C. H. Sieverding
Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
Journal of Turbomachinery-transactions of The Asme | 1997
G. Cicatelli; C. H. Sieverding
The wakes behind turbine blade trailing edges are characterized by large-scale periodic vortex patterns known as the von Karman vortex street. The failure of steady-state Navier-Stokes calculations in modeling wake flows appears to be mainly due to ignoring this type of flow instabilities. In an effort to contribute to a better understanding of the time-varying wake flow characteristics behind turbine blades, VKI has performed large-scale turbine cascade tests to obtain very detailed information about the steady and unsteady pressure distribution around the trailing edge of a nozzle guide vane. Tests are run at an outlet Mach number of M 2.is , = 0.4 and a Reynolds number of Re c = 2 X 10 6 . The key to the high spatial resolution of the pressure distribution around the trailing edge is a rotatable trailing edge with an embedded miniature pressure transducer underneath the surface and a pressure slot opening of about 1.5 deg of the trailing edge circle. Signal processing allowed differentiation between random and periodic pressure fluctuations. Ultrashort schlieren pictures help in understanding the physics behind the pressure distribution.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics | 1983
C. H. Sieverding; P. Van den Bosche
A coloured-smoke-visualization technique has been developed for the investigation of complex three-dimensional fluid flows. In particular, a coloured-smoke wire technique is used for the study of secondary flows in straight turbine cascades. Based on a large number of photographs and direct flow observation, the evolution of horseshoe and passage vortices through a high-turning turbine-blade passage is described.
Journal of Turbomachinery-transactions of The Asme | 1999
V. Michelassi; Francesco Martelli; R. Dénos; Tony Arts; C. H. Sieverding
A transonic turbine stage is computed by means of an unsteady Navier-Stokes solver. A two-equation turbulence model is coupled to a transition model based on integral parameters and an extra transport equation. The transonic stage is modeled in two dimensions with a variable span height for the rotor row. The analysis of the transonic turbine stage with stator trailing edge coolant ejection is carried out to compute the unsteady pressure and heat transfer distribution on the rotor blade under variable operating conditions. The stator coolant ejection allows the total pressure losses to be reduced, although no significant effects on the rotor heat transfer are found both in the computer simulation and the measurements. The results compare favorable with experiments in terms of both pressure distribution and heat transfer around the rotor blade.
Journal of Turbomachinery-transactions of The Asme | 2003
C. H. Sieverding; Hugues Richard; Jean-Michel Desse
The paper presents an experimental investigationof the effect of the trailing edge vortex shedding on the steady and unsteady trailing blade pressure distribution of a turbine blade at high subsonic Mach number (M 2,is =0.79) and high Reynolds number (RE =2.8×10 6 ). The vortex formation and shedding process is visualized using a high-speed schlieren camera and a holographic interferometric density measuring technique. The blade is equipped with a rotatable trailing edge cylinder instrumented side-by-side with a pneumatic pressure tap and a fast response pressure sensor for detailed measurements of the trailing edge pressure distribution. The experiments demonstrate that contrary to the isobaric dead air region demonstrated at low subsonic Mach numbers the data reveal the existence of a highly nonuniform trailing edge pressure distribution with a strong pressure minimum at the center of the trailing edge. This finding is significant for the determination of the base pressure coefficient that is in general measured with a single pressure-sensing hole at the trailing edge center. The paper investigates further the effect of the vortex shedding on the blade rear suction side and discusses the superposition of unsteady effects emanating from the trailing edge and from the neighboring blade. The experimental data are a unique source for the validation of unsteady Navier-Stokes codes.
Journal of Turbomachinery-transactions of The Asme | 2004
C. H. Sieverding; Davide Ottolia; Carlo Bagnera; Andrea Comadoro; J. F. Brouckaert; Jean-Michel Desse
The paper presents an experimental investigation of large coherent structures, commonly referred to as von Karman vortex street, in the wake of a turbine blade at high subsonic Mach number (M 2.is =0.79) and high Reynolds number (RE = 2.8×10 6 and their effect on the steady and unsteady pressure and temperature distribution in the wake. Ultra short smoke visualizations and two interferometric measurement techniques, holographic interferometry and white light differential interferometry provide insight into the vortex formation and shedding process. In addition, the interferometric measurement provides quantitative information on the stream wise evolution of the minimum density associated with the vortices and on their lateral spreading. Wake traverses are performed with a four-head fork probe carrying a Kiel probe and a fast response Kulite pressure probe for pressure measurements and a thermocouple probe and a cold wire resistance probe for temperature measurements. The results confirm the observation of energy separation in the wake as found by other researchers. The experimental data are a unique source for the validation of unsteady Navies-Stokes codes.
