
Featured researches published by Bram Vanthournout.

Nature Communications | 2014

Spider genomes provide insight into composition and evolution of venom and silk

Kristian W. Sanggaard; Jesper Bechsgaard; Xiaodong Fang; Jinjie Duan; Thomas F. Dyrlund; Vikas Gupta; Xuanting Jiang; Ling Cheng; Dingding Fan; Yue Feng; Lijuan Han; Zhiyong Huang; Zongze Wu; Li Liao; Virginia Settepani; Ida B. Thøgersen; Bram Vanthournout; Tobias Wang; Yabing Zhu; Peter Funch; Jan J. Enghild; Leif Schauser; Stig U. Andersen; Palle Villesen; Mikkel H. Schierup; Trine Bilde; Jun Wang

Spiders are ecologically important predators with complex venom and extraordinarily tough silk that enables capture of large prey. Here we present the assembled genome of the social velvet spider and a draft assembly of the tarantula genome that represent two major taxonomic groups of spiders. The spider genomes are large with short exons and long introns, reminiscent of mammalian genomes. Phylogenetic analyses place spiders and ticks as sister groups supporting polyphyly of the Acari. Complex sets of venom and silk genes/proteins are identified. We find that venom genes evolved by sequential duplication, and that the toxic effect of venom is most likely activated by proteases present in the venom. The set of silk genes reveals a highly dynamic gene evolution, new types of silk genes and proteins, and a novel use of aciniform silk. These insights create new opportunities for pharmacological applications of venom and biomaterial applications of silk.

BMC Biology | 2017

The house spider genome reveals an ancient whole-genome duplication during arachnid evolution.

Evelyn E. Schwager; Prashant P. Sharma; Thomas H. Clarke; Daniel J. Leite; Torsten Wierschin; Matthias Pechmann; Yasuko Akiyama-Oda; Lauren Esposito; Jesper Bechsgaard; Trine Bilde; Alexandra D. Buffry; Hsu Chao; Huyen Dinh; HarshaVardhan Doddapaneni; Shannon Dugan; Cornelius Eibner; Cassandra G. Extavour; Peter Funch; Jessica E. Garb; Luis B. Gonzalez; Vanessa L. González; Sam Griffiths-Jones; Yi Han; Cheryl Y. Hayashi; Maarten Hilbrant; Daniel S.T. Hughes; Ralf Janssen; Sandra L. Lee; Ignacio Maeso; Shwetha C. Murali

BackgroundThe duplication of genes can occur through various mechanisms and is thought to make a major contribution to the evolutionary diversification of organisms. There is increasing evidence for a large-scale duplication of genes in some chelicerate lineages including two rounds of whole genome duplication (WGD) in horseshoe crabs. To investigate this further, we sequenced and analyzed the genome of the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum.ResultsWe found pervasive duplication of both coding and non-coding genes in this spider, including two clusters of Hox genes. Analysis of synteny conservation across the P. tepidariorum genome suggests that there has been an ancient WGD in spiders. Comparison with the genomes of other chelicerates, including that of the newly sequenced bark scorpion Centruroides sculpturatus, suggests that this event occurred in the common ancestor of spiders and scorpions, and is probably independent of the WGDs in horseshoe crabs. Furthermore, characterization of the sequence and expression of the Hox paralogs in P. tepidariorum suggests that many have been subject to neo-functionalization and/or sub-functionalization since their duplication.ConclusionsOur results reveal that spiders and scorpions are likely the descendants of a polyploid ancestor that lived more than 450 MYA. Given the extensive morphological diversity and ecological adaptations found among these animals, rivaling those of vertebrates, our study of the ancient WGD event in Arachnopulmonata provides a new comparative platform to explore common and divergent evolutionary outcomes of polyploidization events across eukaryotes.

