
Physical Review Letters | 2006

Critical temperature and thermodynamics of attractive fermions at unitarity

Evgeni Burovski; Nikolay Prokof'ev; Boris Svistunov; Matthias Troyer

The unitarity regime of the BCS-BEC crossover can be realized by diluting a system of two-component lattice fermions with an on-site attractive interaction. We perform a systematic-error-free finite-temperature simulation of this system by diagrammatic determinant Monte Carlo method. The critical temperature in units of Fermi energy is found to be T(C)/epsilonF=0.152(7). We also report the behavior of the thermodynamic functions, and discuss the issues of thermometry of ultracold Fermi gases.

Physical Review E | 2006

Worm algorithm and diagrammatic Monte Carlo: A new approach to continuous-space path integral Monte Carlo simulations

Massimo Boninsegni; Nikolai Prokof'ev; Boris Svistunov

A detailed description is provided of a new worm algorithm, enabling the accurate computation of thermodynamic properties of quantum many-body systems in continuous space, at finite temperature. The algorithm is formulated within the general path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) scheme, but also allows one to perform quantum simulations in the grand canonical ensemble, as well as to compute off-diagonal imaginary-time correlation functions, such as the Matsubara Green function, simultaneously with diagonal observables. Another important innovation consists of the expansion of the attractive part of the pairwise potential energy into elementary (diagrammatic) contributions, which are then statistically sampled. This affords a complete microscopic account of the long-range part of the potential energy, while keeping the computational complexity of all updates independent of the size of the simulated system. The computational scheme allows for efficient calculations of the superfluid fraction and off-diagonal correlations in space-time, for system sizes which are orders of magnitude larger than those accessible to conventional PIMC. We present illustrative results for the superfluid transition in bulk liquid 4He in two and three dimensions, as well as the calculation of the chemical potential of hcp 4He.

Physical Review A | 2008

Monte Carlo study of the two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model

Barbara Capogrosso-Sansone; Sebnem Gunes Soyler; Nikolay Prokof'ev; Boris Svistunov

One of the most promising applications of ultracold gases in optical lattices is the possibility to use them as quantum emulators of more complex condensed matter systems. We provide benchmark calculations, based on exact quantum Monte Carlo simulations, for the emulator to be tested against. We report results for the ground state phase diagram of the two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model at unity filling factor. We precisely trace out the critical behavior of the system and resolve the region of small insulating gaps,

Physical Review Letters | 2004

Kelvin-Wave Cascade and Decay of Superfluid Turbulence

Evgeny Kozik; Boris Svistunov


Physical Review Letters | 2006

Worm Algorithm for Continuous-Space Path Integral Monte Carlo Simulations

Massimo Boninsegni; Nikolay Prokof'ev; Boris Svistunov

. The critical point is found to be

Physical Review Letters | 2007

Luttinger liquid in the core of a screw dislocation in helium-4

Massimo Boninsegni; Kuklov; Pollet; Nikolai Prokof'ev; Boris Svistunov; Troyer


Nature Physics | 2010

Suppression of the critical temperature for superfluidity near the Mott transition

Stefan Trotzky; Lode Pollet; Fabrice Gerbier; U Schnorrberger; Immanuel Bloch; Nikolai Prokof'ev; Boris Svistunov; Matthias Troyer

, in perfect agreement with the high-order strong-coupling expansion method of Elstner and Monien [Phys. Rev. B 59, 12184 (1999)]. In addition, we present data for the effective mass of particle and hole excitations inside the insulating phase and obtain the critical temperature for the superfluid-normal transition at unity filling factor.

Physical Review B | 2008

Fermi-polaron problem: Diagrammatic Monte Carlo method for divergent sign-alternating series

Nikolay Prokof'ev; Boris Svistunov

Kelvin waves (kelvons), the distortion waves on vortex lines, play a key part in the relaxation of superfluid turbulence at low temperatures. We present a weak-turbulence theory of kelvons. We show that nontrivial kinetics arises only beyond the local-induction approximation and is governed by three-kelvon collisions; a corresponding kinetic equation is derived. We prove the existence of Kolmogorov cascade and find its spectrum. The qualitative analysis is corroborated by numeric study of the kinetic equation. The application of the results to the theory of superfluid turbulence is discussed.

Physical Review X | 2015

Solutions of the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model: Benchmarks and Results from a Wide Range of Numerical Algorithms

James LeBlanc; Andrey E. Antipov; Federico Becca; Ireneusz W. Bulik; Garnet Kin-Lic Chan; Chia Min Chung; Youjin Deng; Michel Ferrero; Thomas M. Henderson; Carlos A. Jiménez-Hoyos; Evgeny Kozik; Xuan Wen Liu; Andrew J. Millis; N Prokof’ev; Mingpu Qin; Gustavo E. Scuseria; Hao Shi; Boris Svistunov; Luca F. Tocchio; Igor S. Tupitsyn; Steven R. White; Shiwei Zhang; Bo Xiao Zheng; Zhenyue Zhu; Emanuel Gull

We present a new approach to path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations based on the worm algorithm, originally developed for lattice models and extended here to continuous-space many-body systems. The scheme allows for efficient computation of thermodynamic properties, including winding numbers and off-diagonal correlations, for systems of much greater size than that accessible to conventional PIMC simulations. As an illustrative application of the method, we simulate the superfluid transition of 4He in two dimensions.

Physical Review Letters | 2007

Superfluidity of Grain Boundaries in Solid 4He

Lode Pollet; Massimo Boninsegni; Anatoly Kuklov; Nikolai Prokof'ev; Boris Svistunov; Matthias Troyer

On the basis of first-principles Monte Carlo simulations we find that the screw dislocation along the hexagonal axis of an hcp 4He crystal features a superfluid (at T-->0) core. This is the first example of a regular quasi-one-dimensional supersolid--the phase featuring both translational and superfluid orders, and one of the cleanest cases of a Luttinger-liquid system. In contrast, the same type of screw dislocation in solid H2 is insulating.

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