Candace H. Haigler
North Carolina State University
Featured researches published by Candace H. Haigler.
Nature | 2012
Andrew H. Paterson; Jonathan F. Wendel; Heidrun Gundlach; Hui Guo; Jerry Jenkins; Dianchuan Jin; Danny J. Llewellyn; Kurtis C. Showmaker; Shengqiang Shu; Mi-jeong Yoo; Robert L. Byers; Wei Chen; Adi Doron-Faigenboim; Mary V. Duke; Lei Gong; Jane Grimwood; Corrinne E. Grover; Kara Grupp; Guanjing Hu; Tae-Ho Lee; Jingping Li; Lifeng Lin; Tao Liu; Barry S. Marler; Justin T. Page; Alison W. Roberts; Elisson Romanel; William S. Sanders; Emmanuel Szadkowski; Xu Tan
Polyploidy often confers emergent properties, such as the higher fibre productivity and quality of tetraploid cottons than diploid cottons bred for the same environments. Here we show that an abrupt five- to sixfold ploidy increase approximately 60 million years (Myr) ago, and allopolyploidy reuniting divergent Gossypium genomes approximately 1–2 Myr ago, conferred about 30–36-fold duplication of ancestral angiosperm (flowering plant) genes in elite cottons (Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense), genetic complexity equalled only by Brassica among sequenced angiosperms. Nascent fibre evolution, before allopolyploidy, is elucidated by comparison of spinnable-fibred Gossypium herbaceum A and non-spinnable Gossypium longicalyx F genomes to one another and the outgroup D genome of non-spinnable Gossypium raimondii. The sequence of a G. hirsutum AtDt (in which ‘t’ indicates tetraploid) cultivar reveals many non-reciprocal DNA exchanges between subgenomes that may have contributed to phenotypic innovation and/or other emergent properties such as ecological adaptation by polyploids. Most DNA-level novelty in G. hirsutum recombines alleles from the D-genome progenitor native to its New World habitat and the Old World A-genome progenitor in which spinnable fibre evolved. Coordinated expression changes in proximal groups of functionally distinct genes, including a nuclear mitochondrial DNA block, may account for clusters of cotton-fibre quantitative trait loci affecting diverse traits. Opportunities abound for dissecting emergent properties of other polyploids, particularly angiosperms, by comparison to diploid progenitors and outgroups.
Plant Physiology | 2007
Z. Jeffrey Chen; Brian E. Scheffler; Elizabeth S. Dennis; Barbara A. Triplett; Tianzhen Zhang; Wangzhen Guo; Xiao-Ya Chen; David M. Stelly; Pablo D. Rabinowicz; Christopher D. Town; Tony Arioli; Curt L. Brubaker; Roy G. Cantrell; Jean Marc Lacape; Mauricio Ulloa; Peng Chee; Alan R. Gingle; Candace H. Haigler; Richard G. Percy; Sukumar Saha; Thea A. Wilkins; Robert J. Wright; Allen Van Deynze; Yuxian Zhu; Shuxun Yu; Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov; Ishwarappa S. Katageri; P. Ananda Kumar; Mehboob-ur-Rahman; Yusuf Zafar
Despite rapidly decreasing costs and innovative technologies, sequencing of angiosperm genomes is not yet undertaken lightly. Generating larger amounts of sequence data more quickly does not address the difficulties of sequencing and assembling complex genomes de novo. The cotton ( Gossypium spp.)
Carbohydrate Polymers | 2014
Noureddine Abidi; Luis Cabrales; Candace H. Haigler
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of cotton fibers harvested at different stages of development were acquired using Universal Attenuated Total Reflectance FTIR (UATR-FTIR). The main goal of the study was to monitor cell wall changes occurring during different phases of cotton fiber development. Two cultivars of Gossypium hirsutum L. were planted in a greenhouse (Texas Marker-1 and TX55). On the day of flowering, individual flowers were tagged and bolls were harvested. From fibers harvested on numerous days between 10 and 56 dpa, the FTIR spectra were acquired using UATR (ZnSe-Diamond crystal) with no special sample preparation. The changes in the FTIR spectra were used to document the timing of the transition between primary and secondary cell wall synthesis. Changes in cellulose during cotton fiber growth and development were identified through changes in numerous vibrations within the spectra. The intensity of the vibration bands at 667 and 897 cm(-1) correlated with percentage of cellulose analyzed chemically.
