C. D. Ingram
University of Bristol
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Featured researches published by C. D. Ingram.
Journal of Neuroendocrinology | 2003
Richard Windle; Susan A. Wood; Nm Shanks; P. Perks; G. L. Conde; A. P. C. Da Costa; C. D. Ingram; Stafford L. Lightman
The behavioural and endocrine responses to a 10 min white noise stress have been characterized in female virgin and undisturbed lactating Sprague‐Dawley rats. Animals were continuously video‐taped and frequent blood samples were collected using an automated sampling system. Noise stress caused hypothalamo‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) activation, as indicated by a rapid increase in plasma corticosterone and ACTH in the virgins: corticosterone concentrations peaked 20 min after initiation of the stress before declining rapidly back to basal concentrations. In contrast, noise stress had no significant effect on either plasma corticosterone or ACTH concentrations in the lactating animals. However, 72 h after weaning the corticosterone response of the ex‐lactating rats was of comparable magnitude, but longer duration to that seen in the virgins. Plasma prolactin concentrations were significantly higher in the lactating animals and declined in response to the noise whereas, a transient but reproducible increase was seen in the virgin group. In situ hybridization revealed a significantly lower basal expression of CRF mRNA in the paraventricular nucleus of lactating rats as compared to the virgins, but noise stress had no further effect. Virgin animals showed behavioural responses to the stress, including an increase in the total activity, exploratory behaviours (rearing) and displacement behaviours (grooming). Lactating animals also showed behavioural responses to the noise, but their activities were principally directed towards the pups. These data show that although lactating rats showed normal behavioural reactivity to a psychological stress they showed no statisitically significant activation of the HPA axis, suggesting a dissociation of behavioural and neuroendocrine responses to this mild stress.
Journal of Neuroendocrinology | 2008
Richard Windle; Susan A. Wood; Yvonne M. Kershaw; Stafford L. Lightman; C. D. Ingram; Michael S. Harbuz
Frequent blood sampling from males rats was used to study hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) axis activation during arthritis and its association with diminished responses to acute psychological stress. In control rats, corticosterone release occurred in a series of 13 ± 1 pulses per 24 h. Induction of arthritis by Mycobacterium‐adjuvant injection initially increased the rate of hormone release within each pulse and, by day 14 postinjection, when hind‐paw inflammation was established, caused a marked increase in pulse frequency to 22 ± 1 per 24 h leading directly to elevated circulating corticosterone levels. In both control and adjuvant‐treated rats, there was a marked response to a 10‐min noise stress when the stimulus coincided with a rising or interpulse phase of the endogenous corticosterone rhythm. However, when the noise stress coincided with a falling phase of this rhythm, the response was greatly diminished. Since corticosterone pulse frequency was markedly increased and hence interpulse interval decreased by day 14, there was an increased probability of the noise stress occurring during the nonstress responsive falling phase of the corticosterone secretory cycle. As a result, the group mean response to noise stress was significantly smaller in the arthritic than the controls (70.2 ± 9.2 versus 107.8 ± 13.0 ng/ml, respectively). In contrast to the differential response to noise stress, all rats showed similar responses to the acute immunological challenge with i.v. lipopolysaccharide. Thus, altered basal pulse frequency is a major factor influencing HPA activation during acute psychological stress.
Journal of Neuroendocrinology | 2001
Nm Shanks; Richard Windle; P. Perks; Susan A. Wood; C. D. Ingram; Stafford L. Lightman
Pregnancy and lactation are times of prolonged physiological changes affecting the neuroendocrine and immunological systems. One well‐characterized change is the neuroendocrine hyporesponsiveness to acute stressful stimuli. We have now designed studies to see whether there is an alteration in the response of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) axis to an immunological inflammatory challenge and to ascertain whether lactating animals show altered neural and endocrine responses to inflammatory stimuli. Lactating (day 9–12 postpartum) or virgin control Sprague‐Dawley female rats were injected with either 200 μg of endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS ) or sterile saline given i.p. Trunk blood or jugular blood was collected from the animals at 2 h or hourly over 6 h after injection. Both plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone concentrations were significantly higher in saline treated lactating animals compared with the virgin group. LPS significantly elevated circulating levels of plasma ACTH and corticosterone in both virgin and lactating animals compared with saline controls, however, hormone responses to LPS were significantly reduced in lactating animals relative to virgin controls. Corticosterone‐binding globulin concentrations were lower in lactating animals compared to virgin animals and LPS decreased concentrations in virgin, but not lactating rats. Analysis of cfos mRNA in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus revealed that 2 h following injection there was a increase in cfos expression only in the virgin animals treated with LPS, compared to all other treatment conditions. Corticotropin‐releasing hormone (CRH) mRNA expression was overall greater in virgin animals, but was increased to similar extent in both virgin and lactating animals treated with LPS. Primary arginine vasopressin (AVP) mRNA transcripts were increased 2 h following LPS injection, but a greater increase in expression was seen in virgin animals. These data demonstrate that there is a lower level of free circulating glucocorticoid in response to inflammatory stimuli and suggests that communication between the immune and endocrine systems may be altered during lactation.
