C. Gutt
Folkwang University of the Arts
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2000
C. Gutt; B. Asmussen; W. Press; M. R. Johnson; Y. P. Handa; John S. Tse
We present the results of a high-resolution neutron diffraction experiment with a fully deuterated methane hydrate type I at temperatures of 2, 100, and 150 K. Precise crystallographic parameters of the ice-like D 2 O lattice and the thermal parameters of the encaged methane molecules have been obtained. The parameters of the host lattice differ only slightly from values found for hydrates with asymmetric guests included, which leads to the conclusion that the host lattice of structure I is only a little adaptive. At low temperatures (2 K) the methane molecules in both types of cages present in structure I occupy positions in the center of the cages. At higher temperatures the thermal parameters in both types of cages reflect the surrounding cage geometries or more precisely the translational potentials of the cages. The orientational scattering length density of the CD 4 molecules has been analyzed in terms of a multipole expansion with symmetry adapted functions [Press and Huller, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A: Cryst. Phys., Diffr., Theor. Gen. Crystallogr. A29, 252 (1972); Press, ibid. A29, 257 (1972)]. In both types of cages we found only small modulations of a spherically symmetric scattering density accounting for almost free rotations of the methane molecules. The large and asymmetric cage leads to a somewhat more pronounced modulation of the orientational density than in the small dodecahedral cage. The orientational probability distribution function (PDF) remains nearly unchanged from 2 to 150 K. At 200 K we observed the time-resolved decomposition of the hydrate structure I into hexagonal ice Ih.
Nature Communications | 2012
Bastian Pfau; S. Schaffert; L. Müller; C. Gutt; A. Al-Shemmary; Felix Büttner; Renaud Delaunay; S. Düsterer; Samuel Flewett; Robert Frömter; Jan Geilhufe; Erik Guehrs; Christian M. Günther; R. Hawaldar; M. Hille; N. Jaouen; A. Kobs; K. Li; J. Mohanty; H. Redlin; W. F. Schlotter; Daniel Stickler; Rolf Treusch; Boris Vodungbo; Mathias Kläui; Hans Peter Oepen; Jan Lüning; G. Grübel; S. Eisebitt
During ultrafast demagnetization of a magnetically ordered solid, angular momentum has to be transferred between the spins, electrons, and phonons in the system on femto- and picosecond timescales. Although the intrinsic spin-transfer mechanisms are intensely debated, additional extrinsic mechanisms arising due to nanoscale heterogeneity have only recently entered the discussion. Here we use femtosecond X-ray pulses from a free-electron laser to study thin film samples with magnetic domain patterns. We observe an infrared-pump-induced change of the spin structure within the domain walls on the sub-picosecond timescale. This domain-topography-dependent contribution connects the intrinsic demagnetization process in each domain with spin-transport processes across the domain walls, demonstrating the importance of spin-dependent electron transport between differently magnetized regions as an ultrafast demagnetization channel. This pathway exists independent from structural inhomogeneities such as chemical interfaces, and gives rise to an ultrafast spatially varying response to optical pump pulses.
New Journal of Physics | 2010
Adrian P. Mancuso; Th. Gorniak; Florian Staier; O. Yefanov; Ruth Barth; Christof Christophis; Bernd Reime; J. Gulden; A. Singer; Michala E. Pettit; Th. Nisius; Th. Wilhein; C. Gutt; G. Grübel; N. Guerassimova; Rolf Treusch; J. Feldhaus; S. Eisebitt; E. Weckert; Michael Grunze; Axel Rosenhahn; I. A. Vartanyants
Coherent x-ray imaging represents a new window to imaging non- crystalline, biological specimens at unprecedented resolutions. The advent of free-electron lasers (FEL) allows extremely high flux densities to be delivered to a specimen resulting in stronger scattered signal from these samples to be measured. In the best case scenario, the diffraction pattern is measured before the sample is destroyed by these intense pulses, as the processes involved in radiation damage may be substantially slower than the pulse duration. In this case, the scattered signal can be interpreted and reconstructed to yield a faithful image of the sample at a resolution beyond the conventional radiation damage limit. We employ coherent x-ray diffraction imaging (CXDI) using the free-electron
Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2009
Felix Lehmkühler; Michael Paulus; Christian Sternemann; Daniela Lietz; Federica Venturini; C. Gutt; Metin Tolan
The structure of the carbon dioxide-water interface was analyzed by X-ray diffraction and reflectivity at temperature and pressure conditions which allow the formation of gas hydrate. The water-gaseous CO2 and the water-liquid CO2 interface were examined. The two interfaces show a very different behavior with respect to the formation of gas hydrate. While the liquid-gas interface exhibits the formation of thin liquid CO2 layers on the water surface, the formation of small clusters of gas hydrate was observed at the liquid-liquid interface. The data obtained from both interfaces points to a gas hydrate formation process which may be explained by the so-called local structuring hypothesis.
