Bridget R. Scanlon
University of Texas at Austin
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Featured researches published by Bridget R. Scanlon.
Water Resources Research | 2007
Bridget R. Scanlon; Ian Jolly; Marios Sophocleous; Lu Zhang
[1] Past land use changes have greatly impacted global water resources, with often opposing effects on water quantity and quality. Increases in rain-fed cropland (460%) and pastureland (560%) during the past 300 years from forest and grasslands decreased evapotranspiration and increased recharge (two orders of magnitude) and streamflow (one order of magnitude). However, increased water quantity degraded water quality by mobilization of salts, salinization caused by shallow water tables, and fertilizer leaching into underlying aquifers that discharge to streams. Since the 1950s, irrigated agriculture has expanded globally by 174%, accounting for � 90% of global freshwater consumption. Irrigation based on surface water reduced streamflow and raised water tables resulting in waterlogging in many areas (China, India, and United States). Marked increases in groundwater-fed irrigation in the last few decades in these areas has lowered water tables (� 1 m/yr) and reduced streamflow. Degradation of water quality in irrigated areas has resulted from processes similar to those in rain-fed agriculture: salt mobilization, salinization in waterlogged areas, and fertilizer leaching. Strategies for remediating water resource problems related to agriculture often have opposing effects on water quantity and quality. Long time lags (decades to centuries) between land use changes and system response (e.g., recharge, streamflow, and water quality), particularly in semiarid regions, mean that the full impact of land use changes has not been realized in many areas and remediation to reverse impacts will also take a long time. Future land use changes should consider potential impacts on water resources, particularly trade-offs between water, salt, and nutrient balances, to develop sustainable water resources to meet human and ecosystem needs.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2012
Bridget R. Scanlon; Claudia C. Faunt; Laurent Longuevergne; Robert C. Reedy; William M. Alley; Virginia L. McGuire; Peter B. McMahon
Aquifer overexploitation could significantly impact crop production in the United States because 60% of irrigation relies on groundwater. Groundwater depletion in the irrigated High Plains and California Central Valley accounts for ∼50% of groundwater depletion in the United States since 1900. A newly developed High Plains recharge map shows that high recharge in the northern High Plains results in sustainable pumpage, whereas lower recharge in the central and southern High Plains has resulted in focused depletion of 330 km3 of fossil groundwater, mostly recharged during the past 13,000 y. Depletion is highly localized with about a third of depletion occurring in 4% of the High Plains land area. Extrapolation of the current depletion rate suggests that 35% of the southern High Plains will be unable to support irrigation within the next 30 y. Reducing irrigation withdrawals could extend the lifespan of the aquifer but would not result in sustainable management of this fossil groundwater. The Central Valley is a more dynamic, engineered system, with north/south diversions of surface water since the 1950s contributing to ∼7× higher recharge. However, these diversions are regulated because of impacts on endangered species. A newly developed Central Valley Hydrologic Model shows that groundwater depletion since the 1960s, totaling 80 km3, occurs mostly in the south (Tulare Basin) and primarily during droughts. Increasing water storage through artificial recharge of excess surface water in aquifers by up to 3 km3 shows promise for coping with droughts and improving sustainability of groundwater resources in the Central Valley.
Environmental Science & Technology | 2012
Jean-Philippe Nicot; Bridget R. Scanlon
Shale-gas production using hydraulic fracturing of mostly horizontal wells has led to considerable controversy over water-resource and environmental impacts. The study objective was to quantify net water use for shale-gas production using data from Texas, which is the dominant producer of shale gas in the U.S. with a focus on three major plays: the Barnett Shale (~15,000 wells, mid-2011), Texas-Haynesville Shale (390 wells), and Eagle Ford Shale (1040 wells). Past water use was estimated from well-completion data, and future water use was extrapolated from past water use constrained by shale-gas resources. Cumulative water use in the Barnett totaled 145 Mm(3) (2000-mid-2011). Annual water use represents ~9% of water use in Dallas (population 1.3 million). Water use in younger (2008-mid-2011) plays, although less (6.5 Mm(3) Texas-Haynesville, 18 Mm(3) Eagle Ford), is increasing rapidly. Water use for shale gas is <1% of statewide water withdrawals; however, local impacts vary with water availability and competing demands. Projections of cumulative net water use during the next 50 years in all shale plays total ~4350 Mm(3), peaking at 145 Mm(3) in the mid-2020s and decreasing to 23 Mm(3) in 2060. Current freshwater use may shift to brackish water to reduce competition with other users.
