
Featured researches published by Brian N. Ellison.

IEEE Photonics Technology Letters | 2002

Efficient generation of guided millimeter-wave power by photomixing

Peter G. Huggard; Brian N. Ellison; Pengbo Shen; Nathan J. Gomes; Phil A. Davies; William P. Shillue; A. Vaccari; John M. Payne

A 70-GHz bandwidth commercial photodiode has been coupled to W-band waveguide and used as a photomixing source from 75 to 170 GHz. Maximum power conversion efficiency of 1.8% was obtained at 75 GHz, where an optical input of +10 dBm yielded a nonsaturated millimeter-wave (mm-wave) power of -7.5 dBm. Optimizing the photomixer backshort tuning at individual frequencies showed that the mm-wave power decreased with frequency to a level of -30 dBm at 170 GHz. Fixed tuning allowed the generation of power across the full waveguide band from 75 to 110 GHz, with a variation within 5 dB across the majority of the band.

international topical meeting on microwave photonics | 2003

High-purity millimetre-wave photonic local oscillator generation and delivery

Pengbo Shen; Nathan J. Gomes; Phil A. Davies; William P. Shillue; Peter G. Huggard; Brian N. Ellison

Tunable millimetre wave generation by spectrally slicing a phase modulated lightwave is demonstrated. The low phase noise signal (-95 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset) can be delivered through a 9 km fibre link, with no noticeable power penalty.

Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering | 2001

MARSCHALS: development of an airborne millimeter-wave limb sounder

M. Oldfield; Brian Moyna; Elie Allouis; Robert Brunt; Ugo Cortesi; Brian N. Ellison; John Eskell; Tony Forward; Tony Jones; Daniel Lamarre; Joerg Langen; Peter de Maagt; David N. Matheson; Ivor Morgan; J. Reburn; Richard Siddans

MARSCHALS (Millimeter-wave Airborne Receivers for Spectroscopic CHaracterization in Atmospheric Limb Sounding) is being developed with funding from the European Space Agency as a simulator of MASTER (Millimeter-wave Acquisitions for Stratosphere Troposphere Exchange Research), a limb sounding instrument in a proposed future ESA Earth Explorer Core Mission. The principal and most innovative objective of MARSCHALS is to simulate MASTERs capability for sounding O3, H2O and CO at high vertical resolution in the upper troposphere (UT) using millimeter wave receivers at 300, 325, and 345 GHz. Spectra are recorded in these bands with 200 MHz resolution. As such, MARSCHALs is the first limb-sounder to be explicitly designed and built for the purpose of sounding the composition of the UT, in addition to the Lower Stratosphere (LS) where HNO3, N2O and additional trace gases will also be measured. A particular attribute of millimeter-wave measurements is their comparative insensitivity to ice clouds. However, to assess the impact on the measurements of cirrus in the UT, MARSCHALs has a near-IR digital video camera aligned in azimuth with the 235 mm limb-scanning antenna. In addition to UT and LS aircraft measurements, MARSCHALs is capable of making mid-stratospheric measurements from a balloon platform when fitted with a 400 mm antenna. Provision has been made to add further receiver channels and a high resolution spectrometer.

Journal of Lightwave Technology | 2007

Analysis and Demonstration of a Fast Tunable Fiber-Ring-Based Optical Frequency Comb Generator

Pengbo Shen; Nathan J. Gomes; Phillip A. Davies; Peter G. Huggard; Brian N. Ellison

Fiber-ring-based optical frequency comb generators are analyzed to understand their behavior and limitations. A numerical frequency-domain model is described for studying dispersion and other phase mismatch causing effects in the fiber ring cavity, as well as for predicting the spectral and temporal evolutions of the comb in time. The results from this analysis are verified with experimental measurements. A flat optical comb, with a terahertz span within a 6-dB power envelope and containing 100 comb lines, with a suppressed central comb line, is demonstrated. The comb shows an excellent coherence dependent on the phase noise from the radio frequency synthesizer that drives the comb generator. Improvement in the error correction loop also enables the comb spacing to be set at precise 12.5-MHz intervals without having to adjust the system. Fast frequency switching of the comb line spacing is demonstrated for the first time. The comb line spacing can be switched to any operation frequency with a resolution of 12.5 MHz between 6 and 12.5 GHz, as limited only by the microwave circuit used. The switching time is less than 1 s, and the spectral profile of the comb is maintained.

ieee international conference on microwave technology & computational electromagnetics | 2011

Schottky diode technology at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Byron Alderman; Manju Henry; Hoshiar Sanghera; Hui Wang; Simon Rea; Brian N. Ellison; Peter de Maagt

Most parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are well understood and exploited, but the terahertz region between the microwave and infrared is still relatively under developed. Potential receiver applications are wide-ranging and cross-disciplinary, spanning the physical, biological, and medical sciences. In this spectral region, Schottky diode technology is uniquely important. InP MMIC amplifiers are generally limited to frequencies less than ∼200 GHz, above which their noise performance rapidly deteriorates. Superconducting circuits, which require cooling, may not always be practical. Either as varistor diodes (heterodyne mixing), or varactor diodes (sub-millimetre power generation), Schottky technology underpins terahertz receiver development. Two important developments have occurred in recent years. First, the underpinning technology base has demonstrably matured. Planar Schottky diode technology has been shown to be practical at frequencies as high as 2,500 GHz, and frequency multipliers have been shown to be capable of generating 100s of mW at frequencies around W-band. Secondly, circuit designs can now be optimised theoretically with CAD electromagnetic structure simulators and non-linear analysis programs. New high-speed computer controlled mills, improved lithographic capabilities and micro-machining techniques also offer exciting new options for cavity and circuit manufacture. This paper describes the Schottky diode technology currently being developed at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. Discrete diode components are described as well as integrated diode/filter circuits. Frequency multiplier diode structures are reported which include novel substrate transfer techniques to reduce the effects of dielectric loading and self-heating.