Journal of Evolutionary Biology | 2016

Comparative genomic study of arachnid immune systems indicates loss of beta‐1,3‐glucanase‐related proteins and the immune deficiency pathway

Jesper Bechsgaard; Bram Vanthournout; Peter Funch; Stine Vestbo; Richard A. Gibbs; Stephen Richards; Kristian W. Sanggaard; Jan J. Enghild; Trine Bilde

Analyses of arthropod genomes have shown that the genes in the different innate humoral immune responses are conserved. These genes encode proteins that are involved in immune signalling pathways that recognize pathogens and activate immune responses. These immune responses include phagocytosis, encapsulation of the pathogen and production of effector molecules for pathogen elimination. So far, most studies have focused on insects leaving other major arthropod groups largely unexplored. Here, we annotate the immune‐related genes of six arachnid genomes and present evidence for a conserved pattern of some immune genes, but also evolutionary changes in the arachnid immune system. Specifically, our results suggest that the family of recognition molecules of beta‐1,3‐glucanase‐related proteins (βGRPs) and the genes from the immune deficiency (IMD) signalling pathway have been lost in a common ancestor of arachnids. These findings are consistent with previous work suggesting that the humoral immune effector proteins are constitutively produced in arachnids in contrast to insects, where these have to be induced. Further functional studies are needed to verify this. We further show that the full haemolymph clotting cascade found in the horseshoe crab is retrieved in most arachnid genomes. Tetranychus lacks at least one major component, although it is possible that this cascade could still function through recruitment of a different protein. The gel‐forming protein in horseshoe crabs, coagulogen, was not recovered in any of the arachnid genomes; however, it is possible that the arachnid clot consists of a related protein, spätzle, that is present in all of the genomes.

PLOS ONE | 2015

Endosymbiont dominated bacterial communities in a dwarf spider

Bram Vanthournout; Frederik Hendrickx

The microbial community of spiders is little known, with previous studies focussing primarily on the medical importance of spiders as vectors of pathogenic bacteria and on the screening of known cytoplasmic endosymbiont bacteria. These screening studies have been performed by means of specific primers that only amplify a selective set of endosymbionts, hampering the detection of unreported species in spiders. In order to have a more complete overview of the bacterial species that can be present in spiders, we applied a combination of a cloning assay, DGGE profiling and high-throughput sequencing on multiple individuals of the dwarf spider Oedothorax gibbosus. This revealed a co-infection of at least three known (Wolbachia, Rickettsia and Cardinium) and the detection of a previously unreported endosymbiont bacterium (Rhabdochlamydia) in spiders. 16S rRNA gene sequences of Rhabdochlamydia matched closely with those of Candidatus R. porcellionis, which is currently only reported as a pathogen from a woodlouse and with Candidatus R. crassificans reported from a cockroach. Remarkably, this bacterium appears to present in very high proportions in one of the two populations only, with all investigated females being infected. We also recovered Acinetobacter in high abundance in one individual. In total, more than 99% of approximately 4.5M high-throughput sequencing reads were restricted to these five bacterial species. In contrast to previously reported screening studies of terrestrial arthropods, our results suggest that the bacterial communities in this spider species are dominated by, or even restricted to endosymbiont bacteria. Given the high prevalence of endosymbiont species in spiders, this bacterial community pattern could be widespread in the Araneae order.

Journal of Arachnology | 2014

Sex ratio bias caused by endosymbiont infection in the dwarf spider Oedothorax retusus

