C. H. Müller
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
Featured researches published by C. H. Müller.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2003
Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento; Andreza Tavares Tomé; Maria do Socorro Padilha de Oliveira; C. H. Müller; José Edmar Urano de Carvalho
Para garantir a sustentabilidade da cultura do maracujazeiro, na Amazonia, e imprescindivel realizar pesquisas que busquem o desenvolvimento de cultivares tolerantes as principais doencas e que apresentem frutos com boas caracteristicas agroindustriais. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar frutos de progenies de maracujazeiro-amarelo, CPATU-casca-fina (CCF), atraves de caracteristicas fisicas e fisico-quimicas, buscando obtencao de plantas com caracteristicas desejaveis para industria de suco concentrado e fruto in natura. O estudo foi conduzido em 20 progenies de polinizacao livre oriundas de uma populacao formada pela mistura de sementes de plantas selecionadas no segundo ciclo de selecao massal. Colheram-se dez frutos por planta para serem analisados, com base nas seguintes caracteristicas: peso medio dos frutos; comprimento do fruto; espessura de casca; rendimento de suco; numero de sementes por fruto; teor de solidos soluveis totais (SST); acidez total titulavel (ATT); pH e relacao STT/ATT. Os dados obtidos foram analisados atraves de estatistica simples, envolvendo media, desvio-padrao e coeficiente de variacao. As progenies CPATU-casca-fina apresentaram variacao para a maioria das caracteristicas. Os frutos das progenies CCF-001, CCF-074, CCF-212, CCF-395 e CCF-430 apresentam caracteristicas desejaveis para o mercado in natura, enquanto os das progenies CCF-192, CCF-281, CCF-391 e CCF-505 tem caracteristicas importantes para a industria de suco concentrado.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2007
Célio Kersul do Sacramento; Enio Coelho Júnior; José Edmar Urano de Carvalho; C. H. Müller; Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento
O mangostao (Garcinia mangostana L.), familia Clusiaceae, e considerada a fruta mais saborosa do tropico asiatico. Foi introduzido no Brasil em 1935 e atualmente e cultivado principalmente nos estados do Para e Bahia, numa area estimada de 350 ha com uma producao de 300 t. O periodo de frutificacao do mangostanzeiro varia de acordo com as condicoes climaticas e, no estado do Para, o principal periodo de colheita estende-se de janeiro a maio e uma colheita menor ocorre em agosto e setembro. Na Bahia a safra principal e geralmente em marco e abril e outra colheita acontece em agosto. Poucas pragas tem sido encontradas em pomares de mangostao e os problemas mais comuns sao causados por acaros, tripes (Thrips sp. ) e abelha arapua (Trigona spinipes) as quais causam danos na casca do fruto dificultando a colheita. A murcha do mangostanzeiro, doenca ainda nao encontrada em pomares de mangostao de outros paises, tem sido observada somente em plantas adultas na regiao sul do estado da Bahia, mas o agente causal ainda nao foi identificado. Estouro de vasos, um disturbio fisiologico no pericarpo do fruto e polpa translucida sao comuns nos frutos em pomares brasileiros. Os frutos sao colhidos manualmente, limpos, classificados e colocados em caixas de papelao com dimensoes de 21x 21,5 x 6,5 cm as quais contem de 9 a 20 frutos e sao vendidos principalmente em grandes centros urbanos. O mangostao apresenta media de 32,5% de polpa, 18,17% oBrix e 1% de acidez. A casca apresenta um grupo de substancias conhecidas como xantonas as quais sao utilizadas para produtos farmaceuticos.
