Burcu Göksan Yavuz
Acıbadem University
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Featured researches published by Burcu Göksan Yavuz.
Journal of Headache and Pain | 2013
Burcu Göksan Yavuz; Elif Ilgaz Aydinlar; Pinar Yalinay Dikmen; Cem İncesu
BackgroundThe aim of this study is to investigate the associations between migraine related disability and somatosensory amplification, depression, anxiety, and stress.MethodFifty-five migraine patients who applied to the outpatient unit of the Neurology Department of Acibadem University School of Medicine, Maslak Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey, and twenty-eight subjects without migraine were recruited for the study. The participants were asked to complete a sociodemographic form, Migraine Disability Assessment Scale (MIDAS), Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, Somatosensory Amplification Scale (SSAS).ResultsSomatosensory amplification scores were significantly higher in the migraineurs than in the control group (29.85+/−6.63 vs 26.07+/−7.1; p=0.027). Somatosensory amplification scores and depression scores were significantly higher in migraineurs with moderate and severe disability than in patients with minimal and mild disability (31.7+/−6.4 vs 27.71+/−5.49; p=0.01, 11.27+/−8.7 vs 7.38+/−8.11; p=0.04, respectively). A significant positive correlation was found between the frequency of migraine attacks for at least three consecutive months (MIDAS A scores) and the SSAS scores (r=0.363, p=0.007) in migraineurs. The MIDAS total scores were also significantly correlated with the DASS depression subcale scores (r=0.267, p=0.04), and the DASS stress subscale scores (r=0.268, p=0.05).ConclusionPsychological factors, and vulnerability to bodily sensations may incease the burden of migraine. We point out that the timely assessing of somatic amplification and the evaluation of mental status would help improve the quality of life of in migraineurs.
International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice | 2013
Bahadır Bakım; Burcu Göksan Yavuz; Adem Yilmaz; Oğuz Karamustafalıoğlu; Meral Akbiyik; Sinan Yayla; İsmail Yüce; Gökay Alpak; Onur Tankaya
Abstract Background. There are some case reports that highlight the association of Arnold–Chiari malformation (ACM) with psychiatric symptoms. We assessed the association between ACM and psychiatric symptoms and risk factors in terms of psychiatric morbidity and evaluated the quality of life after surgery. Methods. This study consisted of sixteen patients who underwent decompression operation at the Department of Neurosurgery of Sisli Etfal Hospital. The MINI plus, Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire and WHOQOL-BREF-TR were administered to patients. Results. About 43.8% of the patients had a psychiatric disorder. About 50% of the patients had co-existing syringomyelia of which 50% with syringomyelia had a psychiatric disorder. Patients with syringomyelia without any psychiatric disorder had significantly lower scores on physical domain of WHOQOL-BREF-TR (p = 0.02) than the patients without syringomyelia and psychiatric disorder. Subjects with a psychiatric disorder had lower scores on four domains of WHOQOL-BREF-TR. The patients with psychiatric diagnoses had significantly higher scores on affective pain index (p = 0.021) and total pain index (p = 0.037) than the patients without any psychiatric disorder. Conclusion. The presence of a psychiatric condition influences not only the physical aspect but also deteriorates the psychological and social relations and environmental aspect. Moreover the presence of a psychiatric disorder increases the perception of pain and causes more discomfort.
The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences | 2016
Sinem Gönenli Toker; Burcu Göksan Yavuz; Oğuz Karamustafalıoğlu
The common feature of somatoform disorders is the presence of somatic symptoms that cannot be explained by a general medical condition. Pain disorder is also among the somatoform disorders. Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensation occuring as a consequence of a disease, injury or an organic pathology. Breuer and Freud, in their studies on hysteria, suggested that pain could be a manifestation of a psychological problem. The lifetime prevalence is not precisely known. In the Turkish mental health study 12 month incidence of pain disorder is found to be % 11.3 among women , % 4.8 among men and % 8.4 in the general population. The cultural diversity of the mental illnesses particularly somatic symptoms is noticed. Traditions and belief systems influence the formation, presentation and the managemant of dissociative and somatoform symptoms. Types of somatic symptoms differ across the cultures. Higher rates of somatic complaints are found in South America, Asia, particularly in developing countries. The seperation between physical and emotional experience occurs precisely in Western countires. Thus somatic symptoms are rarely seen in Western culture.