Journal of Hydrology | 2003
Bridget R. Scanlon; Robert E. Mace; Michael E. Barrett; Brian Smith
Various approaches can be used to simulate groundwater flow in karst systems, including equivalent porous media distributed parameter, lumped parameter, and dual porosity approaches, as well as discrete fracture or conduit approaches. The purpose of this study was to evaluate two different equivalent porous media approaches: lumped and distributed parameter, for simulating regional groundwater flow in a karst aquifer and to evaluate the adequacy of these approaches. The models were applied to the Barton Springs Edwards aquifer, Texas. Unique aspects of this study include availability of detailed information on recharge from stream-loss studies and on synoptic water levels, long-term continuous water level monitoring in wells throughout the aquifer, and spring discharge data to compare with simulation results. The MODFLOW code was used for the distributed parameter model. Estimation of hydraulic conductivity distribution was optimized by using a combination of trial and error and automated inverse methods. The lumped parameter model consists of five cells representing each of the watersheds contributing recharge to the aquifer. Transient simulations were conducted using both distributed and lumped parameter models for a 10-yr period (1989 ‐ 1998). Both distributed and lumped parameter models fairly accurately simulated the temporal variability in spring discharge; therefore, if the objective of the model is to simulate spring discharge, either distributed or lumped parameter approaches can be used. The distributed parameter model generally reproduced the potentiometric surface at different times. The impact of the amount of pumping on a regional scale on spring discharge can be evaluated using a lumped parameter model; however, more detailed evaluation of the effect of pumping on groundwater levels and spring discharge requires a distributed parameter modeling approach. Sensitivity analyses indicated that spring discharge was much more sensitive to variations in recharge than pumpage, indicating that aquifer management should consider enhanced recharge, in addition to conservation measures, to maintain spring flow. This study shows the ability of equivalent porous media models to simulate regional groundwater flow in a highly karstified aquifer, which is important for water resources and groundwater management. q 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Water Resources Research | 2010
Laurent Longuevergne; Bridget R. Scanlon; Clark R. Wilson
The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites provide observations of water storage variation at regional scales. However, when focusing on a region of interest, limited spatial resolution and noise contamination can cause estimation bias and spatial leakage, problems that are exacerbated as the region of interest approaches the GRACE resolution limit of a few hundred km. Reliable estimates of water storage variations in small basins require compromises between competing needs for noise suppression and spatial resolution. The objective of this study was to quantitatively investigate processing methods and their impacts on bias, leakage, GRACE noise reduction, and estimated total error, allowing solution of the trade-offs. Among the methods tested is a recently developed concentration algorithm called spatiospectral localization, which optimizes the basin shape description, taking into account limited spatial resolution. This method is particularly suited to retrieval of basin-scale water storage variations and is effective for small basins. To increase confidence in derived methods, water storage variations were calculated for both CSR (Center for Space Research) and GRGS (Groupe de Recherche de Geodesie Spatiale) GRACE products, which employ different processing strategies. The processing techniques were tested on the intensively monitored High Plains Aquifer (450,000 km2 area), where application of the appropriate optimal processing method allowed retrieval of water storage variations over a portion of the aquifer as small as ˜200,000 km2.
Water Resources Research | 2014
Di Long; Laurent Longuevergne; Bridget R. Scanlon
Proliferation of evapotranspiration (ET) products warrants comparison of these products. The study objective was to assess uncertainty in ET output from four land surface models (LSMs), Noah, Mosaic, VIC, and SAC in NLDAS-2, two remote sensing-based products, MODIS and AVHRR, and GRACE-inferred ET from a water budget with precipitation from PRISM, monitored runoff, and total water storage change (TWSC) from GRACE satellites. The three cornered hat method, which does not require a priori knowledge of the true ET value, was used to estimate ET uncertainties. In addition, TWSC or total water storage anomaly (TWSA) from GRACE was compared with water budget estimates of TWSC from a flux-based approach or TWSA from a storage-based approach. The analyses were conducted using data from three regions (humid-arid) in the South Central United States as case studies. Uncertainties in ET are lowest in LSM ET (∼5 mm/mo), moderate in MODIS or AVHRR-based ET (10–15 mm/mo), and highest in GRACE-inferred ET (20–30 mm/month). There is a trade-off between spatial resolution and uncertainty, with lower uncertainty in the coarser-resolution LSM ET (∼14 km) relative to higher uncertainty in the finer-resolution (∼1–8 km) RS ET. Root-mean-square (RMS) of uncertainties in water budget estimates of TWSC is about half of RMS of uncertainties in GRACE-derived TWSC for each of the regions. Future ET estimation should consider a hybrid approach that integrates strengths of LSMs and satellite-based products to constrain uncertainties.
