
The Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology | 2012

Relationship Between Employee's Cultural Orientation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Focused on Mediation Effect of Perceived Organizational Support

김혜진; Jaesik Lee; Bia Kim

본 연구는 조직구성원의 문화성향을 수평-개인주의, 수직-개인주의, 수평-집단주의, 그리고 수직-집단주의로 구분하고 측정한 후, 각 문화성향의 점수에 따라 조직지원인식(POS)이 조직시민행동(OCB)의 두 차원인 개별성원 지향 조직시민행동(OCBI)과 조직전체 지향 조직시민행동(OCBO)에 어떠한 방식으로 영향을 미치는지 검증하였다. 본 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, OCB를 두 차원으로 구분하여 문화성향과의 관련성을 살펴본 결과, 선행 연구결과와 달리 수평/수직-개인주의 성향 점수가 높은 경우에도 수평/수직-집단주의 성향 점수가 높은 경우와 마찬가지로 OCBO 수행과 유의한 정적 관련성을 보였다. 둘째, 수직-개인주의 성향과 OCBI 사이의 관계, 그리고 수평-개인주의 성향과 OCBI/OCBO 사이의 관계를 제외한 문화성향에서 POS는 OCB에 대한 문화성향의 영향을 조절하기 보다는 부분적으로 매개하였다. 이러한 결과는 문화성향의 유형에 따라 OCBI/OCBO의 양상이 달라질 수 있다는 것과, OCBI/OCBO에 대한 문화성향의 효과가 조직구성원의 POS 수준에 따라 문화성향별로 차별적으로 조절되기보다는 대부분의 문화성향에서 POS를 매개로 OCBI/OCBO에 영향을 준다는 것을 시사한다. 본 연구의 함의와 향후 연구 방향에 대해 논의하였다.

international conference on natural computation | 2007

Analysis of Enumeration Strategy Use in the ACT-R Cognitive Architecture

Bia Kim; Jaesik Lee

Cognitive architectures as unified cognitive theories can produce an integrated explanation of human mind and behaviors. The purpose of this study was to suggest a developmental direction in ACT-R based on the effect of enumeration strategy use on visual stimuli counting task For this purpose, counting time of stimuli set size in various enumeration conditions was measured. The results showed that the knowledge of set size affected on enumeration strategy which in turn reduced counting time for relatively larger set size of 7 to 9 items. In addition, this tendency was repeatedly observed in the experimental conditions where amount of counting practice was varied. Based on the results of the experiments, a new ACT-R algorithm on visual stimuli enumeration was proposed.

Journal of Korean navigation and port research | 2006

Interaction between Navigation Officer and SCMS for Ship Control and Safe Navigation

Bia Kim; Jae-Sik Lee; Jong-Do Kim; Jin-Seok Oh

Effective interaction between navigation officer and automated navigation-support system is essential for ship-handling and safe navigation In this study, the functions of the SCMS(Ship Control and Management System) which was developed and implemented to support navigation officer`s ship control and to guide safe navigation were described in terms of navigation officer`s tasks(i.e., watchkeeping, positioning, and maneuvering), and the interactive relationship between navigation office and the system were analyzed in addition, the effectiveness of the system was evaluated in the scope of training efficiency and subjectively rated safety level.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering | 2007

Gender Differences in Spatial Navigation

Bia Kim; Se-Won Lee; Jaesik Lee

Journal of the Korea Gerontological Society | 2014

A Meta-Analysis on Variables Related with Successful Aging

정여진; 유나영; Bia Kim; HyunJung Shin; YoungSook Chong

The Journal of Humanities | 2017

Time Perspective and Happiness - A Korean Study -

Go Eun Lee; Bia Kim; HyunJung Shin

Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology | 2016

Analysis of Response Characteristics in the Judgment of Emotion for a Group of Emotional Faces

김세원; Bia Kim; Dong Hoon Lee; HyunJung Shin

International Journal of Psychology | 2016

self-serving Attribution Bias and Emotion : p0425

Shin Hyun Jung; Sunam Lee; Goeun Lee; Bia Kim

International Journal of Psychology | 2016

Materialism, Well-being, and Locus of Control: Comparative Study of East Asian Countries: P0458

Yoonkyoung Lee; Goeun Lee; Sunam Lee; Eun Hee Jeong; HyunJung Shin; Bia Kim

Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences | 2016

The Effect of Affect in Self-Serving Attribution Bias

이수남; Dong Hoon Lee; Bia Kim; HyunJung Shin

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