Applied Optics | 2007

Experimental investigation of high-frequency noise and optical feedback effects using a 9.7 μm continuous-wave distributed-feedback quantum-cascade laser

Damien Weidmann; Kevin H. Smith; Brian N. Ellison

An experimental investigation of high-frequency noise, i.e., up to 3 GHz, exhibited by a 9.7 μm quantum cascade laser, is described. Noise characteristics and measurements of a liquid-nitrogen-cooled continuous-wave distributed-feedback laser are presented. Well defined sets of narrow and intense resonance peaks have been observed in the 10-300 MHz range. Measurements of relative intensity noise have been performed. It is also shown that quantum-cascade lasers are sensitive to optical feedback. The excess noise generated by the feedback has been investigated under well defined conditions. A description of the experimental phenomenon is presented along with methods of minimizing optical feedback.

Optical Science and Technology, SPIE's 48th Annual Meeting | 2003

New cryogenic heterodyne techniques applied in TELIS: the balloon-borne THz and submillimeter limb sounder for atmospheric research

R. Hoogeveen; P. Yagoubov; Ahileas Maurellis; V. Koshelets; S. V. Shitov; Ulrich Mair; Michael Krocka; G. Wagner; Manfred Birk; Heinz-Wilhelm Huebers; Heiko Richter; Alexei D. Semenov; Gregory N. Goltsman; B. Voronov; Brian N. Ellison; Brian J. Kerridge; David N. Matheson; Byron Alderman; Mark Harman; Richard Siddans; J. Reburn

We present a design concept for a new state-of-the-art balloon borne atmospheric monitor that will allow enhanced limb sounding of the Earths atmosphere within the submillimeter and far-infrared wavelength spectral range: TELIS, TErahertz and submm LImb Sounder. The instrument is being developed by a consortium of major European institutes that includes the Space Research Organization of the Netherlands (SRON), the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) will utilize state-of-the-art superconducting heterodyne technology and is designed to be a compact, lightweight instrument cpaable of providing broad spectral coverage, high spectral resolution and long flight duration (~24 hours duration during a single flight campaign). The combination of high sensitivity and extensive flight duration will allow evaluation of the diurnal variation of key atmospheric constitutenets sucyh as OH, HO2, ClO, BrO togehter will onger lived constituents such as O3, HCL and N2O. Furthermore, TELIS will share a common balloon platform to that of the MIPAS-B Fourier Transform Spectrometer, developed by the Institute of Meteorology and Climate research of the over an extended spectral range. The combination of the TELIS and MIPAS instruments will provide atmospheric scientists with a very powerful observational tool. TELIS will serve as a testbed for new cryogenic heterodyne detection techniques, and as such it will act as a prelude to future spaceborne instruments planned by the European Space Agency (ESA).

Proceedings of SPIE | 2014

Development of large radii half-wave plates for CMB satellite missions

Giampaolo Pisano; B. Maffei; M. W. Ng; Victor Haynes; Michael L. Brown; F. Noviello; Paolo de Bernardis; S. Masi; F. Piacentini; L. Pagano; M. Salatino; Brian N. Ellison; M. Henry; P. de Maagt; B. Shortt

The successful European Space Agency (ESA) Planck mission has mapped the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropy with unprecedented accuracy. However, Planck was not designed to detect the polarised components of the CMB with comparable precision. The BICEP2 collaboration has recently reported the first detection of the B-mode polarisation. ESA is funding the development of critical enabling technologies associated with B-mode polarisation detection, one of these being large diameter half-wave plates. We compare different polarisation modulators and discuss their respective trade-offs in terms of manufacturing, RF performance and thermo-mechanical properties. We then select the most appropriate solution for future satellite missions, optimized for the detection of B-modes.

IEEE Photonics Technology Letters | 2008

Low-Cost, Continuously Tunable, Millimeter-Wave Photonic LO Generation Using Optical Phase Modulation and DWDM Filters

Pengbo Shen; Jeanne James; Nathan J. Gomes; Peter G. Huggard; Brian N. Ellison

We report on a low-cost technique for the photonic generation of wideband continuously tunable millimeter-wave local oscillator signals. It is based on sideband filtering using an optical phase modulator and thin-film dense wavelength- division-multiplexing filters. The generated millimeter-wave signal exhibits low phase noise, and its frequency covers the W - and F -bands, from 75 to 140 GHz.

International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves | 2001

European Minor Constituent Radiometer: A New Millimeter Wave Receiver for Atmospheric Research

Doris Maier; Niklaus Kämpfer; J. De La Noë; W. Amacher; A. Barcia; Philippe Baron; B. Barry; Gerard Beaudin; J. Cernicharo; Brian N. Ellison; J. D. Gallego; M. Gustafsson; A. Karpov; U. Klein; K. Künzi; Jyrki T. Louhi; Juha Mallat; David N. Matheson; J.-R. Pardo; R. Peter; Antti V. Räisänen; Philippe Ricaud; R. Siddans; C. Viguerie; M. Wüthrich

EMCOR is a heterodyne receiver for the frequency range of 201 to 210 GHz. It has been designed for ground-based measurements of various minor constituents of the stratosphere involved in ozone chemistry. Since the aim was the detection of faint spectral lines, a superconducting tunnel junction has been chosen as mixer element and special care has been taken in developing the calibration unit of the system. The front-end is completed by a quasi-optical system, a solid state local oscillator with electronic tuning and a HEMT pre-amplifier. In the back-end an acousto-optical spectrometer is employed to analyse the signal. A PC controls the whole system. The instrument has been installed at a high mountain site in the Swiss Alps.

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