
Chinese Physics C | 2017

A hybrid structure gaseous detector for ion backflow suppression

YuLian Zhang; H. R. Qi; Bi-Tao Hu; Hy Wang; Q. Ouyang; Yuanbo Chen; Jian Zhang; Zhiwen Wen

A new concept for a hybrid structure gaseous detector module with ion backflow suppression for the time projection chamber in a future circular collider is presented. It is a hybrid structure cascaded Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) with a Micromegas detector. Both Micromegas and GEM have the capability to naturally reduce most of the ions produced in the amplification region. The GEM also acts as the preamplifer device and increases gas gain together with the Micromegas. Feasibility tests of the hybrid detector are performed using an Fe-55 X-ray source. The energy resolution is better than 27% for 5.9 keV X-rays. It is demonstrated that a backflow ratio better than 0.2% can be reached in the hybrid readout structure at a gain of 5000.

Chinese Physics C | 2016

Discriminating cosmic muons and X-rays based on rise time using a GEM detector

Hui-Yin Wu; Sheng-Ying Zhao; Xiao-Dong Wang; Xian-Ming Zhang; Hui-Rong Qi; Wei Zhang; Ke-Yan Wu; Bi-Tao Hu; Y. W. Zhang

Gas electron multiplier(GEM) detector is used in Cosmic Muon Scattering Tomography and neutron imaging in the last decade. In this work, a triple GEM device with an effective readout area of 10 cm × 10 cm is developed, and an experiment of discriminating between cosmic muon and x-ray based on rising time is tested. The energy resolution of GEM detector is tested by Fe ray source to prove the GEM detector has a good performance. The analysis of the complete signal-cycles allows to get the rising time and pulse heights. The experiment result indicates that cosmic muon and x-ray can be discriminated with an appropriate rising time threshold.Gas electron multiplier (GEM) detectors have been used in cosmic muon scattering tomography and neutron imaging over the last decade. In this work, a triple GEM device with an effective readout area of 10 cm × 10 cm is developed, and a method of discriminating between cosmic muons and X-rays based on rise time is tested. The energy resolution of the GEM detector is tested by 55Fe ray source to prove the GEM detector has a good performance. Analysis of the complete signal-cycles allows us to get the rise time and pulse heights. The experiment result indicates that cosmic muons and X-rays can be discriminated with an appropriate rise time threshold.Gas electron multiplier (GEM) detectors have been used in cosmic muon scattering tomography and neutron imaging over the last decade. In this work, a triple GEM device with an effective readout area of 10 cm x 10 cm is developed, and a method of discriminating between cosmic muons and X-rays based on rise time is tested. The energy resolution of the GEM detector is tested by Fe-55 ray source to prove the GEM detector has a good performance. Analysis of the complete signal-cycles allows us to get the rise time and pulse heights. The experiment result indicates that cosmic muons and X-rays can be discriminated with an appropriate rise time threshold.

Journal of Instrumentation | 2017

Spatial resolution measurement of triple-GEM detector and diffraction imaging test at synchrotron radiation

Y.L. Zhang; H. R. Qi; Z.W. Wen; Hy Wang; Q. Ouyang; Yanmei Chen; J. W. Zhang; Bi-Tao Hu

A triple-GEM detector with two-dimensional readout is developed. The detector provides high position resolution for powder diffraction experiments at synchrotron radiation. Spatial resolution of the detector is measured in the lab using a 55Fe X-ray source. A resolution of about 110 μm FWHM is achieved. The energy resolution is better than 27% for 5.9 keV X-rays. The detectors validity under illumination of photons in particular energy range is verified using a Cu X-ray tube. Imaging of the head of a wire stripper with X-ray tube demonstrates its imaging ability. A diffraction imaging experiment using the sample of powder SiO2 is successfully carried out at 1W2B laboratory of Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF). Different diffraction rings are clearly seen under various X-ray energies.

Chinese Physics C | 2016

Study of a nTHGEM-based thermal neutron detector

Ke Li; Jian-Rong Zhou; Xiao-Dong Wang; Tao Xiong; Ying Zhang; Yu-Guang Xie; L. Zhou; Hong Xu; Gui-An Yang; Yan-Feng Wang; Yan Wang; Jin-Jie Wu; Z. Y. Sun; Bi-Tao Hu

With new generation neutron sources, traditional neutron detectors cannot satisfy the demands of the applications, especially under high flux. Furthermore, facing the global crisis in He-3 gas supply, research on new types of neutron detector as an alternative to He-3 is a research hotspot in the field of particle detection. GEM (Gaseous Electron Multiplier) neutron detectors have high counting rate, good spatial and time resolution, and could be one future direction of the development of neutron detectors. In this paper, the physical process of neutron detection is simulated with Geant4 code, studying the relations between thermal conversion efficiency, boron thickness and number of boron layers. Due to the special characteristics of neutron detection, we have developed a novel type of special ceramic nTHGEM (neutron THick GEM) for neutron detection. The performance of the nTHGEM working in different Ar/CO2 mixtures is presented, including measurements of the gain and the count rate plateau using a copper target X-ray source. A detector with a single nTHGEM has been tested for 2-D imaging using a Cf-252 neutron source. The key parameters of the performance of the nTHGEM detector have been obtained, providing necessary experimental data as a reference for further research on this detector.

