C. Araujo-Andrade
Autonomous University of Zacatecas
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology | 2002
G. Ortega-Zarzosa; C. Araujo-Andrade; M.E. Compeán-Jasso; J.R. Martínez; F. Ruiz
Using x-ray diffraction, infrared and visible absorption spectroscopies we have studied: silica xerogel powders when cobalt nitrate is incorporated and mainly the evolution of the precipitated cobalt species in the SiO2 matrix. Samples containing cobalt nitrate and prepared with a molar ratio of H2O/TEOS of 11.67 were studied as a function of annealing temperature. It was found that the added element has a remarkable influence on the final structure of this kind of samples and at relatively high temperatures the cobalt compounds react with the silica matrix forming a cobalt silicate.
Food Research International | 2014
Mauricio I. Santos; C. Araujo-Andrade; E. Elizabeth Tymczyszyn; Andrea Gómez-Zavaglia
Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and lactulose are well-recognized prebiotics widely used in functional food and pharmaceutical products, but there is still a lack of knowledge regarding their physical-chemical properties. In this study, a physical-chemical approach on two GOS of different composition (GOS Cup Oligo H-70® and GOS Biotempo) and lactulose was assessed. Mid infrared and Raman spectra of the freeze-dried sugars allowed their structural characterization in the amorphous state, lactulose, showing the main spectral differences. Freeze-dried sugars were then equilibrated at 4°C at relative humidity (RH) ranging from 11% to 80%. Near-infrared reflectance spectra were registered in each condition in the 900- to 1700-nm region. A principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the three sugars equilibrated at different RH. In all the three sugars, the groups observed explained more than 95% of the variance and were related with the RH of the samples. According to the loading plots of PC1, the main differences related with RH were observed in the 1380- to 1500-nm region. As the amorphous states are very sensitive to changes in temperature and moisture content, and the moisture content is related with the parameter T-Tg (T: storage temperature; Tg: vitreous transition temperature), an effort was made to determine this parameter directly from the NIR spectra. To this aim, a partial least square model (PLS) was defined. Tg values obtained by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to calculate the T-Tg values of reference. The model was validated with an independent set of data. The mean of predicted values fitted nicely T-Tg obtained from DSC (correlation=0.966; R2=0.934), thus supporting the use of the PLS model to investigate unknown samples. The stability of amorphous sugars in foods and pharmaceuticals is of practical and economical importance because it affects different quality attributes of foods, including texture, aroma retention and shelf life. Therefore, predicting T-Tg, a parameter that is independent on the sugar investigated, directly from their NIR spectra is of utmost importance to determine the shelf life of food and food-related products and up to our knowledge has never been determined hereto.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2012
S. Jarmelo; D. A. S. Marques; Pedro N. Simões; Rui A. Carvalho; C. M. S. G. Batista; C. Araujo-Andrade; M.H. Gil; Rui Fausto
L-Lactic acid (L-LA) oligomers (up to the pentamer) were studied by three complementary approaches: vibrational (IR and Raman) and NMR ((1)H and (13)C) spectroscopies and DFT calculations. Vibrational and NMR spectra of L-LA oligomers and poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) homopolymer were recorded at room temperature and interpreted. Further insight into the structures (conformations) of the title systems was provided by theoretical B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) studies. Calculated energies and computed vibrational and NMR spectra of the most stable conformers of L-LA oligomers, together with the experimental vibrational and NMR spectra, enabled the characterization of the preferred conformations adopted by PLLA chains.
Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2015
Lopes Jesus Aj; Igor Reva; C. Araujo-Andrade; Rui Fausto
Here we describe an unprecedented reversible interconversion between two conformational states, accomplished by selective vibrational excitation of a bond remotely located in relation to the isomerizing fragment. In contrast to previous studies reporting conformational changes via vibrational excitation of a nearby OH group, in this study the transformations were successfully achieved by excitation of a distant NH stretching coordinate. The syn and anti forms of monomeric 6-methoxyindole, which differ in the orientation of the methoxy group, were trapped in low-temperature inert matrixes and characterized spectroscopically. These forms could be selectively shifted in both directions by using near-IR excitations tuned at the frequency of the first NH stretching overtone. The observed isomerization proves the possibility of efficient vibrational relaxation to carry the energy deposited at the NH stretching coordinate into the reactive C-O torsional mode localized on the methoxy group four bonds away from the excited NH moiety.