Plant Journal | 2008
Utku Avci; H. Earl Petzold; Ihab O. Ismail; Eric P. Beers; Candace H. Haigler
Establishing the mechanisms regulating the autolysis of xylem tracheary elements (TEs) is important for understanding this programmed cell death process. These data demonstrate that two paralogous Arabidopsis thaliana proteases, XYLEM CYSTEINE PROTEASE1 (XCP1) and XCP2, participated in micro-autolysis within the intact central vacuole before mega-autolysis was initiated by tonoplast implosion. The data acquisition was aided by the predictable pattern of seedling root xylogenesis, the availability of single and double total knock-out T-DNA lines, anti-sera that recognized XCP1 and XCP2, and the microwave-assisted processing of whole seedlings prior to immunolabeling and observation in the transmission electron microscope. During secondary wall thickening, XCP1 and XCP2 (in wild type), XCP1 (in xcp2 seedlings) or XCP2 (in xcp1 seedlings) were imported into the TE central vacuole. Both XCP1 and XCP2 heavily labeled dense aggregates of material within the vacuole. However, because of XCP1 deficiency in xcp1 and xcp1 xcp2 TEs, non-degraded cellular remnants first accumulated in the vacuole and then persisted in the TE lumen (longer than in the wild type) after the final mega-autolysis was otherwise complete. This delayed TE clearing phenotype in xcp1 was rescued by complementation with wild-type XCP1. Although TEs in the xcp2 single knock-out cleared comparably with wild type, the non-degraded remnants in xcp1 xcp2 TEs were more densely packed than in xcp1 TEs. Therefore, XCP2 has a minor but distinct role in micro-autolysis. After tonoplast implosion, XCP1 and XCP2 remained associated with disintegrating cellular material as mega-autolysis, aided by additional lytic enzymes, destroyed the bulk of the cellular contents.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2013
Latsavongsakda Sethaphong; Candace H. Haigler; James D. Kubicki; Jochen Zimmer; Dario Bonetta; Seth DeBolt; Yaroslava G. Yingling
A 3D atomistic model of a plant cellulose synthase (CESA) has remained elusive despite over forty years of experimental effort. Here, we report a computationally predicted 3D structure of 506 amino acids of cotton CESA within the cytosolic region. Comparison of the predicted plant CESA structure with the solved structure of a bacterial cellulose-synthesizing protein validates the overall fold of the modeled glycosyltransferase (GT) domain. The coaligned plant and bacterial GT domains share a six-stranded β-sheet, five α-helices, and conserved motifs similar to those required for catalysis in other GT-2 glycosyltransferases. Extending beyond the cross-kingdom similarities related to cellulose polymerization, the predicted structure of cotton CESA reveals that plant-specific modules (plant-conserved region and class-specific region) fold into distinct subdomains on the periphery of the catalytic region. Computational results support the importance of the plant-conserved region and/or class-specific region in CESA oligomerization to form the multimeric cellulose–synthesis complexes that are characteristic of plants. Relatively high sequence conservation between plant CESAs allowed mapping of known mutations and two previously undescribed mutations that perturb cellulose synthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana to their analogous positions in the modeled structure. Most of these mutation sites are near the predicted catalytic region, and the confluence of other mutation sites supports the existence of previously undefined functional nodes within the catalytic core of CESA. Overall, the predicted tertiary structure provides a platform for the biochemical engineering of plant CESAs.
Plant Physiology | 2008
John R. Tuttle; A. M. Idris; Judith K. Brown; Candace H. Haigler; Dominique Robertson
A silencing vector for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) was developed from the geminivirus Cotton leaf crumple virus (CLCrV). The CLCrV coat protein gene was replaced by up to 500 bp of DNA homologous to one of two endogenous genes, the magnesium chelatase subunit I gene (ChlI) or the phytoene desaturase gene (PDS). Cotyledons of cotton cultivar ‘Deltapine 5415’ bombarded with the modified viral vectors manifested chlorosis due to silencing of either ChlI or PDS in approximately 70% of inoculated plants after 2 to 3 weeks. Use of the green fluorescence protein gene showed that replication of viral DNA was restricted to vascular tissue and that the viral vector could transmit to leaves, roots, and the ovule integument from which fibers originate. Temperature had profound effects on vector DNA accumulation and the spread of endogenous gene silencing. Consistent with reports that silencing against viruses increases at higher temperatures, plants grown at a 30°C/26°C day/night cycle had a greater than 10-fold reduction in viral DNA accumulation compared to plants grown at 22°C/18°C. However, endogenous gene silencing decreased at 30°C/26°C. There was an approximately 7 d delay in the onset of gene silencing at 22°C/18°C, but silencing was extensive and persisted throughout the life of the plant. The extent of silencing in new growth could be increased or decreased by changing temperature regimes at various times following the onset of silencing. Our experiments establish the use of the CLCrV silencing vector to study gene function in cotton and show that temperature can have a major impact on the extent of geminivirus-induced gene silencing.
