Bryant A. Browne
University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point
Wetlands | 2008
Ned H. Euliss; Loren M. Smith; Douglas A. Wilcox; Bryant A. Browne
Wetland management in the United States has never been as challenging as in today’s highly modified landscape. Initially, wetland science and management emerged as professions in response to widespread conversion of wetlands to other uses and concerns over negative impacts on wildlife populations, especially migratory birds. Consequently, wetland management was focused on wildlife, and the initial management technique was simply to protect wetlands. However, extensive conversion of lands for agricultural and urban expansion over the past 60 years has modified ecosystem processes at the landscape scale sufficiently to compromise wetland management activities on adjacent lands dedicated to conservation. Moreover, society now expects a broad suite of ecosystem services to be delivered. As a result, many previously used wetland management techniques are no longer appropriate because they do not take into account influences of adjacent land uses or other ecosystem services, such as ground-water recharge. Other early management approaches may have been ineffective because they were based on an incomplete understanding of wetland processes or social influences. Meanwhile, wetland losses continued, as well as loss of services provided by the remaining managed wetlands. Regulation starting in the 1970s and subsequent research attention on wetland functioning has led to new knowledge and a broader understanding of wetland processes and recognition of the full suite of services (e.g., water storage, water quality improvement, aquifer maintenance, climate mitigation). To be effective in today’s highly modified landscape, knowledge of social choices, political influences, and dynamic wetland processes is required to meet wetland management objectives for a range of ecosystem services. We argue that adopting a process-based perspective is critical to develop strategies to optimize a suite of wetland services, including providing traditional wildlife habitat.
Ecological Applications | 2011
Robert A. Gleason; Ned H. Euliss; Brian A. Tangen; M. K. Laubhan; Bryant A. Browne
Implementation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) has resulted in the restoration of >2 million ha of wetland and grassland habitats in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR). Restoration of habitats through these programs provides diverse ecosystem services to society, but few investigators have evaluated the environmental benefits achieved by these programs. We describe changes in wetland processes, functions, and ecosystem services that occur when wetlands and adjacent uplands on agricultural lands are restored through Farm Bill conservation programs. At the scale of wetland catchments, projects have had positive impacts on water storage, reduction in sedimentation and nutrient loading, plant biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and wildlife habitat. However, lack of information on the geographic location of restored catchments relative to landscape-level factors (e.g., watershed, proximity to rivers and lakes) limits interpretation of ecosystem services that operate at multiple scales such as floodwater retention, water quality improvement, and wildlife habitat suitability. Considerable opportunity exists for the USDA to incorporate important landscape factors to better target conservation practices and programs to optimize diverse ecosystem services. Restoration of hydrologic processes within wetlands (e.g., hydroperiod, water level dynamics) also requires a better understanding of the influence of conservation cover composition and structure, and management practices that occur in uplands surrounding wetlands. Although conservation programs have enhanced delivery of ecosystem services in the PPR, the use of programs to provide long-term critical ecosystem services is uncertain because when contracts (especially CRP) expire, economic incentives may favor conversion of land to crop production, rather than reenrollment. As demands for agricultural products (food, fiber, biofuel) increase, Farm Bill conservation programs will become increasingly important to ensure provisioning of ecosystem services to society, especially in agriculturally dominated landscapes. Thus, continued development and support for conservation programs legislated through the Farm Bill will require a more comprehensive understanding of wetland ecological services to better evaluate program achievements relative to conservation goals.
