
Featured researches published by C. J. Smith.

European Journal of Agronomy | 2003

An overview of APSIM, a model designed for farming systems simulation

Brian Keating; Peter Carberry; Graeme L. Hammer; M. E. Probert; Michael Robertson; Dean P. Holzworth; Neil I. Huth; J.N.G. Hargreaves; Holger Meinke; Zvi Hochman; Greg McLean; K. Verburg; V. O. Snow; J.P. Dimes; M. Silburn; Enli Wang; S. Brown; Keith L. Bristow; Senthold Asseng; Scott C. Chapman; R.L. McCown; D.M. Freebairn; C. J. Smith

The Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) is a modular modelling framework that has been developed by the Agricultural Production Systems Research Unit in Australia. APSIM was developed to simulate biophysical process in farming systems, in particular where there is interest in the economic and ecological outcomes of management practice in the face of climatic risk. The paper outlines APSIMs structure and provides details of the concepts behind the different plant, soil and management modules. These modules include a diverse range of crops, pastures and trees, soil processes including water balance, N and P transformations, soil pH, erosion and a full range of management controls. Reports of APSIM testing in a diverse range of systems and environments are summarised. An example of model performance in a long-term cropping systems trial is provided. APSIM has been used in a broad range of applications, including support for on-farm decision making, farming systems design for production or resource management objectives, assessment of the value of seasonal climate forecasting, analysis of supply chain issues in agribusiness activities, development of waste management guidelines, risk assessment for government policy making and as a guide to research and education activity. An extensive citation list for these model testing and application studies is provided.

Crop & Pasture Science | 2004

Modelling the growth and water uptake function of plant root systems: a review

Enli Wang; C. J. Smith

Crop models have been intensively used as a tool to analyse the performance of cropping systems under variable climate in terms of productivity, profitability, and off-site impact. The importance of modelling the function of plant roots in water and nutrient uptake from the soil is becoming increasing clear with the expanding application areas of crop models. This paper reviews the approaches and assumptions used in growth and uptake modelling of plant roots, and how the responses of plant root system to internal and external factors are captured in the widely used crop models. Most modelling approaches are based on one of the following assumptions: (i) that plant roots are uniformly distributed in homogenous soil layers and all roots have the same ability for uptake, or (ii) that plant root length is always sufficient for resource uptake in rooted soil layers. In structured soils, an overestimation of water uptake is likely to be expected. Further studies on root growth, distribution, and function in structured soils will require quantification of soil structures and root distribution patterns; and for non-uniformly distributed plant populations, spatial distribution of plant roots and non-uniform uptake need to be modelled. Root architecture modelling may help to address such issues. However, in order for the model to be useful at the field production level, simplified approaches that require easily measurable inputs need to be developed. Some examples are given. The oversimplification of root response to soil drying and hardness is likely to lead to overestimation of root growth and water uptake in dense soils. A soil strength factor needs to be incorporated so that the improved model can help evaluate the effect of subsoil compaction on production and resource use. Responses of root growth and uptake to soil salinity, boron toxicity, and extreme pH need to be further investigated if models are to be used for evaluation of crop performance in such environments. Effect of waterlogging also needs to be added for use of the model on heavy clay soils under irrigation or concentrated rainfall. There is an urgent need for joint efforts of crop physiologists, agronomists, breeders, and soil scientists to integrate interdisciplinary knowledge and to collect data that better describe the crop root system and its growth and uptake ability, to quantify plant process level responses, and for better soil quantification. Such knowledge and data are essential for improvement of model performance and successful applications.

