Camila Klocker Costa
Federal University of Paraná
Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia-brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy | 2007
Cláudia Alexandra de Andrade; Camila Klocker Costa; Karina Bora; Marilis Dallarmi Miguel; Obdulio Gomes Miguel
Acacia species are usually used as treatment for several diseases. Chemotaxonomic studies have related the Acacia genus as a source of phenolic compounds, which present several biological properties. This work emphasizes the antioxidant activity of Acacia podalyriifolia. This plant is natural from Australia and vastly cultivated in the South of Brazil as ornamental feature. The plant material (flowers) was shadow-dried and submitted to the extraction with ethanol, followed by partition with hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate. The phytochemical screening performed in the ethanol crude extract and in its fractions showed the presence of phenolic compounds and flavonoids. Determination of the phenolic content was performed with the Folin Ciocalteau reagent. It was found out that the ethyl acetate fraction (FAE) was the one that displayed the biggest concentration (338,5 mg of gallic acid/g of FAE). In the evaluation of the radical scavenging activity, using the free radical DPPH, the ethyl acetate fraction showed the highest antioxidant activity (IC50 = 3,22 µg/mL from FAE).
Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2013
Gislene Mari Fujiwara; Ranieri Campos; Camila Klocker Costa; Josiane de Fátima Gaspari Dias; Obdulio Gomes Miguel; Marilis Dallarmi Miguel; Francisco A. Marques; Sandra Maria Warumby Zanin
O estigmasterol, um fitoesterol com diversas atividades farmacologicas, e suscetivel a oxidacao quando exposto ao ar, calor e umidade. Neste contexto, a microencapsulacao e uma forma de protecao contra oxidacao, permitindo a incorporacao do estigmasterol em diversas formas farmaceuticas e aumentar sua absorcao. As microparticulas foram obtidas por gelificacao ionica externa, em uma etapa, utilizando como revestimento polimeros naturais de alginato de sodio, amido de milho e quitosana. As microparticulas apresentaram formato esferico com tamanho aproximado de 1,4 mm. O rendimento foi de 94,87% e a eficiencia media de encapsulacao de 90,42%. A quantidade de estigmasterol no oleo recuperado das microparticulas foi de 9,97 mg/g. O metodo mostrou-se viavel para a microencapsulacao do estigmasterol.
Ciencia Rural | 2012
Carlos Eduardo Rocha Garcia; Vinícius José Bolognesi; Josiane de Fátima Gaspari Dias; Obdulio Gomes Miguel; Camila Klocker Costa
Lipid oxidation is one of the major modifications that affect meat products due to chemical composition, heat and grinding processes beyond the routine use of sodium chloride, a recognized catalyst of this reaction. Antioxidants are substances used to inhibit or retard oxidative rancidity. However the use of these compounds has been drawing the attention of consumers and regulatory agencies about the safety of synthetic additives consumption. This study aimed to evaluate the use of carotenoids bixin and norbixin as antioxidants in meat products by review of the chemical characteristics, methods of production, toxicity and technological applications. These pigments are extracted from annatto (Bixa orellana L.) using organic solvents, supercritical extraction or microwaves. In Brazil, the use of these substances is forecast by law as food colorant, however, this carotenoids show a large unsaturated carbon chains that allow the addition of free radicals and enable their use as antioxidant. The structural differences between bixin and norbixin result in distinct polarity, solubility and coloration, and consequently in different technological applications. At concentrations established by regulatory agencies, the use of these compounds is safe and, in addition to applications such as dyes, can be used by industries as natural antioxidants, which is an alternative capable of replace or minimize the use of synthetic additives in meat products.
Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais | 2013
Camila Klocker Costa; Cristiane Bezerra da Silva; Ana Luísa Lacava Lordello; Sandra Maria Warumby Zanin; Josiane de Fátima Gaspari Dias; Miguel; Obdulio Gomes Miguel
Bixa orellana is a native plant of Brazil, popularly known as annatto. The purpose of this study was to isolate the oil from the seeds of B. orellana and from it, identify the antioxidant tocotrienol and quantify its fatty acids. The extraction of the oil was performed in a Soxhlet apparatus using hexane as solvent. The tocotrienol was isolated by chromatographic methods and identified by spectrometric methods NMR 1H and 13C. The fatty acids present in the oil were quantified by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Results demonstrated the presence of δ-tocotrienol and among the fatty acids, the arachidonic acid was present, a substance which so far had not been previously reported.
