Brian W. Romans
Virginia Tech
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Featured researches published by Brian W. Romans.
Geology | 2007
Jacob A. Covault; William R. Normark; Brian W. Romans; Stephan A. Graham
Contrary to widely used sequence-stratigraphic models, lowstand fans are only part of the turbidite depositional record; our analysis reveals that a comparable volume of coarse-grained sediment has been deposited in California borderland deep-water basins regardless of sea level. Sedimentation rates and periods of active sediment transport have been determined for deep-water canyon-channel systems contributing to the southeastern Gulf of Santa Catalina and San Diego Trough since 40 ka using an extensive grid of high-resolution and deep-penetration seismic-reflection data. A regional seismic-reflection horizon (40 ka) has been correlated across the study area using radiocarbon age dates from the Mohole borehole and U.S. Geological Survey piston cores. This study focused on the submarine fans fed by the Oceanside, Carlsbad, and La Jolla Canyons, all of which head within the length of the Ocean-side littoral cell. The Oceanside Canyon–channel system was active from 45 to 13 ka, and the Carlsbad system was active from 50 (or earlier) to 10 ka. The La Jolla system was active over two periods, from 50 (or earlier) to 40 ka, and from 13 ka to the present. One or more of these canyon-channel systems have been active regardless of sea level. During sea-level fluctuation, shelf width between the canyon head and the littoral zone is the primary control on canyon-channel system activity. Highstand fan deposition occurs when a majority of the sediment within the Oceanside littoral cell is intercepted by one of the canyon heads, currently La Jolla Canyon. Since 40 ka, the sedimentation rate on the La Jolla highstand fan has been >2 times the combined rates on the Oceanside and Carlsbad lowstand fans.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2011
Julie C. Fosdick; Brian W. Romans; Andrea Fildani; Anne Bernhardt; Mauricio Calderón; Stephan A. Graham
The kinematic evolution of the Patagonian fold-and-thrust belt and cogenetic Magallanes retroarc foreland basin is reconstructed using new geologic mapping, two-dimensional (2-D) seismic-reflection data, and zircon U/Pb geochronology. Results span an ~160-km-wide transect of the thrust belt and Magallanes Basin near 51°30′S and highlight the influence of inherited extensional structures on basin paleogeography, syntectonic sedimentation, and Late Cretaceous–Neogene foreland shortening. South of 50°S, the Patagonian fold-and-thrust belt developed on oceanic and attenuated crust of the predecessor Late Jurassic Rocas Verdes rift basin, resulting in a collisional nature to early fold-and-thrust belt development and foreland sedimentation atop rifted South American crust. We identify six principal stages of development between Late Cretaceous and Neogene time. A palinspastic restoration indicates ~32–40 km (~19%–23%) of retroarc shortening following closure of the Rocas Verdes Basin and incipient growth of the thrust belt. More than half of the estimated crustal shortening occurred synchronously with the deep-water phase of Late Cretaceous foreland basin sedimentation. Subsequent deformation migrated into the foreland, accounting for ~12 km of shortening across the Cretaceous–early Miocene basin fill. Thick-skinned thrust faulting along multiple detachment levels in Paleozoic metamorphic basement resulted in –5 km of foreland uplift and exposure of preforeland basin deposits. The final phase of early Miocene deformation ca. 21–18 Ma may reflect enhanced coupling between the continental and oceanic lithospheres, causing foreland basement uplifts as the Chile Ridge spreading ridge approached the trench. We speculate that Neogene foreland shortening was accommodated by reactivation of Mesozoic normal faults zones and accounts for broad uplift of the Patagonian fold-and-thrust belt.
