C. Borer
University of Bern
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Featured researches published by C. Borer.
Archive | 2013
M. Agustoni; L. S. Ancu; A. Battaglia; H. P. Beck; C. Borer; Alberto Cervelli; A. Ereditato; V. Gallo; S. Haug; S. Kabana; T. Kruker; L. F. Marti; K. Pretzl; B. Schneider; Gianfranco Sciacca
The luminosity calibration for the ATLAS detector at the LHC during pp collisions at √ s = 7 TeV in 2010 and 2011 is presented. Evaluation of the luminosity scale is performed using several luminositysensitive detectors, and comparisons are made of the long-term stability and accuracy of this calibration applied to the pp collisions at √ s = 7 TeV. A luminosity uncertainty of δL /L =±3.5% is obtained for the 47pb−1 of data delivered to ATLAS in 2010, and an uncertainty of δL /L =±1.8% is obtained for the 5.5fb−1 delivered in 2011. ar X iv :1 30 2. 43 93 v2 [ he pex ] 8 J ul 2 01 3 Eur. Phys. J. C manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Improved luminosity determination in pp collisions at √ s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC The ATLAS Collaboration 1CERN, 1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract The luminosity calibration for the ATLAS detector at the LHC during pp collisions at √ s = 7 TeV in 2010 and 2011 is presented. Evaluation of the luminosity scale is performed using several luminosity-sensitive detectors, and comparisons are made of the long-term stability and accuracy of this calibration applied to the pp collisions at √ s = 7 TeV. A luminosity uncertainty of δL /L =±3.5% is obtained for the 47pb−1 of data delivered to ATLAS in 2010, and an uncertainty of δL /L = ±1.8% is obtained for the 5.5fb−1 delivered in 2011.The luminosity calibration for the ATLAS detector at the LHC during pp collisions at √ s = 7 TeV in 2010 and 2011 is presented. Evaluation of the luminosity scale is performed using several luminosity-sensitive detectors, and comparisons are made of the long-term stability and accuracy of this calibration applied to the pp collisions at √ s = 7 TeV. A luminosity uncertainty of δL /L =±3.5% is obtained for the 47pb−1 of data delivered to ATLAS in 2010, and an uncertainty of δL /L = ±1.8% is obtained for the 5.5fb−1 delivered in 2011. PACS 29.27.-a Charged-particle beams in accelerators · 13.75.Cs, 13.85.-t Proton-proton interactions
Physics Letters B | 2012
L. S. Ancu; A. Battaglia; H. P. Beck; C. Borer; A. Ereditato; Teresa Fonseca Martin; V. Gallo; S. Haug; S. Kabana; T. Kruker; L. F. Marti; K. Pretzl; C. Topfel; N. Venturi; M. Weber
A measurement is presented of the cross section for the produ cti n of aW boson with one or two jets, of which at least one must be a b-jet, in pp collisions at √ s = 7 TeV. Production via top decay is not included in the signal definition. The measurement is based on 35 pb −1of data collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The W+b-jet cross section is defined for jets reconstructed with the anti -kt clustering algorithm with transverse momentum above 25 GeV and rapidity within±2.1. Theb-jets are identified by reconstructing secondary vertices. The fiducial cross section is measured both for the electron and muon decay chan nel of theW boson and is found to be 10.2 ± 1.9 (stat) ± 2.6 (syst) pb for one lepton flavour. The results are compared with next-to-leading order QCD calculations, which predict a cross section smaller than, though consistent wit h, the measured value.
