 and MEG-3 are substrates of the kinase MBK-2/DYRK and the phosphatase PP2APPTR−½. Phosphorylation of the MEGs promotes granule disassembly and dephosphorylation promotes granule assembly. Using lattice light sheet microscopy on live embryos, we show that GFP-tagged MEG-3 localizes to a dynamic domain that surrounds and penetrates each granule. We conclude that, despite their liquid-like behavior, P granules are non-homogeneous structures whose assembly in embryos is regulated by phosphorylation. DOI:
Immunity | 2015
Alex T. Ritter; Yukako Asano; Jane C. Stinchcombe; Nele M.G. Dieckmann; Bi-Chang Chen; C. Gawden-Bone; Schuyler van Engelenburg; Wesley R. Legant; Liang Gao; Michael W. Davidson; Eric Betzig; Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz; Gillian M. Griffiths
Summary Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) use polarized secretion to rapidly destroy virally infected and tumor cells. To understand the temporal relationships between key events leading to secretion, we used high-resolution 4D imaging. CTLs approached targets with actin-rich projections at the leading edge, creating an initially actin-enriched contact with rearward-flowing actin. Within 1 min, cortical actin reduced across the synapse, T cell receptors (TCRs) clustered centrally to form the central supramolecular activation cluster (cSMAC), and centrosome polarization began. Granules clustered around the moving centrosome within 2.5 min and reached the synapse after 6 min. TCR-bearing intracellular vesicles were delivered to the cSMAC as the centrosome docked. We found that the centrosome and granules were delivered to an area of membrane with reduced cortical actin density and phospholipid PIP2. These data resolve the temporal order of events during synapse maturation in 4D and reveal a critical role for actin depletion in regulating secretion.
eLife | 2014
Zhe Liu; Wesley R. Legant; Bi-Chang Chen; Li Li; Jonathan B. Grimm; Luke D. Lavis; Eric Betzig; Robert Tjian
Combinatorial cis-regulatory networks encoded in animal genomes represent the foundational gene expression mechanism for directing cell-fate commitment and maintenance of cell identity by transcription factors (TFs). However, the 3D spatial organization of cis-elements and how such sub-nuclear structures influence TF activity remain poorly understood. Here, we combine lattice light-sheet imaging, single-molecule tracking, numerical simulations, and ChIP-exo mapping to localize and functionally probe Sox2 enhancer-organization in living embryonic stem cells. Sox2 enhancers form 3D-clusters that are segregated from heterochromatin but overlap with a subset of Pol II enriched regions. Sox2 searches for specific binding targets via a 3D-diffusion dominant mode when shuttling long-distances between clusters while chromatin-bound states predominate within individual clusters. Thus, enhancer clustering may reduce global search efficiency but enables rapid local fine-tuning of TF search parameters. Our results suggest an integrated model linking cis-element 3D spatial distribution to local-versus-global target search modalities essential for regulating eukaryotic gene transcription. DOI:
Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2010
Bi-Chang Chen; Jiha Sung; Sang-Hyun Lim
We present a new coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) method that can perform background-free microscopy and microspectroscopy at the vibrational fingerprint region. Chirped broad-band pulses from a single Ti:sapphire laser generate CARS signals over 800-1700 cm(-1) with a spectral resolution of 20 cm(-1). Fast modulation of the time delay between the pump and Stokes pulses coupled with lock-in signal detection not only removes the nonresonant background but also produces Raman-like CARS signals. Chemical imaging and microspectroscopy are demonstrated with various samples such as edible oils, lipid membranes, skin tissue, and plant cell walls. Systematic studies of the signal generation mechanism and several fundamental aspects are discussed.
The FASEB Journal | 2015
Ingo Thievessen; Nikta Fakhri; Julian Steinwachs; Viola Kraus; R. Scott McIsaac; Liang Gao; Bi-Chang Chen; Michelle A. Baird; Michael W. Davidson; Eric Betzig; Rudolf Oldenbourg; Clare M. Waterman; Ben Fabry
Vinculin is filamentous (F)‐actin‐binding protein enriched in integrin‐based adhesions to the extracellular matrix (ECM). Whereas studies in 2‐dimensional (2D) tissue culture models have suggested that vinculin negatively regulates cell migration by promoting cytoskeleton‐ECM coupling to strengthen and stabilize adhesions, its role in regulating cell migration in more physiologic, 3‐dimensional (3D) environments is unclear. To address the role of vinculin in 3D cell migration, we analyzed the morphodynamics, migration, and ECM remodeling of primary murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) with cre/loxP‐mediated vinculin gene disruption in 3D collagen I cultures. We found that vinculin promoted 3D cell migration by increasing directional persistence. Vinculin was necessary for persistent cell protrusion, cell elongation, and stable cell orientation in 3D collagen, but was dispensable for lamellipodia formation, suggesting that vinculin‐mediated cell adhesion to the ECM is needed to convert actin‐based cell protrusion into persistent cell shape change and migration. Consistent with this finding, vinculin was necessary for efficient traction force generation in 3D collagen without affecting myosin II activity and promoted 3D collagen fiber alignment and macroscopical gel contraction. Our results suggest that vinculin promotes directionally persistent cell migration and tension‐dependent ECM remodeling in complex 3D environments by increasing cell‐ECM adhesion and traction force generation.—Thievessen, I., Fakhri, N., Steinwachs, J., Kraus, V., McIsaac, R. S., Gao, L., Chen, B.‐C., Baird, M. A., Davidson, M. W., Betzig, E., Oldenbourg, R., Waterman, C., M., Fabry, B. Vinculin is required for cell polarization, migration, and extracellular matrix remodeling in 3D collagen. FASEB J. 29, 4555‐4567 (2015).
Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2008
Bi-Chang Chen; Sang-Hyun Lim
We present a significant sensitivity improvement of interferometric multiplex coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) by optimizing the power, bandwidth and phase of the pump, Stokes, and probe pulses independently. Fourier transform spectral interferometry (FTSI) is used to retrieve the entire complex quantity of the CARS spectrum by utilizing the non-resonant background as a local oscillator. Background-free spontaneous Raman-like vibrational spectra can be measured over the 500-1400 cm(-1) range with 20 cm(-1) spectral resolution within a tens of microseconds time scale. Chemically selective microscopy of a multicomponent polymer film is performed to demonstrate the feasibility of its microscopy application. A systematic analysis of the signal recovery method and several technical issues are discussed.