Bonggu Shim
Binghamton University
Science | 2012
Tenio Popmintchev; Ming-Chang Chen; Dimitar Popmintchev; Paul Arpin; Susannah Brown; S. Ališauskas; Giedrius Andriukaitis; Tadas Balciunas; Oliver D. Mücke; Audrius Pugzlys; Andrius Baltuska; Bonggu Shim; Samuel E. Schrauth; Alexander L. Gaeta; Carlos Hernandez-Garcia; Luis Plaja; Andreas Becker; Agnieszka Jaron-Becker; Margaret M. Murnane; Henry C. Kapteyn
From Long to Short When you play a string instrument, you raise the frequency, or pitch, of the note by shortening the vibrating portion of the string: Drop the length in half, and you hear a harmonic at double the frequency. It is possible to do essentially the same thing with light waves by using selective excitation and relaxation processes of the electrons in crystals or high-pressure gases through which the beam of light is directed to produce light harmonics. Over the past decade, researchers have been optimizing the conversion of red light to the far edge of the ultraviolet, which corresponds to tens of harmonics. Popmintchev et al. (p. 1287) now show that mid-infrared light can undergo a process in high-pressure gas to generate ultrahigh harmonics up to orders greater than 5000 in the x-ray regime. An electron excitation process in a high-pressure gas converts infrared light into a well-confined beam of x-rays. High-harmonic generation (HHG) traditionally combines ~100 near-infrared laser photons to generate bright, phase-matched, extreme ultraviolet beams when the emission from many atoms adds constructively. Here, we show that by guiding a mid-infrared femtosecond laser in a high-pressure gas, ultrahigh harmonics can be generated, up to orders greater than 5000, that emerge as a bright supercontinuum that spans the entire electromagnetic spectrum from the ultraviolet to more than 1.6 kilo–electron volts, allowing, in principle, the generation of pulses as short as 2.5 attoseconds. The multiatmosphere gas pressures required for bright, phase-matched emission also support laser beam self-confinement, further enhancing the x-ray yield. Finally, the x-ray beam exhibits high spatial coherence, even though at high gas density the recolliding electrons responsible for HHG encounter other atoms during the emission process.
Optics Express | 2013
Kasturi Saha; Yoshitomo Okawachi; Bonggu Shim; Jacob S. Levy; Reza Salem; Adrea R. Johnson; Mark A. Foster; Michael R. E. Lamont; Michal Lipson; Alexander L. Gaeta
We investigate simultaneously the temporal and optical and radio-frequency spectral properties of parametric frequency combs generated in silicon-nitride microresonators and observe that the system undergoes a transition to a mode-locked state. We demonstrate the generation of sub-200-fs pulses at a repetition rate of 99 GHz. Our calculations show that pulse generation in this system is consistent with soliton modelocking. Ultimately, such parametric devices offer the potential of producing ultra-short laser pulses from the visible to mid-infrared regime at repetition rates from GHz to THz.
Science | 2015
Dimitar Popmintchev; Carlos Hernandez-Garcia; Franklin Dollar; Christopher A. Mancuso; J. A. Pérez-Hernández; Ming-Chang Chen; Amelia Hankla; Xiaohui Gao; Bonggu Shim; Alexander L. Gaeta; Maryam Tarazkar; Dmitri A. Romanov; Robert J. Levis; Jim Gaffney; M. E. Foord; Stephen B. Libby; Agnieszka Jaron-Becker; Andreas Becker; Luis Plaja; Margaret M. Murnane; Henry C. Kapteyn; Tenio Popmintchev
Short wavelengths birth shorter ones The shortest laser pulses—with durations measured in attoseconds—arise from a process termed high-harmonic generation (HHG). Essentially, a longer, “driving” pulse draws electrons out of gaseous atoms like a slingshot, and, when they ricochet back, light emerges at shorter wavelengths. Most HHG has been carried out using light near the visible/infrared boundary for the driving pulse. Popmintchev et al. used an ultraviolet driving pulse instead, which yielded an unexpectedly efficient outcome. These results could presage a more generally efficient means of creating x-ray pulses for fundamental dynamics studies as well as technological applications. Science, this issue p. 1225 Ultraviolet pulses show unexpected efficiency in generating the higher-frequency emission underlying attosecond spectroscopy. High-harmonic generation is a universal response of matter to strong femtosecond laser fields, coherently upconverting light to much shorter wavelengths. Optimizing the conversion of laser light into soft x-rays typically demands a trade-off between two competing factors. Because of reduced quantum diffusion of the radiating electron wave function, the emission from each species is highest when a short-wavelength ultraviolet driving laser is used. However, phase matching—the constructive addition of x-ray waves from a large number of atoms—favors longer-wavelength mid-infrared lasers. We identified a regime of high-harmonic generation driven by 40-cycle ultraviolet lasers in waveguides that can generate bright beams in the soft x-ray region of the spectrum, up to photon energies of 280 electron volts. Surprisingly, the high ultraviolet refractive indices of both neutral atoms and ions enabled effective phase matching, even in a multiply ionized plasma. We observed harmonics with very narrow linewidths, while calculations show that the x-rays emerge as nearly time-bandwidth–limited pulse trains of ~100 attoseconds.