Geology | 2011
Jacob A. Covault; Brian W. Romans; Stephan A. Graham; Andrea Fildani; George E. Hilley
Sediment routing from terrestrial source areas to the deep sea influences landscapes and seascapes and supply and filling of sedimentary basins. However, a comprehensive assessment of land-to-deep-sea sediment budgets over millennia with significant climate change is lacking. We provide source to sink sediment budgets using cosmogenic radionuclide–derived terrestrial denudation rates and submarine-fan deposition rates through sea-level fluctuations since oxygen isotope stage 3 (younger than 40 ka) in tectonically active, spatially restricted sediment-routing systems of Southern California. We show that source-area denudation and deep-sea deposition are balanced during a period of generally falling and low sea level (40–13 ka), but that deep-sea deposition exceeds terrestrial denudation during the subsequent period of rising and high sea level (younger than 13 ka). This additional supply of sediment is likely owed to enhanced dispersal of sediment across the shelf caused by seacliff erosion during postglacial shoreline transgression and initiation of submarine mass wasting. During periods of both low and high sea level, land and deep-sea sediment fluxes do not show orders of magnitude imbalances that might be expected in the wake of major sea-level changes. Thus, sediment-routing processes in a globally significant class of small, tectonically active systems might be fundamentally different from those of larger systems that drain entire orogens, in which sediment storage in coastal plains and wide continental shelves can exceed millions of years. Furthermore, in such small systems, depositional changes offshore can reflect onshore changes when viewed over time scales of several thousand years to more than 10 k.y.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2009
Brian W. Romans; William R. Normark; Mary McGann; Jacob A. Covault; Stephan A. Graham
Utilizing accumulations of coarse-grained terrigenous sediment from deep-marine basins to evaluate the relative contributions of and history of controls on sediment flux through a source-to-sink system has been difficult as a result of limited knowledge of event timing. In this study, six new radio-carbon (14C) dates are integrated with five previously published dates that have been recalibrated from a 12.5-m-thick turbidite section from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1015 in Santa Monica Basin, offshore California. This borehole is tied to high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles that cover an 1100 km2 area of the middle and lower Hueneme submarine fan and most of the basin plain. The resulting stratigraphic framework provides the highest temporal resolution for a thick-bedded Holocene turbidite succession to date, permitting an evaluation of source-to-sink controls at millennial (1000 yr) scales. The depositional history from 7 ka to present indicates that the recurrence interval for large turbidity-current events is relatively constant (300–360 yr), but the volume of sediment deposited on the fan and in the basin plain has increased by a factor of 2 over this period. Moreover, the amount of sand per event on the basin plain during the same interval has increased by a factor of 7. Maps of sediment distribution derived from correlation of seismic-reflection profiles indicate that this trend cannot be attributed exclusively to autogenic processes (e.g., pro-gradation of depocenters). The observed variability in sediment accumulation rates is thus largely controlled by allogenic factors, including: (1) increased discharge of Santa Clara River as a result of increased magnitude and frequency of El Nino–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events from ca. 2 ka to present, (2) an apparent change in routing of coarse-grained sediment within the staging area at ca. 3 ka (i.e., from direct river input to indirect, littoral cell input into Hueneme submarine canyon), and (3) decreasing rates of sea-level rise (i.e., rate of rise slowed considerably by ca. 3 ka). The Holocene history of the Santa Clara River–Santa Monica Basin source-to-sink system demonstrates the ways in which varying sediment flux and changes in dispersal pathways affect the basinal stratigraphic record.
The Journal of Geology | 2010
Jacob A. Covault; Brian W. Romans; Andrea Fildani; Mary McGann; Stephan A. Graham
Terrestrial source areas are linked to deep‐sea basins by sediment‐routing systems, which only recently have been studied with a holistic approach focused on terrestrial and submarine components and their interactions. Here we compare an extensive piston‐core and radiocarbon‐age data set from offshore southern California to contemporaneous Holocene climate proxies in order to test the hypothesis that climatic signals are rapidly propagated from source to sink in a spatially restricted sediment‐routing system that includes the Santa Ana River drainage basin and the Newport deep‐sea depositional system. Sediment cores demonstrate that variability in rates of Holocene deep‐sea turbidite deposition is related to complex ocean‐atmosphere interactions, including enhanced magnitude and frequency of the North American monsoon and El Niño–Southern Oscillation cycles, which increased precipitation and fluvial discharge in southern California. This relationship is evident because, unlike many sediment‐routing systems, the Newport submarine canyon‐and‐channel system was consistently linked to the Santa Ana River, which maintained sediment delivery even during Holocene marine transgression and highstand. Results of this study demonstrate the efficiency of sediment transport and delivery through a spatially restricted, consistently linked routing system and the potential utility of deep‐sea turbidite depositional trends as paleoclimate proxies in such settings.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2014
Stephen M. Hubbard; Jacob A. Covault; Andrea Fildani; Brian W. Romans
The processes within deep-sea sediment-routing systems are difficult to directly monitor. Therefore, we rely on other means to decipher the sequence and relative magnitude of the events related to erosion, sediment bypass, and deposition within channels that crosscut the seascape, and in particular, continental slopes. In this analysis, we examine the nature of slope channel fill in outcrop (Cretaceous Tres Pasos Formation, southern Chile) in order to evaluate the geological evidence of the full channel cycle, from inception to terminal infill with sediment, and we attempt to provide insight into the enigmatic deep-sea processes that are critical for a comprehensive understanding of Earth surface dynamics. In the stratigraphic record, slope channel fills are typically represented by sandstone- or conglomerate-dominated deposits that define channelform sedimentary bodies tens of meters thick and hundreds of meters across. Despite the prevalence of coarse-grained sediment, key information is recorded in the fine-grained deposits locally preserved within the channelform bodies, as well as a breadth of scours or internal channelform stratal surfaces. These characteristics preserve the record of protracted sedimentary bypass and erosion. In many instances, the life of a slope channel is dominated by sedimentary bypass, and the stratigraphic record is biased by the products of shorter-lived channel filling and abandonment.
