Branko Škof
University of Ljubljana
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Featured researches published by Branko Škof.
PLOS ONE | 2013
Irena Auersperger; Branko Škof; Bojan Leskošek; Bojan Knap; Aleš Jerin; Mitja Lainscak
Background and Aims Exercise-induced iron deficiency is a common finding in endurance athletes. It has been suggested recently that hepcidin may be an important mediator in this process. Objective To determine hepcidin levels and markers of iron status during long-term exercise training in female runners with depleted and normal iron stores. Methods Fourteen runners were divided into two groups according to iron status. Blood samples were taken during a period of eight weeks at baseline, after training and after ten days’ recovery phase. Results Of 14 runners, 7 were iron deficient at baseline and 10 after training. Hepcidin was lower at recovery compared with baseline (p<0.05). The mean cell haemoglobin content, haemoglobin content per reticulocyte and total iron binding capacity all decreased, whereas soluble transferrin receptor and hypochromic red cells increased after training and recovery (p<0.05 for all). Conclusion The prevalence of depleted iron stores was 71% at the end of the training phase. Hepcidin and iron stores decreased during long-term running training and did not recover after ten days, regardless of baseline iron status.
Slovenian Journal of Public Health | 2014
Sandra Planinšek; Branko Škof; Bojan Leskošek; Martina Tomori; Maja Pori
Izvleček Izhodišča: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti povezanost med športno dejavnostjo (ŠD) in doživljanjem stresa ter vrednotenjem zadovoljstva z življenjem odraslih Slovencev. Metode: Podatki so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika na reprezentativnem vzorcu 856 odraslih Slovencev in Slovenk (povprečne starosti 39 ± 13,7 leta). ŠD je bila opredeljena s številom dni ukvarjanja s katero koli športno dejavnostjo tedensko. Stres je bil opredeljen s pogostostjo doživljanja devetih znakov stresa na štiristopenjski lestvici. Pri oceni zadovoljstva z življenjem so udeleženci raziskave izrazili strinjanje oziroma nestrinjanje s petimi postavkami na petstopenjski lestvici. Vrednosti prve glavne komponente stresa in lestvice zadovoljstva z življenjem je bila določena z Anderson-Rubinovo metodo. Povezanost spremenljivk je bila ocenjena s Spearmanovim koeficientom korelacije in s splošnimi linearnimi modeli. Rezultati: ŠD je bila statistično značilno povezana s stresom (p = ,03) in z zadovoljstvom z življenjem (p < ,01). V linearnih modelih imajo izbrani dejavniki (ŠD, starost, spol in izobrazba) skupaj statistično značilen vpliv (pri stresu: R2 = ,040; p < ,001; pri zadovoljstvu: R2 = ,068; p < ,001); ŠD ima statistično značilen vpliv le na oceno zadovoljstva z življenjem (η2part.= ,020; p = ,002). Na stres statistično značilno vplivajo vsi preostali dejavniki, na zadovoljstvo z življenjem pa le izobrazba. Zaključki: Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da so športno dejavnejši odrasli Slovenci manj pod stresom in bolj zadovoljni s svojim življenjem, vendar je ta vpliv ob upoštevanju vpliva starosti, spola in izobrazbe razmeroma majhen. Abstract Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the correlation of sports activity (SA) with stress experience and evaluation of satisfaction with life among adult Slovenians. Methods: Data was collected with a survey on a representative sample of 856 adult Slovenians (average age 39±13.73 years). We determined sports activity with incidence of any sports activity - times per week. To determine mental health, the respondents marked how often the 9 signs of stress appeared within a last month and how satisfied they were with their life. Scores on the first component of stress and satisfaction with life scale were computed using Anderson-Rubin method. The correlations between variables were evaluated using the Spearman correlation coefficient and general linear models. Results: SA is statistically significantly correlated with stress (p= .03) and satisfaction with life (p= .00). In the models for prediction of stress and satisfaction with life, the set of predictors (SA, age, gender and education) has a significant effect (R2= .040, p< .001; R2= .068, p< .001), with SA having a statistically significant effect only on value of life satisfaction (η2part = .020, p= .002). A set of all mentioned predictors has significant effect on stress, while only education beside SA has a statistically significant effect on satisfaction with life. Conclusions: It could be concluded that individuals that are more active in sports experience the signs of stress less often and that they are more satisfied with their lives, but taking age, gender and education into consideration, SA is not the main predictor.
