
Journal of Neurosurgery | 2016

Preoperative chemotherapy and corticosteroids: independent predictors of cranial surgical-site infections.

Bryan A. Lieber; Geoffrey Appelboom; Blake Taylor; Franklin D. Lowy; Eliza M. Bruce; Adam M. Sonabend; Christopher P. Kellner; E. Sander Connolly; Jeffrey N. Bruce

OBJECT Preoperative corticosteroids and chemotherapy are frequently prescribed for patients undergoing cranial neurosurgery but may pose a risk of postoperative infection. Postoperative surgical-site infections (SSIs) have significant morbidity and mortality, dramatically increase the length and cost of hospitalization, and are a major cause of 30-day readmission. In patients undergoing cranial neurosurgery, there is a lack of data on the role of patient-specific risk factors in the development of SSIs. The authors of this study sought to determine whether chemotherapy and prolonged steroid use before surgery increase the risk of an SSI at postoperative Day 30. METHODS Using the national prospectively collected American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP) database for 2006-2012, the authors calculated the rates of superficial, deep-incisional, and organ-space SSIs at postoperative Day 30 for neurosurgery patients who had undergone chemotherapy or had significant steroid use within 30 days before undergoing cranial surgery. Trauma patients, patients younger than 18 years, and patients with a preoperative infection were excluded. Univariate analysis was performed for 25 variables considered risk factors for superficial and organ-space SSIs. To identify independent predictors of SSIs, the authors then conducted a multivariate analysis in which they controlled for duration of operation, wound class, white blood cell count, and other potential confounders that were significant on the univariate analysis. RESULTS A total of 8215 patients who had undergone cranial surgery were identified. There were 158 SSIs at 30 days (frequency 1.92%), of which 52 were superficial, 27 were deep-incisional, and 79 were organ-space infections. Preoperative chemotherapy was an independent predictor of organ-space SSIs in the multivariate model (OR 5.20, 95% CI 2.33-11.62, p < 0.0001), as was corticosteroid use (OR 1.86, 95% CI 1.03-3.37, p = 0.04), but neither was a predictor of superficial or deep-incisional SSIs. Other independent predictors of organ-space SSIs were longer duration of operation (OR 1.16), wound class of ≥ 2 (clean-contaminated and further contaminated) (OR 3.17), and morbid obesity (body mass index ≥ 40 kg/m(2)) (OR 3.05). Among superficial SSIs, wound class of 3 (contaminated) (OR 6.89), operative duration (OR 1.13), and infratentorial surgical approach (OR 2.20) were predictors. CONCLUSIONS Preoperative chemotherapy and corticosteroid use are independent predictors of organ-space SSIs, even when data are controlled for leukopenia. This indicates that the disease process in organ-space SSIs may differ from that in superficial SSIs. In effect, this study provides one of the largest analyses of risk factors for SSIs after cranial surgery. The results suggest that, in certain circumstances, modulation of preoperative chemotherapy or steroid regimens may reduce the risk of organ-space SSIs and should be considered in the preoperative care of this population. Future studies are needed to determine optimal timing and dosing of these medications.

Neurosurgery | 2016

Causes and Timing of Unplanned Early Readmission After Neurosurgery.

Blake Taylor; Brett E. Youngerman; Hannah Goldstein; Daniel Kabat; Geoffrey Appelboom; William Gold; Connolly Es

BACKGROUND Reducing the rate of 30-day hospital readmission has become a priority in healthcare quality improvement policy, with a focus on better characterizing the reasons for unplanned readmission. In neurosurgery, however, peer-reviewed analyses describing the patterns of readmission have been limited in their number and generalizability. OBJECTIVE To determine the incidence, timing, and causes of 30-day readmission after neurosurgical procedures. METHODS We conducted a retrospective longitudinal study from 2009 to 2012 using the Statewide Planning And Research Cooperative System, which collects patient-level details for all admissions and discharges within New York. We identified patients readmitted within 30 days of initial discharge. The rate of, reasons for, and time to readmission were determined overall and within 4 subgroups: craniotomies, cranial surgery without craniotomy, spine, and neuroendovascular procedures. RESULTS There were 163 743 index admissions, of whom 14 791 (9.03%) were readmitted. The most common reasons for unplanned readmission were infection (29.52%) and medical complications (19.22%). Median time to readmission was 11 days, with hemorrhagic strokes and seizures occurring earlier, and medical complications and infections occurring later. Readmission rates were highest among patients undergoing cerebrospinal fluid shunt revision and malignant tumor resection (15.57%-22.60%). Spinal decompressions, however, accounted for the largest volume of readmissions (33.13%). CONCLUSION Many readmissions may be preventable and occur at predictable time intervals. The causes and timing of readmission vary significantly across neurosurgical subgroups. Future studies should focus on detecting specific complications in select cohorts at predefined time points, which may allow for interventions to lower costs and reduce patient morbidity. ABBREVIATIONS CSF, cerebrospinal fluidIQR, interquartile rangeSPARCS, Statewide Planning And Research Cooperative System.

