C. R. Wellings
University of Sydney
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Featured researches published by C. R. Wellings.
Molecular Plant Pathology | 2014
Wanquan Chen; C. R. Wellings; Xianming Chen; Zhengsheng Kang; Taiguo Liu
UNLABELLED Stripe (yellow) rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is a serious disease of wheat occurring in most wheat areas with cool and moist weather conditions during the growing season. The basidiomycete fungus is an obligate biotrophic parasite that is difficult to culture on artificial media. Pst is a macrocyclic, heteroecious fungus that requires both primary (wheat or grasses) and alternate (Berberis or Mahonia spp.) host plants to complete its life cycle. Urediniospores have the capacity for wind dispersal over long distances, which may, under high inoculum pressure, extend to thousands of kilometres from the initial infection sites. Stripe rust, which is considered to be the current major rust disease affecting winter cereal production across the world, has been studied intensively for over a century. This review summarizes the current knowledge of the Pst-wheat pathosystem, with emphasis on the life cycle, uredinial infection process, population biology of the pathogen, genes for stripe rust resistance in wheat and molecular perspectives of wheat-Pst interactions. TAXONOMY The stripe rust pathogen, Puccinia striiformis Westend. (Ps), is classified in kingdom Fungi, phylum Basidiomycota, class Urediniomycetes, order Uredinales, family Pucciniaceae, genus Puccinia. Ps is separated below the species level by host specialization on various grass genera, comprising up to nine formae speciales, of which P. striiformis f. sp. tritici Erikss. (Pst) causes stripe (or yellow) rust on wheat. HOST RANGE Uredinial/telial hosts: Pst mainly infects common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), durum wheat (T. turgidum var. durum L.), cultivated emmer wheat (T. dicoccum Schrank), wild emmer wheat (T. dicoccoides Korn) and triticale (Triticosecale). Pst can infect certain cultivated barleys (Hordeum vulgare L.) and rye (Secale cereale L.), but generally does not cause severe epidemics. In addition, Pst may infect naturalized and improved pasture grass species, such as Elymus canadensis L., Leymus secalinus Hochst, Agropyron spp. Garetn, Hordeum spp. L., Phalaris spp. L and Bromus unioloides Kunth. Pycnial/aecial (alternative) hosts: Barberry (Berberis chinensis, B. koreana, B. holstii, B. vulgaris, B. shensiana, B. potaninii, B. dolichobotrys, B. heteropoda, etc.) and Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium). DISEASE SYMPTOMS Stripe rust appears as a mass of yellow to orange urediniospores erupting from pustules arranged in long, narrow stripes on leaves (usually between veins), leaf sheaths, glumes and awns on susceptible plants. Resistant wheat cultivars are characterized by various infection types from no visual symptoms to small hypersensitive flecks to uredinia surrounded by chlorosis or necrosis with restricted urediniospore production. On seedlings, uredinia produced by the infection of a single urediniospore are not confined by leaf veins, but progressively emerge from the infection site in all directions, potentially covering the entire leaf surface. Individual uredinial pustules are oblong, 0.4-0.7 mm in length and 0.1 mm in width. Urediniospores are broadly ellipsoidal to broadly obovoid, (16-)18-30(-32) × (15-)17-27(-28) μm, with a mean of 24.5 × 21.6 μm, yellow to orange in colour, echinulate, and with 6-18 scattered germ pores. Urediniospores can germinate rapidly when free moisture (rain or dew) occurs on leaf surfaces and when the temperatures range is between 7 and 12 °C. At higher temperatures or during the later growing stages of the host, black telia are often produced, which are pulvinate to oblong, 0.2-0.7 mm in length and 0.1 mm in width. The teliospores are predominantly two-celled, dark brown with thick walls, mostly oblong-clavate, (24-)31-56(-65) × (11-)14-25(-29) μm in length and width, and rounded or flattened at the apex.
