
Featured researches published by Bruna Pase Zanon.

Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM | 2016

Contribuições da extensão universitária na formação de acadêmicos de enfermagem

Taisa de Paula Paiva Freitas; Cristiane Cardoso de Paula; Bruna Pase Zanon; Fernando Setembrino Cruz Meirelles; Teresinha Heck Welleir; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin

Aim: to analyze the contributions of extension actions in the teaching of egressed students from the extension projects of AIDS, education and citizenship Program. Method: quantitative cross-sectional study. The participating population of the study was 43 egressed students from the extension project, linked to the nursing course of a Federal University. Data colletion occured through questionnaires that were sent by email from April to May, 2015 and were analyzed by Prictive Analytics software program. Results: the autonomies obtained after the participation in extension activities wesr emphasized, such as the autonomy on personal development, related to their own learning process, the teamwork, the mutual respect in the work enviroment and the academic improvement, since they had the opportunity to perform activities that are not found in the curriculum. Conclusion: The participation of academics in extension projects increases the responsibility to contribute decisively to social, individual and collective changes

Revista Bioética | 2016

Revelação do diagnóstico de HIV dos pais

Bruna Pase Zanon; Pâmela Batista de Almeida; Crhis Netto de Brum; Cristiane Cardoso de Paula; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin; Alberto Manuel Quintana

The aim was to assess scientific evidence available in the literature about the factors that influence the decision to disclose the parents’ HIV diagnosis to their children. The type study is integrative review in the Medline and Lilacs databases, using the words [HIV or aids] and [crianca or adolescente] and [revelacao]. 14 articles were selected. Factors influencing the decision to disclose the diagnosis were: the cognitive ability and maturity of the child, the strengthening of family ties, the information provided to the child about the disease, parental illness and death, the discovery by third parties, stigma and prejudice, negative reactions from the children, the way to talk about the disease with the child, and the fear of losing parental power. Therefore, a process of preparation for disclosure of the diagnosis, shared among family members who take care of the child and health professionals who maintain ties with the family, was identified.

Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2016

Revelação do diagnóstico de HIV para crianças e adolescentes: subsídios para prática assistencial

Bruna Pase Zanon; Cristiane Cardoso de Paula; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin

Objective To collectively build a guide for following-up on HIV diagnosis disclosure to children and adolescents in a specialized service. Method Convergent-care research approach with observation triangulation, interview and groups, conducted from May to June 2015 with seven health professionals in a pediatric outpatient clinic for infectious diseases. Thematic content analysis was developed. Results The discussion of understanding the disclosure, its triggers, actors involved, used strategies, and limits and possibilities listed by the professionals subsidized the construction of a guide to be applied in the stages: analyzing childrens questions and curiosities; evaluating their cognitive ability; discussing the reasons to reveal; listing the professionals involved on follow-up process; including family; developing strategies for disclosure. Conclusion This guide may mediate changes in care practice to ensure the childs rights and to make the professionals co-accountable.

Revista Bioética | 2015

Ética na pesquisa com adolescentes que vivem com HIV/Aids

Cristiane Cardoso de Paula; Clarissa Bohrer da Silva; Bruna Pase Zanon; Crhis Netto de Brum; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin

