
The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 2015

Multiple β-defensin genes are upregulated by the vitamin D pathway in cattle.

Kathryn E. Merriman; Mercedes F. Kweh; Jessica L. Powell; John D. Lippolis; C.D. Nelson

Experimental models of bacterial and viral infections in cattle have suggested vitamin D has a role in innate immunity of cattle. The intracrine vitamin D pathway of bovine macrophages, however, has only been shown to activate a nitric oxide-mediated defense mechanism, as opposed to cathelicidin and β-defensin antimicrobial peptides in human macrophages. In this study we have investigated the actions of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D) on a cluster of eleven bovine β-defensin genes on the basis of RNAseq data indicating they were targets of 1,25D in cattle. Treatment of bovine monocyte cultures with 1,25D (10 nM, 18 h) in the absence and presence of LPS stimulation increased the expression of bovine β-defensin 3 (BNBD3), BNBD4, BNBD6, BNBD7, and BNBD10 genes 5 to 10-fold compared to control (P<0.05). Treatment of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated monocytes with 0-100 ng/mL 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 also increased BNBD3, BNBD4, BNBD7, and BNBD10 in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment of monocytes with the protein translation inhibitor, cycloheximide, however, blocked upregulation of the β-defensins in response to 1,25D suggesting the β-defensins in cattle are not direct targets of the vitamin D receptor. Furthermore, preliminary investigation of vitamin Ds contribution to β-defensin expression in vivo revealed that intramammary 1,25D treatment of lactating cows increased BNBD7 expression in mammary macrophages. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that multiple β-defensin genes are upregulated by 1,25D in cattle, providing further indication that vitamin D contributes to bovine innate immunity.

Journal of Neuroimmunology | 2015

Vitamin D and estrogen synergy in Vdr-expressing CD4(+) T cells is essential to induce Helios(+)FoxP3(+) T cells and prevent autoimmune demyelinating disease.

Justin A. Spanier; Faye E. Nashold; Christopher G. Mayne; C.D. Nelson; Colleen E. Hayes

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disease resulting from an autoimmune attack on the axon-myelin unit. A female MS bias becomes evident after puberty and female incidence has tripled in the last half-century, implicating a female sex hormone interacting with a modifiable environmental factor. These aspects of MS suggest that many female MS cases may be preventable. Mechanistic knowledge of this hormone-environment interaction is needed to devise strategies to reduce female MS risk. We previously demonstrated that vitamin D3 (D3) deficiency increases and D3 supplementation decreases experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) risk in a female-biased manner. We also showed that D3 acts in an estrogen (E2)-dependent manner, since ovariectomy eliminated and E2 restored D3-mediated EAE protection. Here we probed the hypothesis that E2 and D3 interact synergistically within CD4(+) T cells to control T cell fate and prevent demyelinating disease. The E2 increased EAE resistance in wild-type (WT) but not T-Vdr(0) mice lacking Vdr gene function in CD4(+) T cells, so E2 action depended entirely on Vdr(+)CD4(+) T cells. The E2 levels were higher in WT than T-Vdr(0) mice, suggesting the Vdr(+)CD4(+) T cells produced E2 or stimulated its production. The E2 decreased Cyp24a1 and increased Vdr transcripts in T cells, prolonging the calcitriol half-life and increasing calcitriol responsiveness. The E2 also increased CD4(+)Helios(+)FoxP3(+) T regulatory (Treg) cells in a Vdr-dependent manner. Thus, CD4(+) T cells have a cooperative amplification loop involving E2 and calcitriol that promotes CD4(+)Helios(+)FoxP3(+) Treg cell development and is disrupted when the D3 pathway is impaired. The global decline in population D3 status may be undermining a similar cooperative E2-D3 interaction controlling Treg cell differentiation in women, causing a breakdown in T cell self tolerance and a rise in MS incidence.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2016

Vitamin D status of dairy cattle: Outcomes of current practices in the dairy industry

C.D. Nelson; John D. Lippolis; Timothy A. Reinhardt; Randy E. Sacco; Jessi L. Powell; M. E. Drewnoski; Matthew O’Neil; Donald C. Beitz; William P. Weiss