Progress in Brain Research | 1999
C. D. Ingram; R. Ciobanu; I.L. Coculescu; R. Tanasescu; M. Coculescu; R. Mihai
Vasopressin (VP) is one of the principal transmitters in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Approximately 20% of neurones in the dorsomedial division of the SCN synthesize the peptide and a high proportion of SCN neurones (> 40%) are excited by VP acting through the V1 receptor. This suggests that VP may act as a feedback regulator of electrical activity within the nucleus. Such an intrinsic excitatory signal can be demonstrated by perifusion with a V1 antagonist which reduces spontaneous neural activity. As the synthesis and release of VP occurs in a circadian manner, this leads to a variable feedback excitation which may contribute to the circadian pattern of activity of the neural clock. This role in amplifying rhythmicity is supported by observations that animals deficient in VP show a reduced circadian amplitude of behavioural rhythms (e.g. locomotor and cortical electroencephalographic rhythms). VP expression declines during ageing and although aged animals show no change in the proportion of SCN neurones excited by VP, the rhythm of spontaneous electrical activity shows a progressive decline, consistent with the reduced endogenous excitatory feedback. However, the homozygous Brattleboro rat which lacks any VP expression still maintains rhythms of electrical activity, indicating that VP is not the sole factor generating circadian activity. The generation of this rhythmicity may depend upon the interaction of VP with other transmitter systems, such as the inhibitory transmitters somatostatin and GABA which show a circadian variation in efficacy. In addition to its role in feedback amplification of the endogenous rhythm of electrical activity, VP also functions as part of the efferent signal to the rest of the CNS where it potentially regulates a number of behavioural and physiological rhythms, including the circadian activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. Thus, the combined amplification and signalling functions makes VP an important component of the neuronal clock function in mammals.
Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry | 2002
Stafford L. Lightman; Richard Windle; Xin-Ming Ma; Michael S. Harbuz; Nola Shanks; Julian; Susan A. Wood; Yvonne M. Kershaw; C. D. Ingram
Basal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) function is characterised by pulses of corticosterone secretion followed by a transient refractory period when the axis appears to be inhibited. In females pulses of corticosterone secretion occur approximately once per hour with variation in pulse amplitude underlying a diurnal rhythm. Males show smaller pulses of secretion which become widely spaced during the early light phase nadir. Pulsatility is altered by genetic programming, early life experiences and reproductive status. Activation of the HPA axis during adjuvant induced arthritis results in an increase in the pulse frequency. This is associated with a marked change in hypothalamic gene expression with a diminution of CRH mRNA and a marked increase of AVP mRNA which becomes the predominant HPA secretagogue.
Endocrinology | 1997
Richard Windle; M. M. Brady; T. Kunanandam; A.P.C da Costa; Brian C. Wilson; Michael S. Harbuz; Stafford L. Lightman; C. D. Ingram
To determine whether altered noradrenergic activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis contributes to the attenuated neuroendocrine response to stress observed during lactation, the effect of intracerebroventricular injection of the α1-agonist methoxamine (100 μg) was compared between virgin and lactating rats. Virgin rats showed significant increases in plasma corticosterone after methoxamine, reaching 317 ± 44 ng/ml at 10 min and remaining significantly elevated for more than 120 min, but lactating rats showed no significant increase in corticosterone levels. Furthermore, methoxamine induced an increase in paraventricular nucleus (PVN) CRF messenger RNA expression in virgin, but not lactating, animals. Both groups of rats exhibited comparable elevations in plasma PRL after methoxamine treatment. Arginine vasopressin messenger RNA expression within the parvocellular PVN was greater in the lactating animals than in the virgin controls, but methoxamine injection was without further effect. S...
Neuroscience | 1996
C. D. Ingram; R.K Snowball; R Mihai
In vitro extracellular recordings were made from tissue slices of suprachiasmatic nucleus from homozygous Brattleboro rats which are deficient in vasopressin. A high proportion (56%) of neurons were excited by application of exogenous vasopressin, indicating that the V1 receptors expressed by these neurons were functional. Basal activity of these vasopressin-sensitive neurons showed a marked circadian variation (higher during the subjective light phase) while vasopressin-insensitive neurons showed no significant variation, suggesting the presence of the V1 receptor identifies a population of highly circadian neurons. Suprachiasmatic neurons from both homozygous rats and their heterozygous (vasopressin-containing) litter mates displayed a circadian rhythm of spontaneous (basal) activity, with firing rates declining during the subjective dark phase, indicating that the endogenous pacemaker driving the circadian rhythm was not dependent upon the presence of vasopressin. However, the peak of spontaneous activity displayed during the subjective light phase was significantly lower in the vasopressin-deficient animals. These data show that the presence of endogenous vasopressin within the suprachiasmatic nucleus is not necessary for the generation of the circadian pattern of activity. However, vasopressin does function to amplify the rhythm by its excitatory effect during the light phase.