Ethics in research on adolescents living with HIV/AIDS The article have sought to portray the experience of ensuring observance of the ethical aspects involved in data gathering with adolescents living with HIV/Aids. Data gathering in two studies is reported: one , using a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design, with 23 adolescents, and another with a qualitative focus, with 8 adolescents. For both, the criteria for participation included current use of anti-retroviral therapy, awareness of their diagnosis, and being subject to outpatient monitoring at a specialized care service. Guaranteeing the ethical principles ‒ autonomy, doing no harm, beneficence and justice involved: how to approach the adolescents to invite them to participate in the survey, the adolescents’ fears regarding the research, the protection of family members and caregivers, the revelation of the diagnosis to the adolescent and to third parts, and confidentiality. The report of our experience aims to contribute to the discussion of issues involving the guarantee of ethical aspects in research.ResumenEl presente trabajo tiene como objetivo informar la experiencia de garantizar los aspectos eticos involucrados en la etapa de recoleccion de datos de los adolescentes que viven con el VIH/SIDA. Esto es un relato de la reco-leccion de datos de dos investigaciones; una de un enfoque cuantitativo y diseno cruzado con 23 adolescentes y otra de enfoque cualitativo con 8 adolescentes. Para ambas, los criterios de participacion de los adolescen-tes incluyen: estar en uso de la terapia anti-retroviral, saber sobre su diagnostico y estar bajo tratamiento de servicio especializado. La garantia de principios eticos ‒ autonomia, no maleficencia, beneficencia y justicia involucro: la forma de abordaje para participar en la investigacion, temores de los adolescentes con respecto a la investigacion, proteccion de los miembros familiares y cuidadores, la revelacion del diagnostico al adoles-cente y a terceras partes, y sigilo. El estudio pretende contribuir a la discusion de cuestiones relacionadas con la garantia de aspectos eticos en la investigacion.Palabras-clave: Sindrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida. VIH. Salud de los adolescentes. Etica de la investigacion. Enfermeria.Resumo Etica na pesquisa com adolescentes que vivem com HIV/AidsCom o presente trabalho, objetivou-se relatar a experiencia de garantir os aspectos eticos envolvidos na etapa de coleta de dados com adolescentes que vivem com HIV/aids. Trata-se de relato de coleta de dados de duas pesquisas: uma, de abordagem quantitativa e delineamento transversal, com 23 adolescentes, e outra, de enfoque qualitativo, com 8 adolescentes. Para ambas, os criterios de participacao dos adolescentes incluiram: estar em uso de terapia antirretroviral, ter conhecimento de seu diagnostico e manter seguimento ambulato-rial em servico especializado. A garantia dos principios eticos – autonomia, nao maleficencia, beneficencia e justica – envolveram: a forma de abordagem para participar da pesquisa, os receios dos adolescentes quanto a pesquisa, a protecao dos familiares/cuidadores, a revelacao do diagnostico ao adolescente e a terceiros e o sigilo. O relato da experiencia pretende contribuir para a discussao acerca das questoes que envolvem a garantia dos aspectos eticos nas pesquisas.Palavras-chave: Sindrome da imunodeficiencia adquirida. HIV. Saude do adolescente. Etica em pesquisa. Enfermagem.AbstractEthics in research on adolescents living with HIV/AIDS The article have sought to portray the experience of ensuring observance of the ethical aspects involved in data gathering with adolescents living with HIV/Aids. Data gathering in two studies is reported: one , using a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design, with 23 adolescents, and another with a qualitative fo-cus, with 8 adolescents. For both, the criteria for participation included current use of anti-retroviral therapy, awareness of their diagnosis, and being subject to outpatient monitoring at a specialized care service. Guaran-teeing the ethical principles ‒ autonomy, doing no harm, beneficence and justice involved: how to approach the adolescents to invite them to participate in the survey, the adolescents’ fears regarding the research, the protection of family members and caregivers, the revelation of the diagnosis to the adolescent and to third parts, and confidentiality. The report of our experience aims to contribute to the discussion of issues involving the guarantee of ethical aspects in research.Keywords: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. HIV. Adolescent health. Research ethics. Nursing.Abstract The article have sought to portray the experience of ensuring observance of the ethical aspects involved in data gathering with adolescents living with HIV/Aids. Data gathering in two studies is reported: one , using a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design, with 23 adolescents, and another with a qualitative fo-cus, with 8 adolescents. For both, the criteria for participation included current use of anti-retroviral therapy, awareness of their diagnosis, and being subject to outpatient monitoring at a specialized care service. Guaran-teeing the ethical principles ‒ autonomy, doing no harm, beneficence and justice involved: how to approach the adolescents to invite them to participate in the survey, the adolescents’ fears regarding the research, the protection of family members and caregivers, the revelation of the diagnosis to the adolescent and to third parts, and confidentiality. The report of our experience aims to contribute to the discussion of issues involving the guarantee of ethical aspects in research.