Journal of Organic Chemistry | 2014
Cláudio M. Nunes; C. Araujo-Andrade; Rui Fausto; Igor Reva
The photolysis at 222 nm of 5-methyltetrazole isolated in a cryogenic argon matrix leads to formation of methyl nitrile imine as primary product. Subsequent irradiation at 328 nm induces transformation of the nitrile imine into 4π-electron three-membered-ring 3-methyl-1H-diazirine, which photorearranges to give methyl carbodiimide. These products were characterized by IR spectroscopy and theoretical calculations. For the first time, a 1H-diazirine was captured as intermediate in the photoisomerization of nitrile imines into carbodiimides.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2014
C. Araujo-Andrade; Igor Reva; Rui Fausto
Monomers of (tetrazol-5-yl)-acetic acid (TAA) were obtained by sublimation of the crystalline compound and the resulting vapors were isolated in cryogenic nitrogen matrices at 13 K. The conformational and tautomeric composition of TAA in the matrix was characterized by infrared spectroscopy and vibrational calculations carried out at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level. TAA may adopt two tautomeric modifications, 1H- and 2H-, depending on the position of the annular hydrogen atom. Two-dimensional potential energy surfaces (PESs) of TAA were theoretically calculated at the MP2/6-311++G(d,p) level, for each tautomer. Four and six symmetry-unique minima were located on these PESs, for 1H- and 2H-TAA, respectively. The energetics of the detected minima was subsequently refined by calculations at the QCISD level. Two 1H- and three 2H-conformers fall within the 0-8 kJ mol(-1) energy range and should be appreciably populated at the sublimation temperature (∼330 K). Observation of only one conformer for each tautomer (1ccc and 2pcc) is explained in terms of calculated barriers to conformational rearrangements. All conformers with the cis O=COH moiety are separated by low barriers (less than 10 kJ mol(-1)) and collapse to the most stable 1ccc (1H-) and 2pcc (2H-) forms during deposition of the matrix. On the trans O=COH surfaces, the relative energies are very high (between 12 and 27 kJ mol(-1)). The trans forms are not thermally populated at the sublimation conditions and were not detected in matrices. One high-energy form in each tautomer, 1cct (1H-) and 2pct (2H-), was found to differ from the most stable form only by rotation of the OH group and separated from other forms by high barriers. This opened a perspective for their stabilization in a matrix. 1cct and 2pct were generated in the matrices selectively by means of narrow-band near-infrared (NIR) irradiations of the samples at 6920 and 6937 cm(-1), where the first OH stretching overtone vibrations of 1ccc and 2pcc occur. The reverse transformations could be induced by irradiations at 7010 and 7030 cm(-1), transforming 1cct and 2pct back to 1ccc and 2pcc, also selectively. Besides the NIR-induced transformations, the photogenerated 1cct and 2pct forms also decay in N2 matrices back to 1ccc and 2pcc spontaneously, with characteristic decay times of hours (1H) and tens of minutes (2H). The decay mechanism is rationalized in terms of the proton tunneling. In crystals, TAA exists exclusively as 1H-tautomer. By contrast, the tautomeric composition of the matrix-isolated monomers was found to consist of both 1H- and 2H-tautomers, in comparable amounts. A mechanistic discussion of the tautomerization process occurring during sublimation, accounting also for the observed minor decomposition of TAA leading to CO2 and 5-methyl-tetrazole, is proposed.
Scripta Materialia | 2003
C. Araujo-Andrade; F.J Espinoza-Beltrán; S. Jiménez-Sandoval; J. González-Hernández
Silicon particles with nanometric size were synthesized by mechanical milling using a high-energy ball miller. The Si nanoparticles, observed using Raman spectroscopy, were formed according to a solid-phase reaction between amorphous SiO2 and Al powders. The crystalline size was determined by fitting the Raman spectrum with a phonon confinement model.
Journal of Applied Microbiology | 2012
Esteban Gerbino; Pablo Mobili; E. Elizabeth Tymczyszyn; Claudio Frausto-Reyes; C. Araujo-Andrade; Andrea Gómez-Zavaglia
Aims: To set‐up an experimental and analytical methodology to evaluate the feasibility of developing simple, accurate and quantitative models based on Raman spectroscopy and multivariate analysis for the quantification of metal ions adsorbed to the bacterial surface of Lactobacillus kefir.
Biotechnology Progress | 2014
Mauricio I. Santos; C. Araujo-Andrade; Edgar Esparza-Ibarra; E. Elizabeth Tymczyszyn; Andrea Gómez-Zavaglia
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus CIDCA 333 was dehydrated on desiccators containing silica gel in the presence of 20% w/w of two types of galacto‐oligosaccharides (GOS Biotempo and GOS Cup Oligo H‐70®) and lactulose, until no changes in water desorption were detected. After rehydration, bacterial growth was monitored at 37°C by determining: (a) the absorbance at 600 nm and (b) the near infrared spectra (NIR). Principal component analysis (PCA) was then performed on the NIR spectra of samples dehydrated in all conditions. A multiparametric flow cytometry assay was carried out using carboxyfluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide probes to determine the relative composition of damaged, viable, and dead bacteria throughout the growth kinetics. The absorbance at 600 nm and the position of the second derivative band at ∼1370 nm were plotted against the time of incubation. The efficiency of the protectants was GOS Biotempo > GOS Cup Oligo H‐70® > lactulose. The better protectant capacity of GOS Biotempo was explained on the basis of the lower contribution of damaged cells immediately after rehydration (t = 0). PCA showed three groups along PC1, corresponding to the lag, exponential and stationary phases of growth, which explained 99% of the total variance. Along PC2, two groups were observed, corresponding to damaged or viable cells. The results obtained support the use of NIR to monitor the recovery of desiccated microorganisms in real time and without the need of chemical reagents. The use of GOS and lactulose as protectants in dehydration/rehydration processes was also supported.
Journal of Physics D | 2009
Rumen Ivanov; E Marı́n; A. Cruz-Orea; J. L. Pichardo-Molina; Ivan Moreno; C. Araujo-Andrade
We describe the differential cell design and the experimental (optical and electronic) setup for the differential front photopyroelectric technique, whose theory has been developed in the first part of this paper (Ivanov et al 2008 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 085106). We will show first how the direct (non-differential) front photopyroelectric theory described in our previous paper reproduces well the experimental results. The usefulness of the differential technique is demonstrated by means of experimental measurements of the thermal effusivity in binary ethanol–water and glycerol–water mixtures, based on a theoretical methodology that simplifies the measurement procedure and diminishes the experimental uncertainty.