
Featured researches published by Bruno Fattori.

Laryngoscope | 2002

The treatment of horizontal canal positional vertigo: our experience in 66 cases.

Augusto Pietro Casani; G Vannucci; Bruno Fattori; Stefano Berrettini

Objectives/Hypothesis The horizontal semicircular canal variant of paroxysmal positional vertigo (HSC‐PPV) shows three subtype nystagmic patterns: 1) bilateral geotropic nystagmus, 2) bilateral apogeotropic nystagmus that may switch into bilateral geotropic, and 3) bilateral apogeotropic nystagmus that never switches into bilateral geotropic. In recent years, many methods of physical treatment have been proposed for HSC‐PPV, yet no standard protocol has been defined. We studied the effects of different methods according to each different form of HSC‐PPV after a precise definition of the nystagmic and clinical features.

World Journal of Gastroenterology | 2012

How many cases of laryngopharyngeal reflux suspected by laryngoscopy are gastroesophageal reflux disease-related?

Nicola de Bortoli; Andrea Nacci; Edoardo Savarino; Irene Martinucci; M. Bellini; Bruno Fattori; L. Ceccarelli; Francesco Costa; Maria Gloria Mumolo; A. Ricchiuti; Vincenzo Savarino; Stefano Berrettini; Santino Marchi

AIM To investigate the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in patients with a laryngoscopic diagnosis of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). METHODS Between May 2011 and October 2011, 41 consecutive patients with laryngopharyngeal symptoms (LPS) and laryngoscopic diagnosis of LPR were empirically treated with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for at least 8 wk, and the therapeutic outcome was assessed through validated questionnaires (GERD impact scale, GIS; visual analogue scale, VAS). LPR diagnosis was performed by ear, nose and throat specialists using the reflux finding score (RFS) and reflux symptom index (RSI). After a 16-d wash-out from PPIs, all patients underwent an upper endoscopy, stationary esophageal manometry, 24-h multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH (MII-pH) esophageal monitoring. A positive correlation between LPR diagnosis and GERD was supposed based on the presence of esophagitis (ERD), pathological acid exposure time (AET) in the absence of esophageal erosions (NERD), and a positive correlation between symptoms and refluxes (hypersensitive esophagus, HE). RESULTS The male/female ratio was 0.52 (14/27), the mean age ± SD was 51.5 ± 12.7 years, and the mean body mass index was 25.7 ± 3.4 kg/m(2). All subjects reported one or more LPS. Twenty-five out of 41 patients also had typical GERD symptoms (heartburn and/or regurgitation). The most frequent laryngoscopic findings were posterior laryngeal hyperemia (38/41), linear indentation in the medial edge of the vocal fold (31/41), vocal fold nodules (6/41) and diffuse infraglottic oedema (25/41). The GIS analysis showed that 10/41 patients reported symptom relief with PPI therapy (P < 0.05); conversely, 23/41 did not report any clinical improvement. At the same time, the VAS analysis showed a significant reduction in typical GERD symptoms after PPI therapy (P < 0.001). A significant reduction in LPS symptoms. On the other hand, such result was not recorded for LPS. Esophagitis was detected in 2/41 patients, and ineffective esophageal motility was found in 3/41 patients. The MII-pH analysis showed an abnormal AET in 5/41 patients (2 ERD and 3 NERD); 11/41 patients had a normal AET and a positive association between symptoms and refluxes (HE), and 25/41 patients had a normal AET and a negative association between symptoms and refluxes (no GERD patients). It is noteworthy that HE patients had a positive association with typical GERD-related symptoms. Gas refluxes were found more frequently in patients with globus (29.7 ± 3.6) and hoarseness (21.5 ± 7.4) than in patients with heartburn or regurgitation (7.8 ± 6.2). Gas refluxes were positively associated with extra-esophageal symptoms (P < 0.05). Overall, no differences were found among the three groups of patients in terms of the frequency of laryngeal signs. The proximal reflux was abnormal in patients with ERD/NERD only. The differences observed by means of MII-pH analysis among the three subgroups of patients (ERD/NERD, HE, no GERD) were not demonstrated with the RSI and RFS. Moreover, only the number of gas refluxes was found to have a significant association with the RFS (P = 0.028 and P = 0.026, nominal and numerical correlation, respectively). CONCLUSION MII-pH analysis confirmed GERD diagnosis in less than 40% of patients with previous diagnosis of LPR, most likely because of the low specificity of the laryngoscopic findings.

