C. Luisi
Sapienza University of Rome
Featured researches published by C. Luisi.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2000
C. Avanzini; G. Ciapetti; E. De Lucia; F. Lacava; C. Luisi; G. Margutti; A. Nisati; M Passaseo; L. Pontecorvo; S Rosati; Stefano Veneziano; M. Verzocchi; P. Valente; C. Bacci; F. Ceradini; G. Bencivenni; A. Calcaterra; R. de Sangro; P. De Simone; G. Felici; G. Finocchiaro; M. Piccolo
Abstract We report on a beam test of a small prototype of the KLOE drift chamber in magnetic field. The chamber was operated with a 90% He–10% iC 4 H 10 gas mixture. Drift space–time relations were studied. The average spatial resolution is about 110 μm in the absence of magnetic field and 120 μm in a 0.6 T magnetic field. Measurements of the primary ionization and drift velocity are reported. The measurement of d E /d x in a He-based gas mixture is also discussed.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1998
A. Andryakov; C. Avanzini; C. Bacci; H. Beker; G. Bencivenni; L. Bucci; G. Cataldi; F. Ceradini; P. Creti; E. De Lucia; A. Denig; P. De Simone; F. Donno; V. Elia; G. Felici; G. Finocchiaro; V. Golovatyuk; E. Gorini; F. Grancagnolo; W. Grandegger; U. vonHagel; W. Kluge; F. Lacava; C. Luisi; G. Margutti; R. Messi; M. Panareo; L. Paoluzi; E. Pasqualucci; V. Patera
The main goal of the KLOE experiment is the study of CP violation in the K mesons system, with an accuracy of 10−4 in the measurement of Re(e′e). This task imposes strong constraints on the design and operation of the drift chamber, which must reconstruct the charged decays of low momentum KLs and KSs with high efficiency and high resolution. A full-length prototype of the chamber has been built and tested on a 50 GeV/c beam. The analysis of the large sample of data has allowed a detailed study of the time to distance relations as a function of the track parameters and of the peculiar geometry of the drift cell. The detector performance, in terms of efficiency, spatial resolutions and dEdχ resolution, is illustrated and discussed.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1998
A. Andryakov; A. Antonelli; C. Bacci; R. Baldini-Ferroli; G. Bencivenni; Yu.I. Borodin; L. Bucci; A. Calcaterra; P.L. Campana; G. Cataldi; F. Ceradini; S. Dell’Agnello; E. De Lucia; A. Denig; R. de Sangro; P. De Simone; V. Elia; G. Felici; G. Finocchiaro; C. Forti; V. Golovatyuk; E. Gorini; F. Grancagnolo; W. Kluge; V. Kulikov; F. Lacava; C. Luisi; M. A. Matsyuk; R. Messi; S. Moccia
Abstract For the first time an electrostatic method of wire tension measurement (WTM) is used for drift chamber construction. It became possible due to the use of a digital approach to sense the wire oscillations induced by an alternating potential. The method has excellent signal-to-noise ratio, high accuracy which is well above the stringing requirements and reasonable measuring time. The WTM system implemented in a CAMAC–Machintosh–Labview environment is now in use for the KLOE drift chamber stringing control and for monitoring the end-plate deformation.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1998
G. Bencivenni; A. Andryakov; A. Antonelli; R. Baldini-Ferroli; A. Calcaterra; P.L. Campana; S. Dell’Agnello; R. deSangro; P. De Simone; G. Felici; G. Finocchiaro; C. Forti; S. Moccia; L. Passalacqua; V. Patera; M. Piccolo; V. Kulikov; A. Nedosekin; S.A. Bulychjov; G. Cataldi; A. Denig; W. Kluge; U.Von Hagel; S. Weseler; V. Elia; V. Golovatyuk; E. Gorini; F. Grancagnolo; M. Panareo; M. Primavera
Abstract The tracking detector of the KLOE experiment is a large volume drift chamber designed to contain most of the decays of K L produced at the DAFNE Φ factory. The design of the chamber, choice of materials, stringing technique are described in detail as well as the quality tests performed during the construction.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1998
A. Andryakov; A. Antonelli; R. Baldini-Ferroli; G. Bencivenni; L. Bucci; A. Calcaterra; P.L. Campana; S. Dell’Agnello; R. de Sangro; P. De Simone; G. Felici; G. Finocchiaro; C. Forti; S. Moccia; L. Passalacqua; V. Patera; M. Piccolo; V. Kulikov; A. Nedosekin; G. Cataldi; A. Denig; W. Kluge; U.Von Hagel; S. Weseler; V. Elia; V. Golovatyuk; E. Gorini; F. Grancagnolo; M. Panareo; M. Primavera
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1998
A. Andryakov; A. Antonelli; R. Baldini-Ferroli; G. Bencivenni; L. Bucci; A. Calcaterra; P. Campana; S. Dell'Agnello; R. de Sangro; P. De Simone; F. Donno; G. Felici; G. Finocchiaro; C. Forti; W. Grandegger; S. Moccia; L. Passalacqua; V. Patera; M. Piccolo; C. Avanzini; H. Beker; E. De Lucia; F. Lacava; C. Luisi; G. Margutti; D. Picca; L. Pontecorvo; R. Messi; L. Paoluzi; E. Pasqualucci
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1998
P. Valente; A. Andryakov; A. Antonelli; R. Baldini-Ferroli; G. Bencivenni; L. Bucci; A. Calcaterra; P. Campana; S. Dell’Agnello; R. de Sangro; P. De Simone; G. Felici; G. Finocchiaro; C. Forti; S. Moccia; L. Passalacqua; V. Patera; M. Piccolo; V. Kulikov; A. Nedosekin; G. Cataldi; A. Denig; W. Kluge; U.Von Hagel; S. Weseler; V. Elia; V. Golovatyuk; E. Gorini; F. Grancagnolo; M. Panareo