Optics Express | 2011
Bonggu Shim; Samuel E. Schrauth; Alexander L. Gaeta
We theoretically investigate filamentation of ultrashort laser pulses in air in the mid-infrared regime under conditions in which the group-velocity dispersion (GVD) is anomalous. When a high-power, ultra-short mid-infrared laser beam centered at 3.1-μm forms a filament, a spatial solitary wave is stabilized by the plasma formation and propagates several times its diffraction length. Compared with temporal self-compression in gases due to plasma formation and pulse splitting in the normal-GVD regime, the minimum achievable pulse duration (∼70 fs) is limited by the bandwidth of the anomalous-GVD region in air. For the relatively high powers, multiple pulse splitting due to the plasma effect and shock formation is observed, which is similar to that which occurs in solids. Our simulations show that the energy reservoir also plays a critical role for longer propagation of the air filament in the anomalous-GVD regime.
Optics Express | 2009
Amiel A. Ishaaya; Christopher J. Hensley; Bonggu Shim; Samuel E. Schrauth; Karl W. Koch; Alexander L. Gaeta
We demonstrate extremely efficient excitation of linearly-, radially-, and azimuthally-polarized modes in a hollow-core photonic band-gap fiber with femtosecond laser pulses. We achieve coupling efficiencies as high as 98% with linearly polarized input Gaussian beams and with high-power pulses we obtain peak intensities greater than 10(14) W/cm(2) inside and transmitted through the fiber. With radially polarized pulses, we achieve 91% total transmission through the fiber while maintaining the polarization state. Alternatively with azimuthally-polarized pulses, the mode is degraded in the fiber, and the pure polarization state is not maintained.
conference on lasers and electro optics | 2008
Christopher J. Hensley; Mark A. Foster; Bonggu Shim; Alexander L. Gaeta
Amplified femtosecond laser pulses are coupled through a hollow-core photonic band-gap fiber with efficiencies greater than 98%. Peak power intensities greater than 1014 W/cm2 are achieved inside the fiber core.
M. C. Downer; Charles B. Chiu; M. Fomyts’kyi; E. W. Gaul; Franklin Grigsby; N. H. Matlis; Bonggu Shim; P. J. Smith; R. Zgadzaj
We have demonstrated distortion‐free guiding of 1 TW pulses at near relativistic intensity (0.2 × 1018 W/cm2) over 60 Rayleigh lengths at 20 Hz repetition rate in a preformed helium plasma channel. As steps toward efficient channeled Laser Wakefield Acceleration up to the dephasing limit, we have upgraded our laser system from 1 to 4 TW, adapted femtosecond interferometric diagnostics to probe plasma density fluctuations inside the channel, and developed detailed strategies for managing ionization distortions at the channel entrance and exit at the upgraded intensity. We also report simulations, and preliminary experiments, that explore a strategy for Raman‐seeding laser pulses to coherently control both unchanneled and channeled LWFA in order to lower the laser energy threshold and increase the repetition rate of electron pickup and acceleration.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2013
Xiaohui Gao; Alexey Arefiev; Richard Korzekwa; Xiaoming Wang; Bonggu Shim; M. C. Downer
We present an in-depth study of a rapid, noninvasive, single-shot optical method of determining cluster mass fraction fc(r, t) at specified positions r within, and at time t after opening the valve of, a pulsed high-pressure pulsed supersonic gas jet. A ∼2 mJ, 40 fs pump pulse ionizes the monomers, causing an immediate drop in the jets refractive index njet proportional to monomer density, while simultaneously initiating hydrodynamic expansion of the clusters. The latter leads to a second drop in njet that is proportional to cluster density and is delayed by ∼1 ps. A temporally stretched probe pulse measures the 2-step index evolution in a single shot by frequency-domain holography, enabling recovery of fc. We present a model for recovering fc from fs-time-resolved phase shifts. We also present extensive measurements of spatio-temporal profiles fc(r,t) of cluster mass fraction in a high-pressure supersonic argon jet for various values of backing pressure P0 and reservoir temperature T0.
Optics Express | 2011
Samuel E. Schrauth; Bonggu Shim; Aaron D. Slepkov; Luat T. Vuong; Alexander L. Gaeta; Nir Gavish; Gadi Fibich
We investigate experimentally the role that the initial temporal profile of ultrashort laser pulses has on the self-focusing dynamics in the anomalous group-velocity dispersion (GVD) regime. We observe that pulse-splitting occurs for super-Gaussian pulses, but not for Gaussian pulses. The splitting does not occur for either pulse shape when the GVD is near-zero. These observations agree with predictions based on the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, and can be understood intuitively using the method of nonlinear geometrical optics.
Optics Express | 2011
Bonggu Shim; Samuel E. Schrauth; Luat T. Vuong; Yoshitomo Okawachi; Alexander L. Gaeta
We investigate 3D spatio-temporal focusing of elliptically-shaped beams in a bulk medium with Kerr nonlinearity and anomalous group-velocity dispersion (GVD). Strong space-time localization of the mode is observed through multi-filamentation with temporal compression by a factor of 3. This behavior is in contrast to the near-zero GVD regime in which minimal pulse temporal compression is observed. Our theoretical simulations qualitatively reproduce the experimental results showing the highly localized spatio-temporal profile in the anomalous-GVD regime, which contrasts to the weakly localized pulse in the normal-GVD regime.