Brent Else
University of Calgary
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2012
Nicolas-Xavier Geilfus; Gauthier Carnat; Tim Papakyriakou; Jean-Louis Tison; Brent Else; Helmuth Thomas; E. H. Shadwick; Bruno Delille
We present an Arctic seasonal survey of carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO 2 ) dynamics within sea ice brine and related air-ice CO 2 fluxes. The survey was carried out from early spring to the beginning of summer in the Arctic coastal waters of the Amundsen Gulf. High concentrations of pCO 2 (up to 1834 matm) were observed in the sea ice in early April as a consequence of concentration of solutes in brines, CaCO 3 precipitation and microbial respiration. CaCO 3 precipitation was detected through anomalies in total alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). This precipitation seems to have occurred in highly saline brine in the upper part of the ice cover and in bulk ice. As summer draws near, the ice temperature increases and brine pCO 3 shifts from a large supersaturation (1834 matm) to a marked undersaturation (down to almost 0 matm). This decrease was ascribed to brine dilution by ice meltwater, dissolution of CaCO 3 and photosynthesis during the sympagic algal bloom. The magnitude of the CO 2 fluxes was controlled by ice temperature (through its control on brine volume and brine channels connectivity) and the concentration gradient between brine and the atmosphere. However, the state of the ice-interface clearly affects air-ice CO 2 fluxes.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2011
Lisa A. Miller; Gauthier Carnat; Brent Else; Nes Sutherland; Tim Papakyriakou
Based on comprehensive measurements of carbonate system parameters in sea ice, brines, and surface waters across a variety of ice types in the eastern Beaufort Sea during November and December of 2007, the newly forming sea ice appeared to release CO2. Not only was pCO2 high within the ice, but high salinities and inorganic carbon concentrations in the surface waters directly below the ice and in frost flowers above the ice indicated that brines and CO2 were moving out of the ice as it was forming. In addition, relative to salinity, the ice was generally enriched in alkalinity but depleted in total inorganic carbon. These observations support the hypothesis that as sea ice forms, increasing brine concentrations and CaCO3 precipitation release CO2. However, based on this data set, we are unable to quantify the relative importance of release to the atmosphere versus to the underlying waters. In addition, a comparison of three different methods for determining pCO2 in sea ice highlights a critical need for additional methodological development. Copyright 2011 by the American Geophysical Union.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
Matthew G. Asplin; Randall K. Scharien; Brent Else; Stephen E. L. Howell; David G. Barber; Tim Papakyriakou; Simon Prinsenberg
Decline of the Arctic summer minimum sea ice extent is characterized by large expanses of open water in the Siberian, Laptev, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas, and introduces large fetch distances in the Arctic Ocean. Long waves can propagate deep into the pack ice, thereby causing flexural swell and failure of the sea ice. This process shifts the floe size diameter distribution smaller, increases floe surface area, and thereby affects sea ice dynamic and thermodynamic processes. The results of Radarsat-2 imagery analysis show that a flexural fracture event which occurred in the Beaufort Sea region on 6 September 2009 affected ∼40,000 km2. Open water fractional area in the area affected initially decreased from 3.7% to 2.7%, but later increased to ∼20% following wind-forced divergence of the ice pack. Energy available for lateral melting was assessed by estimating the change in energy entrainment from longwave and shortwave radiation in the mixed-layer of the ocean following flexural fracture. 11.54 MJ m−2 of additional energy for lateral melting of ice floes was identified in affected areas. The impact of this process in future Arctic sea ice melt seasons was assessed using estimations of earlier occurrences of fracture during the melt season, and is discussed in context with ocean heat fluxes, atmospheric mixing of the ocean mixed layer, and declining sea ice cover. We conclude that this process is an important positive feedback to Arctic sea ice loss, and timing of initiation is critical in how it affects sea ice thermodynamic and dynamic processes.
