C. Zanni
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Featured researches published by C. Zanni.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2007
A. Mignone; G. Bodo; S. Massaglia; T. Matsakos; O. Tesileanu; C. Zanni; A. Ferrari
We present a new numerical code, PLUTO, for the solution of hypersonic flows in 1, 2, and 3 spatial dimensions and different systems of coordinates. The code provides a multiphysics, multialgorithm modular environment particularly oriented toward the treatment of astrophysical flows in presence of discontinuities. Different hydrodynamic modules and algorithms may be independently selected to properly describe Newtonian, relativistic, MHD, or relativistic MHD fluids. The modular structure exploits a general framework for integrating a system of conservation laws, built on modern Godunov-type shock-capturing schemes. Although a plethora of numerical methods has been successfully developed over the past two decades, the vast majority shares a common discretization recipe, involving three general steps: a piecewise polynomial reconstruction followed by the solution of Riemann problems at zone interfaces and a final evolution stage. We have checked and validated the code against several benchmarks available in literature. Test problems in 1, 2, and 3 dimensions are discussed.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2012
A. Mignone; C. Zanni; Petros Tzeferacos; B. van Straalen; P. Colella; G. Bodo
We present a description of the adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) implementation of the PLUTO code for solving the equations of classical and special relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (MHD and RMHD). The current release exploits, in addition to the static grid version of the code, the distributed infrastructure of the CHOMBO library for multidimensional parallel computations over block-structured, adaptively refined grids. We employ a conservative finite-volume approach where primary flow quantities are discretized at the cell-center in a dimensionally unsplit fashion using the Corner Transport Upwind (CTU) method. Time stepping relies on a characteristic tracing step where piecewise parabolic method (PPM), weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) or slope-limited linear interpolation schemes can be handily adopted. A characteristic decomposition-free version of the scheme is also illustrated. The solenoidal condition of the magnetic field is enforced by augmenting the equations with a generalized Lagrange multiplier (GLM) providing propagation and damping of divergence errors through a mixed hyperbolic/parabolic explicit cleaning step. Among the novel features, we describe an extension of the scheme to include non-ideal dissipative processes such as viscosity, resistivity and anisotropic thermal conduction without operator splitting. Finally, we illustrate an efficient treatment of point-local, potentially stiff source terms over hierarchical nested grids by taking advantage of the adaptivity in time. Several multidimensional benchmarks and applications to problems of astrophysical relevance assess the potentiality of the AMR version of PLUTO in resolving flow features separated by large spatial and temporal disparities.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2013
C. Zanni; J. Ferreira
Aims. This paper examines the outflows associated with the interaction of a stellar magnetosphere with an accretion disk. In particular, we investigate the magnetospheric ejections (MEs) due to the expansion and reconnection of the field lines connecting the star with the disk. Our aim is to study the dynamical properties of the outflows and evaluate their impact on the angular momentum evolution of young protostars. Methods. Our models are based on axisymmetric time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the interaction of the dipolar magnetosphere of a rotating protostar with a viscous and resistive disk, using alpha prescriptions for the transport coefficients. Our simulations are designed to model the accretion process and the formation of accretion funnels, the periodic inflation/reconnection of the magnetosphere and the associated MEs, and the stellar wind. Results. Similar to a magnetic slingshot, MEs can be powered by the rotation of both the disk and the star so that they can efficiently remove angular momentum from both. Depending on the accretion rate, MEs can extract a relevant fraction of the accretion torque and, together with a weak but non-negligible stellar wind torque, can balance the spin-up due to accretion. When the disk truncation approaches the corotation radius, the system enters a “propeller” regime, where the torques exerted by the disk and the MEs can even balance the spin-up due to the stellar contraction. Conclusions. Magnetospheric ejections can play an important role in the stellar spin evolution. Their spin-down efficiency can be compared to other scenarios, such as the Ghosh & Lamb, X-wind, or stellar wind models. Nevertheless, for all scenarios, an efficient spin-down torque requires a rather strong dipolar component, which has seldom been observed in classical T Tauri stars. A better analysis of the torques acting on the protostar must consider non-axisymmetric and multipolar magnetic components consistent with observations.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2009
C. Zanni; J. Ferreira
Aims. We investigate the accretion process from an accretion disk onto a magnetized rotating star with a purely dipolar magnetic field. Our main aim is to study the mechanisms that regulate the stellar angular momentum. In this work, we consider two effects that can contrast with the spin-up torque normally associated with accretion: (1) the spin-down torque exerted by an extended magnetosphere connected to the disk beyond the corotation radius; (2) the spin-down torque determined by a stellar wind flowing along the opened magnetospheric field lines. Methods. Our study is based on time-dependent axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulations of the interaction between a viscous and resistive accretion disk with the dipolar magnetosphere of a rotating star. We present the first example of a numerical experiment able to model at the same time the formation of accretion curtains, the effects of an extended stellar magnetosphere and the launching of a stellar wind. Results. In the examples presented, the spin-down torque related to the star-disk interaction can extract only ∼10% of the accretion torque, due to the weakness of the extended connection. Not even the spin-down torque exerted by a stellar wind is strong enough (∼20%): despite a huge lever arm (RA ≈ 19 R� ), the mass-loss rate ( u Mwind ≈ 1% u Macc) is too low to provide an efficient torque.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2010