Revista Brasileira De Sementes | 2002
Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento; Maria do Socorro Padilha de Oliveira; José Edmar Urano de Carvalho; C. H. Müller
Oenocarpus mapora Karsten it is a type of palm tree that is native in Amazonia. The fruit is used for manufacture of juice, ice creams and creams. With the objective to verify the effect of the sowing position on the germination, vigor and seedlings length, the present experiment was accomplished, being tested four sowing positions with three replicates with 25 seeds per parcels and installed in a completely randomized design. The results showed that the germination of Oenocarpus mapora, seeds was not affected by the sowing position, showing by values above to 92%, however, the when seeds were placed to germinate with the germination pore gone back to the surface, they germinated in smaller time. The initial development of the seedling was influenced by the sowing position.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2011
Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento; C. H. Müller; Carolina dos Santos Araújo; Bruno Calzavara Flores
The Pouteria caimito tree, is a known fruit in the tropics and consumed fresh. Among the main issues affecting the fruit quality, are the damage caused by the attack of the larvae of fruit fly. The objective of this study was to determine the diameter of the fruit P. caimito to effect the practice of bagging in order to protect against the attack of the fly. For this, six classes of diameter were set: a) fruit with a diameter less than 1 cm, b) fruit with a diameter of 1-2 cm, c) fruits with a diameter of 2-3 cm d) fruits with a diameter of 3 to 4 cm, e) fruit with a diameter of 4-5 cm, f) fruit with a diameter larger than 5 cm, and the control treatment, which consisted of fruit without protection. Bags to cover the fruits were made of white TNT. After harvest, fruits were measured and weighed and then broken in longitudinal and transversal directions and evaluated by visual observation of the presence or the absence of fruit fly larvae. The efficiency of treatments was evaluated by the percentage of fruit dropped on the ground, and the fruits harvested with absence and presence of larvae. It was observed 96.7%, 88.3% and 40.0% of dropping in bagged fruit with a diameter smaller than 1 cm, 1-2 cm and 2-3 cm respectively. The bagging of fruits P. caimito with diameters between 1 and 2 cm is not feasible due to the high percentage of fallen fruit (96.7%). The highest percentage of fruits without larvae of fruit fly (83.3%) is observed when the fruits were bagged with a diameter of between three and five centimeters.
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2004
João Tomé de Farias Neto; José Urano de Carvalho; C. H. Müller
Conduziu-se este trabalho com o objetivo de estimar os coeficientes de correlacao e de repetibilidade envolvendo doze caracteres do fruto de bacurizeiro: comprimento do fruto (CF), diâmetro do fruto (DF), espessura da casca (EC), peso da casca (PC), peso das sementes (PS), numero de sementes (NS), volume da cavidade interna (VCI), peso do fruto (PF), peso total de polpa (PTP), porcentagens de casca (%C), sementes (%S) e polpa total (%PTP). As estimativas dos coeficientes de repetibilidade das caracteristicas CF, DF, EC, PC, PS, VCI, PTP, %C e %PTP demonstraram alta regularidade nos individuos, e quatro a doze medicoes sao necessarias para obter predicoes com confiabilidade em torno de 95%. Com excecao do carater EC, nao foram observadas grandes diferencas entre as estimativas dos coeficientes de repetibilidade obtidos pelo metodo da ANOVA e pelos metodos de analise multivariada. O aumento na precisao em termos de predicao do valor real dos individuos alem de 95% implicara aumentar, sobremaneira, o numero de medicoes, que, por sua vez, pouco acrescentara em termos de precisao, sendo, entao, injustificado seu uso. PTP apresentou associacoes positivas com o DF, VCI e PF.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2001
Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento; Andreza Tavares Tomé; José Edmar Urano de Carvalho; C. H. Müller
The mangosteen seeds right after the retreat of the fruit present great amount of pulp stucked to the tegument. This rich material in sugar favors the diseases proliferation, which interfere in the germination when the seeds are not properly clean. With objective of studying the effect of the different times of fermentation on the germination of the seeds, a experiment was realized, with five treatments 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours of fermentation in water. The experiment was conducted following as a completely randomized design and treatments were replicated four times with 50 seeds each, sowed in trays containing as substratum a mixture of sand and sawdust in the proportion of 1:1, under environment temperature 26 ± 2oC and relative humidity of 86 ± 3%. The following tests were used for evaluating the seeds: germination test, emergence speed, average germination time. The number of normal seedling was assessed on a daily basis. The results evidenced that the fermentation of the mangosteen seeds for 48 hours provided better germination percentage (86%), differing significantly from the other treatments.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2002
Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento; José Edmar Urano de Carvalho; C. H. Müller
The Rheedia acuminata is a fruit tree species native of the Amazonian, rarely cultivated, since your fruits, although comestibles, presents scarce pulp. The studies with the Rheedia acuminata seek the use as rootstock, reducing the size for other species of the genus Rheedia and Garcinia that present high height, as the Rheedia macrophylla and the mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.). This work had as objective characterize morphologically the seed and the seedling of this specie. The mature seed are anatropous, becoming bitegmic and exalbuminous. The tegument shows vascular bundle and a dark-brown coloration. The hilum is rounded, with dark coloration and small clearer area in the center, corresponding to the point of entrance of vascular bundles. The micropyle locates near to the hilum, on a small triangulate protuberance. The embryo is anomalous, hypocotylar and it is only represented by the long radicle-hypocotyl axis, being just the tiny cotyleadons, showing in the superior extremity on the opposite side of the micropyle. During the germination, happens the emergency of thin primary root firstly, in the opposite pole from where will arise the epicotyl. That root increases 5-7cm approximately and it ceases, dying later. For occasion of the emergency of the epicotyl, happens the formation of a adventitius root at the same time, in the base of the epicotyl, more robust than the previous and that will be constituted in the radicular system of the plant. Preceding the first metaphylls pairs opening, are developing in the epicotyl equal, three of opposite cataphylls and of greenish coloration. The seedlings is cryptocotylar, with a hypogeal germination.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2002
José Edmar Urano de Carvalho; Sérgio de Mello Alves; Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento; C. H. Müller
Physical and chemical analysis were carried out in a seedless bakuri type originated from a plant located in a native population established in Vigia, Para, Brazil. The fruits were collected after naturally falling from the mother-plant. In the physical analysis of the fruits, the following characteristics were considered: color of the epicarp, shape, weight, length, diameter, thickness of the shell and the relative proportion (w/w) of the shell, pulp and the structure represented by the placental column and aborted ovules. For the pulp were determined the moisture content, pH, titratable total acidity, total soluble solids (°Brix) and the ratio between total soluble solids and titratable total acidity. This seedless type of bakuri showed an ovate shape, yellow color, small size , mean weight of 89.24 g, thick shell, low total soluble solids (10.2°Brix) and titratable total acidity of 1.24%. The average centesimal composition for this bakuri type was: 81.66% shell, 18.13% pulp and 0.21% for structure represented by placental column and aborted ovules. The results of the physical and physicochemical analysis showed that this seedless bakuri type has litttle value for the consumption as fresh fruit, as well as for industrial use.
Fitopatologia Brasileira | 2002
L. S. Poltronieri; Fernando Carneiro de Albuquerque; D. R. Trindade; M. Lourdes R. Duarte; J. Edmar U. Carvalho; C. H. Müller
Detection of Phamerochaete salmonicolor in African mahogany in the State of Para, Brazil Two-year-old plants of African mahogany (Khaya ivorensis) growing at Embrapa Experimental Station in Belem and in the municipalities of Igarape-Acu and Santa Barbara have been infected by Phamerochaete salmonicolor, which causes pink disease. Pink disease is recorded for the first time in African Mahogany in the State of Para, Brazil. O mogno africano (Khaya ivorensis A. Chev.) tem sido uma das especies preferidas pelos reflorestadores no estado do Para. E uma arvore de grande importância para a regiao amazonica, devido ao seu alto valor economico e crescimento relativamente rapido, promovendo a recuperacao de areas alteradas (Falesi & Baena. Embrapa Amazonia Oriental,
Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. Circular técnica | 2002
M. do S. P. de Oliveira; J. E. U. de Carvalho; W. M. O. do Nascimento; C. H. Müller