The need for vitamin D supplementation of dairy cattle has been known for the better part of the last century and is well appreciated by dairy producers and nutritionists. Whether current recommendations and practices for supplemental vitamin D are meeting the needs of dairy cattle, however, is not well known. The vitamin D status of animals is reliably indicated by the concentration of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] metabolite in serum or plasma, with a concentration of 30ng/mL proposed as a lower threshold for sufficiency. The objective of this study was to determine the typical serum 25(OH)D concentrations of dairy cattle across various dairy operations. The serum 25(OH)D concentration of 702 samples collected from cows across various stages of lactation, housing systems, and locations in the United States was 68±22ng/mL (mean ± standard deviation), with the majority of samples between 40 and 100ng/mL. Most of the 12 herds surveyed supplemented cows with 30,000 to 50,000 IU of vitamin D3/d, and average serum 25(OH)D of cows at 100 to 300 DIM in each of those herds was near or above 70ng/mL regardless of season or housing. In contrast, average serum 25(OH)D of a herd supplementing with 20,000 IU/d was 42±15ng/mL, with 22% below 30ng/mL. Cows in early lactation (0 to 30d in milk) also had lower serum 25(OH)D than did mid- to late-lactation cows (57±17 vs. 71±20ng/mL, respectively). Serum 25(OH)D of yearling heifers receiving 11,000 to 12,000 IU of vitamin D3/d was near that of cows at 76±15ng/mL. Serum 25(OH)D concentrations of calves, on the other hand, was 15±11ng/mL at birth and remained near or below 15ng/mL through 1mo of age if they were fed pasteurized waste milk with little to no summer sun exposure. In contrast, serum 25(OH)D of calves fed milk replacer containing 6,600 and 11,000 IU of vitamin D2/kg of dry matter were 59±8 and 98±33ng/mL, respectively, at 1mo of age. Experimental data from calves similarly indicated that serum 25(OH)D achieved at approximately 1mo of age would increase 6 to 7ng/mL for every 1,000 IU of vitamin D3/kg of dry matter of milk replacer. In conclusion, vitamin D status of dairy cattle supplemented with vitamin D3 according to typical practices, about 1.5 to 2.5 times the National Research Council recommendation, is sufficient as defined by serum 25(OH)D concentrations. Newborn calves and calves fed milk without supplemental vitamin D3, however, are prone to deficiency.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2017

Use of calcitriol to maintain postpartum blood calcium and improve immune function in dairy cows

A. Vieira-Neto; I.R.P. Lima; F.L. Lopes; C. Lopera; R. Zimpel; L.D.P. Sinedino; Kwang Cheol Jeong; K.N. Galvão; W.W. Thatcher; C.D. Nelson; J.E.P. Santos

Our objectives were to determine the effects of an injectable formulation of calcitriol on mineral metabolism and immune function in postpartum Holstein cows that received an acidogenic diet prepartum to minimize hypocalcemia. In experiment 1, cows within 6 h of calving received calcitriol (0, 200, or 300 μg) to determine the dose needed to increase plasma concentrations of Ca; 300 μg was sufficient to sustain Ca for at least 3 d. In experiment 2, multiparous cows were assigned randomly to receive only vehicle (control, n = 25) or 300 μg of calcitriol (n = 25) subcutaneously within the first 6 h after calving. Blood was sampled before treatment and 12 h later, then daily until 15 d in milk (DIM), and analyzed for concentrations of ionized Ca (iCa), total Ca (tCa), total Mg (tMg), and total P (tP), metabolites, and hormones. Urine was sampled in the first 7 DIM and analyzed for concentrations of tCa, tMg, and creatinine. Neutrophil function was evaluated in the first week postpartum. Dry matter intake and production performance were evaluated for the first 36 DIM. Calcitriol administration increased concentrations of calcitriol in plasma within 12 h of application from 51 to 427 pg/mL, which returned to baseline within 5 d. Concentrations of iCa and tCa increased 24 h after treatment with calcitriol. Concentrations of iCa (control = 1.08 vs. calcitriol = 1.20 mM), tCa (control = 2.23 vs. calcitriol = 2.33 mM), and tP (control = 1.47 vs. calcitriol = 1.81 mM) remained elevated in cows treated with calcitriol until 3, 5, and 7 DIM, respectively, whereas concentration of tMg (control = 0.76 vs. calcitriol = 0.67 mM) was less in calcitriol cows than control cows until 3 DIM. Concentrations of parathyroid hormone decreased in calcitriol cows compared with control cows (control = 441 vs. calcitriol = 336 pg/mL). Calcitriol tended to increase plasma concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate and serotonin, but concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, and C-telopeptide of type I collagen in plasma did not differ between treatments. Cows treated with calcitriol excreted more urinary tCa (control = 0.5 vs. calcitriol = 2.1 g/d) and tMg (control = 4.5 vs. calcitriol = 5.0 g/d) in the first 7 and 2 DIM, respectively, than control cows. Compared with control, calcitriol improved the proportion of neutrophils with oxidative burst (control = 31.9 vs. calcitriol = 40.6%), mean fluorescence intensity for oxidative burst (control = 90,900 vs. calcitriol = 99,746), and mean fluorescence intensity for phagocytosis (control = 23,887 vs. calcitriol = 28,080). Dry matter intake, yields of milk, and milk components did not differ between treatments. Administration of 300 μg of calcitriol at calving was safe and effective in increasing blood concentration of iCa and plasma concentrations of calcitriol, tCa, and tP for the first 6 d after treatment, and improved measures of innate immune function in early-lactation Holstein cows.