Crop & Pasture Science | 2001

Water balance changes in a crop sequence with lucerne

F. X. Dunin; C. J. Smith; S. J. Zegelin; R. Leuning

In a detailed study of soil water storage and transport in a sequence of 1 year wheat and 4 years of lucerne, we evaluated drainage under the crop and lucerne as well as additional soil water uptake achieved by the subsequent lucerne phase. The study was performed at Wagga Wagga on a gradational clay soil between 1993 and 1998, during which there was both drought and high amounts of drainage (>10% of annual rainfall) from the rotation. Lucerne removed an additional 125 mm from soil water storage compared with wheat (root-zone of ~1 m), leading to an estimated reduction in drainage to 30-50% of that of rotations comprising solely annual crops and/or pasture. This additional soil water uptake by lucerne was achieved through apparent root extension of 2-2.5 m beyond that of annual crops. It was effective in generating a sink for soil water retention that was about double that of annual crops in this soil. Successful establishment of lucerne at 30 plants/m 2 in the first growing season of the pasture phase was a requirement for this root extension. Seasonal water use by lucerne tended to be similar to that of crops in the growing season between May and September, because plant water uptake was confined to the top 1 m of soil. Uptake of water from the subsoil was intermittent over a 2-year period following its successful winter establishment. In each of 2 annual periods, uptake below 1 m soil depth began late in the growing season and terminated in the following autumn. Above-ground dry matter production of lucerne was lower than that by crops grown in the region despite an off-season growth component that was absent under fallow conditions following cropping. This apparent lower productivity of lucerne could be traced in part to greater allocation of assimilate to roots and also to late peak growth rates at high temperatures, which incurred a penalty in terms of lower transpiration efficiency. The shortfall in herbage production by lucerne was offset with the provision of timely, high quality fodder during summer and autumn. Lucerne conferred indirect benefits through nitrogen supply and weed control. Benefits and penalties to the agronomy and hydrology of phase farming systems with lucerne are discussed. Additional keywords: crop rotation, evapotranspiration, deep drainage, water use efficiency. el n en s AR 9 W l es set Fn et

Soil Biology & Biochemistry | 2001

Nitrogen mineralisation, immobilisation and loss, and their role in determining differences in net nitrogen production during waterlogged and aerobic incubation of soils

W. J. Wang; P. M. Chalk; Deli Chen; C. J. Smith

Abstract Twenty air-dried soil samples were incubated for 14 days at 30°C to determine net N production ( np ) under aerobic and waterlogged conditions. The results showed that np was not always higher under waterlogged than under aerobic conditions, which differed from some previous reports. Five analytical equations were compared and used to estimate gross rates of N mineralisation, immobilisation and loss. It was elucidated that the equations based on changes in the AT and AL pools gave estimates of gross mineralization and consumption rates, with the values obtained with the equation of Shen et al. (Shen, S.M., Pruden, G., Jenkinson, D.S., 1984. Mineralization and immobilization of nitrogen in fumigated soil and the measurement of microbial biomass nitrogen. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 16, 437–444) ≥the equation of Kirkham and Bartholomew (Kirkham, D., Bartholomew, W.V., 1954. Equations for following nutrient transformations in soil, utilizing tracer data. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings 18, 33–34) >the equation of Tiedje et al. (Tiedje, J.M., Sorensen, J., Chang, Y.-Y.L., 1981. Assimilatory and dissimilatory nitrate reduction: Perspectives and methodology for simultaneous measurement of several nitrogen cycle processes. Ecological Bulletin 33, 331–342) . The equations based on AT, AL and OL pools estimated gross immobilisation rates, of which the equation of Shen et al. (1984) gave higher values than the equation of Guiraud et al. (Guiraud, G., Marol, C., Thibaud, M.C., 1989. Mineralization of nitrogen in the presence of a nitrification inhibitor. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 21, 29–34) . The difference between gross consumption and immobilisation rates represented the rate of N loss from the exchangeable NH 4 + , NO 3 − and organic N pools. Gross N mineralization was not always higher under aerobic than under waterlogged conditions during the 14 days incubation of air-dried soils. Immobilisation was greater under aerobic conditions than under waterlogged conditions. Significant amounts of N were lost from some soils during the 2 weeks of incubation. Soils that lost N during aerobic incubation also lost substantial amounts of NH 4 + –N under waterlogged conditions. However, soils that lost NH 4 + –N during waterlogged incubation did not necessarily lose N when incubated aerobically. Mechanisms causing the difference in net N production between waterlogged and aerobic conditions are soil-dependent. Although the rate of gross mineralisation predominantly determines the amount of mineral N that may accumulate in soils, immobilisation and loss have the potential to significantly affect the quantity of mineral N accumulation.

European Journal of Agronomy | 2002

Use of modelling to explore the water balance of dryland farming systems in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia

Brian Keating; Donald Gaydon; Neil I. Huth; M. E. Probert; Kirsten Verburg; C. J. Smith; W Bond