Australasian Plant Pathology | 2003
C. R. Wellings; D. G. Wright; Felicity J. Keiper; R. Loughman
Wheat stripe rust (caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) was reported for the first time in Western Australia in August 2002. The pathogen, although present in eastern Australia since 1979, has failed to move westwards due presumably to quarantine precautions, the influence of west to east weather movements and the imposing geographic barrier afforded by the Nullarbor Plain and Great Victoria Desert. The characteristics of the initial pathotype detected in Western Australia indicate a foreign pathogen incursion, suggesting that the latter factors continue to restrict east to west movement of this pathogen in continental Australia.
Plant Disease | 2013
D. Sharma-Poudyal; Xianming Chen; A. M. Wan; G. M. Zhan; Z. S. Kang; S. Q. Cao; S. L. Jin; A. Morgounov; B. Akin; Z. Mert; S. J. A. Shah; H. Bux; M. Ashraf; R. C. Sharma; R. Madariaga; K. D. Puri; C. R. Wellings; K. Q. Xi; R. Wanyera; K. Manninger; M. I. Ganzález; M. Koyda; S. Sanin; L. J. Patzek
Wheat stripe rust (yellow rust [Yr]), caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is an economically important disease of wheat worldwide. Virulence information on P. striiformis f. sp. tritici populations is important to implement effective disease control with resistant cultivars. In total, 235 P. striiformis f. sp. tritici isolates from Algeria, Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Hungary, Kenya, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Spain, Turkey, and Uzbekistan were tested on 20 single Yr-gene lines and the 20 wheat genotypes that are used to differentiate P. striiformis f. sp. tritici races in the United States. The 235 isolates were identified as 129 virulence patterns on the single-gene lines and 169 virulence patterns on the U.S. differentials. Virulences to YrA, Yr2, Yr6, Yr7, Yr8, Yr9, Yr17, Yr25, YrUkn, Yr28, Yr31, YrExp2, Lemhi (Yr21), Paha (YrPa1, YrPa2, YrPa3), Druchamp (Yr3a, YrD, YrDru), Produra (YrPr1, YrPr2), Stephens (Yr3a, YrS, YrSte), Lee (Yr7, Yr22, Yr23), Fielder (Yr6, Yr20), Tyee (YrTye), Tres (YrTr1, YrTr2), Express (YrExp1, YrExp2), Clement (Yr9, YrCle), and Compair (Yr8, Yr19) were detected in all countries. At least 80% of the isolates were virulent on YrA, Yr2, Yr6, Yr7, Yr8, Yr17, YrUkn, Yr31, YrExp2, Yr21, Stephens (Yr3a, YrS, YrSte), Lee (Yr7, Yr22, Yr23), and Fielder (Yr6, Yr20). Virulences to Yr1, Yr9, Yr25, Yr27, Yr28, Heines VII (Yr2, YrHVII), Paha (YrPa1, YrPa2, YrPa3), Druchamp (Yr3a, YrD, YrDru), Produra (YrPr1, YrPr2), Yamhill (Yr2, Yr4a, YrYam), Tyee (YrTye), Tres (YrTr1, YrTr2), Hyak (Yr17, YrTye), Express (YrExp1, YrExp2), Clement (Yr9, YrCle), and Compair (Yr8, Yr19) were moderately frequent (>20 to <80%). Virulence to Yr10, Yr24, Yr32, YrSP, and Moro (Yr10, YrMor) was low (≤20%). Virulence to Moro was absent in Algeria, Australia, Canada, Kenya, Russia, Spain, Turkey, and China, but 5% of the Chinese isolates were virulent to Yr10. None of the isolates from Algeria, Canada, China, Kenya, Russia, and Spain was virulent to Yr24; none of the isolates from Algeria, Australia, Canada, Nepal, Russia, and Spain was virulent to Yr32; none of the isolates from Australia, Canada, Chile, Hungary, Kenya, Kenya, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, and Spain was virulent to YrSP; and none of the isolates from any country was virulent to Yr5 and Yr15. Although the frequencies of virulence factors were different, most of the P. striiformis f. sp. tritici isolates from these countries shared common virulence factors. The virulences and their frequencies and distributions should be useful in breeding stripe-rust-resistant wheat cultivars and understanding the pathogen migration and evolution.
