Bice Cavallo
University of Naples Federico II
principles of engineering service-oriented systems | 2010
Bice Cavallo; Massimiliano Di Penta; Gerardo Canfora
Run-time binding is an important and useful feature of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA), which aims at selecting, among functionally equivalent services, the ones that optimize some QoS objective of the overall application. To this aim, it is particularly relevant to forecast the QoS a service will likely exhibit in future invocations. This paper presents an empirical study aimed at comparing different approaches for QoS forecasting, namely the use of average and current values, linear models, and models based on time series. The study is performed on QoS data obtained by monitoring the execution of 10 real services for 4 months. Results show that, overall, the use of time series forecasting has the best compromise in ensuring a good prediction error, being sensible to outliers, and being able to predict likely violations of QoS constraints.
International Journal of Intelligent Systems | 2012
Bice Cavallo; Livia D'Apuzzo; Massimo Squillante
Pairwise comparison matrices (PCMs) over an Abelian linearly ordered (alo)‐group \documentclass{article}\usepackage{amssymb}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}
Fuzzy Sets and Systems | 2015
Bice Cavallo; Livia D'Apuzzo
\mathcal{G}=(G, \odot, \leq)
international conference information processing | 2012
Bice Cavallo; Livia D’Apuzzo
\end{document} have been introduced to generalize multiplicative, additive and fuzzy ones and remove some consistency drawbacks. Under the assumption of divisibility of \documentclass{article}\usepackage{amssymb}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}
availability, reliability and security | 2008
Gerardo Canfora; Bice Cavallo
algorithmic decision theory | 2009
Bice Cavallo; Livia D'Apuzzo; Massimo Squillante
\end{document}, for each PCM A=(aij), a ⊙‐mean vector \documentclass{article}\usepackage{amssymb}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}
Information Sciences | 2014
Bice Cavallo
data and knowledge engineering | 2009
Gerardo Canfora; Bice Cavallo
\end{document} can be associated with A and a consistency measure \documentclass{article}\usepackage{amssymb}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}
Fuzzy Sets and Systems | 2016
Bice Cavallo; Livia D'Apuzzo
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making | 2009
Bice Cavallo; Livia D'Apuzzo; Massimo Squillante
\end{document}, expressed in terms of ⊙‐mean of \documentclass{article}\usepackage{amssymb}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}