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Journal of Hydrologic Engineering | 2010

Flood Forecasting in Regulated Basins Using the Ensemble Extended Kalman Filter with the Storage Function Method

Eylon Shamir; Byong-Ju Lee; Deg-Hyo Bae; Konstantine P. Georgakakos

An ensemble extended Kalman filter (EEKF) formulation is applied to a regulated basin. The existing event-based storage function method for the prediction of flow is enhanced to incorporate continuous soil water accounting and to be suitable for application in large watersheds with several tributaries. The formulation is complemented by EEKF, which utilizes flow and reservoir level observations to update catchment soil water and channel states, and reservoir storage estimates predicted by the model. The formulated forecast is suitable for operational application. Ensemble precipitation predictions are generated to serve as input to the forecast system, and the results are intercompared using two different statistical approaches. These predictions together with parametric uncertainty models constitute the basis of the ensemble flow predictions by the model. A case study is presented that demonstrates the implementation and evaluation of the method with respect to the prediction of large flow events in a 4,...

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2006

An Evaluation of Snowmelt Effects Using SWAT in Chungju Dam Basin

Nam-Won Kim; Byong-Ju Lee; Jeong Eun Lee

The objective of this study is to evaluate the snowmelt effects on the hydrological components, especially on the runoff, by using the soil water assessment tool(SWAT) which is a continuous semi-distributed long term rainfall-runoff model. The model was applied to the basin located in the upstream of the Chungju Dam. Some parameters in the snowmelt algorithm were estimated for the Chungju basin in order to reflect the snowmelt effects. The snowmelt effects were assessed by comparing the simulated runoff with the observed runoff data at the outlet of the basin. It was found out that the simulated runoff with considering the snowmelt component matches more satisfactorily to the observed one than without considering snowmelt effect. The simulation results revealed that the snowmelt effects were noticeable on March and April. Similar results were obtained at other two upstream gauging points. The effect of the elevation bands which distribute temperature and precipitation with elevation was analyzed. This study also showed that the snowmelt effect significantly affects the temporal distribution as well as quantity of the hydrological components. The simulated runoff was very sensitive to the change of temperature near the threshold temperature which the snowmelt can occur. However, the reason was not accounted for this paper, Therefore, further analyses related to this feature are needed.

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2009

Parameter Regionalization of Semi-Distributed Runoff Model Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis

Byong-Ju Lee; Il-Won Jung; Deg-Hyo Bae

The objective of this study is to suggest parameter regionalization scheme which is integrated two multivariate statistical methods: principal components analysis(PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis(HCA). This technique is to apply semi-distributed rainfall-runoff model on ungauged catchments. 7 catchment characteristics (area, mean altitude, mean slope, ratio of forest, water content at saturation, field capacity and wilting point) are estimated for 109 mid-sized sub-basins. The first two components from PCA results account for 82.11% of the total variance in the dataset. Component 1 is related to the location of the catchments relevant to the altitude and Component 2 is connected with the area of these. 103 ungauged catchments are clustered using HCA as the following 6 groups: Goesan 23, Andong 6, Imha 5, Hapcheon 21, Yongdam 4, Seomjin 44. SWAT model is used to simulate runoff and the parameters of the model on the 6 gauged basins are estimated. The model parameters were regionalized for Soyang, Chungju and Daecheong dam basins which are assumed as ungauged ones. The model efficiency coefficients of the simulated inflows for these three dams were at least 0.8. These results also mean that goodness of fit is high to the observed inflows. This research will contribute to estimate and analyze hydrologic components on the ungauged catchments.

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2011

Development of Continuous Rainfall-Runoff Model for Flood Forecasting on the Large-Scale Basin

Deg-Hyo Bae; Byong-Ju Lee

The objective of this study is to develop a continuous rainfall-runoff model for flood prediction on a large-scale basin. For this study, the hourly surface runoff estimation method based on the variable retention parameter and runoff curve number is developed. This model is composed that the soil moisture to continuous rainfall can be simulated with applying the hydrologic components to the continuous equation for soil moisture. The runoff can be simulated by linking the hydrologic components with the storage function model continuously. The runoff simulation to large basins can be performed by using channel storage function model. Nakdong river basin is selected as the study area. The model accuracy is evaluated at the 8 measurement sites during flood season in 2006 (calibration period) and 2007~2008 (verification period). The calibrated model simulations are well fitted to the observations. Nash and Sutcliffe model efficiencies in the calibration and verification periods exist in the range of 0.81 to 0.95 and 0.70 to 0.94, respectively. The behavior of soil moisture depending on the rainfall and the annual loadings of simulated hydrologic components are rational. From this results, continuous rainfall-runoff model developed in this study can be used to predict the discharge on large basins.