World Neurosurgery | 2015

Motion Sensors to Assess and Monitor Medical and Surgical Management of Parkinson Disease

Bryan A. Lieber; Blake Taylor; Geoff Appelboom; Guy M. McKhann; E. Sander Connolly

Patients with Parkinson disease (PD) often suffer from a resting tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity, postural instability, and gait difficulty. Determining a patients candidacy for deep-brain stimulation (DBS) surgery and tracking their clinical response postoperatively requires that the frequency, duration, and severity of these symptoms be characterized in detail. Conventional means of assessing these symptoms, however, rely heavily on patient self-reporting, which often fails to provide the necessary level of detail. Wearable accelerometers are a novel tool that can detect and objectively characterize these movement abnormalities in both the clinical setting and the patients home environment. In this article, we review the role of accelerometers in surgical candidate selection, recording and predicting falls, recording and predicting freezing of gait, evaluating surgical outcomes, and evaluating postoperative recovery and in altering DBS settings. Although accelerometry has yet to make it into the mainstream clinic, there is great promise for this technology in monitoring Parkinson patients.

Journal of Clinical Neuroscience | 2015

Influence on morbidity and mortality of neoadjuvant radiation and chemotherapy among cranial malignancy patients in the postoperative setting.

Paul Narayan Hein; Bryan A. Lieber; Eliza M. Bruce; Blake Taylor; Geoffrey Appelboom; Mickey Abraham; E. Sander Connolly

We sought to assess the impact of neoadjuvant therapy on 30 day mortality and morbidity using data from the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP). Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are both often indicated for treatment of cranial or systemic malignancy but can have significant adverse effects in the postsurgical setting. Data from 2006 to 2012 were obtained from the national ACS-NSQIP database. A total of 1044 patients were identified who obtained surgery for removal of metastatic brain tumors, of whom 127 received neoadjuvant chemotherapy and 65 neoadjuvant radiotherapy. Our primary outcome was 30 day mortality and secondary outcomes were 30 day surgical and medical morbidities. We selected previously reported preoperative variables to build a univariate and a multivariate model to determine preoperative characteristics most associated with neurosurgical mortality and morbidity. Our study found that neoadjuvant chemotherapy was associated with a 2.4-fold increase in the risk of 30 day mortality compared to the patient cohort who did not receive chemotherapy (p=0.023). Interestingly, there was no statistically significant increase in overall 30 day surgical or medical morbidity for the chemotherapy group. Neoadjuvant radiotherapy was not associated with an increase in 30 day morbidity or mortality. The significant increase in mortality associated with chemotherapy warrants further investigation, particularly to determine how to best personalize neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatment options to improve surgical outcomes. Neoadjuvant radiotherapy may be safer in terms of short-term postoperative morbidity and mortality.

Journal of Clinical Neuroscience | 2015

The role of age in intracerebral hemorrhages

Elvis Camacho; Melissa A. LoPresti; Sam Bruce; Derek Lin; Mickey Abraham; Geoff Appelboom; Blake Taylor; Michael McDowell; Byron G. Dubois; Mihika Sathe; E. Sander Connolly

We aimed to identify the role of age in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), as well as characterize the most commonly used age cut off points in the literature, with the hope of understanding and guiding treatment. Strokes are one of the leading causes of death in the USA, and ICH is the deadliest type. Age is a strong risk factor, but it also affects the body in numerous ways, including changes to the cardiovascular and central nervous systems that interplay with the multiple risk factors for ICH. Understanding the role of age in risk and outcomes of ICH can guide treatment and future clinical trials. A current review of the literature suggests that the age cut offs for increased rates of mortality and morbidity vary from 60-80 years of age, with the most common age cut offs being at 65 or 70 years of age. In addition to age as a determinant of ICH outcomes, age has its own effects on the maturing body in terms of changes in physiology, while also increasing the risk of multiple chronic health conditions and comorbidities, including hypertension, diabetes, and anticoagulant treatment for atrial fibrillation, all of which contribute to the pathology of ICH. The interaction of these chronic conditions, changes in physiology, age, and ICH is evident. However, the exact mechanism and extent of the impacts remains unclear. The ambiguity of these connections may be further obscured by individual patient preferences, and there are limitations in the literature which guides the current recommendations for aging patients.