Journal of Hydrology | 1991
Bridget R. Scanlon
Scanlon, B.R., 1991. Evaluation of moisture flux from chloride data in desert soils. J. Hydrol., 128: 137-156. Chloride-concentration data from 10 soil profiles in a 40 km 2 area of the Chihuahuan Desert of Texas were used to assess chloride mass balance methods of evaluating moisture flux. The relative importance of advective and diffusive transport mechanisms was determined. Moisture fluxes were calculated from measured chloride concentrations on the basis of a steady-state flow model. To evaluate controls on unsaturated flow, moisture fluxes from this study were compared with those from other regions. The chloride profiles displayed large variations in concentrations and had (a) low chloride concentrations (≤ 100 g m –3 ) near land surface, (b) maximum chloride concentrations (1,900 to 9,300 g m –3 ) at depths of 1.3 to 4.6 m, and (c) gradually decreasing chloride concentrations with depth below the peak. Steep concentration gradients (up to 12,000 g m –3 m –1 ), characteristic of chloride profiles in these desert soils, indicate a potential for molecular diffusion; however, low moisture contents (≤ 0.1) in the zone of steep concentration gradients resulted in diffusive fluxes that were 2 to 3 orders of magnitude lower than the advective fluxes; therefore, diffusive fluxes were neglected in flux calculations. Because the chloride accession rate was assumed to be constant throughout the study area, calculated moisture fluxes are inversely proportional to chloride concentrations in the soil water. Highest moisture fluxes (up to 6 mm yr –1 ) were calculated near land surface and are related to chloride leaching as a result of precipitation. Within the upper meter of the unsaturated zone, soil moisture fluxes decreased sharply to 0.1 mm yr –1 as most of the water evapotranspired in this zone. Soil moisture fluxes decreased to a minimum at the chloride peak and then increased gradually as chloride concentrations decreased with depth below the peak. Reductions in chloride concentrations below the peak are attributed to differences in moisture fluxes as a result of paleoclimatic variations. Comparisons of chloride profiles from different regions indicate that geomorphic setting plays a major role in controlling moisture flux in the unsaturated zone.
Water Resources Research | 1997
Bridget R. Scanlon; Richard S. Goldsmith
We quantified unsaturated flow beneath playa and adjacent interplaya settings at a site in the Southern High Plains (United States) to resolve issues related to where and how water moves through the unsaturated zone. This is the first study in which the data density (39 boreholes) and the variety of techniques used (physical, chemical, and isotopic) were sufficient to quantify spatial variability in unsaturated flow. Water contents, water potentials, and tritium eoneentrations were much higher and chloride eoneentrations were much lower beneath playas than in interplaya settings, which indicated that playas focus recharge. These results refute previous hypotheses that playas act as evaporation pans or that recharge is restricted to the annular region around playas. Water fluxes estimated from environmental tracers ranged from 60 to 120 mm yr−1 beneath playas and were ≤0.1 mm yr−1 during the past 2000–5000 years beneath natural interplaya areas not subjected to ponding. To evaluate the apparent inconsistency between high recharge rates and thick clay layers beneath playas, we applied bromide and FD&C blue dye to evaluate flow processes. These applied tracer experiments showed preferential flow along roots and desiccation cracks through structured clays in the shallow subsurface in playas.
Water Resources Research | 2003
Bridget R. Scanlon; K. E. Keese; Robert C. Reedy; Jirka Simunek; Brian J. Andraski
[1] An understanding of unsaturated flow and potential recharge in interdrainage semiarid and arid regions is critical for quantification of water resources and contaminant transport. We evaluated system response to paleoclimatic forcing using water potential and Cl profiles and modeling of nonisothermal liquid and vapor flow and Cl transport at semiarid (High Plains, Texas) and arid (Chihuahuan Desert, Texas; Amargosa Desert, Nevada) sites. Infiltration in response to current climatic forcing is restricted to the shallow (� 0.3–3 m) subsurface. Subsurface Cl accumulations correspond to time periods of 9–90 kyr. Bulge-shaped Cl profiles generally represent accumulation during the Holocene (9–16 kyr). Lower Cl concentrations at depth reflect higher water fluxes (0.04–8.4 mm/yr) during the Pleistocene and earlier times. Low water potentials and upward gradients indicate current drying conditions. Nonisothermal liquid and vapor flow simulations indicate that upward flow for at least 1–2 kyr in the High Plains and for 12–16 kyr at the Chihuahuan and Amargosa desert sites is required to reproduce measured upward water potential gradients and that recharge is negligible (<0.1 mm/yr) in these interdrainage areas. INDEX TERMS: 1809 Hydrology: Desertification; 1815 Hydrology: Erosion and sedimentation; 1833 Hydrology: Hydroclimatology; KEYWORDS: paleoclimate, chloride mass balance, unsaturated zone, unsaturated flow modeling
Water Resources Research | 2012
Bridget R. Scanlon; Laurent Longuevergne; Di Long
There is increasing interest in using Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite data to remotely monitor groundwater storage variations; however, comparisons with ground-based well data are limited but necessary to validate satellite data processing, especially when the study area is close to or below the GRACE footprint. The Central Valley is a heavily irrigated region with large-scale groundwater depletion during droughts. Here we compare updated estimates of groundwater storage changes in the California Central Valley using GRACE satellites with storage changes from groundwater level data. A new processing approach was applied that optimally uses available GRACE and water balance component data to extract changes in groundwater storage. GRACE satellites show that groundwater depletion totaled ∼31.0 ± 3.0 km3 for Groupe de Recherche de Geodesie Spatiale (GRGS) satellite data during the drought from October 2006 through March 2010. Groundwater storage changes from GRACE agreed with those from well data for the overlap period (April 2006 through September 2009) (27 km3 for both). General correspondence between GRACE and groundwater level data validates the methodology and increases confidence in use of GRACE satellites to monitor groundwater storage changes.