Bram Vanthournout; Viki Vandomme; Frederik Hendrickx

Abstract Spiders exhibit a remarkable variety of reproductive phenotypes such as induced parthenogenesis and reproductive skew in primary sex ratio. However, observations of distorted sex ratios are mainly inferred from field catches of adult individuals, whereas detailed information on clutch primary sex ratio and sex ratio inheritance, resulting from multiple generations of laboratory rearing, is scarce. One of the potential causes of sex ratio variation is infection with maternally inherited endosymbiont bacteria that alter a mothers offspring sex ratio to increase their own fitness. Although studies show that spiders are infected with several endosymbiont species, it was only recently discovered that endosymbiont bacteria can cause a female sex ratio bias in this order. To explore the distribution of biased sex ratios and endosymbiont infection patterns, we investigated sex ratio variation and bacterial presence in Oedothorax retusus Westring 1851. Significant sex ratio variation was detected in six matrilines originating from wild-caught females, one of which consistently showed a female bias in offspring production. Congruent with a bacterial effect, the sex ratio bias showed a clear maternal inheritance, and treatment with antibiotics reversed the sex ratio to equal numbers of males and females. Female-biased clutches were found to exhibit a significantly lower number of hatched spiderlings than unbiased clutches, suggesting the occurrence of male-killing. All matrilines showed infection with the Cardinium endosymbiont, while two matrilines, including the female biased one, were additionally infected with Wolbachia and Rickettsia. These findings indicate that bacterial endosymbionts are responsible for the sex ratio variation in this species, and suggest that effects of endosymbiont bacteria in the order Araneae could be more widespread than previously assumed.

Frontiers in Physiology | 2016

Benefits of Group Living Include Increased Feeding Efficiency and Lower Mass Loss during Desiccation in the Social and Inbreeding Spider Stegodyphus dumicola

Bram Vanthournout; Michelle Greve; Anne Bruun; Jesper Bechsgaard; Johannes Overgaard; Trine Bilde

Group living carries a price: it inherently entails increased competition for resources and reproduction, and may also be associated with mating among relatives, which carries costs of inbreeding. Nonetheless, group living and sociality is found in many animals, and understanding the direct and indirect benefits of cooperation that override the inherent costs remains a challenge in evolutionary ecology. Individuals in groups may benefit from more efficient management of energy or water reserves, for example in the form of reduced water or heat loss from groups of animals huddling, or through reduced energy demands afforded by shared participation in tasks. We investigated the putative benefits of group living in the permanently social spider Stegodyphus dumicola by comparing the effect of group size on standard metabolic rate, lipid/protein content as a body condition measure, feeding efficiency, per capita web investment, and weight/water loss and survival during desiccation. Because energetic expenditure is temperature sensitive, some assays were performed under varying temperature conditions. We found that feeding efficiency increased with group size, and the rate of weight loss was higher in solitary individuals than in animals in groups of various sizes during desiccation. Interestingly, this was not translated into differences in survival or in standard metabolic rate. We did not detect any group size effects for other parameters, and group size effects did not co-vary with experimental temperature in a predictive manner. Both feeding efficiency and mass loss during desiccation are relevant ecological factors as the former results in lowered predator exposure time, and the latter benefits social spiders which occupy arid, hot environments.

Evolution | 2015

Selection for costly sexual traits results in a vacant mating niche and male dimorphism

Frederik Hendrickx; Bram Vanthournout; Michael Taborsky

The expected strong directional selection for traits that increase a males mating ability conflicts with the frequent observation that within species, males may show extreme variation in sexual traits. These male reproductive polymorphisms are usually attributed to direct male–male competition. It is currently unclear, however, how directional selection for sexually selected traits may convert into disruptive selection, and if female preference for elaborate traits may be an alternative mechanism driving the evolution of male polymorphism. Here, we explore this mechanism using the polyandric dwarf spider Oedothorax gibbosus as a model. We first show that males characterized by conspicuous cephalic structures serving as a nuptial feeding device (“gibbosus males”) significantly outperform other males in siring offspring of previously fertilized females. However, significant costs in terms of development time of gibbosus males open a mating niche for an alternative male type lacking expensive secondary sexual traits. These “tuberosus males” obtain virtually all fertilizations early in the breeding season. Individual‐based simulations demonstrate a hitherto unknown general principle, by which males selected for high investment to attract females suffer constrained mating opportunities. This creates a vacant mating niche of unmated females for noninvesting males and, consequently, disruptive selection on male secondary sexual traits.