Noro Psikiyatri Arsivi | 2015
Burcu Göksan Yavuz; İlke Yeser; Oğuz Karamustafalıoğlu; Bahadır Bakım; Aliye Gündoğar
INTRODUCTION Current study aimed to investigate the possible relations between parental attitudes and depression in a sample of mid-pubertal, high-school students under the light of several sociodemographic variables. METHODS With the permission of Ministry of National Education, a total of 391 students from second and third grades in a state high school and occupational high school in Sisli area included in the study. Sociodemographic Questionnaire, The Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were administered. RESULTS Among the students in the sample, 25.6% (n=100) had significantly higher depression scores and girls had significanltly higher mean BDI scores than boys (p=0.001) reflecting the presence of depression. Adolescents with depression also had higher scores of maternal protection than adolescents without depression (p=0.02). On the other hand, adolescents with depression had lower scores of both maternal and paternal interest than adolescents without depression (p=0.02 and p=0.03, respectively). We also found that boys had higher levels of nicotine - alcohol and substance abuse where girls had higher levels for suicidal attempts and self harming behaviors (p<0.05). CONCLUSION Depression onset was found to be associated with parental attitude which does not promote autonomy and independency. Warm, accepting and concerned parental attitude that promotes secure attachment was found to be protective against depression. Parental attitudes must be of concern when working with adolescents and dealing with the problems seen in this vulnerable phase of the life.
Gaziantep Medical Journal | 2013
Abdullah Akpinar; Gökay Alpak; Mehmet Çevik; Bahadır Bakım; Burcu Göksan Yavuz; Hüseyin Yumrukçal; Hülya Ertekin; Oğuz Karamustafalıoğlu
Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk (OKB) ergen toplulugunda yaygin olarak gorulmektedir. OKBsi olan ergenler genellikle islevselligi onemli olcude bozuldugunda tibbi yardim aramaktadir. Bu sebeple ergen toplulugunda OKB taranmasi onemlilik arz etmektedir. Bu calismada kolay, hizli ve ozbildirime dayali uygulanabilen uc maddelik taramanin duyarlilik, ozgulluk ve tahmin edebilme guclerini degerlendirmeyi amacladik. Bu calismanin alan orneklemini 14-17 yaslari arasindaki toplam 177 lise birinci sinif ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. DSM-IV Eksen I Bozukluklari Icin Yapilandirilmis Klinik Gorusme Arastirma Formu OKB modulu sonuclari ile ozbildirime dayali Cocuk Ergen Davranislarini Degerlendirme Olceginden gelistirilen uc maddelik Obsesif Kompulsif Olceginin (CEDDO-OKO) tahmini sonuclari karsilastirilmistir. OKB sikligi (simdiki) yapilandirilmis gorusmeye gore %2.8 olarak saptanmistir. Obsesif Kompulsif Olcegi taramasina gore olasi OKB %46 olarak saptanmistir. Uc maddelik CEDDO-OKO olceginin duyarliligi %60, ozgullugu %54, pozitif prediktif degeri %4 ve negatif prediktif degeri %97 olarak bulunmustur. Sonuc olarak; uc soruluk tarama ile OKB saptama yonteminin duyarliligi ve ozgullugu orta duzeydedir. OKB olmayan ergenleri ayirmasi iyi duzeydedir. Buna karsin pozitif tahmin etme gucunun dusuklugu sebebiyle bu yontemin yeniden gelistirilmesi gereklidir.
Düşünen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences | 2012
Bahadır Bakım; Ersin Türkyılmaz; Oğuz Karamustafalıoğlu; Onur Tankaya; Burcu Göksan Yavuz
Kallmann’s Syndrome (KS) is a genetic disorder characterized by hypogonadotropic hypogonadism accompanied by anosmia or hyposmia. In addition, various abnormalities may be seen including anomalies in skeletal system, abnormal eye movements, congenital ptosis, impairment in hearing, agenesis of corpus callosum and of kidneys and of one or more teeth. There is only one case report in the literature considering the comorbidity of KS and schizophrenia. Studies of shared genes by both disorders were also reported. In this case report, a male patient with schizophrenia and KS is presented and discussed in the light of the literature.
Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni-bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology | 2012
Bahadır Bakım; Uğraş Uzun; Oğuz Karamustafalıoğlu; Başak Özçelik; Gökay Alpak; Onur Tankaya; Yasemin Cengiz; Burcu Göksan Yavuz
Neurological Sciences | 2017
Yasin Abanoz; Yeşim Gülen Abanoz; Ayşegül Gündüz; Birsen Ince; Burcu Göksan Yavuz; Baki Goksan
Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni-bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology | 2014
Cuneyt Evren; Kültegin Ögel; Arzu Ciftci Demirci; Bilge Evren; Burcu Göksan Yavuz; Muge Bozkurt
Dicle Medical Journal/Dicle Tıp Dergisi | 2013
Abdullah Akpinar; Bahadır Bakım; Gökay Alpak; Mehmet Çevik; Burcu Göksan Yavuz; Oğuz Karamustafalıoğlu