The Journal of Geology | 2013
Jacob A. Covault; William H. Craddock; Brian W. Romans; Andrea Fildani; Mayur A. Gosai
Sediment generation and transport through terrestrial catchments influence soil distribution, geochemical cycling of particulate and dissolved loads, and the character of the stratigraphic record of Earth history. To assess the spatiotemporal variation in landscape evolution, we compare global compilations of stream gauge–derived () and cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN)–derived (predominantly 10Be; ) denudation of catchments (mm/yr) and sediment load of rivers (Mt/yr). Stream gauges measure suspended sediment loads of rivers during several to tens of years, whereas CRNs provide catchment-integrated denudation rates at 102–105-yr time scales. Stream gauge–derived and CRN-derived sediment loads in close proximity to one another (<500 km) exhibit broad similarity ( stream gauge samples; CRN samples). Nearly two-thirds of CRN-derived sediment loads exceed historic loads measured at the same locations (). Excessive longer-term sediment loads likely are a result of longer-term recurrence of large-magnitude sediment-transport events. Nearly 80% of sediment loads measured at approximately the same locations exhibit stream gauge loads that are within an order of magnitude of CRN loads, likely as a result of the buffering capacity of large flood plains. Catchments in which space for deposition exceeds sediment supply have greater buffering capacity. Superior locations in which to evaluate anthropogenic influences on landscape evolution might be buffered catchments, in which temporary storage of sediment in flood plains can provide stream gauge–based sediment loads and denudation rates that are applicable over longer periods than the durations of gauge measurements. The buffering capacity of catchments also has implications for interpreting the stratigraphic record; delayed sediment transfer might complicate the stratigraphic record of external forcings and catchment modification.
Geosphere | 2011
Jacob A. Covault; Andrea Fildani; Brian W. Romans; Timothy R. McHargue
We differentiated 20 submarine canyon-and-channel longitudinal profiles across various types of continental margins on the basis of relative convexity or concavity, and according to their similarities to best-fitting mathematical functions. Profiles are visually differentiated into convex, slightly concave, and very concave groups, each of which generally corresponds with a continental-margin type and distinct depositional architecture. Profile groups generally reflect the competing influences of uplift and construction of depositional relief of the seafloor and its degra da tion by erosion related to mass wasting. Longitudinal-profile shape provides a basis for classifying deep-sea sedimentary systems, linking them to the geomorphic processes that shape continental margins.
Annual Review of Marine Science | 2013
Brian W. Romans; Stephan A. Graham
It is increasingly important to understand and predict how marine environments respond to changes in climate and sea level and to variability in sediment flux from rivers. The dynamics of these factors occur over several orders of temporal magnitude and, under favorable geologic conditions, contribute to long-lived sediment accumulation. Thus, stratigraphic successions along continental margins are archives of these environmental changes and can be used to reconstruct land-ocean linkages, which provide important context for shorter-term and future modifications to this critical zone. Here, we discuss an integrated approach to the analysis of deep-time sediment archives (>10(6) years) that considers the entire system, from eroding catchments where sediment is produced to subsiding basins where sediment accumulates. This holistic approach is presented within the framework of fundamental concepts about sedimentary-basin analysis and stratigraphic characterization through a combination of foundational literature and studies that represent the state of the art.
Archive | 2007
Stephen M. Hubbard; Brian W. Romans; Stephan A. Graham
Large-scale vertical to subvertical clastic intrusions (as much as 67 m [219 ft] wide and 100 m [330 ft] high) are present in Cretaceous strata (Cerro Toro Formation) of the Ultima Esperanza district, southern Chile. The injectites emanate from the margins of submarine-channel deposits that accumulated at water depths of 1000–2000 m (3300–6600 ft) in the Magallanes foreland basin. The remobilized sediment is very coarse, consisting of sandy matrix conglomerate, muddy matrix conglomerate, and poorly sorted sandstone. The injectite bodies sometimes bifurcate upward and are circular in plan view and, thus, are geometrically analogous in many respects to numerous injection features mapped seismically in the North Sea Basin. The remobilization of coarse sediment was likely induced after the burial of the parent deposit to at least a few hundred meters. The controlling factors on injection are difficult to discern; however, it is probable that the highly energetic process involved gas charging of the source body and, potentially, a seismic event trigger associated with the uplift of the Patagonian Andes.