C. Grosso-Pilcher
Physics Letters B | 1983
A.L.S. Angelis; G. Basini; H. J. Besch; R. E. Breedon; L. Camilleri; T. J. Chapin; R. L. Cool; P. T. Cox; C. von Gagern; C. Grosso-Pilcher; D. S. Hanna; J. T. Linnemann; C. B. Newman; R. B. Nickerson; N. Phinney; Stephen H. Pordes; K. J. Powell; R. W. Rusack; A. M. Segar; M. J. Tannenbaum; J. M. Yelton
Abstract The spectrum d N d E T 0 ( E T 0 = neutral transverse energy) has been measured with an electromagnetic calorimeter covering 90% of 2 π in azimuth. The measurement, performed in pp collisions at s = 62 GeV , covered the E T 0 range from 10 to 30 GeV. Evidence is presented that a large fraction of these events are jet-like, the fraction increasing with E T 0 .
Physics Letters B | 1984
Aris L S Angelis; G. Basini; H. J. Besch; Richard E. Breedon; L. Camilleri; T. J. Chapin; C. Chasman; R. L. Cool; P.T. Cox; Ch. von Gagern; C. Grosso-Pilcher; D. S. Hanna; P. Haustein; B. M. Humphries; J. Linnemann; C. Newman-Holmes; R. B. Nickerson; J. Olness; N. Phinney; B. G. Pope; Stephen H. Pordes; K. J. Powell; R. W. Rusack; C. W. Salgado; A. M. Segar; S. R. Stampke; M. Tanaka; M. J. Tannenbaum; P. Thieberger; J. M. Yelton
The spectra in total neutral energy, ETOT0, have been measured in pp, dd and αα collisions at centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair, sNN, of 31 GeV. The range in ETOT0 covered was 1 to 19 GeV in pp, 18 to 24 GeV in dd and 1 to 34 GeV in αα interactions. The ratio of the αα to the pp spectra rises monotonically from 7 at ETOT0 = 1.5 GeV to 105 at ETOT 0 = 19 GeV. Since ETOT0 is the sum over many particles in the detector, it is directly sensitive to multiple nucleon-nucleon collisions in the interacting α particles. The αα spectrum in the range 8 < ETOT0 < 17 GeV is consistent with being described by a simple model of 4 simultaneous nucleon-nucleon collisions with a cross section about equal to 10% of the observed αα interaction cross section. The spectrum of ETOT0 above 17 GeV is even flatter than this extreme case where four nucleon pairs are interacting.
Physics Letters B | 1986
A.L.S. Angelis; G. Basini; H. J. Besch; R. E. Breedon; L. Camilleri; T. J. Chapin; C. Chasman; R. L. Cool; P. T. Cox; Ch. Von Gagern; C. Grosso-Pilcher; D.S. Hannaxab; P.E. Haustein; B. M. Humphries; J. Linnemann; C. Newman-Holmes; R. B. Nickerson; J.W. Olness; N. Phinney; B. G. Pope; Stephen H. Pordes; K. J. Powell; R. W. Rusack; C. W. Salgado; A. M. Segar; S. R. Stampke; M. Tanaka; M.J. Tannenbaum; P. Thieberger; J. M. Yelton
Abstract Neutral transverse energy spectra in pp and αα interactions are analyzed in terms of the wounded nucleon model. Analysis of the αα spectrum by application of a multiple nucleon-nucleon collision mechanism is conveniently performed when a gamma distribution is used to represent the pp spectral shape. The wounded nucleon model provides a reasonable description of the αα spectrum for the first three orders of magnitude, but completly fails to account for the slope of the high energy tail of the distribution. However, the pp and αα spectra can both be fitted to the same gamma distribution when scaled by their respective mean values and thus exhibit KNO scaling.
Nuclear Physics | 1984
A.L.S. Angelis; G. Basini; H. J. Besch; R. E. Breedon; L. Camilleri; T. J. Chapin; R. L. Cool; P. T. Cox; C. von Gagern; C. Grosso-Pilcher; D. S. Hanna; B. M. Humphries; J. T. Linnemann; C. Newman-Holmes; R. B. Nickerson; N. Phinney; B. G. Pope; Stephen H. Pordes; K. J. Powell; R. W. Rusack; C. W. Salgado; A. M. Segar; S. R. Stampke; M. J. Tannenbaum; J. M. Yelton
Abstract Most events with high neutral transverse energy, ET0, produced in pp colisions at √s = 62.3 GeV, are jet-like. The evidence for this is presented, based on data collected using an electromagnetic calorimeter covering 90% of 2π in azimuth. The spectrum dN/dET0 has been measured over the ET0 range from 10 to 35 GeV. Properties of the observed jets are discussed.
Physics Letters B | 1982
A.L.S. Angelis; G. Basini; H. J. Besch; R. E. Breedon; L. Camilleri; T. J. Chapin; R. L. Cool; P. T. Cox; C. von Gagern; C. Grosso-Pilcher; D. S. Hanna; J. T. Linnemann; C. B. Newman; R. B. Nickerson; N. Phinney; Stephen H. Pordes; K. J. Powell; R. W. Rusack; A. M. Segar; M. J. Tannenbaum; J. M. Yelton
Abstract The invariant cross sections for π0 meson production in alpha—alpha and alpha—proton collisions at the ISR were meas- ured up to transverse momenta of 7 GeV c and 8 GeV c , respectively. These measurements are compared with π0 production in pp collisions at the same values of s / nucleon, and the variation of the nuclear A-dependence with pT is determined.