Operations Research Letters | 2006

Transtympanic Steroids as a Salvage Therapy in Sudden Hearing Loss: Preliminary Results

Iacopo Dallan; Luca Bruschini; Andrea Nacci; Paolo Bruschini; Claudio Traino; Ferdinando Rognini; Bruno Fattori

Purpose: To understand the real efficacy of transtympanic steroid therapy for sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) in patients in whom traditional therapies have failed. Procedures: A prospective study was designed in order to evaluate hearing improvement in SSHL patients treated with transtympanic therapy. A solution of methyl-prednisolone (MP) and sodium bicarbonate was administered via a transtympanic injection to 8 patients. Hearing level was evaluated before therapy and at days 1, 7 and 30. Results: Hearing improvement was obtained in 75% of the patients. The patients in this category are usually considered untreatable. Conclusion: Transtympanic steroid therapy is an efficacious solution for patients affected by SSHL in whom traditional therapies have failed. Further studies will be required to identify the most favourable dosage, route of administration and type of steroid. Transtympanic steroid application is safe, inexpensive, easy to perform and efficacious in cases of SSHL not responsive to traditional therapy.

Dysphagia | 2007

Assessment of Swallowing by Oropharyngoesophageal Scintigraphy in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Bruno Fattori; M Grosso; Paolo Bongioanni; Andrea Nacci; Renza Cristofani; Abedallatif AlSharif; Rosaria Licitra; Fabio Matteucci; Bruno Rossi; Domenico Rubello; Francesco Ursino; Giuliano Mariani

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the most common degenerative motor neuron disease in adults, and dysphagia is one of its most frequent and disabling symptoms. Oropharyngoesophageal scintigraphy (OPES) permits a functional and semiquantitative study of the various stages of swallowing. We studied 28 ALS patients (12 females and 16 males; mean age = 63.57 ± 10.39 yr SD), who were clinically rated against the ALSFRS scale (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functioning Rating Scale) and underwent OPES with 99mTc-nanocolloid using either a liquid or a semisolid bolus. The semiquantitative parameters we analyzed were Oral Transit Time (OTT), Pharyngeal Transit Time (PTT), Esophageal Transit Time (ETT), Retention Index (RI), and Esophageal Emptying Rate (EER10s). Hence, the OPES performed with a semisolid bolus produced a higher proportion of pathologic values for the swallowing variables than when liquid bolus was used. Analyzed by grouping the patients into classes according to their bulbar ALSFRS scores, we found a significant increase in the OTT (p < 0.005), PTT (p < 0.02), and Oropharyngeal Retention Index (OPRI) (p < 0.0004) variables in ALS patients with more severe bulbar involvement. OPES has turned out to be a very important examination for detecting tracheal-bronchial inhalation and it also offers the possibility of acquiring a semiquantitative evaluation of the amount of food inhaled. In our experience, OPES in patients with ALS has been easy to use, economic, well tolerated, and capable of supplying precise indications with regard to the extent of the swallowing disorder, which permits a better clinical definition of the ALS patient.

Clinical and Experimental Immunology | 2004

Antibodies to inner ear antigens in Meniere's disease

Lucrezia Riente; F. Bongiorni; Andrea Nacci; Paola Migliorini; G Segnini; A. Delle Sedie; Francesco Ursino; S Tommasi; Bruno Fattori

Menieres disease (MD) is an idiopathic inner ear disorder characterized by fluctuating hearing loss, episodic vertigo and tinnitus. Its aetiology is unknown, although there is growing evidence that autoimmunity may be involved in its development. Using the Western blot immunoassay, we examined the reactivity to bovine inner ear antigens of sera from a series of MD patients who had previously been extensively studied for the presence of antibodies to collagens and membrane proteins. Reactivity to inner ear antigens of molecular weight 44 and 53 kD was found in 11/25 (44%) and 10/25 (40%) of the patients, respectively; both antigens were absent in the sera of healthy donors. It is still unclear whether the antibodies to 44 and 53 kD proteins play a role in the pathogenesis of MD or if they instead represent the result of inflammation and tissue destruction. Even if the latter is true, they may contribute to the perpetuation of the disease or play a role as a cofactor in association with other mechanisms.

Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease | 2013

Optimal treatment of laryngopharyngeal reflux disease

Irene Martinucci; Nicola de Bortoli; Edoardo Savarino; Andrea Nacci; Salvatore Osvaldo Romeo; M. Bellini; Vincenzo Savarino; Bruno Fattori; Santino Marchi

Laryngopharyngeal reflux is defined as the reflux of gastric content into larynx and pharynx. A large number of data suggest the growing prevalence of laryngopharyngeal symptoms in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. However, laryngopharyngeal reflux is a multifactorial syndrome and gastroesophageal reflux disease is not the only cause involved in its pathogenesis. Current critical issues in diagnosing laryngopharyngeal reflux are many nonspecific laryngeal symptoms and signs, and poor sensitivity and specificity of all currently available diagnostic tests. Although it is a pragmatic clinical strategy to start with empiric trials of proton pump inhibitors, many patients with suspected laryngopharyngeal reflux have persistent symptoms despite maximal acid suppression therapy. Overall, there are scant conflicting results to assess the effect of reflux treatments (including dietary and lifestyle modification, medical treatment, antireflux surgery) on laryngopharyngeal reflux. The present review is aimed at critically discussing the current treatment options in patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux, and provides a perspective on the development of new therapies.

Acta Oto-laryngologica | 2003

Ultrastructural and ultracytochemical study of the human nasal respiratory epithelium in vasomotor rhinitis

Francesco Giannessi; Bruno Fattori; Francesco Ursino; M. Anita Giambelluca; Paola Soldani; Maria Concetta Scavuzzo; Riccardo Ruffoli

Objectives—Several pieces of evidence have suggested that nitric oxide (NO) fulfills important functions in the respiratory mucosa, under both normal and pathological conditions. This study was performed to investigate the role of NO in the nasal respiratory epithelium of patients affected by vasomotor rhinitis. The structure and ultrastructure of the epithelium were also examined. Material and Methods—The localization of NO synthase activity was determined by means of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-diaphorase ultracytochemistry. Nasal mucosa was obtained from patients who had undergone surgical therapy for reduction of the inferior turbinate. Results—Examination of hematoxylin–eosin-stained sections revealed that most of the nasal mucosa covering the surgical samples was characterized by severe epithelial damage. The ultrastructural study confirmed the light microscopic observations. Ciliary loss, absence of the intercellular junctions and distension of the intercellular spaces were found in the damaged epithelium. The basement membrane was frequently interrupted. Some epithelial cells were identified as basal cells. Other cells of the damaged epithelium were probably involuted ciliated and goblet cells. The ultracytochemical study showed that the basal cells were NADPH-diaphorase-negative in healthy subjects and strongly NADPH-diaphorase-positive in subjects with vasomotor rhinitis. Conclusions—It is suggested that NO has cytotoxic effects and causes inhibition of mitotic activity in the basal cells, leading to epithelial disruption and breakdown of the protective functions of the epithelium.

Clinical and Experimental Immunology | 2008

Possible association between thyroid autoimmunity and Menière's disease

Bruno Fattori; Andrea Nacci; A. Dardano; I. Dallan; M Grosso; C. Traino; V. Mancini; Francesco Ursino; F. Monzani

Various aetiopathological mechanisms have been postulated to be at the root of Menières disease (MD), and some data suggest that there may be also an underlying autoimmune factor. In fact, Menière patients manifest certain characteristics that are typical of autoimmune involvement association of particular human leucocyte antigen haplotypes, the presence of antibodies against internal ear antigens. In this study, we evaluated the association between thyroid autoimmunity and MD in a non‐selected group of patients. We recruited 50 consecutive MD patients and two groups as controls: group A, 82 healthy volunteers; and group B, 50 subjects suffering from acute unilateral peripheral vestibulopathy. All subjects were submitted to instrumental assessment of cochlear–vestibular function and analysis of thyroid‐stimulating hormone (TSH), free triiodothyronine, free thyroxine, anti‐TSH receptor antibody (TR‐Ab), anti‐thyroperoxidase antibody (TPO‐Ab) and anti‐thyroglobulin antibody (Tg‐Ab) in the blood. The prevalence of autoimmune thyroiditis in group B [6/50 (12%); 66·7% TPO‐Ab and 33·3% Tg‐Ab] was superimposable with the healthy controls [6/82 (7%); 66·7% TPO‐Ab and 33·3% Tg‐Ab]. In contrast, 38% of the MD patients (P = 0·0001 versus group A and group B) had significant autoantibody levels (68·4% TPO‐Ab; 15·8% TPO‐Ab + TR‐Ab; 10·5% Tg‐Ab; 5·2% TPO‐Ab + Tg‐Ab). Furthermore, 14% of the MD patients were hyperthyroid under l‐thyroxine therapy, while no dysfunction was seen in the control groups. Overall, our data demonstrate a significant association between MD and thyroid autoimmunity, which suggests that an autoimmune factor is involved in the aetiopathogenesis of this disease. These findings suggest that it should be useful to submit MD patients to multi‐disciplinary clinical investigation.

Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy | 2003

Cytokine secretion in nasal mucus of normal subjects and patients with allergic rhinitis

Maria Concetta Scavuzzo; V. Rocchi; Bruno Fattori; F. Ambrogi; Angelo Carpi; Riccardo Ruffoli; S. Manganelli; Francesco Giannessi

Allergic rhinitis is regulated by the local production and release of several cytokines. The levels of Th2 cytokines IL-4, IL-6, IL-10 and the Th1 cytokine IFN-gamma were studied in nasal mucus from 30 subjects with allergic rhinitis and 45 non-atopic healthy controls. In this study a sampling technique for collecting nasal mucus, well tolerated by the subjects and with a minimal stimulation of the mucosa, was performed. The cytokine concentrations in nasal mucus samples were detected and quantitated by a new paramagnetic particle-based immunofluorescent assay system more sensitive than the conventional ELISA techniques. The new technique showed reliable values of the measured parameters. The nasal mucus from allergic patients contained significantly higher concentrations of IL-4 (25.5 +/- 3.6 pg/ml; P < 0.001) and IL-10 (1300 +/- 190 pg/ml; P < 0.05) compared to the nasal mucus from control subjects (15.2 +/- 2.3 and 532 +/- 28 pg/ml, respectively, for IL-4 and IL-10). No significant modification in IFN-gamma levels of allergic patients was found when compared to control group (respectively, 19.9 +/- 3.3 vs. 25.7 +/- 5.1 pg/ml; P > 0.05). Moreover, the allergic patients showed lower levels of IL-6 concentrations in the nasal mucus compared to control subjects (64.8 +/- 9.1 vs. 129.0 +/- 18.1 pg/ml; P = 0.0099). These data can be interpreted by the hypothesis that in response to environmental allergens there is a preferential Th2 polarity by activated CD4+ T cells and that the cytokines IL-6 and IL-10 have, respectively, an important anti-inflammatory and counterregulatory action in the pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis.

Acupuncture & Electro-therapeutics Research | 1996

Acupuncture treatment for balance disorders following whiplash injury.

Bruno Fattori; Carlo Borsari; G Vannucci; Augusto Pietro Casani; Renza Cristofani; Luciano Bonuccelli; Pier Luigi Ghilardi

In this study, by means of computerized static posturography, we evaluated the postural changes after acupuncture treatment in a group of 15 patients with balance disorders caused by cervical torsion due to Whiplash Injury (WI). The acupuncture treatment consisted of 3 sessions (one weekly session for 3 weeks) during which the acupuncture points Bladder 10 (Bl.10) and Gall Bladder 20 (G.B.20). VB were stimulated by means of piercing with needles, and manipulating the needles for 20 seconds. Each patient underwent posturographic evaluations before and just after each session of acupuncture. The posturographic tests were performed with open eyes (OE), closed eyes (CE) and closed eyes with retroflexed head (CER). As a control group, we used 17 patients complaining of the same symptoms as the study group due to WI, but treated with drugs (FANS and myorelaxing) and physiotherapy only. The patients of the control group also underwent posturographic tests once a week for three weeks. We observed a significant difference between the two groups regarding the reduction of the CER Length of the statokinesigram just before each session of acupuncture and reduction of the frequency oscillations (FFT) of the patients on the sagittal plane in the study group, in CER, whereas in the control group we observed a progressive increase in these values. The high percentage of positive results in our WI patients leads us to advocate the therapeutic efficacy of acupuncture for balance disorders due to cervical pathology, where it can be associated with or be a valid alternative to pharmacological treatment.

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