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2010

Assessment on flood characteristics changes using multi-GCMs climate scenario.

Kyung-Hwan Son; Byong-Ju Lee; Deg-Hyo Bae

The objective of this study is to suggest an approach for estimating probability rainfall using climate scenario data based GCM and to analyze changes of flood characteristics like probability rainfall, flood quantile and flood water level under climate change. The study area is Namhan river basin. Probability rainfalls which is taken 1440 minutes duration and 100-year frequency are estimated by using IPCC SRES A2 climate change scenario for each time period (S0: 1971~2000; S1: 2011~2040; S2: 2041~2070; S3: 2071~2100). Flood quantiles are estimated for 17 subbasins and flood water level is analyzed in the main channel from the downstream of Chungju dam to the upstream of Paldang dam. Probability rainfalls, peak flow from flood quantile and water depth from flood water level have increase rate in the range of 13.0~15.1 % based S0 (142.1 mm), 29.1~33.5% based S0 (), 12.6~13.6% in each S1, S2 and S3 period, respectively.

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2009

Stochastic Continuous Storage Function Model with Ensemble Kalman Filtering (II) : Application and Verification

Byong-Ju Lee; Deg-Hyo Bae; Eylon Shamir

본 연구의 목적은 앙상블 칼만필터 기법과 연속형 저류함수모형을 연계하여 개발한 추계학적 연속형 저류함수모형의 적용성을 평가하고자 하는데 있다. 대상유역은 안동댐과 임하댐을 포함하는 지보 수위관측소 상류유역을 선정하였으며 2006년과 2007년 홍수기에 대해 분석을 수행하였다. 확정론적 모형을 적용한 결과 장기간의 모의기간에 대해 유출해석이 가능한 것을 확인하였다. 앙상블 칼만필터 기법을 적용하기 위해 Monte Carlo 모의기법을 적용하여 모형입력자료와 매개변수들에 대해 앙상블 멤버를 생성하였다. 추계학적 모형과 확정론적 모형의 누적절대오차를 비교한 결과 안동댐과 임하댐의 2007년 사상에서 각각 17.5 %와 18.3 %의 정확도가 향상되고 지보수위관측소에서는 40 % 이상의 정확도가 향상되는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과로부터 관측유량과의 오차가 큰 모의결과에 있어서는 추계학적 모형이 보다 향상된 결과를 도출하는 것을 확인하였다. 【The objective of this study is to evaluate an application of stochastic continuous storage function model with ensemble Kalman filter technique. The case study is performed at the upstream basin of Jibo streamflow gauge including Andong and Imha dam. Test period is for the rainy season during 2006 and 2007. Long term runoff analysis is feasible in the case of using deterministic model. Ensemble members for input data and parameters are generated using Monte Carlo simulation for the purpose of applying ensemble Kalman filter technique. The cumulative absolute errors of stochastic model to the deterministic one are improved for the amount of 17.5 %, 18.3 % and more than 40.0 % for Andong dam, Imha dam and Jibo station, respectively. The results indicate that the stochastic model improves the accuracy of the simulated discharge considerably.】

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2003

Runoff Curve Number Estimation for Cover and Treatment Classification of Satellite Image(I): - CN Estimation -

Deg-Hyo Bae; Byong-Ju Lee

본 연구의 목적은 미국 토양보존국(SCS)의 피복분류에 따른 유출곡선지수(CN) 값을 이용하여 위성영상 피복분류 항목에 대한 CN 값을 제시하는데 있다. 이를 위하여 SCS의 각 피복항목별 정의와 유역의 CN값 산정 방법에 대해서 연구하였다. 위성영상 피복분류 항목에 대한 CN값 산정방법으로 통계적 접근법을 사용하였으며 공간해상도에 따라 대분류, 중분류, 세분류로 구분된 환경부의 위성영상 피복분류항목에 대한 CN 값을 산정하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 향후 위성영상을 이용하여 CN 값을 산정할 경우 효율적으로 사용될 것으로 판단된다. 【The objective of this study is to propose Runoff Curve Numbers(CNs) for land cover and treatment classification of satellite image. For this purpose, land cover classifications by using satellite image in addition to the exiting SCSs land cover and treatment classifications studies and land cover classifications suggested by Ministry of Environment are selected to provide CNs depending on the classifications. CNs estimation method is statistical approach that is suggested by Hjelmfelt(1991). Result of this study may contribute to use efficiently for the estimation of CNs in using satellite image.】