Revista Bioética | 2015

Ethics in research on adolescents living with HIV/AIDS

Cristiane Cardoso de Paula; Clarissa Bohrer da Silva; Bruna Pase Zanon; Crhis Netto de Brum; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin

Ethics in research on adolescents living with HIV/AIDS The article have sought to portray the experience of ensuring observance of the ethical aspects involved in data gathering with adolescents living with HIV/Aids. Data gathering in two studies is reported: one , using a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design, with 23 adolescents, and another with a qualitative focus, with 8 adolescents. For both, the criteria for participation included current use of anti-retroviral therapy, awareness of their diagnosis, and being subject to outpatient monitoring at a specialized care service. Guaranteeing the ethical principles ‒ autonomy, doing no harm, beneficence and justice involved: how to approach the adolescents to invite them to participate in the survey, the adolescents’ fears regarding the research, the protection of family members and caregivers, the revelation of the diagnosis to the adolescent and to third parts, and confidentiality. The report of our experience aims to contribute to the discussion of issues involving the guarantee of ethical aspects in research.ResumenEl presente trabajo tiene como objetivo informar la experiencia de garantizar los aspectos eticos involucrados en la etapa de recoleccion de datos de los adolescentes que viven con el VIH/SIDA. Esto es un relato de la reco-leccion de datos de dos investigaciones; una de un enfoque cuantitativo y diseno cruzado con 23 adolescentes y otra de enfoque cualitativo con 8 adolescentes. Para ambas, los criterios de participacion de los adolescen-tes incluyen: estar en uso de la terapia anti-retroviral, saber sobre su diagnostico y estar bajo tratamiento de servicio especializado. La garantia de principios eticos ‒ autonomia, no maleficencia, beneficencia y justicia involucro: la forma de abordaje para participar en la investigacion, temores de los adolescentes con respecto a la investigacion, proteccion de los miembros familiares y cuidadores, la revelacion del diagnostico al adoles-cente y a terceras partes, y sigilo. El estudio pretende contribuir a la discusion de cuestiones relacionadas con la garantia de aspectos eticos en la investigacion.Palabras-clave: Sindrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida. VIH. Salud de los adolescentes. Etica de la investigacion. Enfermeria.Resumo Etica na pesquisa com adolescentes que vivem com HIV/AidsCom o presente trabalho, objetivou-se relatar a experiencia de garantir os aspectos eticos envolvidos na etapa de coleta de dados com adolescentes que vivem com HIV/aids. Trata-se de relato de coleta de dados de duas pesquisas: uma, de abordagem quantitativa e delineamento transversal, com 23 adolescentes, e outra, de enfoque qualitativo, com 8 adolescentes. Para ambas, os criterios de participacao dos adolescentes incluiram: estar em uso de terapia antirretroviral, ter conhecimento de seu diagnostico e manter seguimento ambulato-rial em servico especializado. A garantia dos principios eticos – autonomia, nao maleficencia, beneficencia e justica – envolveram: a forma de abordagem para participar da pesquisa, os receios dos adolescentes quanto a pesquisa, a protecao dos familiares/cuidadores, a revelacao do diagnostico ao adolescente e a terceiros e o sigilo. O relato da experiencia pretende contribuir para a discussao acerca das questoes que envolvem a garantia dos aspectos eticos nas pesquisas.Palavras-chave: Sindrome da imunodeficiencia adquirida. HIV. Saude do adolescente. Etica em pesquisa. Enfermagem.AbstractEthics in research on adolescents living with HIV/AIDS The article have sought to portray the experience of ensuring observance of the ethical aspects involved in data gathering with adolescents living with HIV/Aids. Data gathering in two studies is reported: one , using a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design, with 23 adolescents, and another with a qualitative fo-cus, with 8 adolescents. For both, the criteria for participation included current use of anti-retroviral therapy, awareness of their diagnosis, and being subject to outpatient monitoring at a specialized care service. Guaran-teeing the ethical principles ‒ autonomy, doing no harm, beneficence and justice involved: how to approach the adolescents to invite them to participate in the survey, the adolescents’ fears regarding the research, the protection of family members and caregivers, the revelation of the diagnosis to the adolescent and to third parts, and confidentiality. The report of our experience aims to contribute to the discussion of issues involving the guarantee of ethical aspects in research.Keywords: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. HIV. Adolescent health. Research ethics. Nursing.Abstract The article have sought to portray the experience of ensuring observance of the ethical aspects involved in data gathering with adolescents living with HIV/Aids. Data gathering in two studies is reported: one , using a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design, with 23 adolescents, and another with a qualitative fo-cus, with 8 adolescents. For both, the criteria for participation included current use of anti-retroviral therapy, awareness of their diagnosis, and being subject to outpatient monitoring at a specialized care service. Guaran-teeing the ethical principles ‒ autonomy, doing no harm, beneficence and justice involved: how to approach the adolescents to invite them to participate in the survey, the adolescents’ fears regarding the research, the protection of family members and caregivers, the revelation of the diagnosis to the adolescent and to third parts, and confidentiality. The report of our experience aims to contribute to the discussion of issues involving the guarantee of ethical aspects in research.

