C. Sarah Cohen
San Francisco State University
Featured researches published by C. Sarah Cohen.
Evolution & Development | 2015
Armin P. Moczek; Karen E. Sears; Angelika Stollewerk; Patricia J. Wittkopp; Pamela K. Diggle; Ian Dworkin; Cristina Ledon-Rettig; David Q. Matus; Siegfried Roth; Ehab Abouheif; Federico D. Brown; Chi Hua Chiu; C. Sarah Cohen; Anthony W. De Tomaso; Scott F. Gilbert; Brian K. Hall; Alan C. Love; Deirdre C. Lyons; Thomas J. Sanger; Joel Smith; Chelsea D. Specht; Mario Vallejo-Marín; Cassandra G. Extavour
Evolutionary developmental biology (evo‐devo) has undergone dramatic transformations since its emergence as a distinct discipline. This paper aims to highlight the scope, power, and future promise of evo‐devo to transform and unify diverse aspects of biology. We articulate key questions at the core of eleven biological disciplines—from Evolution, Development, Paleontology, and Neurobiology to Cellular and Molecular Biology, Quantitative Genetics, Human Diseases, Ecology, Agriculture and Science Education, and lastly, Evolutionary Developmental Biology itself—and discuss why evo‐devo is uniquely situated to substantially improve our ability to find meaningful answers to these fundamental questions. We posit that the tools, concepts, and ways of thinking developed by evo‐devo have profound potential to advance, integrate, and unify biological sciences as well as inform policy decisions and illuminate science education. We look to the next generation of evolutionary developmental biologists to help shape this process as we confront the scientific challenges of the 21st century.
Evolution & Development | 2015
Armin P. Moczek; Karen E. Sears; Angelika Stollewerk; Patricia J. Wittkopp; Pamela K. Diggle; Ian Dworkin; Cristina Ledon-Rettig; David Q. Matus; Siegfried Roth; Ehab Abouheif; Federico D. Brown; Chi Hua Chiu; C. Sarah Cohen; Anthony W. De Tomaso; Scott F. Gilbert; Brian K. Hall; Alan C. Love; Deirdre C. Lyons; Thomas J. Sanger; Joel Smith; Chelsea D. Specht; Mario Vallejo-Marín; Cassandra G. Extavour
Evolutionary developmental biology (evo‐devo) has undergone dramatic transformations since its emergence as a distinct discipline. This paper aims to highlight the scope, power, and future promise of evo‐devo to transform and unify diverse aspects of biology. We articulate key questions at the core of eleven biological disciplines—from Evolution, Development, Paleontology, and Neurobiology to Cellular and Molecular Biology, Quantitative Genetics, Human Diseases, Ecology, Agriculture and Science Education, and lastly, Evolutionary Developmental Biology itself—and discuss why evo‐devo is uniquely situated to substantially improve our ability to find meaningful answers to these fundamental questions. We posit that the tools, concepts, and ways of thinking developed by evo‐devo have profound potential to advance, integrate, and unify biological sciences as well as inform policy decisions and illuminate science education. We look to the next generation of evolutionary developmental biologists to help shape this process as we confront the scientific challenges of the 21st century.
Journal of Heredity | 2012
Brian S. Ort; C. Sarah Cohen; Katharyn E. Boyer; Sandy Wyllie-Echeverria
The seagrass Zostera marina is widely distributed in coastal regions throughout much of the northern hemisphere, forms the foundation of an important ecological habitat, and is suffering population declines. Studies in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans indicate that the degree of population genetic differentiation is location dependent. San Francisco Bay, California, USA, is a high-current, high-wind environment where rafting of seed-bearing shoots has the potential to enhance genetic connectivity among Z. marina populations. We tested Z. marina from six locations, including one annual population, within the bay to assess population differentiation and to compare levels of within-population genetic diversity. Using 7 microsatellite loci, we found significant differentiation among all populations. The annual population had significantly higher clonal diversity than the others but showed no detectible differences in heterozygosity or allelic richness. There appears to be sufficient input of genetic variation through sexual reproduction or immigration into the perennial populations to prevent significant declines in the number and frequency of alleles. In additional depth comparisons, we found differentiation among deep and shallow portions in 1 of 3 beds evaluated. Genetic drift, sweepstakes recruitment, dispersal limitation, and possibly natural selection may have combined to produce genetic differentiation over a spatial scale of 3-30 km in Z. marina. This implies that the scale of genetic differentiation may be smaller than expected for seagrasses in other locations too. We suggest that populations in close proximity may not be interchangeable for use as restoration material.