Physical Review Letters | 2012
S. O. Hruszkewycz; M. Sutton; P. H. Fuoss; B. Adams; S. Rosenkranz; Karl F. Ludwig; Wojciech Roseker; David M. Fritz; Marco Cammarata; Diling Zhu; Sooheyong Lee; Henrik T. Lemke; C. Gutt; G. Grübel; G. B. Stephenson
The availability of ultrafast pulses of coherent hard x rays from the Linac Coherent Light Source opens new opportunities for studies of atomic-scale dynamics in amorphous materials. Here, we show that single ultrafast coherent x-ray pulses can be used to observe the speckle contrast in the high-angle diffraction from liquid Ga and glassy Ni(2)Pd(2)P and B(2)O(3). We determine the thresholds above which the x-ray pulses disturb the atomic arrangements. Furthermore, high contrast speckle is observed in scattering patterns from the glasses integrated over many pulses, demonstrating that the source and optics are sufficiently stable for x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy studies of dynamics over a wide range of time scales.
Optics Express | 2009
C. Gutt; Lorenz-M. Stadler; A. Duri; Tina Autenrieth; O. Leupold; Yuriy Chushkin; G. Grübel
We present a new method to extract the intermediate scattering function from series of coherent diffraction patterns taken with 2D detectors. Our approach is based on analyzing speckle patterns in terms of photon statistics. We show that the information obtained is equivalent to the conventional technique of calculating the intensity autocorrelation function. Our approach represents a route for correlation spectroscopy on ultrafast timescales at X-ray free-electron laser sources.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2002
C. Gutt; Julian Baumert; W. Press; John S. Tse; Stefan Janssen
We report results from a high-resolution, incoherent inelastic neutron scattering (IINS) study of xenon hydrate. This study extends previous work in which the existence of a strong coupling between localized guest vibrations and the lattice modes was shown1 for the first time [Tse et al., Europhys. Lett., 54, 354 (2001)]. This guest–host coupling might be responsible for the glass-like temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of the crystalline gas hydrates. Our experiment focused on the low-frequency phonon density of states of the ice-like water lattice of xenon hydrate. We found two broad maxima in the density of states (DOS) at energy transfers of 7.3 and 10.3 meV. The first peak is assigned to the transverse acoustic (TA) phonons near the zone boundary and the second to the fold-back of the TA modes towards the zone center. The guest–host coupling could be confirmed by finding three distinct low energy peaks in the DOS at energy transfers of 2.05, 2.87, and 3.94 meV. In addition, another br...
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2001
C. Gutt; W. Press; Alfred Hüller; John S. Tse; Hélène Casalta
We report an inelastic neutron scattering experiment at T=2 K of a fully deuterated methane hydrate CD4⋅5.75 D2O. In the experiment the J=0→J=1 rotational transition of an almost free quantum CD4 rotor at an energy transfer of 0.4 meV has been found. No line splitting due to the two different kinds of cages, which are occupied by the methane molecules in the host lattice, has been found. Using a simple electrostatic model of the orientational interaction between the methane molecules and the water molecules in the host lattice we are able to explain the measured spectra of both the deuterated and protonated samples. The intrinsic linewidth found for the rotational transition in deuterated and protonated samples can be attributed to the frozen in disorder of the water dipole moments in the cages. The contribution of the van der Waals interaction has also been calculated on the basis of empirical atom–atom interaction parameters and has been found to be one order of magnitude smaller than the electrostatic ...
Applied Physics Letters | 2010
Daniel Stickler; Robert Frömter; Holger Stillrich; Christian Menk; Carsten Tieg; S. Streit-Nierobisch; Michael Sprung; C. Gutt; Lorenz-M. Stadler; O. Leupold; G. Grübel; Hans Peter Oepen
We present a new x-ray microscopy technique based on Fourier transform holography (FTH), where the sample is separate from the optics part of the setup. The sample can be shifted with respect to the holography optics, thus large-scale or randomly distributed objects become accessible. As this extends FTH into a true microscopy technique, we call it x-ray holographic microscopy (XHM). FTH allows nanoscale imaging without the need for nanometer-size beams. Simple Fourier transform yields an unambiguous image reconstruction. We demonstrate XHM by studying the magnetic domain evolution of a Co/Pt multilayer film as function of locally varied iron overlayer thickness.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2009
S. Streit-Nierobisch; Daniel Stickler; C. Gutt; Lorenz-Mathias Stadler; Holger Stillrich; Christian Menk; Robert Frömter; Carsten Tieg; O. Leupold; Hans Peter Oepen; G. Grübel
We report on Fourier transform holography (FTH) experiments on nanostructured Co/Pt multilayer films with 40 nm spatial imaging resolution. The films have been nanostructured by means of focused ion beam (FIB) milling. Applying the ion beam through the supporting membrane with controlled and homogeneous dosing allows for higher resolution magnetic structuring of the ion-sensitive film compared to direct FIB patterning. Nanostructured samples with magnetic stripes exposed to different ion doses and magnetic arrays with 200 nm lattice constant were successfully prepared and imaged by FTH. We present image-processing routines for artifact-free image reconstruction. With this, we could investigate the FIB-induced anisotropy modulation and the perpendicular domain structure in the nanostructured samples, showing how to control the domain size and configuration by applying the appropriate ion dose either homogeneously or concentrated in single spots.