Plant Physiology | 2009
Bir Singh; Utku Avci; Sarah E. Inwood; Mark J. Grimson; Jeff Landgraf; Debra Mohnen; Iben Sørensen; Curtis G. Wilkerson; William G. T. Willats; Candace H. Haigler
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) provides the worlds dominant renewable textile fiber, and cotton fiber is valued as a research model because of its extensive elongation and secondary wall thickening. Previously, it was assumed that fibers elongated as individual cells. In contrast, observation by cryo-field emission-scanning electron microscopy of cotton fibers developing in situ within the boll demonstrated that fibers elongate within tissue-like bundles. These bundles were entrained by twisting fiber tips and consolidated by adhesion of a cotton fiber middle lamella (CFML). The fiber bundles consolidated via the CFML ultimately formed a packet of fiber around each seed, which helps explain how thousands of cotton fibers achieve their great length within a confined space. The cell wall nature of the CFML was characterized using transmission electron microscopy, including polymer epitope labeling. Toward the end of elongation, up-regulation occurred in gene expression and enzyme activities related to cell wall hydrolysis, and targeted breakdown of the CFML restored fiber individuality. At the same time, losses occurred in certain cell wall polymer epitopes (as revealed by comprehensive microarray polymer profiling) and sugars within noncellulosic matrix components (as revealed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of derivatized neutral and acidic glycosyl residues). Broadly, these data show that adhesion modulated by an outer layer of the primary wall can coordinate the extensive growth of a large group of cells and illustrate dynamic changes in primary wall structure and composition occurring during the differentiation of one cell type that spends only part of its life as a tissue.
Plant Journal | 2008
M. David Marks; Lissete Betancur; Edward K. Gilding; Fang Chen; Stefan Bauer; Jonathan P. Wenger; Richard A. Dixon; Candace H. Haigler
A new procedure has been developed for the isolation of wild-type and mutant Arabidopsis trichomes. The isolated trichomes maintained enzymatic activity and were used for DNA, protein, and RNA isolation. The RNA was used to generate probes suitable for Affymetrix analysis. The validity of the Affymetrix results was confirmed by quantitative PCR analysis on a subset of genes that are preferentially expressed in trichomes or leaves. Sufficient quantities of trichomes were isolated to probe the biochemical nature of trichome cell walls. These analyses provide evidence for the presence of lignin in Arabidopsis trichome cell walls. The monosaccharide analysis and positive staining with ruthenium red indicates that the walls also contain a large portion of pectin. The 2.23-fold ratio of pectin-related sugars compared with potential cellulosic glucose suggests that the polysaccharides of the trichome cell walls are more like those of typical primary walls even though the wall becomes quite thick. Overall, these analyses open the door to using the Arabidopsis trichome cell wall as an excellent model to probe various questions concerning plant cell wall biosynthesis.
Trends in Plant Science | 2014
Erin Slabaugh; Jonathan K. Davis; Candace H. Haigler; Yaroslava G. Yingling; Jochen Zimmer
Detailed information about the structure and biochemical mechanisms of cellulose synthase (CelS) proteins remained elusive until a complex containing the catalytic subunit (BcsA) of CelS from Rhodobacter sphaeroides was crystalized. Additionally, a 3D structure of most of the cytosolic domain of a plant CelS (GhCESA1 from cotton, Gossypium hirsutum) was produced by computational modeling. This predicted structure contributes to our understanding of how plant CelS proteins may be similar and different as compared with BcsA. In this review, we highlight how these structures impact our understanding of the synthesis of cellulose and other extracellular polysaccharides. We show how the structures can be used to generate hypotheses for experiments testing mechanisms of glucan synthesis and translocation in plant CelS.
Plant Molecular Biology | 2007
Candace H. Haigler; Bir Singh; Deshui Zhang; Sangjoon Hwang; Chunfa Wu; Wendy X. Cai; Mohamed Hozain; Wonhee Kang; Brett M. Kiedaisch; Richard E. Strauss; Eric Hequet; Bobby Wyatt; A. Scott Holaday
Prior data indicated that enhanced availability of sucrose, a major product of photosynthesis in source leaves and the carbon source for secondary wall cellulose synthesis in fiber sinks, might improve fiber quality under abiotic stress conditions. To test this hypothesis, a family of transgenic cotton plants (Gossypiumhirsutum cv. Coker 312 elite) was produced that over-expressed spinach sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) because of its role in regulation of sucrose synthesis in photosynthetic and heterotrophic tissues. A family of 12 independent transgenic lines was characterized in terms of foreign gene insertion, expression of spinach SPS, production of spinach SPS protein, and development of enhanced extractable Vmax SPS activity in leaf and fiber. Lines with the highest Vmax SPS activity were further characterized in terms of carbon partitioning and fiber quality compared to wild-type and transgenic null controls. Leaves of transgenic SPS over-expressing lines showed higher sucrose:starch ratio and partitioning of 14C to sucrose in preference to starch. In two growth chamber experiments with cool nights, ambient CO2 concentration, and limited light below the canopy, the transgenic line with the highest SPS activity in leaf and fiber had higher fiber micronaire and maturity ratio associated with greater thickness of the cellulosic secondary wall.