C. M. Huntington
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Nature Physics | 2015
C. M. Huntington; F. Fiuza; J. S. Ross; Alex Zylstra; R. P. Drake; D. H. Froula; G. Gregori; N. L. Kugland; C. C. Kuranz; M. C. Levy; C. K. Li; J. Meinecke; T. Morita; R. D. Petrasso; C. Plechaty; B. A. Remington; D. D. Ryutov; Youichi Sakawa; Anatoly Spitkovsky; Hideaki Takabe; H.-S. Park
Astrophysical processes are often driven by collisionless plasma shock waves. The Weibel instability, a possible mechanism for developing such shocks, has now been generated in a laboratory set-up with laser-generated plasmas.
Physics of Plasmas | 2015
H.-S. Park; C. M. Huntington; F. Fiuza; R. P. Drake; D. H. Froula; G. Gregori; M. Koenig; N. L. Kugland; C. C. Kuranz; D. Q. Lamb; M. C. Levy; C. K. Li; J. Meinecke; T. Morita; R. D. Petrasso; B. B. Pollock; B. A. Remington; H. G. Rinderknecht; M. J. Rosenberg; J. S. Ross; D. D. Ryutov; Youichi Sakawa; Anatoly Spitkovsky; Hideaki Takabe; D. P. Turnbull; P. Tzeferacos; S. V. Weber; Alex Zylstra
Astrophysical collisionless shocks are common in the universe, occurring in supernova remnants, gamma ray bursts, and protostellar jets. They appear in colliding plasma flows when the mean free path for ion-ion collisions is much larger than the system size. It is believed that such shocks could be mediated via the electromagnetic Weibel instability in astrophysical environments without pre-existing magnetic fields. Here, we present laboratory experiments using high-power lasers and investigate the dynamics of high-Mach-number collisionless shock formation in two interpenetrating plasma streams. Our recent proton-probe experiments on Omega show the characteristic filamentary structures of the Weibel instability that are electromagnetic in nature with an inferred magnetization level as high as ∼1% [C. M. Huntington et al., “Observation of magnetic field generation via the weibel instability in interpenetrating plasma flows,” Nat. Phys. 11, 173–176 (2015)]. These results imply that electromagnetic instabilities are significant in the interaction of astrophysical conditions.
Physics of Plasmas | 2013
N. L. Kugland; J. S. Ross; P.-Y. Chang; R. P. Drake; G. Fiksel; D. H. Froula; S. H. Glenzer; G. Gregori; M.J. Grosskopf; C. M. Huntington; M. Koenig; Y. Kuramitsu; C. C. Kuranz; M. C. Levy; Edison P. Liang; D. Martinez; J. Meinecke; Francesco Miniati; T. Morita; A. Pelka; C. Plechaty; R. Presura; A. Ravasio; B. A. Remington; Brian Reville; D. D. Ryutov; Youichi Sakawa; Anatoly Spitkovsky; Hideaki Takabe; H.-S. Park
Collisionless shocks are often observed in fast-moving astrophysical plasmas, formed by non-classical viscosity that is believed to originate from collective electromagnetic fields driven by kinetic plasma instabilities. However, the development of small-scale plasma processes into large-scale structures, such as a collisionless shock, is not well understood. It is also unknown to what extent collisionless shocks contain macroscopic fields with a long coherence length. For these reasons, it is valuable to explore collisionless shock formation, including the growth and self-organization of fields, in laboratory plasmas. The experimental results presented here show at a glance with proton imaging how macroscopic fields can emerge from a system of supersonic counter-streaming plasmas produced at the OMEGA EP laser. Interpretation of these results, plans for additional measurements, and the difficulty of achieving truly collisionless conditions are discussed. Future experiments at the National Ignition Facility are expected to create fully formed collisionless shocks in plasmas with no pre-imposed magnetic field.