Climatic Change | 2012
David G. Barber; Matthew G. Asplin; Tim Papakyriakou; Lisa A. Miller; Brent Else; John Iacozza; Christopher John Mundy; M. Gosslin; Natalie C Asselin; Steve Ferguson; Jennifer V. Lukovich; Gary A. Stern; Ashley Gaden; Monika Pućko; Nicolas-Xavier Geilfus; Fei Wang
Change and variability in the timing and magnitude of sea ice geophysical and thermodynamic state have consequences on many aspects of the arctic marine system. The changes in both the geophysical and thermodynamic state, and in particular the timing of the development of these states, have consequences throughout the marine system. In this paper we review the ‘consequences’ of change in sea ice state on primary productivity, marine mammal habitats, and sea ice as a medium for storage and transport of contaminants and carbon exchange across the ocean-sea-ice-atmosphere interface based upon results from the International Polar Year. Pertinent results include: 1) conditions along ice edges can bring deep nutrient-rich ‘pacific’ waters into nutrient-poor surface waters along the arctic coast, affecting local food webs; 2) both sea ice thermodynamic and dynamic processes ultimately affect ringed seal/polar bear habitats by controlling the timing, location and amount of surface deformation required for ringed seal and polar bear preferred habitat 3) the ice edges bordering open waters of flaw leads are areas of high biological production and are observed to be important beluga habitat. 4) exchange of climate-active gases, including CO2, is extremely active in sea ice environments, and the overall question of whether the Arctic Ocean is (or will be) a source or sink for CO2 will be dependent on the balance of competing climate-change feedbacks.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
O. Crabeck; Bruno Delille; Søren Rysgaard; D. R. Thomas; Nicolas-Xavier Geilfus; Brent Else; Jean-Louis Tison
We report bulk gas concentrations of O2, N2, and Ar, as well as their transport coefficients, in natural landfast subarctic sea ice in southwest Greenland. The observed bulk ice gas composition was 27.5% O2, 71.4% N2, and 1.09% Ar. Most previous studies suggest that convective transport is the main driver of gas displacement in sea ice and have neglected diffusion processes. According to our data, brines were stratified within the ice, so that no convective transport could occur within the brine system. Therefore, diffusive transport was the main driver of gas migration. By analyzing the temporal evolution of an internal gas peak within the ice, we deduced the bulk gas transport coefficients for oxygen (DO2), argon (DAr), and nitrogen (DN2). The values fit to the few existing estimates from experimental work, and are close to the diffusivity values in water (10-5 cm2 s-1). We suggest that gas bubbles escaping from the brine to the atmosphereas the ice gets more permeable during meltcould be responsible for the previously reported high transport coefficients. These results underline that when there is no convective transport within the sea ice, the transport of gas by diffusion through the brines, either in the liquid or gaseous phases, is a major factor in controlling the ocean-atmosphere exchange.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles | 2015
Wiley Evans; Jeremy T. Mathis; Jessica N. Cross; Nicholas R. Bates; Karen E. Frey; Brent Else; Tim N. Papkyriakou; Mike D. DeGrandpre; Fakhrul Islam; Wei-Jun Cai; Baoshan Chen; Michiyo Yamamoto-Kawai; Eddy C. Carmack; William J. Williams; Taro Takahashi
The biogeochemical seascape of the western Arctic coastal ocean is in rapid transition. Changes in sea ice cover will be accompanied by alterations in sea-air carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange, of which the latter has been difficult to constrain owing to sparse temporal and spatial data sets. Previous assessments of sea-air CO2 flux have targeted specific subregional areas of the western Arctic coastal ocean. Here a holistic approach is taken to determine the net sea-air CO2 flux over this broad region. We compiled and analyzed an extensive data set of nearly 600,000 surface seawater CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) measurements spanning 2003 through 2014. Using space-time colocated, reconstructed atmospheric pCO2 values coupled with the seawater pCO2 data set, monthly climatologies of sea-air pCO2 differences (ΔpCO2) were created on a 0.2° latitude × 0.5° longitude grid. Sea-air CO2 fluxes were computed using the ΔpCO2 grid and gas transfer rates calculated from climatology of wind speed second moments. Fluxes were calculated with and without the presence of sea ice, treating sea ice as an imperfect barrier to gas exchange. This allowed for carbon uptake by the western Arctic coastal ocean to be assessed under existing and reduced sea ice cover conditions, in which carbon uptake increased 30% over the current 10.9 ± 5.7 Tg C (1 Tg = 1012 g) yr−1 of sea ice-adjusted exchange in the region. This assessment extends beyond previous subregional estimates in the region in an all-inclusive manner and points to key unresolved aspects that must be targeted by future research.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2016
R. J. Galley; David Babb; Masayo Ogi; Brent Else; Nicolas-Xavier Geilfus; O. Crabeck; David G. Barber; Søren Rysgaard
The last decade has witnessed the nine lowest Arctic September sea ice extents in the observational record. It also forms the most recent third of the long-term trend in that record, which reached -13.4% decade-1 in 2015. While hemispheric analyses paint a compelling picture of sea ice loss across the Arctic, the situation with multiyear ice in the Beaufort Sea is particularly dire. This study was undertaken in light of substantial changes that have occurred in the extent of summer multiyear sea ice in the Arctic inferred from the passive microwave record. To better elucidate these changes at a sub-regional scale, we use data from the Canadian Ice Service archive, the most direct observations of sea ice stage-of-development available. We also build upon the only previous sea ice climatological analysis for Canadas western Arctic region by sea ice stage-of-development that ended in 2004. The annual evolution of sea ice by stage of development in Canadas western Arctic changed dramatically between 1983 and 2014. The rate of these changes and their spatial prevalence were most prominent in the last decade. In summer, total sea ice loss occurred via reductions in old and first-year sea ice over increasingly large areas and over more months per year. Resultant delay of thermodynamic freeze up has increased the annual open water duration in the study region. The winter sea ice cover was increasingly composed of first-year sea ice at the expense of old ice. Breakup timing has not significantly changed in the region.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2017
Vishnu Nandan; Torsten Geldsetzer; John J. Yackel; Mallik Sezan Mahmud; Randall K. Scharien; Stephen E. L. Howell; Joshua King; Robert Ricker; Brent Else
The European Space Agencys CryoSat-2 satellite mission provides radar altimeter data that are used to derive estimates of sea ice thickness and volume. These data are crucial to understanding recent variability and changes in Arctic sea ice. Sea ice thickness retrievals at the CryoSat-2 frequency require accurate measurements of sea ice freeboard, assumed to be attainable when the main radar scattering horizon is at the snow/sea ice interface. Using an extensive snow thermophysical property dataset from late winter conditions in the Canadian Arctic, we examine the role of saline snow on first-year sea ice (FYI), with respect to its effect on the location of the main radar scattering horizon, its ability to decrease radar penetration depth, and its impact on FYI thickness estimates. Based on the dielectric properties of saline snow commonly found on FYI, we quantify the vertical shift in the main scattering horizon. This is found to be approximately 0.07 m. We propose a thickness-dependent snow salinity correction factor for FYI freeboard estimates. This significantly reduces CryoSat-2 FYI retrieval error. Relative error reductions of ~ 11% are found for an an ice thickness of 0.95 m and ~ 25% for 0.7 m. Our method also helps to close the uncertainty gap between SMOS and CryoSat-2 thin ice thickness retrievals. Our results indicate that snow salinity should be considered for FYI freeboard estimates.