Physics Letters B | 1984
A.L.S. Angelis; G. Basini; H. J. Besch; R. E. Breedon; L. Camilleri; T. J. Chapin; R. L. Cool; P. T. Cox; C. von Gagern; C. Grosso-Pilcher; D. S. Hanna; B. M. Humphries; J. T. Linnemann; C. Newman-Holmes; R. B. Nickerson; N. Phinney; B. G. Pope; Stephen H. Pordes; K. J. Powell; R. W. Rusack; C. W. Salgado; A. M. Segar; S. R. Stampke; M. J. Tannenbaum; J. M. Yelton
Abstract A sample of 58e + e − events with an invariant mass greater than 11 GeV/c 2 produced in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 62.3 GeV is discussed. The cross sections are presented as a function of the mass and transverse momentum. The electron pairs produced with a mean transverse momentum of 2.50 ± 0.25 GeV/ c .
Physics Letters B | 1982
Aris L S Angelis; G. Basini; H. J. Besch; R. E. Breedon; L. Camilleri; T. J. Chapin; R. L. Cool; P. T. Cox; C. von Gagern; C. Grosso-Pilcher; D. S. Hanna; J. T. Linnemann; C. B. Newman; R. B. Nickerson; N. Phinney; Stephen H. Pordes; K. J. Powell; R. W. Rusack; A. M. Segar; M. J. Tannenbaum; J. M. Yelton
Abstract A comparison of p p and pp interactions s =52.7 GeV at the CERN ISR. The quantities compared were the charged and neutral multiplicities, the total neutral transverse energy, ΣET, up to 12 GeV, and the single π0 inclusive cross section up to p T = 5 GeV c . No significant differences were observed.
Nuclear Physics | 1988
A.L.S. Angelis; G. Basini; H. J. Besch; R. E. Breedon; L. Camilleri; T. J. Chapin; R. L. Cool; P.T. Cox; C. von Gagern; C. Grosso-Pilcher; D. S. Hanna; B. M. Humphries; James Linnemann; C. Newman-Holmes; R.B. Nickerson; N. Phinney; Bernard Pope; S. H. Pordes; K. J. Powell; R. W. Rusack; C. W. Salgado; A. M. Segar; S. R. Stampke; M. J. Tannenbaum; J. M. Yelton
Three-jet events have been observed in pp collisions at s = 62.3 GeV. The data were collected using a total neutral energy trigger with a threshold at 25 GeV. These events appear predominantly as two jets, with some appearing as three jets. A novel analysis for the extraction of 2-jet and 3-jet events is described, and some of the event properties are discussed. The relative numbers of two- and three-jet events are studied within the framework of leading-order QCD, and yield a value of αs(K3/K2) = 0.19 ± 0.02 (stat.) ± 0.04 (syst.).
Nuclear Physics | 1986
A.L.S. Angelis; G. Basini; H. J. Besch; R. E. Breedon; L. Camilleri; T. J. Chapin; P.T. Cox; C. von Gagern; C. Grosso-Pilcher; D. S. Hanna; B. M. Humphries; J. Linnemann; C. Newman-Holmes; R. B. Nickerson; N. Phinney; B. G. Pope; S. H. Pordes; K. J. Powell; R. W. Rusack; C. W. Salgado; A. M. Segar; S. R. Stampke; M. J. Tannenbaum; J. M. Yelton
Abstract A comparison between p p and pp interactions at √s = 52.7 GeV is presented for a total neutral transverse energy (ETo) trigger and for a high transverse momentum (pT) neutral cluster trigger. The rate of production of events in the range 6 p p collisions than in pp collisions. A study of the structure of the events shows this excess to be due to more isotropic events being produced in p p collisions. The ratio of the production cross section for single neutral clusters in p p and pp interactions in the range 1.25
Physics Letters B | 1984
A.L.S. Angelis; G. Basini; H. J. Besch; R. E. Breedon; L. Camilleri; T. J. Chapin; R. L. Cool; P. T. Cox; C. von Gagern; C. Grosso-Pilcher; D. S. Hanna; B. M. Humphries; J. T. Linnemann; C. Newman-Holmes; R. B. Nickerson; N. Phinney; B. G. Pope; Stephen H. Pordes; K. J. Powell; R. W. Rusack; C. W. Salgado; A. M. Segar; S. R. Stampke; M. J. Tannenbaum; J. M. Yelton
Abstract The multiplicity of particles associated with electron pairs with mass greater than 11 GeV/c 2 is found to increase with the transverse momentum p T of the electron pair. The associated particles are observed to recoil against the electron pair and compensate locally its transverse momentum. The data are compared with lower √ s dimuon data using the scaling form: s 2 p T 2 (d 3 σ /d y d p T 2 d m 2 ) = H ( x T , y , τ ).