Euphytica | 2005
G. F. Marais; Z. A. Pretorius; C. R. Wellings; Brent McCallum; A. S. Marais
Linked leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes introduced from Triticum dicoccoides protected common wheat seedlings against a range of pathotypes of the respective pathogens. The genes were chromosomally mapped using monosomic and telosomic analyses, C-banding and RFLPs. The data indicated that an introgressed region is located on wheat chromosome arm 6BS. The introgressed region did not pair with the ‘Chinese Spring’ 6BS arm during meiosis possibly as a result of reduced homology, but appeared to pair with 6BS of W84-17 (57% of pollen mother cells) and ‘Avocet S’. The introgressed region had a very strong preferential pollen transmission (0.96–0.98) whereas its transmission through egg cells (0.41–0.66) varied with the genetic background of the heterozygote. Homozygous resistant plants had a normal phenotype, were fertile and produced plump seeds. Symbols Lr53 and Yr35 are proposed to designate the respective genes.
Fungal Biology | 2003
Felicity J. Keiper; Matthew J. Hayden; Robert F. Park; C. R. Wellings
Rust fungi cause economically important diseases of cereals, and their ability to rapidly evolve new virulent races has hindered attempts to control them by genetic resistance. PCR-based molecular tools may assist in understanding the genetic structure of pathogen populations. The high multiplex DNA fingerprinting techniques, amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP), selectively amplified microsatellites (SAM) and sequence-specific amplification polymorphisms (S-SAP) were assessed for their potential in investigations of the genetic relationships among isolates of the wheat rust pathogens, Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt), Puccinia triticina (Pt), and P. striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), the oat stem rust pathogen P. graminis f. sp. avenae (Pga), and a putative new P. striiformis special form tentatively designated Barley grass yellow rust (Bgyr). Marker information content, as indicated by the number of species-specific fragments, polymorphic fragments among pathotypes, percentage of polymorphic loci, and the marker index, was highest for the SAM assay, followed by the AFLP and S-SAP assays. UPGMA analysis revealed that all marker types efficiently discriminated the five different taxa and Mantel tests revealed significant correlations between the marker types. Within pathogen groups, the marker types differed in the amount of variation detected among isolates; however, the major differences were consistent and polymorphism was generally low. This was reflected by the AMOVA analysis that significantly partitioned 90% of the genetic variation between taxa. Of the three marker types, SAMS were the most informative, and have the potential for the development of locus-specific microsatellites.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 2004
L. Eriksen; F. Afshari; M. J. Christiansen; R. A. McIntosh; A. Jahoor; C. R. Wellings
Stripe or yellow rust of wheat, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is an important disease in many wheat-growing regions of the world. A number of major genes providing resistance to stripe rust have been used in breeding, including one gene that is present in the differential tester Carstens V. The objective of this study was to locate and map a stripe rust resistance gene transferred from Carstens V to Avocet S and to use molecular tools to locate a number of genes segregating in the cross Savannah/Senat. One of the genes present in Senat was predicted to be a gene that is present in Carstens V. For this latter purpose, stripe rust response data from both seedling and field tests on a doubled haploid population consisting of 77 lines were compared to an available molecular map for the same lines using a non-parametric quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis. Results obtained in Denmark suggested that a strong component of resistance with the specificity of Carstens V was located in chromosome arm 2AL, and this was consistent with chromosome location work undertaken in Australia. Since this gene segregated independently of Yr1, the only other stripe rust resistance gene known to be located in this chromosome arm, it was designated Yr32. Further QTLs originating from Senat were located in chromosomes 1BL, 4D, and 7DS and from Savannah on 5B, but it was not possible to characterize them as unique resistance genes in any definitive way. Yr32 was detected in several wheats, including the North American differential tester Tres.