Abstract The Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) modelling framework was used to explore components of the water balance for a range of farming systems in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) of Australia. Water leaking below the root zone of annual crops and pastures in this region is leading to development of dryland salinity and delivery of salt to waterways. Simulation modelling was used to identify the relative magnitude of transpiration, soil evaporation, runoff and drainage and to explore temporal variability in these terms for selected locations over the 1957–1998 climate record. Two transects were used to explore the impact of climate on water balance, with all other factors held constant, including the soil. An east–west transect at approximately latitude 33°S demonstrates the primary effect of annual average rainfall ranging from 300 to 850 mm. A north–south transect along approximately the 600 mm rainfall isohyet demonstrates a secondary effect of rainfall distribution, with the fraction of annual rainfall received in winter months rising from 40% in the north to 70% in the south. Water excess (i.e. runoff plus drainage) is strongly episodic, with 60% simulated to occur in 25% of years. Longer term cycles are also evident in the time series simulations, with strong below average periods from 1959–1968 and 1979–1988 interspersed with extended periods of above average water excess from 1969–1978 and 1989–1993. Water excess was highest for the annual wheat farming system and lowest for perennial lucerne pasture. Other systems that mix summer and winter annuals (opportunity cropping) or include wheat and lucerne pasture in different temporal combinations (phase farming and companion cropping) were intermediate in their simulated water excess. These differences in water balance of the farming systems simulated were associated with differences in grain and forage yields that will affect their economic viability. The predictions of annual water excess derived from the dynamic, daily time-step modelling using APSIM for a wheat based farming system were of similar magnitude as those predicted by the Zhang et al. (2001) static model for shallow rooted pasture catchments, whilst continuous lucerne was similar to predictions for deep rooted forest catchments. To capture the effect of rainfall distribution between winter and summer an additional term was added to the Zhang model. This modified function captured 88% of the variation in the APSIM predictions of annual average water excess from annual wheat systems for 78 locations in the MDB.

Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems | 1992

Effect of a new nitrification inhibitor (wax coated calcium carbide) on transformations and recovery of fertilizer nitrogen by irrigated wheat

J. R. Freney; C. J. Smith; A. R. Mosier

The effectiveness of wax coated calcium carbide to provide a slow release of acetylene to inhibit nitrification and denitrification in soil was evaluated in a field experiment with irrigated wheat (cv. Condor) grown on a red brown earth in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation Region. The effect of the inhibitor treatments on biomass and grain yield was determined in 25 m × 3 m plots, and the effect on recovery, in the plant-soil system, of urea-N applied at sowing was determined in 0.3 m × 0.3 m microplots using a15N balance technique. The inhibitor limited ammonium oxidation, prevented nitrogen loss by denitrification for 75 days, increased N accumulation by the wheat plants, increased grain N and resulted in a 46% greater recovery of applied nitrogen in the plant-soil system at harvest. However, the inhibitor treatment did not increase grain yield because of waterlogging at the end of tillering and during stem elongation.

Biology and Fertility of Soils | 1993

Characterization of the N benefit of a grain legume (Lupinus angustifolius L.) to a cereal (Hordeum vulgare L.) by an in situ 15N isotope dilution technique

P. M. Chalk; C. J. Smith; S.D. Hamilton; P. Hopmans

SummaryA crop of barley was grown on plots which had previously supported pure stands of lupins, canola, ryegrass, and wheat. The plots were labelled with 15N-enriched fertilizers at the time of sowing of the antecedent crops. The crop of lupins, which derived 79% of its N from symbiotic N2 fixation at physiological maturity, conferred an N benefit to barley of 3.4 g N m-2 when compared to barley following wheat. Lupins used less fertilizer N and less unlabelled soil N compared to the other crops, but the ratios of these sources of N in the plant tops were similar. The apparent sparing of soil+fertilizer N under lupins compared with wheat was 13.6 g N m-2, which was much larger than the measured N benefit. Barley following lupins was less enriched in 15N compared to barley following wheat, and the measured isotope dilution was used to estimate the proportion of barley N derived from biologically fixed N in the lupin residues. This in turn enabled the N benefit to be partitioned between the uptake of spared N and the uptake of fixed N derived from the mineralization of legume residues. Spared N and fixed N contributed in approximately equal proportions to the N benefit measured in barley following lupins compared to barley following wheat.

Crop & Pasture Science | 2004

Estimations of vapour pressure deficit and crop water demand in APSIM and their implications for prediction of crop yield, water use, and deep drainage