Journal of Evolutionary Biology | 2016

Hidden suppression of sex ratio distortion suggests Red queen dynamics between Wolbachia and its dwarf spider host

Bram Vanthournout; Frederik Hendrickx

Genetic conflict theory predicts strong selection for host nuclear factors suppressing endosymbiont effects on reproduction; however, evidence of these suppressors is currently scarce. This can either be caused by a low suppressor evolution rate, or if suppressors originate frequently, by rapid spread and concurrent masking of their activity by silencing the endosymbiont effect. To explore this, we use two populations of a dwarf spider with a similar female bias, caused by a Wolbachia infection. Using inter‐ and intrapopulation crosses, we determine that one of these populations demonstrates a higher suppressing capability towards Wolbachia despite having a similar population sex ratio. This suggests that spider and endosymbiont are locked in so‐called red queen dynamics where, despite continuous coevolution, average fitness remains the same, hence hiding the presence of the suppressor. Finding different suppressor activity in populations that even lack phenotypic differentiation (i.e. similar sex ratio) further supports the hypothesis that suppressors originate often, but are often hidden by their own mode of action by countering endosymbiont effects.

Biology Letters | 2014

Flow cytometric sexing of spider sperm reveals an equal sperm production ratio in a female-biased species.

Bram Vanthournout; Kim Deswarte; Hamida Hammad; Trine Bilde; Bart N. Lambrecht; Frederik Hendrickx

Producing equal amounts of male and female offspring has long been considered an evolutionarily stable strategy. Nevertheless, exceptions to this general rule (i.e. male and female biases) are documented in many taxa, making sex allocation an important domain in current evolutionary biology research. Pinpointing the underlying mechanism of sex ratio bias is challenging owing to the multitude of potential sex ratio-biasing factors. In the dwarf spider, Oedothorax gibbosus, infection with the bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachia results in a female bias. However, pedigree analysis reveals that other factors influence sex ratio variation. In this paper, we investigate whether this additional variation can be explained by the unequal production of male- and female-determining sperm cells during sperm production. Using flow cytometry, we show that males produce equal amounts of male- and female-determining sperm cells; thus bias in sperm production does not contribute to the sex ratio bias observed in this species. This demonstrates that other factors such as parental genes suppressing endosymbiont effects and cryptic female choice might play a role in sex allocation in this species.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences | 2018

Male spiders control offspring sex ratio through greater production of female-determining sperm

Bram Vanthournout; Mette Marie Busck; Jesper Bechsgaard; Frederik Hendrickx; Andreas Schramm; Trine Bilde

Sex allocation theory predicts that when sons and daughters have different reproductive values, parents should adjust offspring sex ratio towards the sex with the higher fitness return. Haplo-diploid species directly control offspring sex ratio, but species with chromosomal sex determination (CSD) were presumed to be constrained by Mendelian segregation. There is now increasing evidence that CSD species can adjust sex ratio strategically, but the underlying mechanism is not well understood. One hypothesis states that adaptive control is more likely to evolve in the heterogametic sex through a bias in gamete production. We investigated this hypothesis in males as the heterogametic sex in two social spider species that consistently show adaptive female-biased sex ratio and in one subsocial species that is characterized by equal sex ratio. We quantified the production of male (0) and female (X) determining sperm cells using flow cytometry, and show that males of social species produce significantly more X-carrying sperm than 0-sperm, on average 70%. This is consistent with the production of more daughters. Males of the subsocial species produced a significantly lower bias of 54% X-carrying sperm. We also investigated whether inter-genomic conflict between hosts and their endosymbionts may explain female bias. Next generation sequencing showed that five common genera of bacterial endosymbionts known to affect sex ratio are largely absent, ruling out that endosymbiont bacteria bias sex ratio in social spiders. Our study provides evidence for paternal control over sex allocation through biased gamete production as a mechanism by which the heterogametic sex in CSD species adaptively adjust offspring sex ratio.

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