Annual Review of Phytopathology | 2012
Robert F. Park; C. R. Wellings
Rust fungi are cosmopolitan in distribution and parasitize a wide range of plants, including economically important crop species such as wheat. Detailed regional, national, and continental surveys of pathogenic variability in wheat-attacking rust pathogens over periods of up to 90 years have shown that in the absence of sexual recombination, genetic diversity is generated by periodic introduction of exotic isolates, single-step mutation, and somatic hybridization. Laboratory studies have provided evidence for somatic hybridization between many rust species and formae speciales, and there is evidence for the process in nature within and between rust species on Linum, poplar, Senecio, wheat, and several grass species. Although the mechanisms involved in somatic hybridization are not well understood, they are thought to involve the fusion of dikaryotic vegetative hyphae, nuclear exchange, and possibly exchange of whole chromosomes between nuclei or parasexuality via the fusion of the two haploid nuclei, followed by mitotic crossing over and vegetative haploidization. In three cases, hybrid isolates rendered resistant plant genotypes susceptible because of new combinations of virulence. Implications for resistance breeding and future prospects in understanding the process are discussed.
Euphytica | 2004
R. A. McIntosh; C. R. Wellings; Ravi P. Singh; James C. Nelson
The stripe (yellow) rust resistance gene Yr27 was located in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) chromosome 2B and shown to be closely linked to the leaf (brown) rust resistance genes Lr13 and Lr23 in the proximal region of the short arm. Gene Yr27 was genetically independent of Lr16, which is distally located in the same arm. While Yr27 was often difficult to score in segregating seedling populations, it is apparently quite effective in conferring resistance to avirulent cultures under field conditions. The occurrence of Yr27 in Mexican wheat germplasm and the current over-dependence on Yr27 for crop protection in Asia are discussed.
Crop & Pasture Science | 2002
Robert F. Park; Harbans Bariana; C. R. Wellings; H. Wallwork
The leaf rust resistance gene Lr24 remained effective in Australia from at least 1983, when the first wheat cultivar with this gene was released, until 2000, when a virulent isolate of Puccinia triticina was detected. Results of comparative greenhouse studies were consistent with the hypothesis that the new virulent isolate developed from pathotype 104-1,2,3,(6),(7),11 by mutation to virulence for Lr24. The new pathotype was first detected in South Australia (October 2000), and was subsequently detected in southern New South Wales (November 2000), Victoria (March 2001), and Queensland (March 2001), suggesting that it originated in South Australia and then spread to other parts of the eastern Australian wheatbelt. Greenhouse tests of 28 Australian wheat cultivars possessing Lr24 revealed that all except Dennis, Giles, Petrie, and Sunsoft 98 were seedling susceptible to the new pathotype. Cultivars Giles, Petrie, and Sunsoft 98 were postulated to carry Lr13, whereas cv. Dennis carries either Lr17b or Lr13. Adult plant field tests of 20 cultivars with Lr24 conducted during 2001 confirmed the resistance of Giles, Petrie, and Sunsoft 98, whereas all other cultivars tested were either moderately resistant to moderately susceptible or susceptible to the new pathotype. Given that some of these cultivars appear to possess Lr34, and that the expression of this gene is influenced by temperature and other environmental factors, further field testing under different seasonal conditions will provide a more accurate indication of their response. Cultivars with Lr37 or Lr13 in combination with Lr1 or Lr2a remain effective to all known pathotypes of P. triticina in Australia. Several new sources of resistance to P. triticina that are effective to Australian pathotypes are currently being evaluated, along with additive adult plant resistances. These sources should provide a greater diversity of resistance to this pathogen in future Australian wheat cultivars.
The South African Journal of Plant and Soil | 2003
G. F. Marais; Z. A. Pretorius; A. S. Marais; C. R. Wellings
A programme aiming to transfer leaf rust resistance genes identified in a collection of wild Triticum species was initiated in 1993. In 2000, 25 promising backcross populations were available, 19 of which bred true for resistance. Seedlings of the above lines were tested with nine leaf rust, four stem rust and two stripe rust pathotypes endemic to South Africa. A subset of five lines in which resistance (derived from T. dicoccoides, T. sharonense, T. speltoides and T. peregrinum) appeared to be integrated on wheat chromosomes and six addition lines with added chromosomes from T. kotschyi, T. peregrinum, T. umbellulatum, T. macrochaetum and T. neglectum appeared to have wide spectrum resistances, and were retained. In several instances promising stem rust and/or stripe rust resistance genes were co-transferred with leaf rust resistance. The stripe rust resistance was also effective to four Australian pathotypes and appeared to be novel. Temporary gene designations were assigned to the resistance genes in four euploid derivatives.
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