Enli Wang; C. J. Smith; Warren J. Bond; Kirsten Verburg

Vapour pressure deficit (VPD) has a significant effect on the amount of water required by the crop to maintain optimal growth. Data required to calculate the mean VPD on a daily basis are rarely available, and most models use approximations to estimate it. In APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator), VPD is estimated from daily maximum and minimum temperatures with the assumption that the minimum temperature equals dew point, and there is little change in vapour pressure or dew point during any one day. The accuracy of such VPD estimations was assessed using data collected every 15 min near Wagga Wagga in New South Wales, Australia. Actual vapour pressure of the air ranged from 0.5 to 2.5 kPa. For more than 75% of the time its variation was less than 20%, and the maximum variation was up to 50%. Daytime mean VPD ranged from 0 to 5.3 kPa. Daily minimum temperature was found to be a poor estimate of dew point temperature, being higher than dew point in summer and lower in winter. Thus the prediction of vapour pressure was poor. Vapour pressure at 0900 hours was a better estimate of daily mean vapour pressure. Despite the poor estimation of vapour pressure, daytime mean VPD was predicted reasonably well using daily maximum and minimum temperatures. If the vapour pressure at 0900 hours from the SILO Patched Point Dataset was used as the actual daily mean vapour pressure, the accuracy of daytime VPD estimation was further improved. Simulations using historical weather data for 1957-2002 show that such improved accuracy in daytime VPD estimation slightly increased simulated crop yield and deep drainage, while slightly reducing crop water uptake. Comparison of the APSIM RUE/TE and CERES-Wheat approaches for modelling potential transpiration revealed differences in crop water demand estimated by the two approaches. Although the differences had a small effect on the probability distribution of simulated long-term wheat yield, water uptake, and deep drainage, this finding highlights the need for a scientific re-appraisal of the APSIM RUE/TE and energy balance approaches for the estimation of crop demand, which will have implications for modelling crop growth under water-limited conditions and calculation of water required to maintain maximum growth.

Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems | 1991

The fate of urea nitrogen applied in a foliar spray to wheat at heading

C. J. Smith; J. R. Freney; Robert R. Sherlock; Ian E. Galbally

Nitrogen losses from irrigated wheat (cv. Matong) grown on a heavy clay in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation Region following foliar applications of urea at heading were investigated. Ammonia (NH3) volatilization was determined by a micrometeorological method and total nitrogen (N) loss was determined by a15N balance technique. The effects of the foliar application on grain N concentration and grain yield were determined also.Little nitrogen was lost by NH3 volatilization following the foliar application. The rate of NH3 loss increased briefly from <11 g N ha−1 hr−1 to >19 g N ha−1 hr−1 following rainfalls of 3 and 2 mm which washed 34% of the applied N from the plant onto the soil and increased the pH of the surface soil. The pH effect was short lived and total NH3 loss amounted to only 2.13 kg N ha−1 or 4.3% of the applied N.The15N balance study also showed that little N was lost from the plant-soil system until rain had washed the fertilizer from the plant onto the soil. In the period 152 to 206 DAS, the soil component of the applied N decreased from 34% to 9%. This fraction then increased slightly to 12% of the applied N at harvest. At that time, 69% of the applied N was recovered in the plants indicating that 19% of the applied N had been lost from the plant-soil system. As there was no evidence for leaching of N, the difference between total N loss as measured by15N balance (19%) and NH3 loss (4%) is considered to be loss by denitrification (15%).The fertilizer N assimilated by the plant was efficiently remobilised from the leaves and stems to the head; 78% of the fertilizer N assimilated by the plant tops had been translocated to the head by the time of harvest. Grain N concentration responded to the foliar N application. The fitted response function had significant linear (P = 0.004) and quadratic (P = 0.10) trends to N rate, whereas there was no significant effect on grain yield.

Agricultural Water Management | 1999

Modelling the water balance of effluent-irrigated trees

V. O. Snow; W. J. Bond; Brian J. Myers; S. Theiveyanathan; C. J. Smith; Richard G. Benyon

Irrigation of effluent is an increasingly popular treatment option due to concern about nutrient additions to rivers and coastal waters. Since some studies have shown that irrigation with waste water can lead to contamination of groundwater resources, there is need for a model to predict the fate of irrigated water, salt, and nitrogen that can be applied to a variety of different soils, climates, and crops. We present the development of the water balance part of such a model, APSIM for Effluent, and carry out a comparison against data obtained from an effluent-irrigated plantation of Eucalyptus grandis. Over 10 months, modelled tree water use was within 1.5% of that obtained by sap-flux measurements. When compared over 5 years of the experiment, modelled drainage lay above that estimated by a water balance technique, which was known a priori to underestimate drainage, and was close to that estimated by the chloride mass balance technique. Simulated chloride accumulated in the soil was within the scatter of the observations, although it was consistently at the lower end of the range of the data. There was good agreement between the model predictions and measured chloride concentration distribution with depth in the soil. A considerable amount of water was lost as deep drainage, even for the treatment that aimed to add only enough effluent to replace that lost by evaporation. During 5 years, of the 3370 mm rainfall and 4480 mm effluent received by that treatment, 6710 mm was lost by the various evaporative routes, and 1080 mm was lost by deep drainage.

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