Revista Bioética | 2015

Ética en la investigación con adolescentes que viven con el VIH/SIDA

Cristiane Cardoso de Paula; Clarissa Bohrer da Silva; Bruna Pase Zanon; Crhis Netto de Brum; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin

Ethics in research on adolescents living with HIV/AIDS The article have sought to portray the experience of ensuring observance of the ethical aspects involved in data gathering with adolescents living with HIV/Aids. Data gathering in two studies is reported: one , using a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design, with 23 adolescents, and another with a qualitative focus, with 8 adolescents. For both, the criteria for participation included current use of anti-retroviral therapy, awareness of their diagnosis, and being subject to outpatient monitoring at a specialized care service. Guaranteeing the ethical principles ‒ autonomy, doing no harm, beneficence and justice involved: how to approach the adolescents to invite them to participate in the survey, the adolescents’ fears regarding the research, the protection of family members and caregivers, the revelation of the diagnosis to the adolescent and to third parts, and confidentiality. The report of our experience aims to contribute to the discussion of issues involving the guarantee of ethical aspects in research.ResumenEl presente trabajo tiene como objetivo informar la experiencia de garantizar los aspectos eticos involucrados en la etapa de recoleccion de datos de los adolescentes que viven con el VIH/SIDA. Esto es un relato de la reco-leccion de datos de dos investigaciones; una de un enfoque cuantitativo y diseno cruzado con 23 adolescentes y otra de enfoque cualitativo con 8 adolescentes. Para ambas, los criterios de participacion de los adolescen-tes incluyen: estar en uso de la terapia anti-retroviral, saber sobre su diagnostico y estar bajo tratamiento de servicio especializado. La garantia de principios eticos ‒ autonomia, no maleficencia, beneficencia y justicia involucro: la forma de abordaje para participar en la investigacion, temores de los adolescentes con respecto a la investigacion, proteccion de los miembros familiares y cuidadores, la revelacion del diagnostico al adoles-cente y a terceras partes, y sigilo. El estudio pretende contribuir a la discusion de cuestiones relacionadas con la garantia de aspectos eticos en la investigacion.Palabras-clave: Sindrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida. VIH. Salud de los adolescentes. Etica de la investigacion. Enfermeria.Resumo Etica na pesquisa com adolescentes que vivem com HIV/AidsCom o presente trabalho, objetivou-se relatar a experiencia de garantir os aspectos eticos envolvidos na etapa de coleta de dados com adolescentes que vivem com HIV/aids. Trata-se de relato de coleta de dados de duas pesquisas: uma, de abordagem quantitativa e delineamento transversal, com 23 adolescentes, e outra, de enfoque qualitativo, com 8 adolescentes. Para ambas, os criterios de participacao dos adolescentes incluiram: estar em uso de terapia antirretroviral, ter conhecimento de seu diagnostico e manter seguimento ambulato-rial em servico especializado. A garantia dos principios eticos – autonomia, nao maleficencia, beneficencia e justica – envolveram: a forma de abordagem para participar da pesquisa, os receios dos adolescentes quanto a pesquisa, a protecao dos familiares/cuidadores, a revelacao do diagnostico ao adolescente e a terceiros e o sigilo. O relato da experiencia pretende contribuir para a discussao acerca das questoes que envolvem a garantia dos aspectos eticos nas pesquisas.Palavras-chave: Sindrome da imunodeficiencia adquirida. HIV. Saude do adolescente. Etica em pesquisa. Enfermagem.AbstractEthics in research on adolescents living with HIV/AIDS The article have sought to portray the experience of ensuring observance of the ethical aspects involved in data gathering with adolescents living with HIV/Aids. Data gathering in two studies is reported: one , using a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design, with 23 adolescents, and another with a qualitative fo-cus, with 8 adolescents. For both, the criteria for participation included current use of anti-retroviral therapy, awareness of their diagnosis, and being subject to outpatient monitoring at a specialized care service. Guaran-teeing the ethical principles ‒ autonomy, doing no harm, beneficence and justice involved: how to approach the adolescents to invite them to participate in the survey, the adolescents’ fears regarding the research, the protection of family members and caregivers, the revelation of the diagnosis to the adolescent and to third parts, and confidentiality. The report of our experience aims to contribute to the discussion of issues involving the guarantee of ethical aspects in research.Keywords: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. HIV. Adolescent health. Research ethics. Nursing.Abstract The article have sought to portray the experience of ensuring observance of the ethical aspects involved in data gathering with adolescents living with HIV/Aids. Data gathering in two studies is reported: one , using a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design, with 23 adolescents, and another with a qualitative fo-cus, with 8 adolescents. For both, the criteria for participation included current use of anti-retroviral therapy, awareness of their diagnosis, and being subject to outpatient monitoring at a specialized care service. Guaran-teeing the ethical principles ‒ autonomy, doing no harm, beneficence and justice involved: how to approach the adolescents to invite them to participate in the survey, the adolescents’ fears regarding the research, the protection of family members and caregivers, the revelation of the diagnosis to the adolescent and to third parts, and confidentiality. The report of our experience aims to contribute to the discussion of issues involving the guarantee of ethical aspects in research.