Slovenian Journal of Public Health | 2015
Branko Škof; Nada Rotovnik Kozjek
Abstract Introduction. The aim of the study was to compare the dietary habits of recreational runners with those of a random sample of the general population. We also wanted to determine the influence of gender, age and sports performance of recreational runners on their basic diet and compliance with recommendations in sports nutrition. Methods. The study population consisted of 1,212 adult Slovenian recreational runners and 774 randomly selected residents of Slovenia between the ages of 18 and 65 years. The data on the dietary habits of our subjects was gathered by means of two questionnaires. The following parameters were evaluated: the type of diet, a food pattern, and the frequency of consumption of individual food groups, the use of dietary supplements, fluid intake, and alcohol consumption. Results. Recreational runners had better compliance with recommendations for healthy nutrition than the general population. This pattern increased with the runner’s age and performance level. Compared to male runners, female runners ate more regularly and had a more frequent consumption of food groups associated with a healthy diet (fruit, vegetables, whole grain foods, and low-fat dairy products). The consumption of simple sugars and use of nutritional supplements by well-trained runners was inadequate with values recommended for physically active individuals. Conclusion. Recreational runners are an exemplary population group that actively seeks to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Izvleček Namen. Spoznati prehranske navade rekreativnih tekačev in jih primerjati s prehranskimi navadami vzorca naključno izbranega dela populacije. Ugotoviti smo želeli tudi vpliv spola, starosti in tekmovalne uspešnosti/stopnje treniranosti rekreativnih tekačev na njihovo osnovno prehranjevanje in upoštevanje prehranskih priporočil pri rekreativnem športu. Metode. Vzorec preiskovancev je sestavljalo 1212 odraslih slovenskih rekreativnih tekačev in 774 naključno izbranih prebivalcev Slovenije v starosti med 18 in 65 leti. Za ugotavljanje prehranskih navad v vzorcu vključenih posameznikov smo uporabili metodo anketiranja. Analizirali smo naslednje parametre prehranskih navad: način prehranjevanja, ritem prehranjevanja, pogostost uživanja posameznih skupin živil, uporabo prehranskih dopolnil, vnos tekočin in pitje alkoholnih pijač. Rezultati. Prehrana rekreativnih tekačev bolj ustreza priporočilom za zdravo prehrano kot prehrana v vzorcu populacije. Prehranski vzorec se izboljšuje s starostjo tekačev in z njihovo tekmovalno uspešnostjo/stopnjo njihove treniranosti. Tekačice se bolj redno prehranjujejo kot tekači in pogosteje uživajo živila iz določenih skupin živil, ki jih povezujemo z zdravim prehranjevanjem (sadje, zelenjava, polnozrnata živila, ribe in manj mastni mlečni izdelki). Rezultati tudi kažejo, da uspešnejši - bolje trenirani tekači - zaužijejo manj enostavnih ogljikovih hidratov, kar je lahko v nasprotju s priporočili za vnos energetskih substratov pri telesni vadbi. Neustrezen je tudi vnos prehranskih dodatkov glede na športno aktivnost. Zaključek. Vsekakor so rekreativni tekači del populacije, ki si aktivno prizadeva za bolj zdrav način življenja.
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism | 2012
Irena Auersperger; Bojan Knap; Aleš Jerin; Rok Blagus; Mitja Lainscak; Milan Skitek; Branko Škof
Kinesiology: international journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology | 2014
Irena Auersperger; Branko Škof; Bojan Leskošek; Bojan Knap; Aleš Jerin; Mitja Lainscak; Tanja Kajtna
Slovenian Medical Journal | 2011
Natasa Bratina; Vedran Hadžić; Tadej Batellino; Borut Pistotnik; Maja Pori; Dorica Šajber; Milan Žvan; Branko Škof; Gregor Jurak; Marjeta Kovač; Edvin Dervišević
ISBS - Conference Proceedings Archive | 1994
Milan Čoh; Branko Škof; Otmar Kugovnik; Ales Dolenec
ISBS - Conference Proceedings Archive | 2000
Milan Čoh; Bojan Jost; Branko Škof
Facta universitatis. Series physical education and sport | 2016
Jožef Šimenko; Branko Škof; Vedran Hadžić; Radoje Milić; Bojan Zorec; Milan Žvan; Janez Vodičar; Milan Čoh
Kinesiology: international journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology | 2015
Gerga Karpan; Branko Škof; Marta Bon; Marko Šibila