The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 2017

Intramammary 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 treatment increases expression of host-defense genes in mammary immune cells of lactating dairy cattle

Kathryn E. Merriman; M. Poindexter; Mercedes F. Kweh; J.E.P. Santos; C.D. Nelson

Bacterial infection of the mammary gland activates an intracrine vitamin D pathway in macrophages of dairy cows. The active hormone of the vitamin D pathway, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D), stimulates nitric oxide and β-defensin responses in bovine monocyte cultures, but the effect of 1,25D on innate immune genes in the mammary gland remained unknown. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the effects intramammary 1,25D treatment on expression of vitamin D associated host-defenses of the bovine mammary gland. Intramammary treatment of normal, healthy mammary glands of lactating dairy cows (n=14) with 10μg 1,25D increased inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and β-defensin 7 (DEFB7) gene expression in total milk somatic cells more than two-fold relative to placebo-treated glands within 8h after treatment. The vitamin D 24-hydroxylase gene (CYP24A1) also was increased nearly 100-fold in 1,25D-treated glands within 4h after treatment but was not affected in placebo-treated glands. Both macrophages and neutrophils isolated from milk had increased CYP24A1 expression in response to 1,25D treatment but only macrophages had increased iNOS expression. Repeated intramammary 1,25D treatment, every 12h for 48h, of infected mammary glands of cows diagnosed with subclinical mastitis resulted in increased expression of CYP24A1, DEFB4, DEFB7 and iNOS genes compared to placebo-treated glands. The 1,25D treatment resulted in elevated serum 1,25D concentrations (55 vs 33pg/mL) compared to placebo but it did not change serum calcium concentrations or bacteria counts in milk of infected mammary glands. In conclusion, 1,25D upregulates iNOS and β-defensin genes in vivo in cattle and affirms earlier reports that vitamin D supports innate immune functions of cattle.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2017

Effects of prepartum dietary cation-anion difference and source of vitamin D in dairy cows: Vitamin D, mineral, and bone metabolism

R.M. Rodney; N. Martinez; E. Block; Laura L. Hernandez; Pietro Celi; C.D. Nelson; J.E.P. Santos; I.J. Lean

Pregnant Holstein cows, 28 nulliparous and 51 parous, were blocked by parity and milk yield and randomly allocated to receive diets that differed in dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD), +130 or -130 mEq/kg, and supplemented with either calcidiol or cholecalciferol at 3 mg/11 kg of dry matter from 255 d of gestation until parturition. Blood was sampled thrice weekly prepartum, and on d 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, and 30 postpartum to evaluate effects of the diets on vitamin D, mineral and bone metabolism, and acid-base status. Blood pH and concentrations of minerals, vitamin D metabolites, and bone-related hormones were determined, as were mineral concentrations and losses in urine and colostrum. Supplementing with calcidiol increased plasma concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, 3-epi 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, 25-hydroxyvitamin D2, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, and 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 compared with supplementing with cholecalciferol. Cows fed the diet with negative DCAD had lesser concentrations of vitamin D metabolites before and after calving than cows fed the diet with positive DCAD, except for 25-hydroxyvitamin D2. Feeding the diet with negative DCAD induced a compensated metabolic acidosis that attenuated the decline in blood ionized Ca (iCa) and serum total Ca (tCa) around calving, particularly in parous cows, whereas cows fed the diet with positive DCAD and supplemented with calcidiol had the greatest 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 concentrations and the lowest iCa and tCa concentrations on d 1 and 2 postpartum. The acidogenic diet or calcidiol markedly increased urinary losses of tCa and tMg, and feeding calcidiol tended to increase colostrum yield and increased losses of tCa and tMg in colostrum. Cows fed the diet with negative DCAD had increased concentrations of serotonin and C-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen prepartum compared with cows fed the diet with positive DCAD. Concentrations of undercarboxylated and carboxylated osteocalcin and those of adiponectin did not differ with treatment. These results provide evidence that dietary manipulations can induce metabolic adaptations that improve mineral homeostasis with the onset of lactation that might explain some of the improvements observed in health and production when cows are fed diets with negative DCAD or supplemented with calcidiol.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2017