Revista Contexto & Saúde | 2014


José Francisco Dalcin; Eliane Tatsch Neves; Leonardo Bigolin Jantsch; Andrea Moreira Arrué; Luís Henrique Caselani Macêdo Junior; Bruna Pase Zanon

O presente estudo tem por objetivo caracterizar perfil clinico e a demanda de atendimento de criancas menores de cinco anos em Pronto Atendimento Infantil no sul do Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, retrospectivo de carater descritivo desenvolvido a partir do banco de dados do projeto multicentrico. Os sujeitos deste estudo foram criancas menores de cinco anos atendidas em um pronto atendimento infantil de um municipio, no sul do Brasil, no ano de 2010.A selecao dos sujeitos foi realizada de forma aleatoria, distribuidas proporcional ao numero de atendimentos mensal. A analise e digitacao dos dados foi realizada pelo programa Epi-info ® . Resultados: Cerca de 53,2 % das criancas eram do sexo masculino, 41,6 % apresentavam idade menor que dois anos e 58,2 % receberam como hipotese diagnostica Doenca Respiratoria. Conclui-se que o periodo de maior afeccao a saude das criancas menores de cinco anos, por causas evitaveis, e ate os dois primeiros anos de vida, e que a principal afeccao ocorre no sistema respiratorio.

Revista Pesquisa Qualitativa | 2018


Cristiane Cardoso de Paula; Bruna Pase Zanon; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin; Aline Cammarano Ribeiro

CIAIQ 2017 | 2017


Cristianede Cardoso Paula; Bruna Pase Zanon; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin; Aline Cammarano Ribeiro

Adolescencia e Saude | 2016

Implantação da estratégia grupal com adolescentes que vivem com HIV/AIDS: relato de experiência

Cristiane Cardoso de Paula; Stela Maris de Mello Padoin; Crhis Netto de Brum; Clarissa Bohrer da Silva; Bruna Pase Zanon; Graziela Piovesan

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