Physics of Plasmas | 2014
D. D. Ryutov; F. Fiuza; C. M. Huntington; J. S. Ross; H.-S. Park
Experiments directed towards the study of the collisionless interaction between two counter-streaming plasma flows generated by high-power lasers are designed in such a way as to make collisions between the ions of the two flows negligibly rare. This is reached by making flow velocities v as high as possible and thereby exploiting the 1/v4 dependence of the Rutherford cross-section. At the same time, the plasma temperature of each flow may be relatively low so that collisional mean-free paths for the intra-stream particle collisions may be much smaller than the characteristic spatial scale of the unstable modes required for the shock formation. The corresponding effects are studied in this paper for the case of the ion Weibel (filamentation) instability. Dispersion relations for the case of strong intra-stream collisions are derived. It is shown that the growth-rates become significantly smaller than those stemming from a collisionless model. The underlying physics is mostly related to the increase of the...
Physics of Plasmas | 2017
S. R. Nagel; K. S. Raman; C. M. Huntington; S. A. MacLaren; P. Wang; M. A. Barrios; T. Baumann; J. D. Bender; L. R. Benedetti; D. M. Doane; S. Felker; P. Fitzsimmons; K. A. Flippo; J. P. Holder; D. N. Kaczala; T. S. Perry; R. Seugling; L. Savage; Ye Zhou
A new experimental platform has been developed at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) for studying the Rayleigh–Taylor (RT) and Richtmyer–Meshkov (RM) instabilities in a planar geometry at high-energy-densities. The platform uses 60 beams of the NIF laser to drive an initially solid shock tube containing a pre-machined interface between dense and light materials. The strong shock turns the initially solid target into a plasma and the material boundary into a fluid interface with the imprinted initial condition. The interface evolves by action of the RT and RM instabilities, and the growth is imaged with backlit x-ray radiography. We present our first data involving sinusoidal interface perturbations driven from the heavy side to the light side. Late-time radiographic images show the initial conditions reaching the deeply nonlinear regime, and an evolution of fine structure consistent with a transition to turbulence. We show preliminary comparisons with post-shot numerical simulations and discuss the impl...
8th International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications, IFSA 2013 | 2016
Hye-Sook Park; J. S. Ross; C. M. Huntington; F. Fiuza; D. D. Ryutov; D. T. Casey; R. P. Drake; G. Fiksel; D. H. Froula; G. Gregori; N. L. Kugland; C. C. Kuranz; M. C. Levy; C. K. Li; J. Meinecke; T. Morita; R. D. Petrasso; C. Plechaty; B. A. Remington; Youichi Sakawa; Anatoly Spitkovsky; Hideaki Takabe; Alex Zylstra
We are performing scaled astrophysics experiments on Omega and on NIF. Laser driven counter-streaming interpenetrating supersonic plasma flows can be studied to understand astrophysical electromagnetic plasma phenomena in a controlled laboratory setting. In our Omega experiments, the counter-streaming flow plasma state is measured using Thomson scattering diagnostics, demonstrating the plasma flows are indeed super-sonic and in the collisionless regime. We observe a surprising additional electron and ion heating from ion drag force in the double flow experiments that are attributed to the ion drag force and electrostatic instabilities. [1] A proton probe is used to image the electric and magnetic fields. We observe unexpected large, stable and reproducible electromagnetic field structures that arise in the counter-streaming flows [2]. The Biermann battery magnetic field generated near the target plane, advected along the flows, and recompressed near the midplane explains the cause of such self-organizing field structures [3]. A D3He implosion proton probe image showed very clear filamentary structures; three-dimensional Particle-In-Cell simulations and simulated proton radiography images indicate that these filamentary structures are generated by Weibel instabilities and that the magnetization level (ratio of magnetic energy over kinetic energy in the system) is ~0.01 [4]. These findings have very high astrophysical relevance and significant implications. We expect to observe true collisionless shock formation when we use >100 kJ laser energy on NIF.