Evolution | 1996
C. Sarah Cohen
A simple difference in the body design of two species of marine urochordates in the ascidian genus Corella suggested that these species may differ in their mating systems. The two coexisting species share common life‐history traits and morphology with the exception of a difference in body design that affects site of fertilization and embryonic development. Corella inflata has internal fertilization and embryonic development, while C. willmeriana has external fertilization and embryonic development. The natural mating system of these two species of solitary ascidians was inferred by comparing the relative survival of selfed and outcrossed fertilizations in the laboratory. Corella inflata, the internal fertilizer, showed no difference in survival between selfed and outcrossed fertilizations at any developmental stage through metamorphosis and early juvenile development. In contrast, self‐fertilized crosses of C. willmeriana had significantly lower survival than outcrossed fertilizations even at the earliest scorable developmental stages. These results suggest that C. inflata may inbreed frequently in nature, while viable C. willmeriana offspring are primarily a result of outcrossing. The internally‐fertilizing species, C. inflata, showed approximately 10% male sterility in laboratory crosses despite apparent morphological hermaphroditism. The externally‐fertilizing, commonly outcrossing species, C. willmeriana, showed no difference in fertility between genders.
Evolution | 1998
C. Sarah Cohen; Yasunori Saito; Irving L. Weissman
Despite the functional and phyletic ubiquity of highly polymorphic genetic recognition systems, the evolution and maintenance of these remarkable loci remain an empirical and theoretical puzzle. Many clonal invertebrates use polymorphic genetic recognition systems to discriminate kin from unrelated individuals during behavioral interactions that mediate competition for space. Space competition may have been a selective force promoting the evolution of highly polymorphic recognition systems, or preexisting polymorphic loci may have been coopted for the purpose of mediating space competition. Ascidian species in the family Botryllidae have an allorecognition system in which fusion or rejection between neighboring colonies is controlled by allele‐sharing at a single, highly polymorphic locus. The behavioral sequence involved in allorecognition varies in a species‐specific fashion with some species requiring extensive intercolony tissue integration prior to the allorecognition response, while other species contact opposing colonies at only a few points on the outer surface before resolving space conflicts. Due to an apparent species‐specific continuum of behavioral variation in the degree of intercolony tissue integration required for allorecognition, this system lends itself to a phylogenetic analysis of the evolution of an allorecognition system. We constructed a molecular phylogeny of the botryllids based on 18S rDNA sequence and mapped allorecognition behavioral variation onto the phylogeny. Our phylogeny shows the basal allorecognition condition for the group is the most internal form of the recognition reaction. More derived species show progressively more external allorecognition responses, and in some cases loss of some features of internal function. We suggest that external allorecognition appears to be a secondary function of a polymorphic discriminatory system that was already in place due to other selective pressures such as gamete, pathogen, or developmental cell lineage recognition.