Química Nova | 2011
Sandra Maria Warumby Zanin; Obdulio Gomes Miguel; Deise Prehs Montrucchio; Camila Klocker Costa; Jessé Boquett Lagos; Ana Luísa Lacava Lordello
This work describes the occurrence and contents of aporphinoids alkaloids in seedlings of Ocotea puberula from germination until 12 months old and in leaves from adult plants. Seedling leaves showed an alkaloids profile similar to leaves of adult plant. However, leaves in seedlings showed higher contents of the alkaloids boldine, dicentrine, leucoxine and isodomesticine when compared to adult plants. The alkaloids concentration in stems and leaves increased during the development of the seedlings, followed by a remarkable decrease of these compounds in roots. Cultivation in a seedling-nursery method is also described.
Visão Acadêmica | 2004
Camila Klocker Costa; Andrezza Beatriz Oliveira; Sandra Maria Warumbi Zanin; Marilis Dallarmi Miguel
Nas peles ressecadas, a principal caracteristica e o espessamento da camada cornea, que ocorre devido ao baixo teor aquoso epidermico. A agua e imprescindivel para o processo de descamacao, quando as celulas corneas sao liberadas para o ambiente de forma individual e imperceptivel. Em decorrencia da hidratacao deficiente, a pele apresenta-se aspera, pouco flexivel, sem brilho e sem maciez. As emulsoes sao a forma farmaceutica mais apropriada para formulas hidratantes, uma vez que conseguem transpor a barreira superficial epidermica, carreando farmacos que irao recompor as estruturas higroscopicas da pele e manter a sua hidratacao. Este trabalho tem como premissa fazer uma pesquisa experimental, desenvolvendo onze formulacoes das quais dez contendo materia prima do cotidiano das farmacias de manipulacao e uma seguindo tendencia atual de fase gel cristalina. Dentre as dez formulacoes cotidianas, por analise subjetiva, foi selecionada uma formulacao que foi comparada com a formulacao de fase gel cristalina. De acordo com a analise sensorial previa foram selecionadas duas formulacoes hidratantes que podem ser desenvolvidas na farmacia magistral, destinadas aqueles com pele seca. A DRY SKIN STUDY: EMULSION FOR HIS TREATMENT AND SEARCH OF SENSORIAL PLEASANTNESS FOR A CONTINUOUS USE Abstract The main feature of dry skin is the thickening of extractum corneum, which occurs due to the low aqueous content of the epidermis. Water is indispensable to the exfoliation process when the corneous cells are released individually and imperceptibly to the environment. Because of insufficient hydration, the skin becomes rough, less flexible, without shine and softness. Emulsions are the most suitable pharmaceutical form to the hydrating formulae, once they are capable of crossing the superficial epidermical barriers carrying the active ingredients that are responsible for restoring the hygroscopic structures of the skin and the maintenance of its hydration. This experimental research was performed with ten emulsions of usual formulation and components commonly used in emulsive creaming products. Besides, one formula was elaborated using the actual trend of products with liquid crystal gel phase. According to previous sensorial analysis, two hydrating formulae were selected and can be developed in the magistral pharmacy as a recommendation to the treatment of skin dryness.
Visão Acadêmica | 2009
Cristiane da Silva Paula; Camila Klocker Costa; Marilis Dallarmi Miguel; Sandra Maria Warumby Zanin; Carla Galvão Spinillo
Visão Acadêmica | 2010
P. Pasqualim; T. A. Culpi; G. T. A. Kaminski; M. T. Fin; D. G. B. Sasso; Camila Klocker Costa; Marilis Dallarmi Miguel; G. M. Fujiwara; B. H. Rodrigues; Sandra Maria Warumby Zanin
Visão Acadêmica | 2013
Carlos Eduardo Rocha Garcia; Paola Augusta Y. Paludo; Samanta Daliana Golin; Giovanna Chipon Strapasson; Camila Klocker Costa; Grace Maria Ferreira de Castro Wille
Visão Acadêmica | 2013
S. Friedrich; V. H. C. Ferreira; Y. D. Miguel; D. Zanin; Gislene Mari Fujiwara; Camila Klocker Costa; Sandra Maria Warumby Zanin; Marilis Dallarmi Miguel; Josiane de Fátima Gaspari Dias