Ground Water | 2007
George J. Kraft; Bryant A. Browne; William M. DeVita; David J. Mechenich
The leakage of pollutants from agricultural lands to aquifers has increased greatly, driven by increasing fertilizer and pesticide use. Because this increase is recent, ground water pollutant concentrations, loads, and exports may also be increasing as pollutants penetrate more deeply into aquifers. We established in an aquifer profile a ground water recharge and pollutant leakage chronology in an agricultural landscape where 30 m of till blankets a 57-m thick sandstone aquifer. Pollutant concentrations increased from older ground water (1963) at the aquifer base to younger ground water (1985) at its top, a signal of increasing pollutant leakage. Nitrate-N increased from 0.9 to 13.2 mg/L, implying that leakage increased from 1.9 to 16.5 kg/ha/year. Nitrate load and export could increase from 130% to 230% before reaching a steady state in 20 to 40 years. Chloride increases were similar. Pesticide residues alachlor ethane sulfonic acid (ESA), metolachlor ESA, and atrazine residues partially penetrated the aquifer profile. Their concentration-age-date patterns exhibited an initial increase and then a leveling corresponding to the timing of product adoption and leveling of demand. Unlike NO(3), projecting pesticide residue steady states is complicated by the phasing in and out of pesticide products over time; for example, neither alachlor nor atrazine is currently used in the area, and newer products, which have not had time to transit to the aquifer, have been adopted. The circumstances that resulted in the lack of a pollutant steady state are not rare; thus, the lack of steady states in agricultural region aquifers may not be uncommon.
Journal of Environmental Quality | 2008
Bryant A. Browne; George J. Kraft; Juliane M. Bowling; William M. DeVita; David J. Mechenich
In this study, we used chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) age-dating to investigate the geochemistry of N enrichment within a bedrock aquifer depth profile beneath a south central Wisconsin agricultural landscape. Measurement of N(2)O and excess N(2) allowed us to reconstruct the total NO(3)(-) and total nitrogen (TN) leached to ground water and was essential for tracing the separate influences of soil nitrification and ground water denitrification in the collateral geochemical chronology. We identify four geochemical impacts due to a steady ground water N enrichment trajectory (39 +/- 2.2 micromol L(-1) yr(-1), r(2) = 0.96) over two decades (1963-1985) of rapidly escalating N use. First, as a by-product of soil nitrification, N(2)O entered ground water at a stable (r(2) = 0.99) mole ratio of 0.24 +/- 0.007 mole% (N(2)O-N/NO(3)-N). The gathering of excess N(2)O in ground water is a potential concern relative to greenhouse gas emissions and stratospheric ozone depletion after it discharges to surface water. Second, excess N(2) measurements revealed that NO(3)(-) was a prominent, mobile, labile electron acceptor comparable in importance to O(2.) Denitrification transformed 36 +/- 15 mole% (mol mol(-1) x 100) of the total N within the profile to N(2) gas, delaying exceedance of the NO(3)(-) drinking water standard by approximately 6 yr. Third, soil acids produced from nitrification substantially increased the concentrations of major, dolomitic ions (Ca, Mg, HCO(3)(-)) in ground water relative to pre-enrichment conditions. By 1985, concentrations approximately doubled; by 2006, CFC age-date projections suggest concentrations may have tripled. Finally, the nitrification induced mobilization of Ca may have caused a co-release of P from Ca-rich soil surfaces. Dissolved P increased from an approximate background value of 0.02 mg L(-1) in 1963 to 0.07 mg L(-1) in 1985. The CFC age-date projections suggest the concentration could have reached 0.11 mg L(-1) in ground water recharge by 2006. These results highlight an intersection of the N and P cycles potentially important for managing the quality of ground water discharged to surface water.
Soil Biology & Biochemistry | 2009
Robert A. Gleason; Brian A. Tangen; Bryant A. Browne; Ned H. Euliss
Journal of Environmental Quality | 2005
Bryant A. Browne; Nathan M. Guldan
Biogeochemistry | 2012
Samuel F. Werner; Bryant A. Browne; Charles T. Driscoll
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems | 2011
Sarah M. Stackpoole; Kevin R. Kosola; Beth Ann A. Workmaster; Nathan M. Guldan; Bryant A. Browne; Randall D. Jackson
publisher | None
National Wetlands Newsletter | 2009
Ned H. Euliss; Loren M. Smith; Douglas A. Wilcox; Bryant A. Browne