C. Grosso
Physics Letters B | 1969
H. Faissner; H. Foeth; A. Staude; K. Tittel; P. Darriulat; K. Kleinknecht; C. Rubbia; J. Sandweiss; M.I. Ferrero; C. Grosso
Abstract The interference between K L → π + π - and K S → π + π - behind a copper regenerator has been observed in a high statistics experiment. The modulus and the argument of the complex ratio ϱ ( p )/ η +- , where ϱ ( p ) is the regeneration amplitude and η +- = A ( K L → π + π - )/ A (K S → π + π - ) has been measured over the momentum interval from 2.0 GeV/ c to 6.0 GeV/ c . The phase of η +- as deduced from this measurement and from the optical model value of arg [ ϱ ( p )] is 49.3° ± 6.8°. The K L K S mass difference has been found to be Δm/ h = (0.555 ± 0.020) × 10 10 sec −1 .
Physics Letters B | 1968
A. Böhm; P. Darriulat; C. Grosso; V. Kaftanov; K. Kleinknecht; H.L. Lynch; C. Rubbia; H. Ticho; K. Tittel
Abstract The transmission regeneration amplitude after a thick copper block has been measured. The quantity ∣ƒ(0)− ƒ (0)∣ k varies from 20.0 ± 1.4 mb at 2.75 GeV/ c to 13.6 ± 1.2 mb at 7.25 GeV/ c . Results are in agreement with optical model calculations in which real and imaginary parts of the amplitudes for single nucleon scattering are determined from forward dispersion relations and total cross-sections.
Physics Letters B | 1970
M. Cullen; P. Darriulat; J. Deutsch; H. Foeth; C. Grosso; M. Holder; K. Kleinknecht; E. Radermacher; C. Rubbia; D. Shambroom; M. Scire; A. Staude; K. Tittel
Abstract The K L - L S mass difference has been measured to be δm = (0.542 ± 0.006) × 10 10 sec −1 . Combined with K L - L S interference experiments in the π + π − decay channel, the experiment gives an improved value for arg (K L → π + π − /K S → π + π − ).
Physics Letters B | 1970
P. Darriulat; C. Grosso; M. Holder; J E Pilcher; E. Radermacher; C. Rubbia; M. Scire; A. Staude; K. Tittel
Abstract The K L K S transmission regeneration of a K L beam traversing a liquid hydrogen target has been observed over the momentum interval 3.0–6.0 GeV/ c . Results are in good agreement with predictions based on dispersion relations.
Physics Letters B | 1970
H. Foeth; M. Holder; E. Radermacher; A. Staude; P. Darriulat; J. Deutsch; K. Kleinknecht; C. Rubbia; K. Tittel; M.I. Ferrero; C. Grosso
Abstract Elastic and inelastic K L S regenerative scattering on copper and lead nuclei have been observed up to a momentum transfer of 0.17 GeV/ c . The elastic differential cross-section is of a ”diffractive” type. It can be described successfully in terms of an optical model only assuming an appreciable neutron excess in the vicinity of the nuclear surface.
Physics Letters B | 1968
A. Böhm; P. Darriulat; C. Grosso; V. Kaftanov; K. Kleinknecht; H.L. Lynch; C. Rubbia; H. Ticho; K. Tittel
Abstract The phase ϕ +− between the amplitudes K L → π + π − and K S → π + π − has been measured. The result is 46 0 ± ± 15 0 for a K L - K S mass difference Δm/ h = (0.526±0.20) × 10 10 s −1 , in good agreement with the “superweak model” of Wolfenstein which predicts ϕ +− SW = 42.6 0 ± 1.0 0 .
Physics Letters B | 1969
H. Foeth; M. Holder; E. Radermacher; A. Staude; P. Darriulat; J. Deutsch; K. Kleinknecht; C. Rubbia; K. Tittel; M.I. Ferrero; A. Germak; C. Grosso
Abstract We have searched for coherent interactions of a long-lived neutral kaon with the electrons of lead and copper plates. Results are compatible with the absence of such effects. In terms of the kaon r.m.s. charge radius we find 〈 R 2 〉 = 0.22 − 0.22 + 0.20 fm .
Nuclear Physics | 1969
A. Böhm; P. Darriulat; C. Grosso; V. Kaftanov; K. Kleinknecht; H.L. Lynch; C. Rubbia; H. Ticho; K. Tittel
The phase difference between the KL → π+π− and KS → π+π− decay amplitudes has been measured by observing the time dependence of the π+π− decay intensity from an initial K° (strangeness = +1) state. The phase difference φ/+− is found to be 41° ± 12° for a KL − KS mass difference Δm/h = 0.526 × 1010sec−. The error includes statistical and systematic uncertainties. The phase φ+− is strongly correlated to the value adopted for Δm/h. The present uncertainty on Δm/h increases our error on φ+− from 12° to 15°. The result is in agreement with the prediction of the ‘superweak model’ of CP violation.
Physics Letters B | 1969
H. Foeth; M. Holder; E. Radermacher; A. Staude; P. Darriulat; J. Deutsch; K. Kleinknecht; C. Rubbia; K. Tittel; M.I. Ferrero; C. Grosso
Abstract We have looked for the decay of the long lived kaon into muon and electron pairs. No event has been found. The upper limits are Γ(K L → μ + μ − )/Γ(K L →all) = 2.1 × 10 −7 and (K L →e + e − )/Γ(K L →all) = 1.5 × 10 −7 with 90% confidence level.
Physics Letters B | 1970
P. Darriulat; M.I. Ferrero; C. Grosso; M. Holder; J E Pilcher; E. Radermacher; C. Rubbia; M. Scire; A. Staude; K. Tittel
Abstract A new upper limit to the branching ratio for K L → μ + μ − decay has been set. No event has been observed. The result is Γ (K L → μ + μ − )/ Γ (K L → all) ⩽ 2.6 × 10 −8 with 90% confidence level.