Chinese Physics C | 2014

Investigation of GEM-Micromegas detector on X-ray beam of synchrotron radiation

YuLian Zhang; H. R. Qi; Bi-Tao Hu; ShengNan Fan; Bo Wang; Mei Liu; Jian Zhang; RongGuang Liu; Guangcai Chang; Peng Liu; Q. Ouyang; Yuan-Bo Chen; Futing Yi

To reduce the discharge of the standard bulk Micromegas and GEM detectors, a GEM-Micromegas detector was developed at the Institute of High Energy Physics. Taking into account the advantages of the two detectors, one GEM foil was set as a preamplifier on the mesh of Micromegas in the structure and the GEM preamplification decreased the working voltage of Micromegas to significantly reduce the effect of the discharge. At the same gain, the spark probability of the GEM-Micromegas detector can be reduced to a factor 0.01 compared to the standard Micromegas detector, and an even higher gain could be obtained. This paper describes the performance of the X-ray beam detector that was studied at 1W2B Laboratory of Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility. Finally, the result of the energy resolution under various X-ray energies was given in different working gases. This indicates that the GEM-Micromegas detector has an energy response capability in an energy range from 6 keV to 20 keV and it could work better than the standard bulk-Micromegas.

Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2018

Track identification and reconstruction in fast neutron detection by MPGD

Y. W. Zhang; Hui-Yin Wu; Jianrong Zhou; Sheng-Ying Zhao; Bi-Tao Hu

Micro pattern gaseous detectors have been widely used in position measurements of particle detection in the last two decades. In this work a novel method of track identification and reconstruction was developed for fast neutron detection by MPGD, which in most cases requires a strong rejection of the gamma background. Based on this method, an online tracking system can be built in a FPGA-based Daq system to significantly improve both the capability of counting rate and the spatial resolution. This work also offers a potential usage in future hadron experiments such as SoLID spectrometer in Jeffereson Lab.

Chinese Physics Letters | 2015

Comparison of Experiment and Simulation of the triple GEM-Based Fast Neutron Detector

Xd Wang; Jiashun Zhang; Bi-Tao Hu; Hai-Feng Yang; Limin Duan; Cg Lu; Rj Hu; Ch Zhang; Zhou; L Yang; Lx An; W Luo; 周健荣

A detector for fast neutrons based on a 10 x 10 cm(2) triple gas electron multiplier (GEM) device is developed and tested. A neutron converter, which is a high density polyethylene (HDPE) layer, is combined with the triple GEM detector cathode and placed inside the detector, in the path of the incident neutrons. The detector is tested by obtaining the energy deposition spectrum with an Am Be neutron source in the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) at Lanzhou. In the present work we report the results of the tests and compare them with those of simulations. The transport of fast neutrons and their interactions with the different materials in the detector are simulated with the GEANT4 code, to understand the experimental results. The detector displays a clear response to the incident fast neutrons. However, an unexpected disagreement in the energy dependence of the response between the simulated and measured spectra is observed. The neutron sources used in our simulation include deuterium-tritium (DT, 14MeV), deuterium-deuterium (DD, 2.45MeV), and Am Be sources. The simulation results also show that among the secondary particles generated by the incident neutron, the main contributions to the total energy deposition are from recoil protons induced in hydrogen-rich HDPE or Kapton (GEM material), and activation photons induced by neutron interaction with Ar atoms. Their contributions account for 90% of the total energy deposition. In addition, the dependence of neutron deposited energy spectrum on the composition of the gas mixture is presented.

Chinese Physics C | 2015

Study on the novel neutron-to-proton convertor for improving the detection efficiency of a triple GEM based fast neutron detector

Xiao-Dong Wang; He-Run Yang; Zhong-Guo Ren; Jun-We Zhang; Lei Yang; Chun-Hui Zhang; Ri-Ba-La Ha; Lü-Xing An; Bi-Tao Hu

A high-efficiency fast neutron detector prototype based on a triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector, which, coupled with a novel multi-layered high-density polyethylene (HDPE) as a neutron-to-proton converter for improving the neutron detection efficiency, is introduced and tested with the Am-Be neutron source in the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) at Lanzhou in the present work. First, the developed triple GEM detector is tested by measuring its effective gain and energy resolution with 55Fe X-ray source to ensure that it has a good performance. The effective gain and obtained energy resolution is 5.0×104 and around 19.2%, respectively. Secondly, the novel multi-layered HDPE converter is coupled with the cathode of the triple GEM detector making it a high-efficiency fast neutron detector. Its effective neutron response is four times higher than that of the traditional single-layered conversion technique when the converter layer number is 38.

Chinese Physics C | 2012

Density measurement through elastic electron scattering with a gaseous target at the Jefferson Lab

Y. W. Zhang; X. Qian; Bi-Tao Hu

We report the density measurement through e-^(3)He elastic scattering with a 1.23 GeV electron beam in Jefferson Lab experiment E06-010. The extracted 3He density is (9.26±0.06) amagats and the N_(2)/^(3)He ratio is (1.49±0.08)%. In addition, these results are consistent with the deduced target densities based on pressure broadening measurement.

arXiv: Instrumentation and Detectors | 2018

A fast spatial resolution optimizing method for track-ion using a GEM detector based on the time information.

Hui-Yin Wu; Jianjin Zhou; He-Run Yang; Jianrong Zhou; Chenggui Lu; Xin Zhao; Bi-Tao Hu; Y. W. Zhang

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