Physics Letters B | 2012
L. S. Ancu; A. Battaglia; H. P. Beck; C. Borer; A. Ereditato; Teresa Fonseca Martin; V. Gallo; S. Haug; S. Kabana; T. Kruker; L. F. Marti; K. Pretzl; C. Topfel; N. Venturi; M. Weber
A measurement is presented of the inclusive cross-section f or b-jet production in association with a Z boson inpp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of √ s = 7 TeV. The analysis uses the data sample collected by the ATLA S experiment in 2010, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximately 36 pb −1. The event selection requires a Z boson decaying into highpT electrons or muons, and at least one b-jet, identified by its displaced vertex, with transverse mo mentumpT > 25 GeV and rapidity|y| < 2.1. After subtraction of background processes, the yield is ext racted from the vertex mass distribution of the candidate b-jets. The ratio of this cross-section to the inclusive Z cross-section (the average number of b-jets perZ event) is also measured. Both results are found to be in good agreement with perturbative QCD predicti ons at next-to-leading order.
Physics Letters B | 2013
M. Agustoni; L. S. Ancu; A. Battaglia; H. Beck; C. Borer; A. Ereditato; V. Gallo; S. Haug; S. Kabana; T. Kruker; L. F. Marti; K. Pretzl; B. Schneider; Gianfranco Sciacca
This Letter presents the results of a search for a heavy particle decaying into an e(+/-)mu(+/-), e(+/-)tau(+/-), or mu(+/-)tau(+/-) final state in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV. The data were recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC during 2011 and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb(-1). No significant excess above the Standard Model expectation is observed, and exclusions at 95% confidence level are placed on the cross section times branching ratio for the production of an R-parity-violating supersymmetric tau sneutrino. For a sneutrino mass of 500 (2000) GeV, the observed limits on the production cross section times branching ratio are 3.2 (1.4) fb, 42 (17) fb, and 40 (18) fb for the e mu, e tau, and mu tau modes, respectively. These results considerably extend constraints from Tevatron experiments.
Archive | 2013
M. Agustoni; L. S. Ancu; A. Battaglia; H. P. Beck; C. Borer; A. Ereditato; V. Gallo; S. Haug; S. Kabana; T. Kruker; L. F. Marti; K. Pretzl; B. Schneider; Gianfranco Sciacca
A bstractA measurement of the ZZ production cross section in proton-proton collisions at
Physical Review D | 2013
M. Agustoni; L. S. Ancu; A. Battaglia; H. Beck; C. Borer; A. Ereditato; V. Gallo; S. Haug; S. Kabana; T. Kruker; L. F. Marti; K. Pretzl; B. Schneider; Gianfranco Sciacca
Physics Letters B | 2012
L. S. Ancu; A. Battaglia; H. P. Beck; C. Borer; A. Ereditato; Teresa Fonseca Martin; V. Gallo; S. Haug; S. Kabana; T. Kruker; L. F. Marti; K. Pretzl; C. Topfel; M. Weber
TeV using data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider is presented. In a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb−1 collected in 2011, events are selected that are consistent either with two Z bosons decaying to electrons or muons or with one Z boson decaying to electrons or muons and a second Z boson decaying to neutrinos. The ZZ(*) → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− and
Physical Review D | 2013
M. Agustoni; L. S. Ancu; A. Battaglia; H. Beck; C. Borer; Alberto Cervelli; A. Ereditato; V. Gallo; S. Haug; S. Kabana; T. Kruker; L. F. Marti; K. Pretzl; B. Schneider; Gianfranco Sciacca
ZZ\to {\ell^{+}}{\ell^{-}}\nu \overline{\nu}
ieee-npss real-time conference | 2010
C. Borer
cross sections are measured in restricted phase-space regions. These results are then used to derive the total cross section for ZZ events produced with both Z bosons in the mass range 66 to 116 GeV,
Physics Letters B | 2013
M. Agustoni; L. S. Ancu; A. Battaglia; H. Beck; C. Borer; A. Ereditato; V. Gallo; S. Haug; S. Kabana; T. Kruker; L. F. Marti; K. Pretzl; B. Schneider; Gianfranco Sciacca
\sigma_{ZZ}^{\mathrm{tot}} = 6.7 \pm 0.7\;\,\left( {\mathrm{stat}.} \right)\;\;_{-0.3}^{+0.4}\;\,\left( {\mathrm{syst}.} \right) \pm 0.3\;\,\left( {\mathrm{lumi}.} \right)