BioScience | 2010
Gene E. Robinson; Jody A. Banks; Dianna K. Padilla; Warren W. Burggren; C. Sarah Cohen; Charles F. Delwiche; Vicki A. Funk; Hopi E. Hoekstra; Erich D. Jarvis; Loretta C. Johnson; Mark Q. Martindale; Carlos Martínez del Rio; Mónica Medina; David E. Salt; Saurabh Sinha; Chelsea D. Specht; Kevin Strange; Joan E. Strassmann; Billie J. Swalla; Lars Tomanek
Several lists of grand challenges in biology have been published recently, highlighting the strong need to answer fundamental questions about how life evolves and is governed, and how to apply this knowledge to solve the pressing problems of our times. To succeed in addressing the challenges of 21st century biology, scientists need to generate, have access to, interpret, and archive more information than ever before. But for many important questions in biology, progress is stymied by a lack of essential tools. Discovering and developing necessary tools requires new technologies, applications of existing technologies, software, model organisms, and social structures. Such new social structures will promote tool building, tool sharing, research collaboration, and interdisciplinary training. Here we identify examples of the some of the most important needs for addressing critical questions in biology and making important advances in the near future.
Ecology and Evolution | 2016
Elizabeth Sheets; C. Sarah Cohen; Gregory M. Ruiz; Rosana Moreira da Rocha
Abstract Little is known about the number and rate of introductions into terrestrial and marine tropical regions, and if introduction patterns and processes differ from temperate latitudes. Botryllid ascidians (marine invertebrate chordates) are an interesting group to study such introduction differences because several congeners have established populations across latitudes. While temperate botryllid invasions have been repeatedly highlighted, the global spread of tropical Botrylloides nigrum (Herdman, 1886) has been largely ignored. We sampled B. nigrum from 16 worldwide warm water locations, including around the Panama Canal, one of the largest shipping hubs in the world and a possible introduction corridor. Using mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (ANT) markers, we discovered a single species with low genetic divergence and diversity that has established in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indo‐Pacific, and Mediterranean Oceans. The Atlantic Ocean contained the highest diversity and multilocus theta estimates and may be a source for introductions to other regions. A high frequency of one mitochondrial haplotype was detected in Pacific populations that may represent a recent introduction in this region. In comparison to temperate relatives, B. nigrum displayed lower (but similar to temperate Botrylloides violaceus) genetic divergence and diversity at both loci that may represent a more recent global spread or differences in introduction pressures in tropical regions. Additionally, chimeras (genetically distinct individuals sharing a single body) were detected in three populations by the mitochondrial locus and validated using cloning, and these individuals contained new haplotype diversity not detected in any other colonies.
PLOS ONE | 2014
Brian S. Ort; C. Sarah Cohen; Katharyn E. Boyer; Laura K. Reynolds; Sheh May Tam; Sandy Wyllie-Echeverria
Eelgrass (Zostera marina) forms the foundation of an important shallow coastal community in protected estuaries and bays. Widespread population declines have stimulated restoration efforts, but these have often overlooked the importance of maintaining the evolutionary potential of restored populations by minimizing the reduction in genetic diversity that typically accompanies restoration. In an experiment simulating a small-scale restoration, we tested the effectiveness of a buoy-deployed seeding technique to maintain genetic diversity comparable to the seed source populations. Seeds from three extant source populations in San Francisco Bay were introduced into eighteen flow-through baywater mesocosms. Following seedling establishment, we used seven polymorphic microsatellite loci to compare genetic diversity indices from 128 shoots to those found in the source populations. Importantly, allelic richness and expected heterozygosity were not significantly reduced in the mesocosms, which also preserved the strong population differentiation present among source populations. However, the inbreeding coefficient F IS was elevated in two of the three sets of mesocosms when they were grouped according to their source population. This is probably a Wahlund effect from confining all half-siblings within each spathe to a single mesocosm, elevating F IS when the mesocosms were considered together. The conservation of most alleles and preservation of expected heterozygosity suggests that this seeding technique is an improvement over whole-shoot transplantation in the conservation of genetic diversity in eelgrass restoration efforts.
Aquatic Invasions | 2011
C. Sarah Cohen; Linda D. McCann; Tammy Davis; Linda Shaw; Gregory M. Ruiz
Journal of Plankton Research | 2014
Carrie Craig; Wim J. Kimmerer; C. Sarah Cohen