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2015

Deduction of Data Quality Control Strategy for High Density Rain Gauge Network in Seoul Area

Seong-Sim Yoon; Byong-Ju Lee; Young-Jean Choi

This study used high density network of integrated meteorological sensor, which are operated by SK Planet, with KMA weather stations to estimate the quantitative precipitation field in Seoul area. We introduced SK Planet network and analyzed quality of the observed data for 3 months data from 1 July to 30 September 2013. As the quality analysis result, we checked most SK Planet stations observed similar with previous KMA stations. We developed the real-time quality check and adjustment method to reduce the error effect for hydrological application by missing and outlier value and we confirmed the developed method can be corrected the missing and outlier value. Through this method, we used the 190 stations(KMA 34 stations, SK Planet 156 stations) that missing ratio is less than 20% and the effect of the outlier was the smallest for quantitative precipitation estimation. Moreover, we evaluated reproducibility of rainfall field high density rain gauge network has /gauge. As the result, the spatial relative frequency of rainfall field using SK Planet and KMA stations is similar with radar rainfall field. And, it supplement the blank of KMA observation network. Especially, through this research we will take advantage of the density of the network to estimate rainfall field which can be considered as a very good approximation of the true value.

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2012

Validation of Real-Time River Flow Forecast Using AWS Rainfall Data

Byong-Ju Lee; Jae-Cheon Choi; Young-Jean Choi; Deg-Hyo Bae

The objective of this study is to evaluate the valid forecast lead time and the accuracy when AWS observed rainfall data are used for real-time river flow forecast. For this, Namhan river basin is selected as study area and SURF model is constructed during flood seasons in 2006~2009. The simulated flow with and without the assimilation of the observed flow data are well fitted. Effectiveness index (EI) is used to evaluate amount of improvement for the assimilation. EI at Chungju, Dalcheon, Hoengsung and Yeoju sites as evaluation points show 32.08%, 51.53%, 39.70% and 18.23% improved, respectively. In the results of the forecasted values using the limited observed rainfall data in each forecast time before peak flow occur, the peak flow under the 20% tolerance range of relative error at Chungju, Dalcheon, Hoengsung and Yeoju sites can be simulated in forecast time-11h, 2h, 3h and 5h and the flow volume in the same condition at those sites can be simulated in forecast time-13h, 2h, 4h and 9h, respectively. From this results, observed rainfall data can be used for real-time peak flow forecast because of basin lag time.

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association | 2011

Development of Real-Time River Flow Forecasting Model with Data Assimilation Technique

Byong-Ju Lee; Deg-Hyo Bae

The objective of this study is to develop real-time river flow forecast model by linking continuous rainfall-runoff model with ensemble Kalman filter technique. Andong dam basin is selected as study area and the model performance is evaluated for two periods, 2006. 7.1~8.18 and 2007. 8.1~9.30. The model state variables for data assimilation are defined as soil water content, basin storage and channel storage. This model is designed so as to be updated the state variables using measured inflow data at Andong dam. The analysing result from the behavior of the state variables, predicted state variable as simulated discharge is updated 74% toward measured one. Under the condition of assuming that the forecasted rainfall is equal to the measured one, the model accuracy with and without data assimilation is analyzed. The model performance of the former is better than that of the latter as much as 49.6% and 33.1% for 1 h-lead time during the evaluation period, 2006 and 2007. The real-time river flow forecast model using rainfall-runoff model linking with data assimilation process can show better forecasting result than the existing methods using rainfall-runoff model only in view of the results so far achieved.


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Young-Jean Choi

Korea Meteorological Administration

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Il-Won Jung

Portland State University

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Eylon Shamir

Hydrologic Research Center

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Ki-Ho Chang

Korea Meteorological Administration

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