Gareth C. Murphy; Jonathan Ferreira; C. Zanni
Aims. Cold steady-state disk wind theory from near Keplerian accretion disks requires a large scale magnetic field at near equipartition strength. However the minimum magnetization has never been tested with time dependent simulations. We investigate the time evolution of a Shakura-Sunyaev accretion disk threaded by a weak vertical magnetic field. The strength of the field is such that the disk magnetization falls off rapidly with radius. Methods. Four 2.5D numerical simulations of viscous resistive accretion disk are performed using the magnetohydrodynamic code PLUTO. In these simulations, a mean field approach is used and turbulence is assumed to give rise to anomalous transport coefficients (alpha prescription). Results. The large scale magnetic field introduces only a small perturbation to the disk structure, with accretion driven by the dominant viscous torque. However, a super fast magnetosonic jet is observed to be launched from the innermost regions and remains stationary over more than 953 Keplerian orbits. This is the longest accretion-ejection simulation ever carried out. The self-confined jet is launched from a finite radial zone in the disk which remains constant over time. Ejection is made possible because the magnetization reaches unity at the disk surface, due to the steep density decrease. However, no ejection is reported when the midplane magnetization becomes too small. The asymptotic jet velocity remains nevertheless too low to explain observed jets. This is because of the negligible power carried away by the jet. Conclusions. Astrophysical disks with superheated surface layers could drive analogous outflows even if their midplane magnetization is low. Sufficient angular momentum would be extracted by the turbulent viscosity to allow the accretion process to continue. The magnetized outflows would be no more than byproducts, rather than a fundamental driver of accretion. However, if the midplane magnetization increases towards the center, a natural transition to an inner jet dominated disk could be achieved.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2003
C. Zanni; G. Bodo; P. Rossi; S. Massaglia; Adriana Durbala; A. Ferrari
X-ray observations of extragalactic radiosources show strong evidences of interaction between the radio emitting plasma and the X-ray emitting ambient gas. In this paper we perform a detailed study of this interaction by numerical sim- ulations. We study the propagation of an axisymmetric supersonic jet in an isothermal King atmosphere and we analyze the evolution of the resulting X-ray properties and their dependence on the jet physical parameters. We show the existence of two distinct and observationally subsequent dierent regimes of interaction, with strong and weak shocks. In the first case shells of enhanced X-ray emission are to be expected, while in the second case we expect deficit of X-ray emission coincident with the cocoon. By a comparison between analytical models and the results of our numerical simulations, we discuss the dependence of the transition between these two regimes on the jet parameters and we find that the mean controlling quantity results to be the jet kinetic power. We then discuss how the observed jets can be used to constrain the jet properties.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
C. Zanni; J. Ferreira
The rotation period of classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) represents a longstanding puzzle. While young low-mass stars show a wide range of rotation periods, many CTTS are slow rotators, spinning at a small fraction of break-up, and their rotation period does not seem to shorten, despite the fact that they are actively accreting and contracting. Matt & Pudritz (2005b) proposed that the spindown torque of a stellar wind powered by a fraction of the accretion energy would be strong enough to balance the spin-up torque due to accretion. Since this model establishes a direct relation between accretion and ejection, the observable stellar parameters (mass, radius, rotation period, magnetic field) and the accretion diagnostics (accretion shock luminosity), can be used to constraint the wind characteristics. In particular, since the accretion energy powers both the stellar wind and the shock emission, we show in this letter how the accretion shock luminosity LUV can provide upper limits to the spin-down efficiency of the stellar wind. It is found that luminous s ources with LUV ≥ 0.1L⊙ and typical dipolar field components < 1 kG do not allow spin equilibrium solutions. Lower luminosity stars (LUV ≪ 0.1L⊙) are compatible with a zero-torque condition, but the corresponding stellar winds are still very demanding in terms of mass and energy flux. We therefore conclude that accretion powered stellar winds are unlikely to be the sole mechanism to provide an efficient spin-down torque for accreting classical T Tauri stars. Subject headings: stars: magnetic field — stars: protostars — stars: rotation — stars: winds, outflows
Proceedings of the Workshop | 2007
G. Bodo; C. Zanni; A. Ferrari; S. Massaglia
Accretion disks and astrophysical jets are used to model many active astrophysical objects, viz., young stars, relativistic stars, and active galactic nuclei.The problem of jet acceleration and collimation is central for understanding the physics of these objects. There is now a general consensus that jet acceleration is the result of an interplay between rotation and magnetic field. Global numerical simulations that include both the disk and jet physics have so far been limited to relatively short time scales and small ranges of viscosity and resistivity parameters that may be crucial to define the coupling of the inflow/outflow dynamics. Along these lines, we present in this paper selfconsistent time-dependent simulations of supersonic jets launched from magnetized accretion disks, using high resolution numerical techniques. In particular we study the effects of the disk magnetic resistivity, parametrized through an α-presctiption, in determining the properties of the inflow/outflow system .We use the MHD FLASH code with adaptive mesh refinement, allowing us to follow the evolution of the structure for a time scale long enough to reach steady state.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2009
Petros Tzeferacos; A. Ferrari; A. Mignone; C. Zanni; G. Bodo; S. Massaglia
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2013
P. Tzeferacos; A. Ferrari; A. Mignone; C. Zanni; G. Bodo; S. Massaglia