Journal of Neuroendocrinology | 1991
Françoise Moos; C. D. Ingram; J. B. Wakerley; Y. Guerné; M.J. Freund-Mercier; Ph. Richard
Several regions of the forebrain possess high densities of oxytocin (OT)‐binding sites including the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) and lateral septum (LS). In order to examine whether these regions participate in the central facilitation of the milk ejection reflex by OT, microinjections of OT (1 ng in 100 nl containing Janus Green dye) were made into the BST (13 tests) or LS (9 tests) of anaesthetized, suckled rats, while recording the electrical activity of OT neurons in the contralateral supraoptic nucleus. Histological localization of injection sites using Janus Green demonstrated that all BST injections were close to the anterior commissure, and LS injections were all located in the ventral division of the LS. Film autoradiographic visualization of OT‐binding sites (in 7 tests using [125I]OT antagonist) confirmed that the BST and LS injections were located within regions of high OT binding. Injections into both regions facilitated the milk ejection reflex by increasing either the frequency and/or amplitude of OT neuron bursts, or by triggering bursts in animals that previously had shown no milk ejection responses; the mean number of milk ejections in the 30 min before and after injection increasing from 1.6·0.5 to 3.6·0.5 for BST and from 1.5·0.6 to 3.9·0.4 for LS. The OT microinjections had a more variable effect on background activity of OT neurons, increasing firing in some cases and not in others. This facilitatory effect was similar to that induced by microinjections into the lateral ventricle, but was smaller and delayed compared to that induced by injection into the third ventricle (9 tests), possibly due to unilateral activation of target sites. The facilitatory effect was unlikely to have been due to diffusion of OT into the ventricle, since injections into control sites (striatum and thalamus) at similar distances from the ventricle (9 tests) had no facilitatory effect (number of bursts during 30 min before and after injection; 2.2·0.5 and 1.8·0.5, respectively). These data suggest that limbic structures (BST and LS) participate in the action of central OT on the pattern of milk ejections in the suckled rat.
Cell and Tissue Research | 1999
Jan Frayne; C. D. Ingram; Seth Love; Len Hall
Abstract. Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (PEBP) is a highly-conserved 21- to 23-kDa basic protein that shows preferential affinity in vitro for phosphatidylethanolamine. Previous studies have focussed on PEBP in the brain and male reproductive tract where it has been proposed to play a role in membrane biogenesis. In the present more comprehensive study, rat PEBP transcripts and protein have been found to be expressed in all tissues examined, although the levels vary considerably between tissues. However, at the cellular level, PEBP expression is enigmatic, being restricted to a diverse range of highly specialised neuronal and non-neuronal cell types. The nature of this diversity, ranging from oligodendrocytes to plasma cells, whilst not precluding a role for PEBP in membrane biogenesis in some cell types, would imply that this is not the major function in others.
Neuroscience | 1994
R. Mihai; M. Coculescu; J.B. Wakerley; C. D. Ingram
The excitatory effect of [Arg8]-vasopressin and its potential contribution to the circadian cycle of electrical activity in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the rat was investigated using extracellular recordings from hypothalamic slices from virgin female rats. The majority of neurons tested for their responses to vasopressin and [Arg8]-vasotocin displayed coincident, dose-dependent excitation by both peptides, although the relative efficacy varied between neurons, with some showing a highly preferential excitation by vasotocin. Perifusion with the vasopressin receptor antagonist d(CH2)5[Tyr(OEt)2,Val4,Cit8]-vasopressin was able to block the majority of responses to vasopressin or vasotocin (20/25), and similar excitation could be induced by the selective agonist [Phe2,Orn8]-vasotocin, indicating a mainly V1 receptor-mediated effect. Few neurons (3/27; 11%) responded to the oxytocin-specific agonist, [Thr4,Gly7]-oxytocin, suggesting a low occurrence of oxytocin receptors. In addition to blocking the action of exogenous vasopressin, the V1 antagonist caused a reversible suppression of spontaneous basal activity in 7/25 cases, consistent with the presence of an endogenous excitatory vasopressin tone. In agreement with previous reports, the activity of suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons showed a significant correlation between spontaneous activity and the light-dark cycle, with activity decreasing during the subjective dark phase. When neurons were divided on the basis of their response to vasopressin and/or vasotocin, the peptide-sensitive neurons continued to show a strong correlation (r = 0.513, P < 0.01) while the insensitive neurons showed no correlation (r = 0.136, P > 0.05). These data confirm the presence of V1 type receptors in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and also indicate a small number of neurons possessing additional classes of receptor selective for either oxytocin or vasotocin. Contrary to previous reports, they also demonstrate that endogenous vasopressin tonically excites suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons. The fact that vasopressin-sensitive (but not vasopressin-insensitive) neurons show a level of basal activity correlated with time, suggests that this tone may contribute to the circadian cycle of electrical activity in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.