Effects of prepartum dietary cation-anion difference and source of vitamin D in dairy cows: Lactation performance and energy metabolism

N. Martinez; R.M. Rodney; E. Block; Laura L. Hernandez; C.D. Nelson; I.J. Lean; J.E.P. Santos

The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate the effects of feeding diets with 2 dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) levels and supplemented with either cholecalciferol (CH) or calcidiol (CA) during late gestation on lactation performance and energetic metabolism in dairy cows. The hypothesis was that combining a prepartum acidogenic diet with calcidiol supplementation would benefit peripartum Ca metabolism and, thus, improve energy metabolism and lactation performance compared with cows fed an alkalogenic diet or cholecalciferol. Holstein cows at 252 d of gestation were blocked by parity (28 nulliparous and 51 parous cows) and milk yield within parous cows, and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments arranged as a 2 × 2 factorial, with 2 levels of DCAD (positive, +130, and negative, -130 mEq/kg) and 2 sources of vitamin D, CH or CA, fed at 3 mg per 11 kg of diet dry matter (DM). The resulting treatment combinations were positive DCAD with CH (PCH), positive DCAD with CA (PCA), negative DCAD with CH (NCH), or negative DCAD with CA (NCA), which were fed for the last 21 d of gestation. After calving, cows were fed the same lactation diet. Body weight and body condition were evaluated prepartum and for the first 49 d postpartum. Blood was sampled thrice weekly prepartum, and on d 0, 1, 2, 3, and every 3 d thereafter until 30 d postpartum for quantification of hormones and metabolites. Lactation performance was evaluated for the first 49 d postpartum. Feeding a diet with negative DCAD reduced DM intake in parous cows by 2.1 kg/d, but no effect was observed in nulliparous cows. The negative DCAD reduced concentrations of glucose (positive = 4.05 vs. negative = 3.95 mM), insulin (positive = 0.57 vs. negative = 0.45 ng/mL), and insulin-like growth factor-1 (positive = 110 vs. negative = 95 ng/mL) prepartum. Treatments did not affect DM intake postpartum, but CA-supplemented cows tended to produce more colostrum (PCH = 5.86, PCA = 7.68 NCH = 6.21, NCA = 7.96 ± 1.06 kg) and produced more fat-corrected milk (PCH = 37.0, PCA = 40.1 NCH = 37.5, NCA = 41.9 ± 1.8 kg) and milk components compared with CH-supplemented cows. Feeding the negative DCAD numerically increased yield of fat-corrected milk by 1.0 kg/d in both nulliparous and 1.4 kg/d in parous cows. Minor differences were observed in postpartum concentrations of hormones and metabolites linked to energy metabolism among treatments. Results from this experiment indicate that replacing CH with CA supplemented at 3 mg/d during the prepartum period improved postpartum lactation performance in dairy cows.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2017

Effects of prepartum dietary cation-anion difference and source of vitamin D in dairy cows: Health and reproductive responses