International Journal of Remote Sensing | 2017
Mohamed Ahmed; Brent Else; Lars Eklundh; Jonas Ardö; Jonathan Seaquist
ABSTRACT Over the last few decades, the African Sahel has become the focus of many studies regarding vegetation dynamics and their relationships with climate and people. This is because rainfall limits the production of biomass in the region, a resource on which people are directly dependent for their livelihoods. In this study, we utilized a remote-sensing approach to answering the following two questions: (1) how does the dynamic relationship between soil moisture and plant growth vary across hydrological regimes, and (2) are vegetation-type-dependent responses to soil moisture availability detectable from satellite imagery? In order to answer these questions, we studied the relationship between monthly modelled soil moisture as an indicator for water availability and the remotely sensed normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) as a proxy for vegetation growth between a “recovery rainfall period” (1982 to 1997) and a “stable rainfall period” (1998 to 2013), at different time lags across the Sahel region. Using windowed cross-correlation, we find a strong significant positive relationship between NDVI and soil moisture at a concurrent time and at NDVI lagging behind soil moisture by 1 month for grassland, cropland, and deciduous shrubland vegetation – the dominant vegetation classes in the Sahel. South of the Sahel (the Sudanian and Guinean areas), we find longer optimal lags (soil moisture lagged by 1–3 months) in association with mixed forest and deciduous shrubland. We find no major significant change in optimal lag between the recovery and stable periods in the Sahelian region; however, in the Sudanian and Guinean areas, we observe a trend towards shorter time lags. This change in optimal lag suggests a vegetation change, which may be a response to a climatic shift or land-use change. This approach of identifying spatiotemporal trends in optimal lag correlations between modelled soil moisture and NDVI could prove to be a useful tool for mapping vegetation change and ecosystem behaviour, in turn helping inform climate change mitigation approaches and agricultural planning.
Atmosphere-ocean | 2014
R. L. Raddatz; R. J. Galley; Brent Else; Tim Papakyriakou; Matthew G. Asplin; L. M. Candlish; David G. Barber
Abstract The data-collection campaign for the 2008 International Polar Year–Circumpolar Flaw Lead System Study saw the Canadian Coast Guard Ship (CCGS) Amundsen, a research icebreaker, overwinter in high-concentration unconsolidated sea ice in Amundsen Gulf. Environmental monitoring continued into the open-water season. During this period, the Amundsen registered five relatively deep mean sea-level pressure minima (less than 100 kPa). Three were selected for further analysis based on season and the nature of the underlying ocean or sea-ice surface: (1) a winter pressure minimum over unconsolidated sea ice, (2) a spring pressure minimum which likely contributed to the break-up of the sea-ice cover on Amundsen Gulf, and (3) a summer pressure minimum over open water. The characteristics of these pressure minima and the impact of their passage on the atmospheric boundary layer and on the sea-ice cover as they crossed Amundsen Gulf were examined. Several features were revealed by the analysis. (1) The winter and summer pressure minima were migratory cyclones accompanied by Arctic frontal waves with characteristics very similar to the polar frontal waves associated with the migratory cyclones found at more southerly latitudes, whereas the spring pressure minimum was attributed to an Arctic frontal trough of low pressure with the cyclonic centre remaining south of the Gulf. (2) The passage of the frontal-wave cyclone in winter and the frontal trough of low pressure in spring disrupted the equilibrium that had been established during more settled periods between the atmospheric boundary layer and the mosaic surface (leads, polynyas, and sea ice); however, equilibrium was quickly re-established. (3) In summer, the thermal structure of the lower atmospheric boundary layer persisted through the passage of the frontal-wave cyclone over the open-water surface. (4) The passage of the frontal-wave cyclone in winter and the frontal trough of low pressure in spring modified the mesoscale sea-icescape.