Physics of Plasmas | 2017
C. M. Huntington; M. J.-E. Manuel; J. S. Ross; S. C. Wilks; F. Fiuza; H. G. Rinderknecht; H.-S. Park; G. Gregori; D. P. Higginson; J. Park; B. B. Pollock; B. A. Remington; D. D. Ryutov; C. Ruyer; Y. Sakawa; H. Sio; Anatoly Spitkovsky; G. F. Swadling; Hideaki Takabe; A. Zylstra
Many astrophysical systems are effectively “collisionless,” that is, the mean free path for collisions between particles is much longer than the size of the system. The absence of particle collisions does not preclude shock formation, however, as shocks can be the result of plasma instabilities that generate and amplify electromagnetic fields. The magnetic fields required for shock formation may either be initially present, for example, in supernova remnants or young galaxies, or they may be self-generated in systems such as gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). In the case of GRB outflows, the Weibel instability is a candidate mechanism for the generation of sufficiently strong magnetic fields to produce shocks. In experiments on the OMEGA Laser, we have demonstrated a quasi-collisionless system that is optimized for the study of the non-linear phase of Weibel instability growth. Using a proton probe to directly image electromagnetic fields, we measure Weibel-generated magnetic fields that grow in opposing, initially...
8th International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications (IFSA 2013) | 2016
T. Morita; N. L. Kugland; W.C. Wan; R. Crowston; R. P. Drake; F. Fiuza; G. Gregori; C. M. Huntington; Taishi Ishikawa; M. Koenig; C. C. Kuranz; Matthew C. Levy; D. Martinez; J. Meinecke; Francesco Miniati; C. D. Murphy; A. Pelka; Christopher Plechaty; R. Presura; N. Quirós; B. A. Remington; Brian Reville; J. S. Ross; D. D. Ryutov; Youichi Sakawa; L. Steele; Hideaki Takabe; Yuta Yamaura; N. Woolsey; Hye-Sook Park
We report the measurements of electrostatic field structures associated with an electrostatic shock formed in laser-produced counter-streaming plasmas with proton imaging. The thickness of the electrostatic structure is estimated from proton images with different proton kinetic energies from 4.7 MeV to 10.7 MeV. The width of the transition region is characterized by electron scale length in the laser-produced plasma, suggesting that the field structure is formed due to a collisionless electrostatic shock.
Physics of Plasmas | 2015
P. Wang; Ye Zhou; S. A. MacLaren; C. M. Huntington; K. S. Raman; F. W. Doss; K. A. Flippo
Three- and two-dimensional numerical studies have been carried out to simulate recent counter-propagating shear flow experiments on the National Ignition Facility. A multi-physics three-dimensional, time-dependent radiation hydrodynamics simulation code is used. Using a Reynolds Averaging Navier-Stokes model, we show that the evolution of the mixing layer width obtained from the simulations agrees well with that measured from the experiments. A sensitivity study is conducted to illustrate a 3D geometrical effect that could confuse the measurement at late times, if the energy drives from the two ends of the shock tube are asymmetric. Implications for future experiments are discussed.
Physics of Plasmas | 2015
C. M. Huntington; H.-S. Park; Brian Maddox; M. A. Barrios; R. Benedetti; D. G. Braun; M. Hohenberger; O. L. Landen; S. P. Regan; C. E. Wehrenberg; B. A. Remington
A set of experiments were performed on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) to develop and optimize a bright, 17 keV x-ray backlighter probe using laser-irradiated Nb foils. High-resolution one-dimensional imaging was achieved using a 15 μm wide slit in a Ta substrate to aperture the Nb Heα x-rays onto an open-aperture, time integrated camera. To optimize the x-ray source for imaging applications, the effect of laser pulse shape and spatial profile on the target was investigated. Two laser pulse shapes were used—a “prepulse” shape that included a 3 ns, low-intensity laser foot preceding the high-energy 2 ns square main laser drive, and a pulse without the laser foot. The laser spatial profile was varied by the use of continuous phase plates (CPPs) on a pair of shots compared to beams at best focus, without CPPs. A comprehensive set of common diagnostics allowed for a direct comparison of imaging resolution, total x-ray conversion efficiency, and x-ray spectrum between shots. The use of CPPs was seen to re...