N. Martinez; R.M. Rodney; E. Block; Laura L. Hernandez; C.D. Nelson; I.J. Lean; J.E.P. Santos

The objectives of the experiment were to evaluate the effects of feeding diets with distinct dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) levels and supplemented with 2 sources of vitamin D during the prepartum transition period on postpartum health and reproduction in dairy cows. The hypotheses were that feeding acidogenic diets prepartum would reduce the risk of hypocalcemia and other diseases, and the benefits of a negative DCAD treatment on health would be potentiated by supplementing calcidiol compared with cholecalciferol. Cows at 252 d of gestation were blocked by parity (28 nulliparous and 52 parous cows) and milk yield within parous cows, and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments arranged as a 2 × 2 factorial, with 2 levels of DCAD, positive (+130 mEq/kg) or negative (-130 mEq/kg), and 2 sources of vitamin D, cholecalciferol or calcidiol, fed at 3 mg for each 11 kg of diet dry matter. The resulting treatment combinations were positive DCAD with cholecalciferol (PCH), positive DCAD with calcidiol (PCA), negative DCAD with cholecalciferol (NCH), and negative DCAD with calcidiol (NCA), which were fed from 252 d of gestation to calving. After calving, cows were fed the same lactation diet supplemented with cholecalciferol at 0.70 mg for every 20 kg of dry matter. Blood was sampled 7 d before parturition, and at 2 and 7 d postpartum to evaluate cell counts and measures of neutrophil function. Postpartum clinical and subclinical diseases and reproductive responses were evaluated. Feeding a diet with negative DCAD eliminated clinical hypocalcemia (23.1 vs. 0%) and drastically reduced the incidence and daily risk of subclinical hypocalcemia, and these effects were observed in the first 48 to 72 h after calving. The diet with negative DCAD tended to improve the intensity of oxidative burst activity of neutrophils in all cows prepartum and increased the intensity of phagocytosis in parous cows prepartum and the proportion of neutrophils with killing activity in parous cows postpartum (58.5 vs. 67.6%). Feeding calcidiol improved the proportion of neutrophils with oxidative burst activity (60.0 vs. 68.7%), reduced the incidences of retained placenta (30.8 vs. 2.5%) and metritis (46.2 vs. 23.1%), and reduced the proportion of cows with multiple diseases in early lactation. Combining the negative DCAD diet with calcidiol reduced morbidity by at least 60% compared with any of the other treatments. Cows with morbidity had lower blood ionized Ca and serum total Ca concentrations than healthy cows. Treatments did not affect the daily risk of hyperketonemia in the first 30 d of lactation. Despite the changes in cow health, manipulating the prepartum DCAD did not influence reproduction, but feeding calcidiol tended to increase the rate of pregnancy by 55%, which reduced the median days open by 19. In conclusion, feeding prepartum cows with a diet containing a negative DCAD combined with 3 mg of calcidiol benefited health in early lactation.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2018

Effects of level of dietary cation-anion difference and duration of prepartum feeding on performance and metabolism of dairy cows

C. Lopera; R. Zimpel; A. Vieira-Neto; F. R. Lopes; W. Ortiz; M. Poindexter; B.N. Faria; M.L. Gambarini; E. Block; C.D. Nelson; J.E.P. Santos

The objectives were to evaluate the effects of feeding diets with 2 levels of negative dietary cation-anion differences (DCAD) during the last 42 or 21 d of gestation on performance and metabolism in dairy cows. The hypothesis was that extending feeding from 21 to 42 d and reducing the DCAD from -70 to -180 mEq/kg of dry matter (DM) would not be detrimental to performance. Holstein cows at 230 d of gestation were blocked by parity prepartum (48 entering their second lactation and 66 entering their third or greater lactation) and 305-d milk yield, and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments arranged as a 2 × 2 factorial. The 2 levels of DCAD, -70 or -180 mEq/kg of DM, and 2 feeding durations, the last 21 d (short) or the last 42 d (long) prepartum resulted in 4 treatments, short -70 (n = 29), short -180 (n = 29), long -70 (n = 28) and long -180 (n = 28). Cows in the short treatments were fed a diet with DCAD of +110 mEq/kg of DM from -42 to -22 d relative to calving. After calving, cows were fed the same diet and production and disease incidence were evaluated for 42 d in milk, whereas reproduction and survival was evaluated for 305 d in milk. Blood was sampled pre- and postpartum for quantification of metabolites and minerals. Reducing the DCAD linearly decreased prepartum DM intake between -42 and -22 d relative to calving (+110 mEq/kg of DM = 11.5 vs. -70 mEq/kg of DM = 10.7 vs. -180 mEq/kg of DM = 10.2 ± 0.4), and a more acidogenic diet in the last 21 d of the dry period reduced intake by 1.1 kg/d (-70 mEq/kg of DM = 10.8 vs. -180 mEq/kg of DM = 9.7 ± 0.5 kg/d). Cows fed the -180 mEq/kg of DM diet had increased concentrations of ionized Ca in blood on the day of calving (-70 mEq/kg of DM = 1.063 vs. -180 mEq/kg of DM = 1.128 ± 0.020 mM). Extending the duration of feeding the diets with negative DCAD from 21 to 42 d reduced gestation length by 2 d (short = 277.2 vs. long = 275.3 d), milk yield by 2.5 kg/d (short = 40.4 vs. long = 37.9 ± 1.0 kg/d) and tended to increase days open because of reduced pregnancy per artificial insemination (short = 35.0 vs. long = 22.6%). Results suggest that increasing the duration of feeding diets with negative DCAD from 21 to 42 d prepartum might influence milk yield and reproduction of cows in the subsequent lactation, although yields of 3.5% fat- and energy-corrected milk did not differ with treatments. Reducing the DCAD from -70 to -180 mEq/kg of DM induced a more severe metabolic acidosis, increased ionized Ca concentrations prepartum and on the day of calving, and decreased colostrum yield in the first milking, but had no effects on performance in the subsequent lactation. Collectively, these data suggest that extending the feeding of an acidogenic diet beyond 21 d is unnecessary and might be detrimental to dairy cows, and a reduction in the DCAD from -70 to -180 mEq/kg of DM is not needed.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2018