Journal of Clinical Neuroscience | 2015

Underlying effect of age on outcome differences in arteriovenous malformation-associated intracerebral hemorrhage

Blake Taylor; Geoffrey Appelboom; Annie Yang; Eliza Bruce; Melissa LoPresti; Samuel S. Bruce; Brandon R. Christophe; Jan Claassen; E. Sander Connolly

Brain arteriovenous malformations (AVM) are the most common cause of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in young adults. Although previous studies have found that the mortality and morbidity of ICH due to AVM (AVM-ICH) is lower than in spontaneous ICH, it is unclear whether the more favorable prognosis is directly related to the presence of the vascular malformation. We included 34 patients with AVM-ICH and 187 with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (sICH) due to either hypertension or cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Patient data were obtained from the prospective Intracerebral Hemorrhage Outcomes Project, which enrolls ICH patients admitted to Columbia University Medical Center. Using ICH etiology (AVM-ICH or sICH) and previously verified predictors of ICH outcome, two multivariate analyses were performed with and without age to compare the odds of death at 3 months and the functional outcome. Although mortality in AVM-ICH group was lower than the sICH group (20.6% versus 43.3%, respectively), this value was only significant when age was excluded (p=0.017) and lost its significance when we controlled for age (p=0.157). There was an analogous loss of significance with functional outcome using the modified Rankin Scale. In conclusion, our data suggests that the previously observed lower case fatality rate and more favorable functional outcomes in the AVM-ICH group compared to the sICH group may largely be the result of age.

Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation | 2015

Role of the complement cascade in cerebral aneurysm formation, growth, and rupture

Blake Taylor; Geoff Appelboom; Robert Zilinyi; Ariana Goodman; David Chapel; Melissa LoPresti; Edward Sander Connolly

Rupture of intracranial aneurysms is the most common cause of nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, but the intricate neuroinflammatory processes which contribute to aneurysm pathophysiology are not well-understood. Mounting evidence has implicated the complement cascade in the progression of aneurysms from their formation to rupture. In this article, we identify and review studies that have sought to determine the role of the complement system in the aneurysm pathogenesis. The studies were generally conducted by immunhistological analyses on aneurysm tissue collected intraoperatively, and multiple components of the complement cascade and its modulators were identified in specific regions of the aneurysm wall. The results of the studies suggest that the complement cascade is locally upregulated and disinhibited in the perianeurysmal environment, and that it contributes to chronic as well as acute immunological damage to the aneurysm wall. In the future, understanding the mechanisms at work in complement-mediated damage is necessary to leading the development of novel therapies.

international journal of neurorehabilitation | 2014

Meta-analysis of Telemonitoring to Improve HbA1c Levels: Promises for Stroke Survivors

Bryan A. Lieber; Blake Taylor; Geoff Appelboom; Kiran Prasad; Sam Bruce; Annie Yang; Eliza M. Bruce; Brandon R. Christophe; E. Sander Connolly

Background: Diabetes mellitus predisposes to ischemic stroke, a major cause of death in this population, and worsens the post-stroke prognosis. Monitoring glycemic control is useful not only in the primary prevention of stroke in diabetics, but also in the rehabilitation from and secondary prevention of stroke. In an often functionally and neurocognitively impaired population, however, poor compliance to treatment regimens is a major problem. Digital, wireless telemonitoring glucometers offer a solution to the compliance issue—not only do they give patients a dynamic experience of their own glycemic control via digital monitors, but many also have an integrated alert system with healthcare providers and more real-time feedback than traditional self-monitoring methods. Objective: To evaluate effectiveness of telemonitoring technologies in improving long-term glycemic control. Methods: A search on on November 2013, using keywords “telemonitoring” (n=103), “selfcare device” (n=50), and “self management device” (n=210), revealed trials investigating a range of chronic disease including heart disease, diabetes, COPD, asthma, and hypertension. Some of the cardiac-oriented trials utilized varying outcome measurements. Therefore, we only selected published diabetes trials comparing HbA1c levels of a group receiving standard of care to a group receiving a telemonitoring intervention. Using a random effects model of mean difference, a meta-analysis was conducted on five trials that measured differences in HbA1c levels between the two groups at six months follow-up. Results: Five clinical trials were identified. Four of the five studies showed a greater reduction in HbA1c in the intervention group compared to controls at 6 months, although only one was statistically significant. There was considerable heterogeneity between studies (I2= 69.5%, p=0.02). The random effects model estimated the aggregate effect size for mean difference in reduction of HbA1c levels in the treatment group vs. control to be 0.08% [-0.12- 0.28%], which was not statistically significant (p=0.42). Conclusions: The varying results may be due to specific factors in the trials that contributed to their large heterogeneity. Although there is great potential to use telemonitoring in stroke patients, further trials are needed to support its role in improving diabetes management in this population. Nonetheless, in the future telemonitoring may substantially help patients at risk of ischemic stroke and those who require close glucose monitoring.

Technology and Health Care | 2015

Clinical and surgical applications of smart glasses.

Mitrasinovic S; Camacho E; Trivedi N; Logan J; Campbell C; Zilinyi R; Bryan A. Lieber; Eliza M. Bruce; Blake Taylor; Martineau D; Dumont El; Geoffrey Appelboom; Connolly Es

World Neurosurgery | 2016

Impact of Hyponatremia on Morbidity, Mortality, and Complications After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Systematic Review

Ben Mapa; Blake Taylor; Geoffrey Appelboom; Eliza M. Bruce; Jan Claassen; E. Sander Connolly

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