Journal of Turbomachinery-transactions of The Asme | 1996
C. H. Sieverding; Tony Arts; R. Dénos; Francesco Martelli
A trailing edge cooled low aspect ratio transonic turbine guide vane is investigated in the VKI Compression Tube Cascade Facility at an outlet Mach number {bar M}{sub 2,is} = 1.05 and a coolant flow rate {dot m}c/{dot m}g = 3 percent. The outlet flow field is surveyed by combined total-directional pressure probes and temperature probes. Special emphasis is put on the development of low blockage probes. Additional information is provided by oil flow visualizations and numerical flow visualizations with a three-dimensional Navier-Stokes code. The test results describe the strong differences in the axial evolution of the hub and tip endwall and secondary flows and demonstrate the self-similarity of the midspan wake profiles. According to the total pressure and temperature profiles, the wake mixing appears to be very fast in the near-wake but very slow in the far-wake region. The total pressure wake profile appears to be little affected by the coolant flow ejection.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy | 1999
R. Dénos; C. H. Sieverding; Tony Arts; J. F. Brouckaert; Guillermo Paniagua; V. Michelassi
Abstract This paper describes some results of a large experimental programme on unsteady flow through the rotor of a transonic turbine stage in the large Compression Tube Turbine Facility at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics. The tests were carried out as part of a Brite EURAM project. The test programme covered the investigation of the effects of a variation in the rotational speed of the rotor, the axial stator-rotor distance and the stator trailing-edge coolant flow ejection. The paper aims at presenting the measurements of the relative inlet total pressure and the rotor blade surface pressure at rotor mid-span.
Volume 5: Manufacturing Materials and Metallurgy; Ceramics; Structures and Dynamics; Controls, Diagnostics and Instrumentation; Education | 1992
C. H. Sieverding; Tony Arts
The purpose of this paper is to present the new transonic, annular facility developed at the von Karman Institute to investigate the aerodynamic heat transfer performances of real size advanced aero-engine and gas turbine components at correctly simulated operating conditions.The facility operates under the principle of an Isentropic Light Piston Compression Tube. Its definite advantage over classical blowdown wind tunnels is to independently model the freestream Mach and Reynolds numbers as well as the gas/wall/coolant temperature ratios. Its running time ranges between 0.1 and 1 s.The first part of the paper describes the design, the manufacturing and the installation of the different components of the wind tunnel and the test section. The second part deals with the different measurement techniques applied for aerodynamic and heat transfer measurements; it also describes some examples of the flow quality obtained in this new facility.Copyright
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-transactions of The Asme | 1987
M. J. Moore; C. H. Sieverding
This book presents papers on steam turbines and steam condensers. Topics considered include the design of modern low pressure steam turbines, throughflow design methods, three-dimensional flow calculations, the calculation of wet steam stages, aerodynamic development of turbine blades, turbine performance measurement, turbine exhaust system design, and condensers for large turbines.
ASME Turbo Expo 2004: Power for Land, Sea, and Air | 2004
C. H. Sieverding; Carlo Bagnera; A. C. Boege; Juan A. Cordero Antòn; Vincent Luère
The paper describes an experimental investigation of the use of different types of boundary layer transition elements for the control of boundary layer separation at low Reynolds numbers. The tests are carried out in a low speed cascade tunnel for Reynolds numbers between 30000 and 200000. For convenience the author used an existing HP turbine guide vane with ∼63 degree turning. To obtain representative adverse pressure gradients as those existing on the rear suction side of highly loaded LP blades the tests are run at a pitch-to-chord ratio of 1. The transition elements include tripwires, single and double rows of spherical roughness elements, balloon type transition elements and a metal sheet actuated by shape memory alloy springs. The optimum position and height of the transition elements are obtained with systematic tests with the trip wire. All other elements are placed at the same position and have approximately the same height. As expected, the transition elements are very beneficial at low Re numbers but deteriorate the performance at high Re numbers. The advantages and drawbacks of the various configurations are discussed and suggestions for real turbine applications are made.Copyright