Effect of dietary cation-anion difference on acid-base status and dry matter intake in dry pregnant cows

R. Zimpel; M. Poindexter; A. Vieira-Neto; E. Block; C.D. Nelson; C.R. Staples; W.W. Thatcher; J.E.P. Santos

The objective was to determine if the reduction in dry matter (DM) intake of acidogenic diets is mediated by inclusion of acidogenic products, content of salts containing Cl, or changes in acid-base status. The hypothesis was that a decrease in intake is mediated by metabolic acidosis. Ten primigravid Holstein cows at 148 ± 8 d of gestation were used in a duplicated 5 × 5 Latin square design. The dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) of diets and acid-base status of cows were manipulated by incorporating an acidogenic product or by adding salts containing Cl, Na, and K to the diets. Treatments were a base diet (T1; 1.42% K, 0.04% Na, 0.26% Cl; DCAD = 196 mEq/kg); the base diet with added 1% NaCl and 1% KCl (T2; 1.83% K, 0.42% Na, 1.23% Cl; DCAD = 194 mEq/kg); the base diet with added 7.5% acidogenic product, 1.5% NaHCO3, and 1% K2CO3 (T3; 1.71% K, 0.54% Na, 0.89% Cl; DCAD = 192 mEq/kg); the base diet with added 7.5% acidogenic product (T4; 1.29% K, 0.13% Na, 0.91% Cl; DCAD = -114 mEq/kg); and the base diet with 7.5% acidogenic product, 1% NaCl, and 1% KCl (T5; 1.78% K, 0.53% Na, 2.03% Cl; DCAD = -113 mEq/kg). Periods lasted 14 d with the last 7 d used for data collection. Feeding behavior was evaluated for 12 h in the last 2 d of each period. Reducing the DCAD by feeding an acidogenic product reduced blood pH (T1 = 7.450 vs. T2 = 7.436 vs. T3 = 7.435 vs. T4 = 7.420 vs. T5 = 7.416) and induced a compensated metabolic acidosis with a reduction in bicarbonate, base excess, and partial pressure of CO2 in blood, and reduced pH and strong ion difference in urine. Reducing the DCAD reduced DM intake 0.6 kg/d (T1 = 10.3 vs. T4 = 9.7 kg/d), which was caused by the change in acid-base status (T2 + T3 = 10.2 vs. T4 + T5 = 9.6 kg/d) because counteracting the acidifying action of the acidogenic product by adding salts with strong cations to the diet prevented the decline in intake. The decline in intake caused by metabolic acidosis also was observed when adjusted for body weight (T2 + T3 = 1.75 vs. T4 + T5 = 1.66% BW). Altering the acid-base status with acidogenic diets reduced eating (T2 + T3 = 6.7 vs. T4 + T5 = 5.9 bouts/12 h) and chewing (T2 + T3 = 14.6 vs. T4 + T5 = 13.5 bouts/12 h) bouts, and extended meal duration (T2 + T3 = 19.8 vs. T4 + T5 = 22.0 min/meal) and intermeal interval (T2 + T3 = 92.0 vs. T4 + T5 = 107.7 min). Results indicate that reducing the DCAD induced a compensated metabolic acidosis and reduced DM intake, but correcting the metabolic acidosis prevented the decline in DM intake in dry cows. The decrease in DM intake in diets with negative DCAD was mediated by metabolic acidosis and not by addition of acidogenic product or salts containing Cl.

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